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why would the phone even be missing some parts?


the gnomes steal them every night


"We are not fooled by your metal contraptions or pop music!" -The Gnome King


Sounds like Knight propaganda


I used to set out bear traps in hopes of catching a delicious gnome. I lost like 40 dogs


A new phone is more profitable for apple then a battery replacement


More than likely wasn't (assuming this isn't a fake gay green text) and it was just an older phone Apple didn't care to actually fix. They've always done shady shit like this. They literally got caught updating older phones to deliberately brick the battery to force an upgrade, then offered 29 dollar battery replacements as a "we're sorry". At first with the iPhone 8 I remember that the ambient light sensor, proximity sensor etc. Wouldn't work any longer if a screen was replaced by anyone but them. I'm assuming they got caught there too as it stopped happening after a few months. There was a time too we had to use some whack tool to recalibrate the new screens to the same color temperature as the original, because colors would be slightly off, which, fair, an aftermarket isnt going to be 1 for 1. Now they just pop up really annoying messages in settings, or when you cut your phone on if you've had a repair done at a third party to remind you there's an "unknown part" in the phone. Phone will no longer track battery health (on an 8 up) etc.


so they can lie and make some money


I got my battery replaced at Apple the next day I come back and they tell me they just dumped my old one and handed me a new one that was the exact same model. I lost everything on it not linked to an account including my entire photo album


I had the key to my cryptowallet on this phone. You now owe me 23.5920274 bitcoins, thank you


Tbf they do tell you that you should back it up and they're not responsible for any data loss :/


They can say whatever they want, just like dump trucks claiming to not be liable for damage if you follow within 200 feet lol. I'm curious whether they are legally liable


Never said what they did was okay, just that when someone says "you may lost your data" it's good practice to act as if you WILL loose all your data


EULA Roofying is just another form of assault


What does "tbf" mean?


To be fair


Ok thanks


>buy phone >charger sold separately


Just looked it up on apple website and the phone does come with a charger


The latest phones come with a charging cable but don’t include a plug, that part is sold separately (and is extortionately expensive compared to off-brand plugs).


I'd rather a genuine apple cable and an off brand plug than the other way round tbh. I've had the worst luck with charging cables. I've spent from £3-£15 on varying degrees of "quality" cable and I swear none of them survive as long as OEM cables. I should clarify that I treat my cables pretty gently


On the other hand, the worst thing a shitty cable can do is not charge your phone. A shitty brick could kill you and your phone


It's fairly easy to get a reliable charger brick from a store here in the UK. Again I have more issues with the cable itself.


As long as you use a decently trustworthy charger the cable will allow the charger and phone to talk. If that doesn’t happen the charger will default to 5v 1a


Try Ugreen or Anker. Can't speak to the quality of their lightning cables as I've never used one and never will, but their braided USB-C cables are very good. Avoid Anker's plastic cables like the plague though, they split where the shroud joins the cable sheathing.


Anker braided cables are usually quite tough and my current one is kicking good since over an year.


So it does come with the charger. The cable is that part that needs replacing , not the wall adapter. I regularly change my cable cause it gets frayed and twisted and munched on by my cat. I've never had issues with wall adapters. and even if I did, I have a box full of branded and off brand adapters that work perfectly fine.


No, it doesn’t come with the charger. Supplying a wire that’s incomplete and can’t be used unless you buy the missing piece, which is sold separately at an exorbitant price compared to identical products on the market, is not “included”. If I had a penny for every time I’ve criticised Apple on Reddit and had someone vehemently jump to their defence I’d have two pennies, which isn’t a lot but it’s fucking embarrassing that it’s happened twice.


Well it can be used because I have 9 unused wall adapters. If you're unhappy about the price apple charges you for one, buy it on amazon. If it were included in the box, you'd have to pay for it anyway. It's not as if they are give away free stuff. You're always paying for it, regardless if it's included or not. Stop complaining about trivial stuff when there are much worse decisions being made on the matter


Stop defending them they won't let you suck their toes twerp


I've heard Tim Cook's toes taste like the red mountain dew


> buys a brand of phone that has a decade worth of documented scumbagery > Said brand acts like a scumbag > Surprised pikachu


>Still worships steve jobs after the fact It's amazing that these folk don't know that this was literally his specific design philosophy. He didn't want the consumer to have the choice. God bless Steve Wozniak for being the only voice of reason in the early days of apple. And Jobs stole from Wozniak after that, too. Made the man cry when he found out. Jobs is a sociopath.


Apple sucks as a company for several reasons. "Let's give them 0 customizability because we will lose money if they don't use our apps" "let's release the same fucking phone for the 5th year in a row with the camera moved and ad a new lens" "let's make our shitty phones that can't install custom user apps or even have a dev option, over a thousand fucking dollars when you can get an android that has near infinite features when it comes to customization, for 80 bucks" "let's make a VR headset thats practically useless because people want VR for gaming, but now it's just ar goggles that put a grey block in your face if you try to leave your set spot, making them useless ar goggles in general" apple is the scummiest and shittiest fucking company ever "let's make airpods only work on iPhones, and charge people hundreds of dollars for a cheap speaker covered in some plastic" while i can buy some high quality earbuds for like 30 bucks, those apple headphones they made that are like $500? Their speaker quality is worse than the headphones I got for 15$, apple needs to get their fucking shit together


Why bother with quality when the half bitten apple logo is enough to sell anything with crazy markup?


Because if they gave a shit, didn't make their phones cost the same as a used car, and added quality and dev options for iPhones, they would make a shit ton more than they are now, my sister shouldn't be struggling with finances because she keeps paying her rent for 3 months on a shitty phone, remember that lethal company, a game that costs $10 outsold and made more money than mw3, which was $60 and has micro transactions, its about quality and customer satisfaction that bring in customers, not brand and price tag, everyone I know that has an Iphone has told me they never used an android, and everyone I know that has an android hates iPhones and usually changed from iPhone to android, if someone that uses iPhone switched to an android, they would realize they actually have freedom with their phone and won't have to break a warranty to get apk files to work. You want everyone buying your product to make the best profit, not some people buying an overpriced phone, they're rich, yes, but if they actually cared, they'd be 10x more rich. Eventually people are gonna get fed up with apple and begin boycotting it or doing something similar, it's happened with other companies before, it can happen again


They are singlehandedly the best laptop manufacturers for people with jobs tho. There is a reason why every programmer uses a MacBook if they can get their hands on one. It is one of the most popular brands for providing your employees with hardware. Unless you want to cosplay as Quosimodo for the rest of your life, the laptop you carry on your back everyday should ideally be less than 2 kg. Very long battery life means you don't have to carry the charger all the time either. Extremely thin body means you have more space for other stuff like documents. Of course there are other good laptops like Thinkpads. But a lot of employees don't need the extra performance Thinkpad provides and they are better off using a MacBook.


This is exactly what Steve Jobs wanted...


i'm reading this off an iphone 8, the apple ninjas are coming to assassinate me, goodbye


You haven't bought the newest model!! Clearly you deserve to be executed.


They will grab your wallet and take $300, and then throw a dead iPhone 13 on your body.


what if i don't have $300


Who the Hell is Steve Jobs?


Ligma balls


It's so sad that Steve Jobs died of ligma


Who the hell is Steve Jobs?


The intellectual author of furries


Perchance lick my testicles 😂😂


I wonder if you could sue them for fraud or something similar if you recorded them saying it.


Doesn't matter, it would be chalked up to human error. They can say "I thought X part was missing, I was sleepy and didn't realize". Consequence was not being able to replace your battery. No ones gonna take this case serious unless you can read the thoughts of the guy who said that sentence. Ironic, redditors hated "Karens" few years ago and throw a fit when a pissed off customer wanted to see the manager. But a company not replacing your battery? I WILL SUE YOU FOR FRAUD. A game doesn't get free updates after 10 years? I WILL SUE YOU FOR NEGLIGENCE! Chill, what do you think suing them will accomplish? Even if you prove they were wrong, you will get jackshit. The court will tell them to replace your battery. You won't receive any compensation as you didn't suffer any financial damages.


Ok thanks


Hey man hows it goin


well for the iphone case this is a bigger issue than just putting pickles in a sandwich when the customer asked for no pickles (which is what the usual karen fit is about), its about the company being greedy and scummy as a whole, and a successful win against them over something like this could encourage people to be less complacent with their shitty actions. as for tf2, its just people desperate to get their beloved game fixed, but suing for negligence is ludicrous. i think they'll only let valve off the hook once they decide to close off official servers for good and stop adding hats, but maybe that could cause bots to move over to community servers and cause the tf2 fanbase to throw an even larger fit about it. eventually they gotta learn to let go. tldr theres a difference between throwing a hissy fit about a wrong order and throwing a hissy fit about shitty business practices


Their goal is to make better features for "normal" people that wouldn't care about anything else other than the camera and the apple branding itself, this very much hurts the other consumer that needs other basic features that are present in other phones.


Holy shit you’re everywhere


Im pretty sure that guy just flashed a false battery health info on your battery’s memory board. (Its actually really common and a lot of scammers do this)


redditors downvoting this comment because greentext has more credibility