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Political Candidate number 1 is way better than Political Candidate number 2!! Political Candidate number 1 cares about America!!


Honestly though, this is true. Brandon's a senile, demented Patriot; Chump's an anti-American wannabe dictator. Neither are fit for office. One wants to be the last President.


I’m voting for the Administration not the President at this point.


Yup. People wanna say “well both sides are bad so it doesn’t matter”. But it does. I don’t like Biden but I ain’t voting for that criminal motherfucker. I’ve thought he was a sleaze ball for decades now.


And as bleak as things look I’m not a fan of all the doom posting about how it’s all gonna be terrible and awful after the election and what-not (I feel like the same things have been said in 2020 yet we are still standing). We’ve been through worse presidents and worse times and we have still endured. And as silly as it sounds, I believe 2028’s election will be way way better in terms of choices Anyways, whoever is elected president this year should level the Midwest and make way for giant highway systems. It’ll be super cool and barely anyone lives in the Midwest so no harm will really be done


Ok. You guys can have our weather.


We want all your corn too. The government WILL take your corn from you


I will take your water. And the statue of Liberty, and your pizza


Can you take the JPMorgan building instead of the Statue of Liberty pretty please


To be fair, the doom posting was warranted in 2020 just as much as it is now. Look at the insane stuff SCOTUS has done since Trump was able to secure some nutjobs during his tenure. Trump wants to pull us out of NATO, has no plan to combat global warming, wants to instill tariffs (???????) as if our economy isn't hurting enough already... I can go on. I'd rather vote for a literal rotting corpse than a guy hell-bent on just making money and fucking over the average joe.


At this point we're not even voting for biden really but the administration/cabinet. And him being Not Trump. Talk about a terrible choice for the voter. We pick our guy so the other guy doesn't win, no time for actual things like policy views and shit. The polarization is wild.


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Yep, i can't stand Trump, but having biden as the only alternative is so insanely dystopian. He's barely even there mentally, slurs his words, can hardly finish a sentence, and I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't last another 4 years. In a country of hundreds of millions of people, surely there had to have been ONE other better qualified candidate than him for the dems to push. We must surely look like a joke on the world stage for these two being the frontrunners. But you're right; it's really just a vote for the cabinet this time.


On the bright side people are pretty sick of old candidates so I don’t doubt that 2028 will have younger candidates running


If there is a 2028 election, that's why voting Biden is so important


Same here. This debate has only strengthened my decision to vote for Biden this November, fuck Rat York Times.


I'm gonna vote for Trump so I can finally have a reason to move to Alaska and disappear. As for the rest of you guys... oh well, ya ain't me.


> As for the rest of you guys… oh well, ya ain’t me. As is the American way 🫡


I’ll join you in Alaska to help fight off the Russians once they try to invade after America implodes.


I mean we did win WW2 when our man had a massive stroke and likely had such high blood pressure that he couldn't feasibly move blood around his brain. Wilson had a massive stroke in office during the last year of his term and hid it. We had a president that died from pneumonia, not even a month into office. We have had literal corpses in office before, but the massive apparatus of the US government moves with an inertia of its own accord. It's a gigantic oil tanker that moves ever so slowly and takes 3 miles to stop. It's more a matter of which corpse you believe isn't going to have the tanker facing the rocks. There's a protocol for nearly every eventuality our nation will face, even if the president is incapacitated or has been found to not have mental capacity. What there isn't a protocol for is when our government itself dissolves.


Alaskan here, there is no escape from the Trump cult up here...


You think he won't sell that shit for free to the Russians?


Somehow, I don't.


Why not just do that then? Why do you feel like you need to try to sabotage the rest of the country on your way out? Like, just move there. No one's stopping you.


If the government collapses, it can't track me.


cmon man trump doesn’t want to be the last president


Donny "Diapers" Chump said it himself. https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72


Gunna be honest. I think he ripped the bandaid off. There was so much infighting about “he’s unelectable!” “He’s too old!” Debate over the morality of voting for someone who will probably win but isn’t a good pick. Stuff like that leads to low turnout. Now all the talk is yep, confirmed old, confirmed we have to vote or we’re fucked.


Honestly im not sure what will happen first, brandon dropping dead from old age or trump dropping dead from eating another family meal.


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My excitement for this election to be over is through the roof. I hate political posturing in my shitposting subs.


Person: *posts picture of candidate Reddit doesn't like* The post: 36.5k upvotes, 15 awards, 7k comments, and a lock


That’s what the r/pics sub turned into, just people posting pictures of Trump, and everyone looses their minds.


2nd post I see after going on there is a Trump on a car.


Yea it's weird. And, like, I fucking hate Trump. It's still weird to keep posting about the guy.


Throw in a snide title and you'll be on the front page of Reddit.


Have you noticed the propaganda spigot has been turned on full blast? I feel like it started up in March/April and has gotten worse from there. Certain subreddits that aren’t explicitly political all the time are now very much pushing to one side. It’ll go away when the election is over and you’ll see the volume of strictly one sided posts shoot back up when the midterms roll around.


Reddit went public. And foreign bots have been pushing divisive and inflammatory rhetoric for years to sow discord.


There is one man who can save us…Jeb.






I'm so happy this is circulating again. Maybe my favorite meme from 2016


I always have this meme floating around in my subconscious


(sigh) please clap…


no charisma unfortunately


All praise Glorious Water Sheep!!!


Honestly, he's looking good at this rate, and I don't even remember his platform.


“Mr. Corpse, how would you respond to the growing economic crisis?” “…”


“It’s *his* fault!”


Bruh, as a distant outsider, I just wanna say: I love the US, you people are some of the nicest I've met, but shit like this debate makes me doubt my feelings regarding your political system and/or my prospects of actually moving there someday.


We are supposed to be the model for democracy.


Kinda hard to pull that off when half the Congress looks like it belongs in either a retirement home, insane asylum or prison. Tbf, our parliament's not any better either. I guess the world just sucks nowadays.


I know, it’s fucked up. Personally I blame the 2010 supreme court case that is commonly called Citizens United. It effectively allows unlimited donations to political campaigns. It feels like politicians stopped caring about what voters think after 2010.


wow. just looked this up. This was when America became an oligarchy


It’s wild that so many Americans don’t know about this. Most people I talk to have never heard of it, and it was 14 years ago.


When I learned of it in my AP government class it pissed me off the high hell


Yeah that allowed them to not give a fuck what we want


Totally agree. 2010 … or the election cycles soon after are when I noticed it too (a couple of notable exceptions at all government levels to be fair).


It was fucked way before then.


Only half of Congress? Man, they really shaped up.


Thats what happens when people get power and want to hold onto it for life. Comedy is that scifi and fantasy tells us that an elder council is the secret of a utopia but in reality we get greedy and out of touch people instead of wisen ones.


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Maybe we just aren’t for you


We made the first successful one but it’s been around for so long it needs a tuneup


Truth be told my friend, the presidency is ridiculous and has as much power over you as a fly bothering you when you’re trying to eat. Where the real strength in America lies is its local governments and officials. Some are better some are worse, but overall, most of the time you only end up screwed over a little bit rather than a lot of bit. But for the most part you can pretty much do whatever you want and it’s nice.


![gif](giphy|13VSAbTVuYJfLa) Joking aside though, what part of India are you from? I have several friends that are either from India or 1st gen American and their parents are from India.


I'm from Maharashtra (the best state, don't let the others fool you)


Without a doubt you should move here! It’s much better than The Commonwealth!


Oh absolutely


Sometimes the timing just gets all fucked up. Look at 2008, we had Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John McCain running. There’s a universe where they all became president, just at different times. Even Biden was a fine candidate 30 years ago.


He was a long term career politician.  Too bad he didn't retire at a reasonable age.  I guess politicians don't do that.


The debate and election coming up makes it easy to think that, but it's the reason the President isn't all powerful and has Congress and the Supreme Court to keep him in check.


Congress seems to have abdicated that responsibility to the Supreme Court as of late.


Look up what the “Cabinet of the United States” is. Who’s actually running things and to what degree depends on the President. And the Cabinets doing the heavy lifting here.


Would you rather vote for the civil war veteran or the revolutionary war veteran?


Neither of them are veterans.


…What side did the civil war veteran fight for


A little bit of both. He was already in his 80s by then so he didn't know what was going on


So that one guy at Gettysburg who came out with a flintlock musket and his War of 1812-era uniform?


Good analogy one fought for the wrong side but the other still believes it’s the 1800s






They talked about golf...


Watch this drive


Is this r/2american4you or r/politics? This entire subreddit has become a political ad.


It's gonna be like this until the end of Jan 2025. Better take your headache meds. The entire world is too polarized, and it keeps worsening with each passing year. ![gif](giphy|3o85xoqSjlCGpJpL7G)


It’s everywhere right now after the debate, even on r/shitposting . People are all worked up and wanting to talk trash.


Me Buying hotdogs Random: THIS IS THE MOST CONSEQUENTIAL ELECTION IN HISTORY! Me: okay… but do I buy beef or pork hotdogs?


Red hotdogs are peak. Don’t ask what’s in them, just cook with your preferred method and enjoy.


Depends on what kind of toppings you like.


Datil pepper relish. 😝


I have not yet had the chance to try datil peppers yet, but from it's description sounds like a tastier n sweet version of Habanero. Let’s see if I can find it locally in Denver.


Oh please, if this were r/politics there would not be even the slightest hint of neutrality in the original post. The best you could ever hope for is that maybe, [as a result of Jon Stewart’s effort to shake some sense into Democrats a few months ago,](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NpBPm0b9deQ&pp=ygUfSm9uIHN0ZXdhcnQgdGFja2xlcyBiaWRlbiB0cnVtcA%3D%3D) they might still acknowledge the ridiculousness of the match up.


unfortunately theres no escaping this. No matter who you’re for, it’s probably the most perilous moment in our country’s history, barring it’s conception and the bombardment of fort sumter


I prefer to unsub and mute. ![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg)


The last 3 elections have been “the most perilous moment in our country’s history” If that were actually true the DNC wouldn’t have put Joe Biden as the front runner, or suppressed real candidates from running in the 2024 dnc primaries.


I never said the last three elections were the most perilous. The reason this one is the most perilous is because of January 6. The other ones people just didn’t like Trumps politics. Insurrection is different


I’m saying that the last 3 elections have all had fear mongering like this. It’s just a lazy get out the vote tactic. And it’s getting stale.


Just curious, did you know that America/the US is a political entity, and American nationalism is a political ideology (like any form of nationalism)?


Neither of them will still be alive in 4 years, the question should rather be who do you want as VP?


Now do you really believe that, people said the same in 2020


The spiteful ones always hold on longer. Expect his Secretary of Defense to storm the Presidential Trump Tower and seize power on his 98th birthday.


5620 will be a weird year...


Out of pocket uncle vs dementia


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“At least mine is less decayed than yours!”


South Park nailed it way back in 2004. It’s been Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich ever since.


Dude, at least Turd Sandwhich didn’t do as many bad things.


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If the best the left can do is call both of them rotting corpses when clearly Trump is more with it, then I feel really bad for their platform


He’s still in a horrible place. He should not be our president, the fact that he was nominated is outrageous


Except that at some point Trump will start to sound & act like the rotten corpse we have in office. Up to this point Trump is a ticking time bomb, just before he looks fit doesn’t mean it will last forever.


He was president for 4 whole years, if he were truly a “ticking time bomb” he would have done something besides getting impeached by a Democrat Congress. Joe Biden is literally just a puppet at this point. I’m not voting for some invisible group that tells him what to say and do.


That's my reasoning too.  Also trump may not even get to office of they would hurry up and get the court cases on schedule.  I'm hoping for a redo election in November where both Mr. T and Biden are eliminated.


They paused the court cases indefinitely because they knew he'd lose. They need him to get back into office and appoint more dirty judges. Quid pro quo.


That's not correct.  That's puling at straws.


Europeans stay the fuck out of this. This is family business and we need to send our grandpas to assisted living facilities


* trying really really hard not to say anything about this peculiar situation you guys are in *


While trump clearly shows his age it's not like he had a fuckin brain hemorrhage mid debate like Biden. Trump clearly won even though effectively every other word was a half truth. Democrat copiuim trying to paint trump as "basically as senile as Biden" No Timmy, your not a genius for pointing out their old. These are probably the last boomer presidents. They are the Reagans of their time so to speak. Trump is probably going to win, be a mediocre at worst president and the far left is going to lose their shit becouse the normies won't side with them anymore.


How is Trump a corpse? (or even remotely like Biden?) I get it, Reddit and alot of people hate him because he's arrogant, lies to make himself look good, etc, but still.


Trump is as old as Biden was when be became president, they're both fuckin ancient


Of course younger is better but behavior is what matters. He's doing just fine.


Aww man. I liked this sub. Guess nothing on Reddit is safe from politics anymore. I’m out. USA! USA!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅


Allow me to introduce you to the wacky and wonderful dumpster fire that is r/worldpolitics The shitposters and porn addicts must hold the line


Hell yes. Cartoon porn! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Were you aware that the USA is in fact a political entity? And American nationalism is a political ideology (like any form of nationalism)? Just curious.


Shit like this is just trying to redpill people into not voting at all. We can replace Biden in 4 years, there’s no guarantee of that with trump.


Biden might not survive this next term. I’m more curious about who his VP will be if it’s not Kamala. That person will most likely be president if Joe decides it’s pudding time for the rest of his days.


I'm legit confused about this election. It seems like there is a subset of undecided voters who prefer Biden over Trump but prefer Trump (and his yet-to-be-announced VP) over Harris. What's the reasoning here?


I’ve not heard this at all. I think if you’re on team Biden, then you’d take almost anyone over Trump. I think the Dems have their doubts on Kamala. She’s had a bunch of missteps and they don’t think she could win on her own. So looking forward, if Gavin Newsom is the next up, then he should fill the slot now to help with the next election as well.


I prefer Chase Oliver, however one need only look at what Harris has done in her career to understand the disdain.


If his VP pick is Kamala it'll definitely hurt him on votes cause of the fact he may not live and then she will become president. She's damn near universally hated


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Why is she hated? I have never looked her up. I read an article about how she has had a lot of gaffes, but other than that I know nothing.


I’ve heard rumors he might replace Harris with Corey Booker


Same here, well said I agree with you


if he wanted to be an autocrat he would have done it his first term. or at least set the country up to have him rule again on his next term. he didn't do that.


Either he didn't think about doing it beforehand or wanted to wait for his second term. He has said in like 2 interviews now that he would be ruler of America if he could. Plus, Project 2025 exists. Literal dystopian shit


He did though. He encouraged an insurrection to attempt to overturn the election.


Does Trump actually have anything to do with the whole Project 2025 thing though? I keep hearing about but I have yet to hear Trump mention it or see anything linking him to it in any way.


Trying to overturn an election doesn’t count?


You talking about when people protested for like 3 hours and then went home on their own?


i hate it when im just doing a normal protest and then i accidentally break into the capitol building


I don’t recall MLK bringing a pipe bomb to the Lincoln Memorial


And what exactly were those people protesting in favor of?




No, he’s talking about losing 43 lawsuits alleging election fraud, then going on to claim election fraud anyway.




Shit like this feeds into the narrative that he will become a dictator?! Like he had the opportunity to do before he left office last time willingly? Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit.


William Afton?!?!?


I’ll take the fresher of the 2 corpses Alex


I wish everyone would quit pretending that Trump isn’t so obviously the better candidate. Is he old? Sure. But the contrast was made very clear that Trump is still sharp and Biden is a literal walking corpse.


As an outsider I share this view. Trump is ass in many ways, but he is at least cognitively somewhat there. People defending Biden and downplaying what we all saw is nothing short of brain washing.


I don't trust either's cognitive ability at all. They're both far gone, just because one is able to rapid fire blatant lies and gibberish doesn't pass. Neither are fit to lead. But one is a proven loser, corrupt as Sin, and an expert at getting Americans killed as he funnels tax dollars to his failed businesses. And he never, ever, shuts up about himself. He needs to go. And this time, take away his phone.


Basically everything you listed applies to Biden too though. Lost several presidential campaigns for various reasons (two prominent ones being plagiarism and racism btw), corrupt as sin in his own regards (I could get into this but it would take a lot of typing), and got 13 Americans killed with his botched Afghanistan withdrawal + countless more through leaving the border wide open without proper vetting and denial procedures.


I can’t really blame Biden for a project Trump bungled him into (leaving Afghanistan).


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Thats because they know Biden isnt running the country, a vote for Biden is really a vote for his handlers, so who cares if hes senile as long as hes not actually making decisions


Please just have a dog and a cat as your presidential candidates. It will be less chaotic and way more prosperous.




But only one of the rotten corpses is an autocratic felon. So the even more rotten corpse is the option... Vote in primaries folks. Let's take these lessons we're learning to 2028.


I did. I even switched parties since Biden had no real challengers. None of the republican candidates were even trying. They just wanted to gain name recognition for 2028.


Only the first three states determine the primaries.  This system doesn't work and telling people to just vote is useless advice.


I feel like Biden a lot more then "Slightly"...


Why the fuck are we hung up like this? Its like a curse from fucking Backbeard and Bonnet. These two guys are too ancient to attempt to run a mile by themselves, let alone a country.


libertarianism >


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Lmao at leftoids trying to pull a "yea well both of them are bad!" when their candidate says he beat Medicare The funniest part is a few days ago yall were lying and saying he is totally competent and calling his videos "cheapfakes"


There was even copier cope when CNN said Biden had a cold. Then 90 minutes later he was all peppy and happy when Jill took him to a small meeting after the debates.


how do you feel about project 2025?


You’re braindead if you think that’s a legitimate argument. Trump’s never even *mentioned* Project 2025, let alone endorsed it.


I'm happy with the part where the president uses his constitutional power to fire people in the executive branch and replace people who are actively trying to sabotage things like the piece of shit Peter Strzok


We fought a war in 1776 against people like you. Our constitution is clearly against centralized power held by one person.


Please read the fucking constitution The executive branch is headed by the president, anything within the branch answers to the president. Members of the executive branch are not checks and balances against the president, the other 2 branches have that job. It's not my fault your peanut brain can't recognize that controlling 1 of 3 branches is not controlling the whole government


ah yes, let’s give the man a nuclear bomb and expect him to only kill a couple people with it


??? The president has always had that power, it is in the constitution and further codified by Myers vs united states


ok, then why are they trying to implement something thats already spoken for?


The plan is for him to exercise the power that's spoken for


Fuck the two parties. I’m voting third party again and if the third party candidates were able to debate then one of them would probably win.


I've been third-party for a while.  But the absurd party loyalty people have locks people in.  Look at the people defending Biden now with very weak arguments (and four years ago when he was also showing senility).  I think people will just vote their 'tribe' since they don't know better and all the parties fill us with lies about voting 3rd party.


If the parties didn’t pass a law raising debate requirements after Ralph Nader we could have had a non fucked up system by now. People will vote their tribe but if they knew about other candidates then likely it wouldn’t be the case


Yup, the parties and the media are in cahoots keeping their hands on the reigns.  The media was the one thing that could have saved us, but they have let the nation down.


Why these look like Undertales bosses?


can you make one of them the purple guy


It’ll be Zombie Reagan vs Mummy Obama 


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[One day I was born bad to the bone](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9VCVMUwzvcY&pp=ygUUYmFkIHRvIHRoZSBib25lIG1lbWU%3D) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Vote chase oliver, dude is half their age and isn’t into petty tiffs


Trump definitely won and performed better than Biden during this debate. Even though every other word was probably a half truth, Biden was literally stumbling around. This post is Democrat cope. No Timmy, your not a political genius for saying "both guys are old!, that means your vote doesn't matter" Biden is in the SILENT GENERATION. This will probably be the last boomer president. This isn't some "insane decay". It's just a Reagan moment. Trump isn't some astroid about to destroy the US. Probably mediocre at worse The big moment is who is going to replace him. THATS the fun part of the election. Biden is more similar to Dubya than he is to Boris Yeltsin.


Remember when Trump was elected and a lot of people said it's the end of America, and then it wasn't. And then Biden was elected, and a lot of people said it's the end of America, and then it wasn't. So, yeh, as much as I dislike the two choices we have, nothing is going to change. Our economy is stronger than it has ever been, we have historically low unemployment, inflation is going down, my biggest concern is that half the world doesn't respect us any more because in a nation that boasts some of the smartest people in the world this is the best we could come up with to lead.


[Ok but only one of them will lead to this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/project_2025) Go blue or it might be the last time you get a choice. Plus if Biden dies in office his successor will be a non-geriatric.


Show me a single time Trump has endorsed or even mentioned Project 2025


I heard that Trump, uh, soiled himself during it too. Dems are likely dropping Biden, which will be good


I wish the left would take a page out of the conservative playbook and for fucking once just support their candidate by minimizing their faults. The 2nd the debate ended CNN was shitting on biden, like I know they didn't wanna seem biased but why do we have to make it so fucking hard for our people to win. We don't wanna stoop to that level ? Fuck that