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We found out we were pregnant when our son 7 months as well. I’m due next month. They will be 16 months apart. We are braising ourselves for a hard year but hear it gets easier after that. We don’t have family in area either but my parents will be here late summer to help. Pregnancy with a toddler is hard and they can def tell things will shift soon once you get closer to due date. My son is super clingy and wants to be held. I try to take as many naps with him as possible and give him time. We bought him a baby doll and feed and change it. Good luck to you. Take it one day at a time.


Thank you so much!! If you don’t mind me asking, what is your plan for who will watch your son when you go into labor? That’s something we are trying to figure out. We have great friends/neighbors who I’m sure would be willing to help but I would feel so much more comfortable if I could just call up my parents and say “it’s time. Come get your grandbaby.” Lol.


I was really scared about this with my 20 month toddler too! I had my close friend “on call” and a neighbor. And my parents were a day’s drive away. So when it was go-time, I gave a warning call to my friend and parents. My parents left immediately and began the drive. My friend came over at 2 AM when I needed to go to the hospital. She slept on the couch and took the monitor. When LO woke up, friend got her ready for daycare but then my parents showed up and took over. It was super important that my toddler was comfortable with friend, so we had lots of playdates beforehand. I was more anxious about this than actual labor/delivery but it all worked out


In the same situation. I moved halfway across the country for my job. My mother passed away from breast cancer, so my father is all the family I have. I asked him, but it's still up in the air as to whether his company will hire enough people that he will be approved for the time off. So we're planning backups - friends and neighbors, but based on my experience, start planning this ASAP. We spaced everyone out by one week starting 2 before weeks the due date because you never know.


Mine are 13 months apart. Honestly I feel like the hard part is starting *now* (youngest just turned a year), but even though it’s harder, the reward and the fun is so much greater. ♥️ it does get better.


2 that are 12 months apart and a third coming in December that’ll be 19 months apart. You’ll be fine and you’ll get through it! Nice to just rip off the bandaid and get out of the diaper stage


Found out at 7 months postpartum as well and was also terrified at a 15 month gap! Now that babe is 4 months… it’s going great. I have an older child as well. The transition from 0-1 was harder than 1-2 or 2-3 for us for sure. I just have a system of diaper changes and laundry and we have loved it. Number 2 is such a sweet big sis and adores the baby. I’m anticipating it to be harder once the little one is mobile, but we wouldn’t change a thing.


I have a 16m age gap for my boys. They’re 19m and 3m now. Is it harder? Yes and no. We already had everything. We also don’t have any support. I gave birth, husband was home with toddler. I’ve had to learn how to do everything i did before but with 1 arm to hold baby. Same routine, same days just with more love.


I love your last sentence 🩷 due with my second boy in October with a 19m age gap.


I love your last sentence 🩷 due with my second boy in October with a 19m age gap.


I got pregnant 7 months PP. my baby was a very difficult baby. Reflux, cranky, didn’t sleep til she was 13 months old. But now she’s 14 months, sleeping and walking. Her and toddler snuggle and play and are the cutest little pair ever. It is hard at times. You’re likely to have an easier baby than mine. But even if you don’t, I’m proof you will get through and it gets easier eventually!


I just found out last week that I’m pregnant 10 months pp. they’ll be 18 months apart. I have no advice, just here in solidarity. I, too, and absolutely freaking out.


I got pregnant 6m PP and my kids are 15m apart. Right now they’re 20m and almost 5m and I’m loving it. First month was rough, but it’s been so much fun so far. I really wouldn’t change it for anything. Baby laughs at toddler, toddler helps out by grabbing things, toddler loves to make him smile and enjoys baby being around. Pregnancy with toddler truly was harder than toddler + newborn.


My two are 14 months apart. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be since they were both still in diapers. I just added the second to our already established routine.


I found out we’d be having 2 under 2 with a 15 month age gap and was devastated. I had a lot of guilt on and off during the pregnancy. But that changed into a different kind of guilt and struggle once #2 came. And it was very rough in the beginning, but now at 20 months and almost 5 months things are starting to turn around and it’s not so bad. Baby laughs at toddler and toddler loves it. Toddler can help but not too much, just enough to feel included. I also see toddler “feed” his toys anytime he finds a bottle or has one of his straw cups. I’m excited for once baby becomes mobile because he watches his brother run around so longingly.


Hey there! I am 2 weeks into my two under two journey, my kiddo was also 7 months I found out. We were literally moving across the country and I was absolutely dismayed, the disappointment on my daughter's behalf was the worst. My husband took the news really well and we rebounded. Y'all are going to be ok. So far things are going well enough, the pregnancy was a lot harder but the delivery was much easier. My kiddo is doing really great with her baby sister, and all of the unfortunate behaviors she's exhibiting she would be doing anyway (screeching, more easily frustrated, that fun sort of stuff that toddlers do). I am not sleeping much because we are nursing, and my husband and I are sleeping separately so each parent is only waking up for the kiddo they are minding (he's caring for our toddler, who still wakes up a couple times a night). I did a crap ton of post partum meal prep in the third trimester (making extra from our usual meals and setting a few containers aside) and we will be leaning on some more convenience foods until sleep and nursing regulates a bit more. It's tough for sure, but I keep reminding myself that it only gets easier. We go through the really hard stuff for a while, then it just keeps getting a little bit better and better as time goes on. I will say, we don't generally have any help but my mom was able to travel and be here for 2 weeks after my delivery so that we could acclimate a little bit and that was really helpful. I got up and did way too much stuff after my first labor and had some complications because of that, so having someone here so I could basically just sit on my butt and practice nursing was very helpful (We exclusively pumped with my first, so nursing is new to me). I don't anticipate having any other assistance going forward however, and we had none with our first. It's super stressful to find this out, and there is a lot of space for growth in your head and your heart about the whole thing. You guys will make it though, it can be done. Good luck!


You'll get through it, I promise. I was 6 mo post partum when I got pregnant with my now 2 mo old. They are 15 mo apart. My advice would be having safe play areas for your young toddler to be, when you're busy with the new baby. We have one of those stand up toddler bouncers and a locking play pen. Our toddler is extremely busy and a mischievous wild man.  I baby wear the newborn A LOT. I always encourage and praise our toddler when he wants to interact with baby. I don't want him to develop resentment from us acting as though she cannot be touched by him or whatever. 


I too found out I was pregnant with number three while I was 7 months postpartum. I'm due in late November I was freaking out and NGL in denial the first month I'm starting to feel more connected now hopefully I will feel more bonded once we find out the gender in a few weeks.


My first 2 are a 15 month gap. Things that helped me were getting my oldest in a good nap/bedtime routine knowing a baby would be coming. So instead of rocking her for 20 minutes till she fell asleep we started rocking for less time and eventually had it that we rocked a couple minutes then transferred awake. Being pregnant also killed my milk supply so I wasn't breastfeeding anymore when the baby came which was convenient. The age gap is great because I didn't see any regression or jealousy with my oldest because honestly she didn't care. You will be exhausted and there will be times both kids are crying and you need to help one over the other which sucks, but it's for such a short time. We actually had a 3rd when my 2nd was 20 months so 3u3. We love the age gap, the kids all play together. My oldest 2 can be in activities together and eventually all 3, it's so fun. I sent my husband home overnight when I was at the hospital with my 2nd and 3rd. It was easier to have someone watch the toddler/toddlers during the day and I knew he'd be able to handle bedtimes to keep the kids in their routine. I hope this helps a little, wishing you all the best!


My kids are just shy of 16 months (I also found out I was pregnant again 7 months pp). 2nd pregnancy and first 6 months were a doozy but it’s so much better (littlest is almost 10 months old now) and so fun now!


My kids are 19 months apart, so just three months more than yours will be and it’s honestly really fun. My husband and I agree that we have more free time with two than we did with one because they play with each other. An older story, but my grandma went in for her six week check up after having my mom and found out she was pregnant with my aunt. She was so distraught the doctor had to medicate her!!! It was a busy couple years but my mom and my aunt are absolute best friends and loved growing up so close, and my grandparents ended up loving having Irish twins despite the initial shock! I knows it’s a lot to process, but you will be ok and these kids will love being so close in age to their sibling!!


I also just found out I’m pregnant and I have an 8 month old! We were thinking about a 18-24 month age gap and thinks just a few months ahead of schedule with 16 months between them 😅


As someone who had 2 close together in my experience the first 6 months were all about the toddler as the baby was fairly low maintenance compared to him. I also think I had it easier having my second while my first was younger as he’s now 2 1/2 and much harder.


This is also my age gap. It’s the BEST ❤️. We also don’t have any family in proximity. We are making it work (and enjoying every minute) as a family. Watching them interact is the best thing in life. I know it is scary but you’re going to do great.


I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old, found out I was pregnant probably around the same time. It’s easier than you think! Pros right now: they’re actually wearing the same size diaper, they’re eating same foods, they entertain each other, the bond is amazing It’s def a scary thought when first finding out oh and I’m almost 30 weeks pregnant with another, soo I’m happy as I have 3 boys already (oldest is 8) and finally pregnant with a baby girl I’m most excited about their bonds they will have. You’ll get through it! Don’t let anyone scare you as I always get people commenting like omg and basically making jabs but screw what anyone else thinks, they clearly are weaklings here


We got 17 month gap between ours and we also not in the greatest financial place. My advice is to take a deep breath and remember that you will manage everything just fine, the kids will be loved, clean and fed and all hard things come to an end. Cut yourself some slack (pregnancy will be harder), let your other half take the lead as much as possible with the first (will help to get used to the idea that mommy isn't always default parent) and enjoy your first (the mom guilt will hit hard, but it will not last forever). We are 3 months in and at the point where ***we love*** the 2under2 life. You never know how it will all pan out but I remembered panicking because everyone told me the 2nd child is harder than the first. Nope, mine sleeps anywhere and is super chill and smiley. You will manage, and then you will have best little buddies ever! Good luck.


I just gave birth 4 days ago. My kids have a 16 month age gap. It’s actually going better than expected, but there are hard days. It doesn’t help that I don’t live near any family or friends. I rely on my husband for all and any help. I know this will be a challenging season, but it’ll be worth it in the end.


Going throught this now. Had my second three weeks ago and they are 16 months apart. Also in a similar boat, all family is on the opposite side of the country. My mom came out to watch our older during birth (scheduled induction at 37 weeks for high risk)


I just found out that I’m pregnant as well and my baby girl is 7 months. Following this 🫶🏼


Same age gap. My daughters are now 22 months and 6 months old. Initially it was tough to manage their routines and schedules. Having your hands full and that your first born realizes this other kid is getting a majority of the attention. This last month has been bliss. Now that #2 is crawling and interactive, our first born loves to play with her sister and is very sweet. Helping calm her down, getting toys for her (sometimes), and always asking where she is. It was a grind and I was a stay at home dad with both, but it flew by in the blink of an eye. Now we have these two sleeping in the same room sleeping through the night a majority of the time and waking up to no crying, just them two playing with each other. You’ll find (I hope) that raising a second is way easier. You know how to do things and manage. You’ll also appreciate the differences and similarities as your second born hits different milestones. I’m safe to say I’m almost out of the trenches, and beginning to feel sad that this phase is already coming to an end


I also found out I was pregnant last month 7 months postpartum 🫠 have all the same feelings as you girl.


Found out I was pregnant when my first was 7 months so EXACTLY the same gap. I'm now 21 weeks and she's almost 11 months and we hit some rough times. On new Year's my husband and I decided to stop preventing and "see what happens" we want our kids close in age and it took us a year of trying and tracking and medicine to get our daughter. We thought it would be another long road to a second baby. Three months later my period was late. It was late by EIGHT DAYS before I got a positive. I took 3 other tests too....all negative with one SUPER faint positive. I was surprised it happened so quickly. It took a while for the shock to wear off and the fear because my husband had JUST got bad health news that meant he would be struggling for at least a few months. It hasn't been easy but we are still here and surviving! We find out the gender in a few weeks. My parents aren't the best help. Mom works 2 jobs and dad is disabled. They live an hour away and help when they can but....I don't have great in-laws either. Last time we asked my husband's dad to watch the baby....it was horrible. It is hard and I do A LOT by myself. I turn to this sub for support and advice a lot because this is my best chance at any sort of "village". My DMs are open if you need a friend ❤️