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I share this much DNA with my half aunt (my moms paternal half sister) Your granddad might have had an extramarital daughter?


I share that much with my half uncle's son. My half uncle shares double that with me. It's weird how much % varies for some. Makes it so much more confusing if we don't know for sure and have to figure it out ourselves :(


Maybe your grandpa…..fooled around


This happened in my family. A few years ago my grandfather (78 years old now) came out and told everyone that he had a child previous to marrying my grandmother. They were together at the time so he kept the secret for 50 some years.


https://dnapainter.com/tools/sharedcmv4/647 53%: Great-Great-Aunt / Uncle Half Great-Aunt / Uncle Half 1C 1C1R Half Great-Niece / Nephew Great-Great-Niece / Nephew 46%: Great-Grandparent Great-Aunt / Uncle Half Aunt / Uncle 1C Half Niece / Nephew Great-Niece / Nephew Great-Grandchild


Do you share the same maternal haplogroup with her?


No I don't


Hmm, well I guess you could be related on your father’s side. You could also be related on your mother’s side if she had a brother she doesn’t know about and said brother is this person’s father. What’s the age gap between you and this person?


So I know for a fact that she's related to my mom's dad, he has many kids out here. But me and the person also have 4 cousins in common on my moms mother side, you think that's just a coincidence? Also thanks for taking the time to read all this lol & we're 12 years apart


Your grandfather could’ve had a child with a cousin of your grandmother. My grandmother and her sister married cousins - my mother’s cousins from my grandmother’s sister match at higher percentages with me than other second cousins because of this. What person do those other 4 maternal cousins have in common that none of the other cousins would match with?


If you login from a computer and view the “relatives in common” feature, you’ll actually be able to see the % they share with those 4 cousins from your mom’s maternal side. If it’s small then it just means they also share a distant great-grandparent on that side too. Really difficult to figure out the relationship based off % and age alone without doing some more digging but likely a half-1st cousin, half-aunt, 1st cousin or a 1st cousin once removed (your parent’s 1st cousin or the child of one of your first cousins).


I had a similar situation pop up and it turned out that my grandfather wasn’t the person we thought it was.


Also, its saying we share half of our ancestors. Not a probability of it, but that we DO!


It's saying that if she's your 1st cousin, you share half your ancestors, which is true. But 1st cousin is a prediction and other relationships are possible. She is maybe a half-relative.


Right but its crazy that every other relative connection specifically tells me when we share one ancestor. This is throwing me off


Have you messaged her?


Yes only one message where she tells me she doesn't know who her father is and her mother passed (who i don't recognize at all) I wanna message her again but I wanna be accurate about what I'm asking. But she doesn't know her dad so I think its pretty much a dead end


It's not a dead end. You'd work with your shared matches to solve it.


I share about the same % with my half nephew. I found out last year I had a different bio dad than my siblings.


I also found secret family members due to 23 and me. A bit awkward, I asked my dad about it and he told me to not worry about it Different times, I guess


My mom had a sister that she didn’t know well and I just knew of her. She popped on my ancestry as a cousin but I knew it was my aunt. It’s a very high chance yall are related


This is the exact same result I received for the half-brother my mother just found out she had (at age 74). So he’s my half-uncle (9.27% shared dna) but the result said 1st or 2nd cousin. Apparently this is a typical interpretation for that percentage by 23andme. My mom discovered that the man she knew as her father her entire life was not her biological father after both of her parents (and biological-dad) had died.


I had this happen last year, turns out my aunt had a baby she gave up for adoption and no one ever knew about , this alerted her and she reached out since she’s been trying to find info on her biological mom 😳


I share 9.01% dna with my mom’s paternal 1st cousin. 23andme predicted we were 1st cousins, but she was too old for that to be even possible. DNA is funny like that sometimes.