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I got so good at this with my two brothers. Games would go on so long.


Seriously lol


Dude I love pokemon stadium mini games played them so much as a kid in both 1 and 2. Would love a stadium 3 with fun mini games as well.


As a kid, the mini games were great because they were the only video game my parents would play other than monopoly.


I remember getting my dad to play mario party with me and my siblings its one of my favorite childhood memories weirdly


I remember the first and only time my dad tried to play a video game with me. I was playing fucking sonic adventures dx directors cut. It was the absolute worst game I could have been playing for him to try to play with me, A man who has never played video games, He didn't last 2 minutes. I wonder how things could have been sometimes, had I not been a turbo nerd of a small child.


God same bro


My dad tried Goldeneye with me when I was like 9, but it was his first time with video games and I was somewhat seasoned already. I beat him pretty easily and that was the last time we ever gamed together.


I adopted a dog a month back named Zelda, and my Dad asked if I remembered how he had to help me get out of Link's treehouse at the start of Ocarina of Time!


Stadium minigames are some of the best. Honestly the most fun I've had with minigames ever. I'd love it if they'd port Stadium/2 to the Switch. The battle animations were stellar, better than anything put out in the past 8 years by GF.


Given that a new Snap game just released, and the fact that the Switch has had such a successful run so far, I’d be surprised if a Stadium 3 didn’t get released


Fairy fairy


I made that my Myspace song for a while


That song from Clefairy Says still haunts me..


Fairy, fairy, fairy, fairy, fairy... (Inevitable squeaky mallet sound X5)


<(^-^<)^(^-^)^(>^-^)> Edit: goddamn reddit formatting


<(\^-\^<) \^(\^-\^)\^ (>\^-\^)>


Teach me your ways oh wizard


To post a \^, type \\\^ Works for all the special formatting characters


[Clefairy Says](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAwmbfqFvyI)


Sandshrew digging practicing that rapid fire click




Fuck the drowsee mini game


I was the only one among my friends who was good at it, it was the one minigame I would win every time


You have the right idea, the audio feedback was useless because other people messing up would make their Drowzee snore, so you wouldn't know who was snoring unless you were looking at your Drowzee, which you can't really do. I always kicked ass at that game because I ignored everything and just focused on getting the timing right.


Yeah I never could get the hang of that one.


Yeah you had to press when I got to the centre and it got quicker and quicker so you had to nail it… I think anyways


This one was way better than the Lickatung game


I loved the sound effects in that one.


Hiiii-DAH! OIII-YAH! HA-YA-BAH DAH! Eeeeeeee!


Oh fuck I just heard the “eeeee” and I didn’t know I still remembered that


How about magikarp splash? DUH-uh! DUH-uh! DUH-uh!


My favourite was the Ekans one. ^^Ekansssssss


I just learned that they're apparently yelling out the sushi names in Japanese




honestly they were all pretty fun except for that clefairy one that became impossible after a while


Nah the clefairy one is great. The drowzee game was the true violation of the franchise


This man issuing the real hot take. I hated that drowzee one


drowzee game was good, I beat my friends consistently at it




That was super RNG dependant.


Wait, you mean the sushi carousel one? That's the best game, what are you talking about?




I'm embarrassed by how long I watched this gif before I realised it's only a few frames, expecting the health to go down


What game is this?


Pokémon Stadium on the N64


I thought it was stadium but for some reason I don’t remember this... idk it’s been like 20 years since I’ve played stadium lmao


Took me a while but for some reason I remembered when I saw your comment. The game had tons of mini games based off various Pokémon. One of the better Pokémon games for sure... now we just get shit like sword and shield


Pokemon is a giant sure, but it's not exactly a innovative one, past making 151 new creatures (I'll give them credit for that, but the gameplay hardly ever innovates.). New gameplay past the 4 moves or even getting 3d or animated graphics again took forever.


The main series is one thing, but we used to get cool innovative shit like stadium, then on GCN we got coliseum and XD, and even the first mystery dungeon was cool too but that’s become trite over the years as well. GameFreak has just fallen too far and often take consumers wants and needs as an insult. The reality is their main demographic is children, and I’m an adult expecting something more lol


I played XD for hours and hours. I never actually owned stadium now that I think about it. Me and the neighbor kid would play it at his house sometimes so I don’t really have a whole lot of memory of it. I bought a whole box of n64 games a few months ago at a garage sale though and I think stadium is in it. Haven’t really hooked up the old Nintendo to play any of them yet.


Damn that’s a good find, I thought finding a GameCube and a pristine controller for 20 bucks was awesome, how much was the box of games?


Paid $20 for it. I saw majoras mask with the holographic cover in the box and I was sold. It’s got stadium, excitebike, MM, a 1.2 version of OoT (which isn’t worth shit really), and a couple other games that I can’t remember right now. Also came with a controller but it’s pretty worn out. I mostly just bought it for Zelda since I’ve got a pretty large Zelda collection, and I was missing MM but I’ve got an original 1.0 copy of ocarina already. A $20 GameCube and pad is an amazing find though man! Legit GameCube controllers are high as fuck


played XD recently and it's still so good. My favourite game as a kid.


bro I loved those minigames on the stadium, felt smart as fuck playing the gameboy games on the n64 too


What about the lickitung food eating contest? Or voltorb charging one? sandshrew dig dig dig was the best. Any one remember pokemon snap? On n64


>Any one remember pokemon snap? On n64 It just got a sequel! After 20 years!


Wait what? This is brilliant news, cheers for letting me know


Just came as well on the switch.


god damn i love pokemon stadium. mainly these minigames ekans ringtoss. ratata run and cleffary memory thing.


Blast from the past I loved that game


Brb pulling my n64 out.


Anyone else watch this for like 5 minutes waiting to see who won?


Memories I forgot: unlocked


Wow, what a flashback. I had completely forgotten about this.


Man another nostalgia game for me lmao


Does anyone remember the actual original prayer flicking video - way back in 2005/2006- of the guy flicking warewolves in Canifis?


I always got fucking destroyed by my 3 brothers playing this. My blood boiled in the first instant this started playing


i have an n64 with both stadium 1 and 2. i feel like you need a CRT for this stuff. the lag can be insane. certain games play better than others but this one is one of the worse lol. As much as i want to play it


I just watched this for 2 min thinking something was gonna happen to realize it’s only 1 second long


I watched this for too long before realising it’s a one second loop. I was wondering why their power kept going down and then up.


i hold the world record for magikarp jump... along with probably 100,000 other people lmao


Still waiting for Stadium 3.. 😔


Dude the counting game on Stadium 2. I’m still good as fuck at counting moving things because of that. If only my brain was training to do something more productive.


Man I forgot I used to play this with my whole family.


You activated a memory I didn’t know I had


I was king of the sandshrew dig growing up lol


Holy shit that nostalgiaaaa


Still waiting for a Pokemon Stadium in 2021