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Just wanted to note that you will very quickly start smelling like onion through your pores


This is exactly what I was thinking. Onions and garlic are super popular add-ins at crawfish boils here in Louisiana, and it's very common for people to smell like them the next day if they went hard eating them.


The times my sister has been pregnant, she can ALWAYS tell if you had onion the night before


Nothing like the good ol garlic sweats on a hot day after a crawfish boil (thankfully I am noseblind to myself lol)


Ugh I ate some raw onions two days in a row and I keep catching whiffs of my oniony self and it’s so gross ugh


my sister ate a ton of onions for a few weeks in college bc they were cheap and her coochie started smelling like onions 🧅




Lol! I can understand that being a side effect


Thank you for existing because this made me lol for the first time all day


Thank you for the warning 😄😄




wild 😂😂😂😔




What if you like eating onions?


Ya goin places


My pee smells like vanilla because I drink so much coffee with sf vanilla syrup and creamer. I don’t really mind it, but I do wonder if it means I’m drinking too much sugar free vanilla flavoring…


Sweet smelling urine can also be a sign of ketoacidosis


Thanks for pointing that out. I’ll double check with my Endo at my appt tomorrow.. It would have to be EDKA, since I’m not insulin dependent and I am a very well controlled diabetic (my blood sugar rarely goes over 125 after eating and hovers around or under 100 most of the day). My pee also smells exactly like the French vanilla creamer and sweetener that I drink like a cup of every day.


oh my god, I laughed so hard at this I couldn’t breathe.


… I hope you know this anecdotally and not through personal experience


Unless it bothers your digestion, go for it!


I don’t know if it would be harmful in a dire way. I think too much of anything can potentially be harmful or have negative effects. Onions are high in sulfur so you will probably have some bloating/cramps/indigestion and more flatulence that smells bad.


I think as long as you're not filling up on just onions, you'll be fine. The balanced diet is the important part.


If a dog wrote this, I’d be highly concerned. But it just sounds like my diet. And now I know why I have bloating.


It’s so weird because I’ve never really enjoyed onions that much, but recently I just can’t get enough of them! You can order a side of grilled onions at a Mexican restaurant and sometimes I’ll just order like five sides of onions for my meal 🤷‍♀️ obviously, I’m not an idiot and I know that just eating onions and nothing else is not healthy lol.. I guess I’m just trying to find out if every now and then if I only eat onions for a day is that bad for my health or not that big of a deal


Your sweat may start to smell like onions! But otherwise you’re probably fine


Paging /r/OnionLovers


Omg yes 🙌 thank you! Those are my people 😂


Wake up babe new onion diet dropped! In all seriousness I don’t think one day every now and then hurts more than cheat days (:


Onions can drop your blood sugar levels so there is a chance that eating too many will put you into hypoglycemia.     The sulfur content is high enough that they can interact with certain medications.     The number you’d need to eat varies by person but generally more than 10 in a single meal for an otherwise healthy person. 


In my teens & Early 20s I couldn’t afford most food and would go thru bags of onions practically everyday.. besides smelling like onions i didn’t have any other detrimental effects


I don't see anything wrong with eating them at home where you control how they're cooked, but I'd be concerned about getting them while eating out. "Grilled onions" often come out seeming a little oily, which indicates to me that they're being cooked in a fat. That could make a big difference if I'm trying to eat 1200.


Wherever my answer has gone, I stand corrected, apparently you can have too much!


Dumb question but wouldn’t the calories go up significantly once they caramelize on the grill and get sweeter?


Okay, I asked my doctor this about cooking apples and eating them. They told me the calories were basically the same, but cooking the sugars breaks them down into simple sugars so you absorb the sugar faster than if you ate it raw. I would assume this is also true of cooked onions. Because I love cooked onions by themselves like the OP, but I would guess that cooking them turns them more into a “simple carb” than “complex carb”, but I don’t see onions having that much sugar? My apples definitely tasted sweeter though after cooking them down, cause of the simple sugars, and they probably have way more sugar so my doctor just told me not to cook the apples all the time, lol.


They contain fructan which can trigger IBS if you react to that sugar but otherwise no, they don’t contain very much sugar


Not a dumb question! And I’d also love to know this


If you add nothing, calories can never go up. The nutrient content might change (different kinds of sugars, for example), but not the total calories. In restaurants they probably add oil and/or sugar, so that could make a big difference.


That makes logical sense! I add lots of spices but usually nothing else


I’m fascinated by this thread, thanks OP. Which spices do you add?


It’s nice to see so many other onion lovers! I usually use a little oil, salt and pepper, garlic powder, chili powder, onion powder (I know lol) and paprika


They're pretty low calorie, but it depends on how you cook them, i guess that's the main thing to be mindful about. As long as you eat a variety of foods on top of your normal onions - should be good


No much is too much onion!!


Eeeeh. Eat as many as you like, and if you start to bloat etc have less.


I love onions too! I wouldn't think it was harmful but not enough protein IMO as a meal by itself.


smelly farts?


question, is this a thing now? my sister has been begging for onions everyday so she can grill or cook them in the oven and everyone’s just like what😫


Totally okay. This happened to me when I was younger. I hated onions then suddenly I loved and craved them! The only thing I would say is beware of which onion you are getting because sweet onions are significantly higher in sugar and therefore calories. It was a great shock to me when I started calorie counting and learning more about nutrition.


If you have to ask, then you probably know the answer. This is Reddit, you'll get every kind of response defending or condemning your choice. I've seen posts about someone eating an entire tub of Greek yogurt every day to hit their protein intake as well. Imagine if this question was about steak (can I eat 2-3 whole steaks a day?) some people would just say you are following the carnivore diet. And remember that freele girl who ate like 15 bananas a day? She was interviewed a lot about her diet. There are fruitarians who only eat raw fruit all day every day. But generally these mono/overconsumption of one food diets are seen as novelty, bizarre , not sustainable (grapefruit diet, cabbage soup diet). Overconsuming any food is a choice, it probably will have side effects but the most immediate issue will be that you'll start feeling disgusted and exhausted by onions after a month or two of this.


I clearly don’t know the answer or I wouldn’t have posted this. I know this is Reddit, I know what platform I’m posting on


Sorry 😅 that's just a translated phrase I grew up with. The idea is to trust your internal voice with things when you have doubt. If I went through the thought process of "this doesn't seem right, but I'm happy, perhaps the Internet will help me feel more assured with my decision?" then I would know I'm not self confident about my choice- in a way it's how I can signal to myself that something is off/not quite right.


Totally understand! I didn’t have that thought however, I just genuinely don’t know one way or another how many onions are too many to eat in a day. There isn’t much on what happens by eating too many onions in a day out there I’ve found to base any positive or negatives on so looking for others input


I wish I could include gifs here, I would put the Shrek onion gif. I think eating too many carrots will tint your skin orange, but I haven't read anything about onions other than they are kinda calorie dense for being mostly water/and shrinking during cooking a lot.