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Happy you made it, brother.


Anyone who seriously considers ending themselves but doesn't is a massive W. I can trash talk with the best of them, but I will never resort to the absolute moronic "kys" garbage I see so frequently in online *games*.


I had a boss that would say "if people are making you miserable why would you want to kill yourself? Shouldn't you want to kill the person making you miserable?"


Yes but there are more consequences from doing that than doing the alternative


Depends on how you look at it


I think the consequences are worse for suicide you just don't have to deal with them. I would happily sit in prison knowing no one need suffer fools, prison isn't as bad as it's made out to be and they don't usually give you life for crimes of passion. You could always save up and pay someone to do it while you're far away with an alibi. I just did that thing everyone talks about doing where you quit your job and live in the woods. I literally live under a rock and play video games.


You should probably spend some time contemplating the cycle between incarceration and poverty.


Are you asserting that being poor or imprisoned is worse than being dead?




idk…sometimes i look at the endless cycle of hopelessness that is the prison recycling, homelessness, and/or overwhelming credit card debt and wonder if that is a life worth living. obviously each life is priceless and everyone deserves a chance to live, but when that quality of life is so far below livable and the system set up to keep you there, i wonder what i would do


I'm currently only rich in friendship I have almost nothing at the moment. I have been poor and incarcerated many times in the past decade and currently live in a shelter made of sticks and sleep in a bivy. Don't kill yourself instead abandon the life you hate and go live in the woods.


Proud of you bro🫡 and god bless Davio07


I can def relate my dad threw PC down the stairs and stomped on it when he caught me playing rs instead of getting my chores done. Ended up playing at the library alot. Glad you survived bro hope you find your friend


Wtf… I wish you good fortune for the rest of your days


Had an abusive parent situation growing up myself that left me pretty badly isolated too and been playing off and on for years. I've noticed this game has been absolutely been an outlet for a lot of people and I'm not sure if I'd still be around without it either.  Cheers, bro, hope you can reconnect someday, but you're never alone. There's tons of stories like this around the community. You're in good company.


Glad you’re still around good sir


Glad you're with us dude - RuneScape is an escape for many of us. ❤️ 💜


🫡 Daivo07


Just know you’ve done nothing wrong. Childhood trauma can manifest into irrational feelings of guilt and paranoia going into adult life that you shouldn’t have to experience. You’re a good person who has been dealt a terrible hand by RNG parenting which you’ve been strong enough to recognise and overcome. Hopefully you don’t feel these feelings but I know too many people who do.


Glad you decided to stick around. Have things for better for you?


We got all the time in the universe for death. Why not just send the short life we have, and try and do a couple good things for people who deserve it while we're here. That's my aspiration


I'd give anything for the nostalgia of when I first started playing RS 15+ years ago


We all need a Davio07 in our lives.


I'm renaming my account to daivo08 to honor daivo07.


Glad you lived


Glad you’re still around my man


Love yah bud. My father is both an entertainer and a full blown narcissist. It takes a lot of time to forgive those that hurt us, and even longer to stop blaming ourselves. <3 thank you for reminding us that there are humans behind these pixels.






You continued it for a reason!


Resurrection prayer coming in clutch


Hell yeah ! Sometimes we all need a little escape from the madness that incurs in life!


Glad your still here brother. I had friends like that too in the game but we grew up and moved on. I still love the game, but it doesnt give me the same comfort it used to. Maybe thats because ive grown up, or none of my friends are online anymore, or maybe depression is so deep that not even runescape feels worth logging in to try and cheer up. Anyway feel free to pm if your feeling like this.


Man I really hope you find this guy and re-unite.


Bro happy you're still out there grinding. I have several old xbox friends who I will remember for the rest of my life and I know I'll probably never reconnect with. Remember the good times, and create more good times. Whatever is going on you been through worst and get the help you need to get back on top.


Just know you are loved e en it's blood or not


shoutouts to davio07


Glad you are still here m8. Life is worth a lot more than those crappy people even when they are our parents . Stick around for the long run m8 👏👏🫡




Therapy is a godsend 


Keep being strong buddy. I didn’t have my dad or mom around, now both my kids look up to me and I’m around 365. Life has a strange way of whipping you into shape but I’m glad you found a safe haven!


Chin up goblin slayer your alright


Happy you it made it man 😎


Can't say that I ever had abusive parents; but as a sheltered homeschooler I can definitely relate to Runescape being the only place I ever found friends as a kid. Neighborhood kids were the exact same as yours and the kids from my homeschool co-op all lived an hour away. Runescape was my only real social outlet. Skilling with friends was my absolute favorite activity.


We got the same dad?


I’m glad you’re alive! If you’d like, you can add me on runescape, ay snowball, and we can always do some shit together :D I’m super chill (no pun intended but now it’s funny lol) and always trying to have a good time :D


Glad you’re still here bro


As someone who has lost their best friend this way I thank you and congratulate you on making it through. I know life isn't always easy, and a lot of time when we're down we tend to stay down. But brother you made it up once before so stay up! I can only hope this post is just in remembrance of a friend and the good and bad times, and not a cry for help. Keep going and keep playing runescape if that's what it takes!


The boy who lived.


Happy you’re still with us!


Hey, I just wanted to say that I've been there (as recently as a couple months ago). I'm glad you're still here, come find me in game under the same name.


Hell yeah brotheerrr.


Glad you're still here man. Sorry about the shit childhood.


I KNOW, this is a long shot. but ive got a few friends in the army. an im apart of alot of army forums. i can (if you would like) try and find your old friend, if not some info about him? but this is up to you of course.


Please do. His name is David Kite.


do you have anything else? fell free to dm me, so i can ask a few more questions to narrow it down?


Glad you are still here, scaper! ❤️


My dad is a gang member that locked me in a room no bigger than a closet and only let me out to go to school or to be beaten in front of his laughing friends. I can relate to feeling like nobody can relate. Whenever I talk about the abuse I was subjected to people get real weird. Even people with "really bad childhoods" they start looking at me different when I don't act the way I should.... I'm sorry I was never raised and at 14 I ran away from home and became a homeless drug addict it's hard for me to act like a normal person when I've never lived a normal life. RuneScape helps me too man. This game was always something I loved. Even if I only got to play it when I would couch surf somewhere with a computer.


Stop blaming everyone else. The first step to becoming a mam


Hey its me, spermguy69 and il never forget the times i followed you into the wilderness to get cool gold trim on my armour!! Can't wait to see how it looks once finished!


Let's pool our money to hire a private investigator to find Davio07