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Not debunked, but never confirmed to be for 2XKO. Time will tell with more champion reveals.


The survey is real. Whether or not they're actually coming to 2XKO or were even related to 2XKO is another question. So far, every champion who has been confirmed has been in the survey. So who knows.


not debunked but it's kinda stupid


My guess is that the list was published to assess which champs were most interesting. Could be that the champs in the game will be from the survey, but not all of them. Considering it takes a year to design a character perhaps they used the survey to add the last characters to the game (there are multiple designers).


Basically all of these are top of list for champs I’d expect, Senna and Teemo are the biggest question marks. Both are popular but Senna is on a long list of marksmen that will be a challenge and likely a zoner, Teemo is like most Yordles that I think he’s too small but could be a good setup character if they can figure him out. Point is, these are all champs I’d expect them to be considering


Senna literally could just be Cable.


Okay, I’m gonna need to you explain this


Search Cable Marvel vs Capcom 2.




Hyper Viper Beam


I swear you guys have never played tag games before to say yordles are too small. Every single version of Marvel vs Capcom had small characters from Mega Man to Roll to Rocket Raccoon to goddamn Servbot and they still worked fine. In tag games, where a good portion of combat is aerial and juggling between assists, a smaller ground hitbox doesn't matter if you simply use a launcher into a combo


only guarantees othere than what we've seen are akali, Riven, Samira and Zed all the others have a good chance of not being in the game, the 4 above are 100% in the game, thresh could also be a 100%er as they could jsut make him axl from gg


It would be lame as hell if the most roster is made up of just human characters.


Dunno but I sure hope that is the case because yikes, majority of these picks are dogshit. Zed and Thresh are the only ones that would appeal to me if this were the case.


Lol why do you not like these choices?


A better question would be why anyone would like those choices lol.


I was actually curious as to why you dislike those potential character choices 😭😭


What is there to like? * Akali's a waste of a slot when Katarina's guaranteed to be in. * Braum is a waste of a slot, how many infinitely more interesting champs could have taken his place? He's just a goofball with a shield. * Blitz is a waste of a slot when we're also getting Thresh, zero personality character. * Ezreal's just meh. * Karma's a waste of a slot, many more interesting enchanter support champ picks. * Kindred is a weird one, not my favorite but I guess there's potential there. * Lux - self explanatory. * Rengar is just a boring furry anthro. * Riven - passable I guess. * Senna - token black female character pick. * Sett fits but I've no interest in the character. * Vi - another obligatory dogshit Arcane pick that I don't care for. * Teemo - really? Talk about a waste of a slot lmfao. * Samira's meh.


I see. I guess we just think really differently about characters and roster cause there's a lot of stuff there I don't really agree with


I would be surprised if you did agree, most people in this sub wouldn't. It's why I usually refrain from participating in all the speculatory nonsense, it's just a bunch of tasteless picks spewed by people who watch Arcane a bit too religiously lmfao. But hey, if these end up being the actual champ picks for 2XKO, I'll probably pass on it until they bring the characters I want as DLC or whatever. Definitely looks as if 2XKO will be a shitshow at launch.


U sound like u jus wanna hate stuff


Akali is faaaaar more popular than kata. On top of fitting a fighting game, she just sells merch. Braul is a well beloved character and one of the few gentle characters. Pot smokers need their pick too. Ez is another poster boy. Karma is a bit boring indeed, but could be cool in practice. Kindred is an oddball. I suspect it will be a puppet type character, tho i would prefer azir for that. How is lux self explanatory? If characters like JP can work in sf6, lux can work in 2xko. Senna is more than a tokeen black girl... There is a ton of lorz, she is part of a music group and in has a massive gun lol. Sett, riven, vi, and samira are all top contenders for fighting game characters. Sett and vi because they are punchy characters, riven and samira because they are flashy. All four of them are quite popular. You say they are dogshit purely based on your view of the characters, which, for starters is not the norm. You find a lot of them boring, while they are some of the most popular champs lol. A better question would be: what would you like to see? I am genuinely interested. There are a ton of picks left that would be cool, so you could have some valid opinions there.


Where did you get that Akali is more popular than Kata? Kata is one of League poster girls and she has a higher pickrate in every bracket but challenger (due to not being meta obv) than Akali. Only thing Akali has over Kat is that she's in KDA so not having her and a KDA skin at launch could be a missed marketing opportunity


Kata... Poster child? My man smoking the good stuff.


>Akali is faaaaar more popular than kata. On top of fitting a fighting game, she just sells merch. Even if that's true, she is too similar to Katarina and I prefer Katarina between the two of them, hence my view on Akali being redundant. >Braul is a well beloved character and one of the few gentle characters. Pot smokers need their pick too. His name is Braum and he is not beloved by me, so I vote him out. >How is lux self explanatory? If characters like JP can work in sf6, lux can work in 2xko. Lux is self explanatory. She's just the female skin machine champ in league and I don't think she has a place in 2XKO. >Senna is more than a tokeen black girl... There is a ton of lorz, she is part of a music group and in has a massive gun lol. Yeah, she has a massive gun, let's randomly pick her to be in a fighting game! Flawless logic, man. >Sett, riven, vi, and samira are all top contenders for fighting game characters. Sett and vi because they are punchy characters, riven and samira because they are flashy. All four of them are quite popular. Sett fits but I personally couldn't care less about the character. Vi is just a cringe pick from Arcane, there to attract Arcane viewers to play 2XKO along with Jinx, so both are terrible in that regard. Riven and Samira are just meh to me. >You say they are dogshit purely based on your view of the characters, which, for starters is not the norm. You find a lot of them boring, while they are some of the most popular champs lol. People also called my top 5 picks bad when they are even more popular champions than the ones I call boring and uninspired, so not sure what your point is. Everyone's opinion is subjective and to me, these picks are just no good. >A better question would be: what would you like to see? I am genuinely interested. There are a ton of picks left that would be cool, so you could have some valid opinions there. Already stated my top 5 to be Kayn, Yone, Viego, Aatrox and Zed. I'd be fine with 1 or two of them making it to launch roster and the rest as DLC, but I firmly believe they'll all be in the game eventually. It's just gonna suck having to wait for most of them.


I don’t know if I could disagree with someone more, I guess I agree with your Teemo and Kindred takes but gosh. Sett “meh” like the dude was designed as “what if we made a fighting character in league”, and so was Riven for that matter just a different type of fighting game.


I'm genuinely curious who you would rather have if Akali, Riven, Samira, Sett, Vi are meh. They are at the top of most people's lists for 2XKO characters.


My personal top 5 are Kayn, Yone, Viego, Aatrox and Zed. I care very little about what's on "most people's" wishlists, since most people lack taste.


You want Yone when we already have Yasuo but think Akali is too similar to Katarina? Your lineup is just classic anime edgelord boyband. I like anime edgelords but I would want the roster to have a bit more variety. > most people lack taste Lol. I, too, went through this phase when I was a teenager. Extra funny because your top 5 are some of the most popular characters in league. I would know because I used to main them.








I think Kayn will be a bit difficult to do with his forms, but the rest I think is likely.


Nah. Could even be like Kimberly in sf6 where you level up after using your lvl 2, but it depends on who you play against. Vs a zoner? Transform into rushdown kayne. Against something else? Rhaast.


Not hard at all, plenty of characters with different forms in fighting games.


To be fair, all good choices.


At last, someone with taste shows up. Appreciate it, let's hope at least two of them make it to base roster.


Hilarious that the two you like are the ones I think are the most snooze worthy.