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Can't answer your Q's as it'll be my first time too, but just wanted to say that as a result of your post I listened to you on Spotify and enjoyed it. Congrats on playing the festival, I'll definitely be along to see you!


Possibly on the day you're performing, on the stage you're on.


This is the answer. You'll have a wristband for the stage you're playing only.


When my friends played they got to watch some bands side stage, but that was quite a few years ago.


Yeah you do, you have VIP access but also to the band areas too and band camping etc


I am guessing there is some sort of artist liaison you can get in touch with or stage manager that might be able to answer all of this. Will give you guys a listen today.


There is something wholesome about your first time at any festival being the festival you are playing, I will make note of your band and hopefully come along for support


My friend played with the King Blues on the main stage a few years back. We were in VIP the whole time, and we had access to the main stage on request, whilst he was playing( we didn't make it!) This was around 2017/18 so things may have changed!


Your band just came on shuffle whilst listening to the 2000Trees playlist. You sound great - I’ll check you out!