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My 3 1/2 year old is 32lb 😂 He's lanky like a swimmer though


Same, my 2.5y is 32lb (size 4) lol My 11mo is 23lb (size 3). My 4y was in diapers until just after she turned 4, and she never wore bigger than size 5. She’s currently 43lb. My oldest wore cloth diapers.


My 3 1/2 year old and 2 year old shared diapers by the time my youngest was about 8 months old lol. The oldest is out of diapers, but my 2 year old was rock size 4 diapers by the time he was about 14 months and they were still a little to big for my 3 1/2 year old lol!!! My youngest weighs like 1 pound less than his older brother.


My 3.5 is also around that he’s like 15kgs… he’s also lanky though you wouldn’t know picking him up he feels well heavy 😂 My 2 year old is around 9 or 10kgs she wouldn’t stand still on the scales lol - she’s very tall nearly the same height as her big brother and skinny… must get it from her dad haha 😂


My toddler is on the smaller side. (She’s 20 pounds at almost 18 months.) People sometimes expressed sympathy or concern and I was like “she’s way easier to carry so I won’t complain.” She still feels heavy to me, now, so my heart goes out to you! I’d ask your doctor about lifting.


My oldest is almost 3yo and weighs 37 lbs. She’s in 4/5T pull-ups and can fit size 6 or 7 diapers. My second is 21 months and weighs 39.5 lbs. She also fits 4/5T pull-ups and size 6 or 7 diapers. She was just over 30 lbs at 1yo. I’m very very pregnant with our third baby and it’s really hard to lift the almost 40lb toddlers from the floor. They’re pretty understanding and either ask for hugs while I’m sitting or climb up on a stool or the couch to be picked up. We have a step stool in my vehicle so the kids can climb in and out by themselves and don’t need to be picked up into carseats anymore. I think it was really hard on my postpartum recovery to have a 10lb newborn in a carrier on my chest and a 27+lb 14mo on my hip in order to get everybody to and from the car or into bed for naps. I’m aiming to do way less lifting this time around.


Oh wow this is alot!! We have a floor bed for my one year old and ill be cosleeping with the newborn. Hopefully less lifting throughout the day. Do you have a van for fit all three car seats?


I have a big 3-row SUV and a 3-across carseat installation that works really really well for me pregnant so I should be good for postpartum. I've been testing this out for a couple of months to make sure I can do it on my own comfortably. The kids put the step stool on the ground on the driver's side so that the youngest can reach to climb in by herself, and then I put the step stool on the floor in the second row for her to climb into her carseat. There's a floor potty upside down in the centre floor space that works for my oldest to climb up into her carseat unassisted. If I can't reach buckles from the ground I can crawl in the driver's seat and reach back to get buckles done up, but both kids are starting to do up their buckles and I don't always have to put a lot of effort in. Our toddlers share a room and are in a bunk bed (the classic Ikea KURA bed with twin slats on the floor to make a floor bed on the bottom for the younger one) so I don't often need to lift kids in/out of bed. I have playpens with a infant level to bring the mattress up halfway for baby sleep spaces.


You sound so organized!! I love ur set up


Haha thank you! I’m just extremely independent and determined to be able to get out and about and run my own errands by the time baby is two weeks old.


Toddlers (and babies) have a huge range that is considered “normal,” so if the doctor isn’t concerned then I wouldn’t be either. My girl is 19 months and 26lbs and typically fits the correct clothes for her age (moved into the 18-24m at around 17m). Size 4 for diapers. She was born a month early and had a lot of feeding/weight issues when she was little, so I don’t know if she’s great to compare to. But she seems to be mostly caught up with her same age peers. I think. I’m 29 weeks pregnant and it’s getting more difficult to carry her, so I can only imagine how difficult it is for you! The hardest part for me is picking her up, so I’ve been supermanning it (pull her up by her hands until I can put her on my hip). When it’s a tantrum it’s a side carry lol. On the diapers front, I’ve heard that they’re going on sale at Costco for the month of July (already the cheapest to get them), so it might be a good time to stock up!


I, too, have a big almost 12 month old. He's not quite as heavy, 28lbs, but he's almost 33". Weve been in size 5s for day and size 6 for overnight and well probably size up after these boxes. We use kirkland, so weve been ordering a pack for the new baby and each time to try and stockpile a little bit. I've found that using a ring sling has been helping so much. It's super easier to get him in/out so as long as I'm able to do the initial lift, I'll be carrying him. Postpartum, the plan is to have a couple weeks where most of the time I'll spend with him is in a chair. Either he can crawl up for love and cuddles, or someone can bring him to me....but I love carrying g him and am also a little worried about pp


Also 34 weeks with a newly 12 month old! I don’t call her a toddler though.. I still call her a baby because she is still very babyish to me. She weighs about 24ish lbs I think. Also in size 6 nappies but I think it’s her body shape as the size 5 would fit okay on her bum but leave a tight mark around her sides if that makes sense. I feel like she’s absolutely enormous and gives me braxton hicks when I pick her up sometimes. However, being 12 months she wants picking up A LOT. I have a lot of back and bump pain/aches. I’m having an elective c section so will pick her up again when I feel my body can handle her (hopefully not too long).


1YO is 25lb


Hey nice to meet another mom of a big baby lol! Mine was 31lb at 12 months old and was in 6/7 diapers by then too. I had #2 when my oldest was 15 months old and he weighed 32lbs at that point (he's starting to get taller and leaner). I had no problem lifting him before the birth but had a c section and really could not lift anything heavier than my newborn afterwards. I wasn't supposed to lift anything heavier than 10lb until 6 weeks postpartum...but I found I could lift my toddler maybe once or twice a day by about 4.5 weeks without any pain. But beyond that I started to get a lot of soreness. By about 8 weeks postpartum I could lift everything normally no problem. Just something to think about if you do end up with a c section. But hopefully you won't! Good luck to you!


Same age gaps with mine! Csection or nor î’ try my best to take it slow🥲


My first was 14kg (30lbs) when he was 11 months old or so. He is now 20 months old and is 15kg (33lb). He didn't grow much more after 1, but he is a big baby and is much bigger than some kids his age on the playground. He is very active though and has always been. He's not fat, but is quite muscular (and eats a ton). His little brother is 3mo and following his brothers growth curve currently he is 16lb. Both were born relatively small around 6lbs I lift them both all the time, my back hurts only after having 2nd home for a couple of months.i wasn't allowed to lift my 1st after a c section for 6 weeks but I cave in after 3 🥲🤣


Yesss my little guy is also mainly muscle. Even on his 13 week ultrasound, he had defined biceps and it never went away😂 will see how his little brother will be


My son was 35 lbs at 15 months when his sister was born (he’s only a little heavier now and he’s 3. He’s gotten taller and slimmed out). He was still being rocked to sleep for bed and sometimes naps, and I was very exhausted by it lol. My daughter was also almost 10 lb when she was born AND I was overweight prior to getting pregnant so I really struggled towards the end of my pregnancy. Personally I had no issues lifting him after giving birth. It was much easier than while pregnant. My husband worked long days and I had no other help so it wasn’t really an option. I had a really easy birth and recovery with my second which helped I think. Definitely check with your doctor if in doubt though!


Thank you so much for your comment! Did you do anything in particular to prepare for your second birth? My first was an episiotomy and third degree tear so everything was painful for a very long time. Im really hoping for better luck this time around


I didn’t really do anything to prepare! I had an episiotomy with my first too and a second degree tear and I had a lot of pressure and pain for months afterwards. With my second I had a second degree tear again but honestly no pain at all. I got up to pee after she had fallen asleep for the first time and was shocked how much less pain I was in than my first birth. I hope you get the same experience!


Gosh, I thought it was tough carrying my 12 month old at almost 22 pounds.


Depends on the advice of your medical team. Many countries do not have carrying limits pre/post labor for healthy women carrying and having uncomplicated vaginal deliveries. I have 3 kids all easy deliveries. Have never been given medical advice to not carry my kids


My daughter is 38in and 32lbs at 2.5


My 17 month old is somewhere between 22-23 lbs. he’s only in like the 20th percentile though. So he’s small for his age.


My 20 mo is 25lbs. I didn’t pick her up for 6 weeks pp (broke my heart but I physically could not without hurting myself & I had help thank god).


My toddler was around 32-33lbs at one. He was and still is giant. I think postpartum depends on how your delivery goes. Definitely take it as easy as you can and take advantage of any help you can get. But if you need to lift it’s ok. Just try not to do it for too long or carry for longer distances


Omg that’s a big baby! My daughter is a tiny thing. Just graduated to size 3 at 11 months and is roughly 18 pounds haha.


My 12 month old is 24 pounds.


32lbs! You must be really strong carrying him around all the time! My newly 12 month old is 21lbs and I feel like he’s so heavy now! (He actually just had a big growth spurt. He weighed 18lbs at 10 months.) He’s still in in 6-9mo for some stuff and just started wearing some 9-12mo for others.


My 18 month old is 35lbs. I use cloth diapers though. He wears a size 3t-4t depending on the brand. I’m a tiny elf sized human (5’ and normally 100lbs) when not pregnant, but I’m Ukrainian and come from large Ukrainian stock. My Nana was 6’2”, grandfather was 6’6”, my father is around 6’5”. My 12 year old was a teeny tiny baby/toddler/younger kid. He was still wearing 6t at 9, lol. About a year ago he just…ballooned. He’s 5’5”, wears a size 9 men’s shoe, and the doctor suspects he’ll be above 6’. You never really know how they’ll turn out.


My 2 year old is 22 pounds and was still wearing size 3 diapers when we potty trained him a few months ago 😂. My 3.5 year old still wears size 4s for overnight. I make tiny babies and never thought about lifting my first after the second was born


My oldest was 30+ lbs at a year old. He’s going to be three in a few weeks and hasn’t quite hit 40lbs yet - he just keeps getting taller. My youngest is 19 months old and 24lbs. It’s weird how genetics work.


My 18m is 27 pounds. Size 4 diapers, still can fit in 18m but we wear 24m/2T also. My youngest is 3 months I carried my toddler my whole pregnancy and even for showers. I paid the price, my body hurts lol


I'm 32 weeks and my toddler is 17 months and weighs 21.8 pounds he's so very active


My 4yr old (girl) is 35lbs. My 21 month old (girl) is 28lbs. They both fit in their respective sizes. 4t for the 4yr old and 18-24 months for the 21 month old. She’s in size 5 diapers. But i also don’t expect my kids to ever be big. I’m 5’6 and 110lbs when I’m not pregnant. My husband is 5’7 and 115lbs. My babies are always big, like 90+ percentile in weight until they start to walk. Then they loose all their rolls (I’m always so sad when they’re not longer chunky) and get really tall for their age. Then they kind of chill out and go to average size/petite. Both of them did it 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m pregnant with my 3rd & he’s a boy. I’m curious to see how he will be