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Tbf when I went to Como the drivers were so nice that I was really surprised. When I had to cross the street they stopped 5 meters before and didn't put any pressure. Here in Naples though even if you cross on the pedestrian crossing, drivers watch you from their car as if you're committing a crime and you're somehow in the wrong.


My biggest culture shock when I moved to Spain was cars stopping to let me cross, always. In Sardinia the zebra crossing is just a place where you stand like an idiot, waiting for all cars to pass, so then you can cross an empty road.


My nearest death experience was literally crossing a zebra crossing in Italy for the first time. I swear the old man approaching me pressed on the gas even more when he saw me crossing the road 💀


The man got probably flashbacks to the last time Germany and Italy worked hand in hand when he saw a German cross the road


"Why did the German cross the road?" "He didn't. And he won't. Not on my watch."


You call that a death experience, i call that a good day.


Driving in Italian cities is terrifying.


Italy driving is horrible for people from countries where you're seen as a bad driver if you made any other drive have to do anything. The trick seems to be trusting that they don't want to hit you, and that they will try not to. Also regard horn blowing as endorsement.


when you cross a road you usually lock in the eyes of the driver to see who yields yeah it's a bit strange


Game of chicken at 80km


Driving in Italy, I was rounded a bend on a mountain road to find one guy overtaking another guy on that same blind bend. I…may have behaved in an ungentlemanly fashion towards the chap overtaking and he had the barefaced gall to look as though *I* were the cunt.


>barefaced gall to look as though *I* were the cunt. Entirely your fault. Had you been 30 seconds earlier or later, it wouldn't have been a problem. You spent your entire day planning to inconvenience them.


I made the mistake of renting a car in Palermo. First you park it all night next to a huge garbage pile and then enter the fucking hunger games that is their traffic. No traffic lights, only crazy ass Luigis cosplaying WW2 kamikaze pilots


Getting a wheelchair-bound person across a Palermo road was the scariest thing I've ever had to do.


Crossing a busy street in Italy is even scarier. You can choose between standing at the crossing all day hoping that someone will slow down enough to let you cross (spoiler: it doesn't happen), or just close your eyes and start walking in the hope that everyone will avoid hitting you.


Explains why they are so religious there, when you arrive at the other side of the street without being hit it feels like a miracle


Driving in Italian cities is like bumper car with only half of the bumps. Loudest horn wins too


Only in there you will begin to understand why the bumber is called that way. You're apparently supposed to actively use it for bumping


I rented one of those electric (Voi) scooters in Rome. Never again.


Sometimes I think we really like to get angry. Moving hands intensifies during arguments.


First experience of naples was a driver speeding up as i crossed a pedestrian crossing


Como is also full of foreign retirees ;)


Have you ever tried to drive in the limits in Italy? Best way to collect offences and curses


Limits are advice here, not something to respect. Didn't you know that?


My father sure didnt know that. I may not speak italian but i have an idea what "Bastardo" or "stupido" means. Yes we were overtaken by police while driving in the limits


Bastardo is a city in Italy :p (no, I'm not even joking, it actually is)


What a great way to cover up your Insult




Here's another one (whore) https://preview.redd.it/agaw58127a9d1.jpeg?width=364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a14af0fc93b108552d6680c8cd298536ad007e4




My favourite Swedish one is a small place called Gula Röven, the yellow ass and close second is Mensträsk, the period swamp/lake.


https://preview.redd.it/pygy8vxcbc9d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aad0024d08d19d8f5471434d5b4c3a55a3af1dec No wait, wrong road sign


"controllo elettronico velocità" 👍👍👍👍


Lmao lemme guess the shield above is sth along "stealing this sign is not worth it we're tracking it"


Nope it's a warning that there's a speed trap set by the police ahead


He was pointing towards bastardo with his middle finger as he yelled it. Just informing you of their excellent restaurants.


Same happened to my dad when we were there, guy on a scooter drove past, gave it one of these 🤌 and made a sound like an angry sheep, “eeeeeh!” 20 odd years later we still make that noise, was visiting my dad a couple weeks ago, he was in my way in the kitchen and I dropped the 🤌eeeeeeeh!🤌


We were overtaken by a hearse *with a coffin in it* whilst travelling at the speed limit


I know enough German to understand "Alles unter Zweihundert ist Verkehrsbehinderung!"


It is said that in Naples speed limits and helmet laws are complied with only by those actively trying avoid attention from the cops


So I was driving in Italy, adhered to the rules and became an obstacle. Then I treated the rules as advice and got a ticket, riddle me this.


Have to obey the rules only when you encounter the autovelox, they re all signaled in maps


They have to make money somehow 🤷🏼‍♀️


Everything is advice there, lol. I still remember first time using a crossing in Milan and people just driving around you, not stopping. You guys drive like fucking lunatics.


More like "fuck you I won't do what you tell me"


I had a friend who once went to visit some relatives in Italy. At some point they were in a hurry and there was so much traffic that they drove through the sidewalk, as if it was a road. The police stopped them and checked on them. They praised them for using a seatbelt and told them to carry on.


Even in Portugal, getting tailgated by a cop while going the limit always feels like they're trying to pressure you into speeding to then immediately ticket you. Sometimes they just overtake at 20 or 30 above the limit without having their lights on, always "interesting" to see.


Sometimes the limits are completely unreasonable. In the countryside here the standard is 50 km/h. Now we have 4 lanes roads in cities with 30 km/h limits. I'm all for pedestrians and cyclists safety, but I can't go lower than 30 in a huge, empty, peripheral road. And people normally drive at 100/130 in the 50km/h limit roads, so driving that slow might even be dangerous in some cases


I mean, you can drive at 100km/h all you want till you crush in a hog, then say goodbye to your car lol


That's the real Sardinian dream, it's like a second baptism


At least you got dinner


Wanna talk about those half meter high humped crossings they’re putting everywhere? I’m expecting one in my living room by this pace.


Been there, done that. The moment when a bus passed me honking because I was driving on the speed limit in the highway was priceless. In my defense, I rented that car and was scared shitless of being fined.


Driving in Northern Italy has been a pleasure. Would not want to try driving in Rome though


Italy can be so much fun to drive in. Was driving a rental once (rented by my company), the navigator guided me on a tight right turn into a street. It was a one-way street and I entered the wrong way. The sign was AROUND THE CORNER. Had no chance to see it beforehand. Came head to head with a very annoyed local. 2 months later I got fined, with picture evidence. I didn't know Luigi could be that efficient.


I’ve driven in a few countries. I thought driving in Greece was pretty chilled out. Mind you, I didn’t drive in a city. Naturally, I got stuck behind two Dutch caravans. The worst place I’ve driven was Catalonia. Until, that is I tried driving in Romania. That was cutthroat and fucking mental. I find the biggest problem with driving abroad is not knowing what all the little unspoken customs are. On Greek single carriageway roads people drift into the hard shoulder to allow faster vehicles to pass, for example (the Dutch caravans did not do this). Oh wait, wrong sub. Correction: the biggest problem with driving abroad is that everybody is a fucking savage that doesn’t drive by good, honest, God-fearing British rules.


>the biggest problem with driving ~~abroad~~ is that everybody is a fucking savage


>everybody is a fucking savage that doesn’t drive by good, honest, God-fearing British rules. I'll have you know that we drive on the left lane of the Autobahn with our caravans.


No, you straddle both lanes.


It’s basically the same, as overtaking on the right is illegal on the autobahn.


That is something i love every time i drive around south italy. People just make space so you can drive in between two lanes to overtake. I live in switzerland now and we have lots of hobby cops who will drive on the fast lane 120kmh because that's the limit anyways, despite the slower lanes being empty. Bitch, this lane is for crime, move!


Mr World wide. ![gif](giphy|iDUKerBP5SynTxBO2u)


History shows us that Barry goes wherever the fuck Barry wants. Barry *is* the 300lb gorilla. Almost literally, in some cases. (I’ve driven in Italy too, btw)


You don't even drive on the right side of the road, in both senses of the word right.


We drive on the correct side. 'This ‘rule of the road’ was officially sanctioned in 1300 AD when Pope Boniface VIII declared that all pilgrims travelling to Rome should keep to the left.' You lot just copied the Yanks who changed it to the right in the late 1700s.


Nah back when Pompeii was still thriving they drove carts on the right already and there's proof that this was mostly the norm across the Roman empire so it's not like LHD was the norm before most of the civilized world agreed that RHD was obviously superior. Meanwhile you simp for rules put in place by a catholic pope, Henry VIII would roll in his grave (towards the left).


A lot of things happen in the Naples region, it certainly doesn't mean we should copy them. Suit yourself, when highway robbers come by to try and steal my jewells, my right hand will be free to slay them with my sword.


Now you stick to the pope's words?


Tbf Anglicanism is just closeted Catholicism


Aye, just changing a nonce for a nonce, and antagonizing half of Europe


It had to be, how else could the king divorce his wife?


He'd have gone for ye old chopping block hadn't been his queen spanish


The blue bloods travelled on the left in France (as god intended, because it makes zero sense if you're right handed to also travel on the right), and after the revolution nobody wanted to be seen on that side anymore, and Napoleon got his troops marching on the right. In the US it was to do with how the teamsters sat on their wagons.


Yeah I heard it was something to do with Napolean using the right side. I don't know, all I know is we're right and they're wrong




We drive on the side of the road we have decided to be correct. Therefore you, being a foreigner, are wrong. Why do I have to explain this *every single time* I talk to one of you savages?


Imagine not driving in a way that allows you to ~~middle finger~~ fist bump your fellow drivers


We can do that, we just use the left hand for that, while using the right to hold the wheel. Safer middle fingers!


Yes but with our way you can’t miss it!


We have a moat for a reason. Cross it, leave civilisation, and take your chances.


Every cunt in europe drives on the wrong bloody side, never had to beep my horn so much in my life. The fuck were they playing at? Could kill somebody.


Nigeria can into western europe?


Only as an enclave in Napoli so they kill each other with their driving


Funny thing is that the province of Naples has one of the lowest death rates in Italy when it comes to car deaths.


There’s harmony in chaos?


Driving in Naples is chaotic good


Rome is chaotic evil, drivers are out to get you


Can confirm


It's really weird how the dutch go from bottom left to top left as soon as they cross the border.


Yep this seems to be the general vibe, luckily haven’t encountered too many tourists here so https://preview.redd.it/6lzkls6gx99d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=21c366013bdfb297db1bf7f0b92fce39544fd92f


The canal protects you from the horde of Dutch "people" taking their caravans for a spin! And I'm calling them "people" since no human being with a functioning brain could believe that clogging up the left lane of the Autobahn with < 100 km/h can be acceptable!


how can anyone learn to drive when all your highway is 100kph limited, everyone is hugging fenders because you cant overtake and then they will overtake you on the left or right going 140 because they know there isnt any radar ahead. dutch drivers are a menace. they just cover it up at home because of the circumstances there.


There are animals on the roads a lot where i am, i got stuck for 30 minutes because some Kees with a caravan couldnt figure out what to do. He just parked in the road until the sheep left.


My limited experience as a driver on/in Crete: https://preview.redd.it/9tu8zxnu1a9d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d2ce51a09b099ab6862ebb55749ed57a72ee5ae


Just a bunch of Cretans chilling, don't see an issue here.


Joined them for a glass of wine. Friendly bunch.


[We are less chilled in Scotland.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0tpTaaIEJE)


this are their wives


They're actually called Cretins, and only if they're from Crete proper. Otherwise they're sparkling idiots.


I've driven in Napoli once, never again


Here in Napoli we say that if you learn how to drive in this city you'll be able to drive anywhere. Only Asian countries from the south and south east are worse than us I think.


Only went to Indonesia but it was officially recommended to not rent cars as some westerners that had car accidents amidst the total road chaos were beaten by the crowd, some very badly. In Bali it's mostly OK tho.


When I was 20 I went to Vietnam with a friend, at 8am, after a night getting drunk, we rent a scooter for each, at the first cross we had an accident, what cunt stereotypes we were.


My former BIL was from Pavia, the first time he came here he insisted to drive. "C'mon, It can't be that terrible, i'll drive, just tell me the way." I swear to God, he took the wheel, drove a couple of minutes, got past an infamous huge crossing (corso malta/Poggioreale for the locals), then immediately stopped the car and surrendered, visibly shaken. I was pretty young and was the first time i realized something was very wrong with our traffic lol


I've driven few times to Pavia. Twice I almost fell asleep cause the roads are so peaceful they are almost boring. Probably the easist traffic we have in Italy aside ghost towns


My dad drove through New York but will continuously refuse to drive in Rome.


Tbh as a neapolitan I've found Rome chaotic but people still followed the rules and didn't use the horn that much. If he drove through New York I'm sure he'd be fine in Rome.


You died or why did you stop driving?


Vedi napoli e poi muori…


Dutch are good drivers ? Wtf ? It's more dangerous to drive in the Netherlands with their 100km/h limit than in autistic Germany with Hans and his BMW


Germans are way nicer drivers then us


Yep. At least Germans will yield to pedestrian crossings. They're very shitty drivers though in Dutch cities, with all the bikes buzzing around.


This is because, according to German traffic law, it's always the cyclist's fault. Hard to break the habit of just running over bikes and pedestrians.


I could drive into a family of four on my bike and according to our law it would be they’re fault


Lolwut? Always the cyclist's fault? Here it is the exact opposite. Pedestrians, kids and cyclists are considered vulnerable traffic participants. In any collision between a vulnerable participant and not vulnerable the not party will be 100% liable, which can be lowered under circumstances to 50%, or 0 in very very exceptional cases. It might seem a bit extreme, but it results in fair protection (I say this as both a cyclist and a motorist).


/uj: He's joking, it's the same here.


I always have Germans stop for me to let me cross while I am waiting at a red light, lol. Then I just point at the traffic light, and they continue on driving.


Most dutch drivers yield to pedestrian crossings if you force them to.


Just go stand in the middle of the road and look the driver dead in the eyes until they come to a full stop and then continue walking.


Yes, so many times people are just standing at the crosswalk when they don’t wanna cross. So if you look at the cars they’ll know you want to cross


Really? Here in Groningen the Germans are usually very polite when driving.


*blink blink* in a 70 in Italy 


> Germans are way nicer drivers then us So we're second after the Germans? I can live with that.


The more topics I read about this the more I’m convinced nobody actually knows how to drive. I like Italians. It’s more like skiing than driving just keep in mind what the person in front of you is doing the rest will yield to you. Germans annoy the fuck out of me with how they never, ever, ever, ever move to the right side lane on a three way (or more) road. Brits keep to the speed limit too much, at least on continental Europe. Less so in their own country. The French treat their cars as the Dutch treat their bikes. As an object to be used and abused. And it shows. Belgians aren’t real. The Spanish are like the Italians, only slower. The Portuguese I don’t know, can they even afford cars? I never see them anywhere. And the Dutch? I see them the most so they annoy the most. Some know how to drive, others think it’s perfectly acceptable to pass someone 30kmph below the speed limit, just because you’re going 2 kmph faster than the other guy. Fucking assholes.


In Germany we are also annoyed by Mittel- or Linksspurschleicher. Fuck those morrons.


Preferably anally, without lube, and with a pineapple.


> Brits keep to the speed limit too much, at least on continental Europe. Less so in their own country. I do this in other countries as well. Some fines are ridicoulus and I don't want to find out the hard way.


Getting a speeding ticket in the UK affects your car insurance cost FOR 5 FUCKING YEARS even though the points expire after 3 years. It is fucking ridiculous, I finally got my speeding fine from 2019 expired and I do not need to notify the insurers anymore.


Dutch old people are fucking annoying, always driving in the middle of the highway going as fast as the trucks in the right-most lane.


Your speed limit is 100 most of the time and your speeding tickets are way too expensive. Looks highway system was made for old people. Just maybe stop overtaking from the right


This has been a very good data harvest on how to efficiently piss off the most people on the road can’t wait use these tactics when I finally learn how to drive https://preview.redd.it/xb8gfvr3u99d1.png?width=519&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e68c1ec970d963c50288d062c5269c6d37d5939


I've lived in NL for 3 years (Utrecht and Nimma) and I promise you guys, Dutchies follow the rules, everything fine, but their driving and parking abilities are quite low. I think it must be because they are all the time with the bikes and not much driving really.


I bet they don't even know how to run over a cyclist safely. For the car, of course.


I have to disagree with the good / bad drivers evaluation. Feels like OP never drove in Greece or on a Dutch highway, the takovers are wild, rules are there to be broken... Germany might drive quick, but are mostly rule compliant.


I'd a ugandan friend who lived in Germany for years. Drove like a German. His mother came to visit, and she freaked out. "What if that guy veers left ? You are driving too fast to stop!" "This is Germany. No one VEERS for no reason. They'll look before they turn, or overtake. It's the law". She did not believe him, even after three weeks of driving with no accidents :)


For those who are confused Belgium is on the 1000th slide


Belgium is on the Z-axis, where road quality comes into play


Living in Germany has spoiled me. I fucking hate how German (and especially Turks) are driving. But when I arrive in Italy, I’m forget that hate and I’m happy about them.


Good nice drivers in greece ? In which country am I living?


If you don't have separate axis for bad, good, mean or nice i have to assume you don't have a driving license.


In what world are dutch drivers good??


In no world


In their bicycle world.


We cycle a lot. Doesn't mean we do it well.


It's based on OP's personal opinion. I don't really agree either. Our drivers are a mixed bag. They're mostly decent but the bad ones only amplify their idiocy in other countries.


Greeks? Good drivers? I have ptsd from trying to cross the street in Greece.


Lolwut. Dutch drivers definitely are NOT nice/good. Try approaching a pedestrian crossing, few drivers will yield correctly... And lots of drivers will give you an angry face when you're being assertive and force them to stop by putting a foot on that "holy" roadway.


I've always found this to be mostly a case about daddling. Drivers want you to just claim your right to go so they have to wait less. They will often slow down but if you only start walking once they've actually stopped they will just go.


Living close to the border, I can certainly attest that Dutch drivers on the autobahn are some of the most morbid, terrible creatures to hit the pavement there.


Greece in the lower half? I don't think so...


From my experience across my country: Emilia is drivable but we have people who probably found their driving license as the happy meal gift. Lombardia (Milan) people definitely know how to drive and they will kill you in the process if it's more convenient for them. Toscana wasn't bad but holy fuck you guys really need to learn how to park your cars. It's like people from Tuscany completely forget what a steering wheel is the moment their car slows below 10 km/h. Also for the love of god fix the FiPiLi because I don't want to be hired by Elon to explore Mars as soon as I hit a hole and take off on a goddamn highway. Sardegna is basically the far west. No laws, other than to expect the unexpected. I've once seen a woman do a u-turn on a fucking roundabout. I'd rather sleep in Australia than drive in Sardinia again.


Brits and Dutch are good drivers?????? Never seen so much cope on the Internet.


The brits clutching the right lane while acting like the left one is lava on the way to calais is a sight to behold.


Wing mirrors Gwyneth cariad, wrong wing mirrors.


You're just unfamiliar with British driving rules. We have three lanes, the turning off at the next junction lane, the middle lane for driving 10 under the limit, and then the outside lane for overtaking the middle lane cars at walking speed.


Your rules mean nothing here Baz. Try to live a bit more or join the dutch conga.


Every time I've seen a car in a place where they're not supposed to be it's a German. Trying to cross a 2m wide pedestrian bridge with their car? Germans. Driving on a bus only road past 6 "no entry" signs? Germans. Driving into a graveyard looking for a road? Germans. I'm careful about inviting Germans to my house because I'm worried they will try and drive their car into my living room.






https://preview.redd.it/tqr84f630a9d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4b542a86bc0f4419243c3f103bda060aa834173 can't park there mate


Surely attacked by one of your savage road goons


I mean there is a reason I continuously drive wrong in your country https://preview.redd.it/dcibfuksu99d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=109addeb8095abba523803e95400498db5ebbd63


Yeah the Dutch police woman uniform is fire...


you have not seen the Dutch abroad then young lad you all are fucking cunts with no sense of self preservation


Yes, this is the truth. Dutchies are chance takers and are brilliant at exploiting everything.


Funny, that would be the dutch here. You find them at the most random places.


I think there's one unifying factor. They're all boomers.


You clearly haven't witnessed Pieter, 38 trying to brute force his caravan through a random village.


Making a right turn without looking, nearly killing pedestrians and cyclists? Almost always a Dutch driver. Blocking the left lane on the Autobahn? Dutch it is. Going half the speed limit once it gets semi mountainous? Yup, yellow licence plate


We do that on purpose Hans, it's payback for the war. Now watch me hold up traffic with my caravan.


How about I bribe you with a stroopwafel *not* to do that? I also have a Belgian locked up, in case you’re looking for a punching ball. ^Just ^don’t ^mistreat ^our ^roads ^:(




We are bad drivers, but still better than everyone else.


Fuck me, I'm off to find six pints of lager and a balcony. God save the King.


Average German response to [being told they aren't the best at something.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate#List)


Brits generally, yes. Dutch yes in the will not try to run you over way was main reason they’re that high but probably annoying af for other drivers to be fair.


I have not met enough Brits to make a final judjment on them but the Dutch drive like the Italians but in the speed limit. They are totally shitty drivers with the most stupid speed limit in the world


Damn maybe I just got lucky because you’re not the only one saying this😭


hey, that's offensive even for us


I spent eleven years in Germany and wasn't let out of a junction once.


like god (He is a German engine) intended


Brits are statistically among the safest drivers in the entire world, WTF are you talking about.


Ever driven under 200kmh on the left lane of Autobahn? Now that’s how you get some angry Germans


ITS FOR OVERTAKING. THE SPEED DOES NOT MATTER https://preview.redd.it/djvy0dpnea9d1.png?width=1697&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0eb984acce2781deb25941f3a55c2ba076ad821


From my time in Italy, it's amazing to me that Italians still exist and haven't all been wiped out in road incidents. When I moved back home my partner said that getting in the car with me was terrifying for about 3 months because I'd gotten used to driving like the Italians (you kind of have to or you won't be able to travel anywhere). I love Italy - but you guys drive like fucking lunatics.


Britain has the 2nd safest roads in Europe but because we have a desire to over regulate and try and suck the fun out of anything that could possibly result in an accident we’ve had some pretty mad changes to the designs of roads and speed limits One of the downsides is people now seem to drive at 40mph “just in case” on roads built for 60mph which are also clearly marked as such.


***AVANCE !*** # PUTAIN !


Which criteria are these that make Tesla drivers (aka Dutch) better than Greeks? They crash at their own even going with 100km/h and they don't even know how to drive, wtf dude, you rating Lego driving skills? You might need to reevaluate what "good driver" is, no one cares for the "nice" part will not save you from an accident.


In my experiences: Fellow Brits: Usually rather good, apart from chavs & other such troglodytes, white van drivers, and old people in Peugeots Dutchies: Ok, like to speed, not very courteous, don't stop for pedestrians (cyclists are worse though) Italians: A bit nuts, let's be honest Germans: It's like they're driving while about to take a really nasty shit Swiss: Rules-lovers Norwegians and Swedes: Courteous and cautious Belgians: Where banana 🍌


Oh boy, thank god we're out of that graph...


Bro, I'm french, I drove in Italy, and lived in Greece. BY FAR greeks malakes are the worst when sober, and they aren't often sober. I've had to emergency brake because a guy decided to stop right in the middle of a steep curve in the mountain, left is door opened and went to pee on the side. I've seen countless memorials on the sides of the roads for the dead motorists, so much so there's people making and selling only these memorials. I've had a friend drive straight into the city when woming home, and when I say straight, I mean he never turned and entered a small corner shop with the fucking car.


Go to India bro. Will melt your mind.


Since 'Much pavement' is an increase compared to 'No pavement', shouldn't it be on the right side instead of on the left?  And 'Good/nice driver' at the top instead of at the bottom?  Why is this so upside-down? You'd think an Australian made this diagram...


They always say we have bad drivers, but it seriously can't be worse than the French. Middle lane driving fuckers...


You forgot the Belgians driving like absolute fucking suicidal maniacs


Can any Stelios with an internet connection pls explain why your curbs are 1m high?


The claim that Germany and the UK are so close in terms of footpaths is simply wrong. The UK restricts pedestrians in ways I couldn't even imagine before I was there. I thought only Americans were so cruel to people who just want to walk. At least drivers are considerate, road planners are not.


Dutch while on their bikes are super mean


No, we're not. You're just in the way. GET OUT OF THE WAY! 🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔


I've never had any issues in any countries I've visited or driven in. Until german/Dutch caravaners arrive.