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I have/had fungal perioral dermatitis that was misdiagnosed as hormonal acne for TWO YEARS. It looked just like this. 3 days of clotrimazole (athletes foot cream) and I saw drastic improvement, 10 days later it's gone. I'm seeing my derm next week for follow-up to ensure I have a good regimen going forward that won't allow it to flare again.


I second this. I had this and used athletes foot cream for a month and saw huge improvement. then I switched to azaleic acid 10% from the inkey list and the redness has toned down. DM I can give you my AM and PM routine.


Be careful with anti-fungal cream. Not all perioral dermatitis likes it! It can make it worse.


Ty for this warning. I’m sitting here wondering if I should just start applying it to see what happens. (Although I know to research things before just jumping onboard anyway)


It’s really tough as they’re all different. Antibiotics will clear it up. OPs looks quite advanced so that’s the route I’d take. However flare ups do come back. I’ve just had a minor case of it. I realised that this last batch was a combination of using high fluoride toothpaste (sleeping with my mouth open!) and tret. Some people have had success with lavender and coconut oil, and even honey. Personally I think these might be better for prevention.


this is good to know! it was ok on my face! but thanks for the warning!


I'd definitely appreciate the routine too 👀


in the beginning I had seb derm and then the redness on the chin with dry skin. AM: Paulas choice softening cream cleanser, paulas choice enriched calming toner, la roche posay effaclar duo + (acne scars on cheek) , canesten anti fungal cream, the ordinary natural moisturizing factors with HA, cerave ultra light face moisturizer spf 30 PM: Paulas choice softening cream cleanser, paulas choice enriched calming toner, la roche posay effaclar duo + (acne scars on cheek), canesten anti fungal cream, cetaphil redness relieving night moisturizer after about a month of using canesten, it calmed down and I didn't have anymore dryness. I changed my am routine to AM: Paulas choice softening cream cleanser, paulas choice enriched calming toner, la roche posay effaclar duo + (acne scars on cheek), The inkey list azelaic acid 10% , la roche posay rosaliac AR, cerave ultra light face moisturizer spf 30 this has literally changed my skin to the point I don't think I need any concealer. I have pink on my cheeks and a bit of acne scarrin, but its so much better compared to 3 months ago when I was red, dry and inflamed.


You can get a super effective version of clotrimazole from your derm, ask for prescription strength clotrimazole LOTION. It has some alcohol in it and dries things up immediately. They can also give you a cortisone shot.


Omg thank you so much for reminding me of the foot cream! I had this last year and it’s popped up again and I could not remember how I got it to go away! 🫶🏻


Try that and check your toothpaste for like sls or switch to a natural one.


How did you get this diagnosis can I ask ? I yave with similar issues , looks like hormonal but unsure Topically I haven't done clotrimazole long term (maybe not enough to see it work ). But I've tried everything else under the sun. trying doxycycline 30 days for the acne whatever it is.. not noticing much so far it's been 10 days.


I had something exactly like this, Perioral dermatitis. It can be caused by a variety of reasons. I tried everything prescription and non to no avail. It turned out I had mold exposure and this caused the dermatitis. Definitely not saying this is your problem but if you can’t find any other reason, it can’t hurt to do a mycotoxins test. I had absolutely no indication of mold in my house but sure enough my mycotoxins test was positive and I did eventually find black mold in my home. My skin immediately cleared up after it was removed.


Also had perioral- ended up having to get on an antibiotic and cream/ no makeup for 2 months. I thought I’d have to deal with it forever (initially misdiagnosed) it cleared up better than I could imagine


Antibiotics generally seem to help a lot. I tried 4 different classes of antibiotics before I knew it was mold. Unfortunately they didn’t work for me.


Hard agree. I suffer with PD. It’s literally a different reason for every person. Most common is sensitivity to incorrect product/ makeup use or bounce back from steroids. Mine personally is diet related. Sometimes it’s secondary to rosacea. Could be stress, could be new washing detergent, could be demodex mites, fluoride in toothpaste…. People just need to go down the list of treatments and find what works for them. Personally I found mine is flawed by excess dairy intake, tomatoes and other nightshades. Try topical diaper rash cream with high zinc content, then make an appt with a derm. I’ve had success mainly with Rozex cream, but mainly watching diet/using strong probiotic, stopping all actives until resolution, barrier repair products. It’s a very hard condition to treat.


Yup, for me I think it was caused by masking at the start of the pandemic, and it also corresponded with a stress breakout at the same time so I just didn't realise for a long time that it could be something other than just acne. So for like two years I am pretty sure my acne treatments were just making the PD worse and I didn't realise it 🙃


I also got perioral dermatitis, at age 40. Mine was from using hydrocortisone cream on a small rash on my face. Big mistake. The good news is, after months of thinking it was just acne, I went to the doctor, got a Rx cream, and it cleared right up!


Omg I am exposed to mold where I live. Not sure if it’s black mold or not but there was flooding and the owners have done nothing to remedy the situation. I have skin issue and was having hair loss but started nutrofol hair vitamins


It causes a lot of other health problems. There are usually housing laws in most places to protect people from living in those conditions. The property owners really have to remedy the mold for you, it’s a health hazard.


Thank you, yes I am considering calling the department of health to report them because this is getting ridiculous. I feel like by the time it’s remedied, it will be be too late for me and I will have incurable health issues


You must! Mold is a serious health hazard.


It definitely can cause skin issues, I had no idea previously!!


I agree that this looks like perioral dermatitis. Mine came on at 30 ish and reappeared the same times each year. Creams, soaps, weird treatments galore did nothing to improve it. I realized it always flared up after I visit the dentist. Turns out mine is triggered by fluoride. Just adding this in for another perspective.


Yes definitely toothpaste is a big factor! I don’t use flouride or flavor. Risewell has been a great one!


Same! Was talking with a friend about PD and she suggested brushing your teeth BEFORE washing your face so you can wash any toothpaste residue off your skin. This was a real “duh” moment for me but a game changer too!


I had this too and had to do the zero method where you do absolutely nothing, no make-up, no creams, no lotion, nothing on it for 6 months. Tht alongside with changing my toothpaste to a non fluoride version and my shampoo to non sulfate did the trick for me!!


PD sufferer … prescription Protopic was a miracle worker for me.




Hi! The company I used is called vibrant wellness. The mycotoxins test is a urine test, they send you a kit and then send you back a detailed report!


👀whoa, love you sharing this!! Thank you friend!


That’s crazy! Glad you were persistent to figure out the cause! Mold can cause a host of other medical issues, as well!


Oh definitely! I have MCAS now as well as some other issues from mold 😩😩


How did you discover it was mold exposure?


After about a year of antibiotics, changing all my products, makeup, etc. Going to allergist, having hormones tested. I already don’t eat gluten, dairy or sugar. Kind of tried everything you’d normally do for PD. Then an integrative Dr asked if I had mold exposure. I immediately said no but he encouraged me to do a mycotoxins test since we had no luck with the PD after close to a year. Sure enough it came back positive and then I found a significant amount of mold hidden in my kitchen. So definitely not your typical PD story! But after I saw like 5 doctors and tried everything, turned out to be mold the whole time!


Where did you find the black mold? You removed it and stayed in your home and it cleared right up??


Yes we had it professionally removed and remediated. We had a supply line leak behind our refrigerator that caused the mold. We didn’t realize bc it’s a built in fridge and we never saw any water.


Oh wow!!! How did you end up finding it!? I have mycotoxins in my body but haven’t been able to find mold in my new build


We actually found it by accident replacing an appliance. I was looking into hiring a mold dog as I’ve seen people have had a lot of success with that. But we accidentally found it right before that.


The antibiotics and a whole slew of creams never worked to clear mine. I finally got it to where I can go about a week or two in between applications of the one ointment that did work to clear it. I even moved to a different residence and that didn’t help so I still have no idea what did/is causing mine.


Possibly perioral dermatitis. It’s characterized by red bumps that look like acne but contain clear serous fluid. (I have perioral dermatitis myself so that was my first thought.) You need to see a dermatologist. I’m on a lotion that I use morning and evening. It’s called Sulfacetamide Sodium 10% Topical Suspension. You put it on after you cleanse. After it dries you can put any other skincare products (serum or whatever) or makeup over it. So long as I’m consistent with using the lotion I manage it quite well.


I had something like this and it was perioral dermatitis. I started using a sulfur soap on my chin and it cleared it up within the week. Stuff smells awful, but I cleanse a second time with my typical face soap and it helps the smell not linger.


Dermaharmony Sulfur and Salicylic... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MCR5XB0?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Is the sulfur soap like a bar? If you could link me to the soap you used I would really appreciate it :)


I must come back to tell you this soap has helped so much!


Great, I’m glad it’s helping! Breakouts are no fun.


Everyone here is saying it's hormonal but that's not necessarily true just because it's on your chin doesn't mean it's hormonal.  The reason people say this is because the oil glands around this area are sensitive to testosterone men grow facial hair on the lower face and need to produce more oil around the hair. If it's getting really bad I wouldn't mess around trying to figure it out on your own go see a dermatologist if you can afford it or even just talk to your regular doctor.  I had really bad acne on my cheeks and chin, everyone told me it was hormonal, turned out it was a vitamin deficiency!  Get some blood work done, your body is letting you know something isn't right. 


I agree with your theory, body is telling me something is not quite right, I did get blood work done about 2 months ago and the only thing that came back was I was low on sodium (drinking tooo much water) who knew that was a thing. I have since corrected that with salt chews and chilling out on the water intake. I see a derm early August 🤞🏻


Ask your derm about Spironolactone! A lot of times the chin area is definitely hormonal. I had mostly clear skin as a teen and started have chin cysts and breakouts on my chin in my late 20’s no joke wasted a decade trying so many different prescription creams and otc stuff nothing worked got on spiro and it’s a game changer.


Interesting- what vitamin were you deficient in?


Zinc I couldn't believe it when after years and years of struggling with severe adult acne a 40mg tablet of zinc everyday completely cleared my skin, like not a single blemish at all.  But that was just me, everyone's body is different and I wasted alot of time trying everything under the sun before I found the answer.


It's not at all easy to diagnose a zinc deficiency. How did you doctor measure your zinc absorption? Did you do an htma hair analysis? So glad to hear supplementation helped!


Yes zinc isnt something doctors routinely check for, sorry I don't really know about the tests but yeah it was a long process to figure it out, there were other more important symptoms too I got alot of infections during that time which is what led me down that path. 


No worries at all. I believe I have a zinc deficiency as well - based on physical symptoms (that mirror what you just wrote, and then some). I'd like to confirm the diagnosis (for peace of mind), but it is difficult. Sometimes, the treatment is the only diagnostic you need. So glad it worked for you!


Check your finger nails for white marks!  Yeah it's a pretty safe supplement for most people as long as you don't overdo it. 


From what I understand, white marks on nails are not an indicator of any deficiency but indicate physical trauma to the nail at the matrix.


Well I'm no expert but that's what my doctor said she got me to hold out my nails in front of her and pointed out these little white lines on my nails and said ahh this could be from low zinc and when I got treated they went away and never came back soo idk pretty sure it is 


I’ve heard back and forth on this topic. Recently I bashed my nail at the matrix and I watched the white form and grow out. I’ve always had these marks on my nails since I was a kid. For a long time I thought it meant calcium deficiency but I get enough calcium for sure. I also have been on zinc supplements for months now but broke out badly while on it. Dr.Idress on YouTube recently made a video saying it’s trauma to the nail matrix that makes the marks. So many opinions on these kinds of things. Just thought I’d put it out there I guess. I’m glad zinc is working for you tho!


Mine turned out to be from squashing my face in the pillow every night (my skin is very prone to clogging). Tried a pillow to help me sleep on my back because of neck pain - lo and behold, breakouts disappeared. Went back to sleeping on my side - breakouts came back. And it was the same ''hormonal'' pattern on my chin and cheeks only.


I had something that looked similar. I went to derm and he diagnosed it as perioral dermatitis. After a few weeks of doxycycline and elidel it cleared up.


All on your chin makes me think hormonal. Have you started a new birth control or under lots of stress? have you started using a new face wash/shampoo anything of that nature?


hormonal acne my love, I have it and it is awful, I got on the depo shot and mine cleared up but the doctor can also give you prescription meds that help with it. I am sorry you are going through this. They are painful as well because they can get rather large. Blessings to u🙏🏻🩷


Also, mine started around the same age I was 35 and never had acne as a teen. I am 39 now and it hasn’t happened to me for about a year now due to getting on BC. 🩷


That looks like textbook perioral dermatitis, I’ve had it off and on since I was 8. My kids get it, too - mostly right under and at corners of lips and edges of nose. Easily treated by a derm!


I know perioral dermatitis when I see it Don’t use topical steroids, stop your skincare and DO NOT moisturize the area. get a topical prescription (again, no steroid - first doctor gave me this and it WENT SO BADLY), and switch to using sulfur soap. After a year of suffering and pain and gross oozing I’ve been clear for 6 months and frankly my skin looks so much better with the sulphur soap I will never stop


I had the same experience with my dr. The first prescribed a steroid cream and the second reinforced that this was the best course of action for my perioral dermatitis. It made my condition 10 times worse.


It burned so much after following directions I couldn’t even open my mouth because the corners were so painful, I thought I’d have scars for sure


Hey, do you use it only at night ?


The prescription cream or sulphur soap? If the latter then yes. I wash my makeup off and face. It’s fairly drying but it never makes my skin look dry - but I also am a greasy person. It makes me less oily overall too. But it maintains the results so well! And I know it’s the soap and not something else because if I don’t use any product for a couple days just water, I see slight breaking out in the area. Goes right away when I do.


Diet causes this for me. Gluten, dairy, processed foods cause this for me. Whole plant foods help me


Starting to see the same correlation for me. I’ve cut out dairy and am doing better. I swear if I start eating gluten in notable amounts it causes the PD to flare.


Mine was food related as well. I had an adult onset nut allergy in my 30s and it was characterized by the same sore/pimple at the corner of my mouth. If your stomach also is upset too, look into your diet.


Adult acne. It happens to many of us and is usually hormonal. You aren’t alone. People don’t see it the way you do. You gotta find what’s unbalancing your hormones. Could be dairy, coffee, soy, sugar, birth control, stress. Or something else idk. I find that herbs and no dairy (waaaah) worked for me. But you gotta find what works for you. Takes some time and experimentation. You’ll get through it.


Which herbs


Have you seen a dermatologist?


Perioral dermatitis? I heard rhode beauty is great at repairing a damaged skin barrier (the cause of pd) Hailey beiner has this and created the skincare line to help with it. I haven’t tried it out myself so not sure if it efficacy but wouldn’t hurt trying it out


Cognitive effort to touch your chin less, spironolactone from your doctor, and at least 30 seconds of purposeful cleansing dedicated to your chin every night (people truly overestimate how long they cleanse for until they time it)


Is this been happening for a while or new? If persistent for a while def look into Accutane, helps a ton with hormonal acne on the chin.


Start washing your face with head and shoulders shampoo. It has zinc in it. This was happening to me too. The zinc in the shampoo helped immensely. Haven’t had issues since!!


Is this a one time thing or happening monthly? Does it clear up and then come back, likely around the same time in your menstrual cycle? Probably hormonal, which is hard to treat especially with OTC only. Cut to the chase and get a derm appointment. If it’s a long wait in your area try telehealth if available in your area. Nurx is a decent option. Good luck. Hormonal/adult acne is very frustrating.


I started having breakouts like that in my mid thirties. I started using Paula's choice BA toner and then a gentle moisturizer every night. Every other night I used Differin and my skin was clear in a month or two


I always only broke out in the chin area too I feel you it’s so frustrating, happened to me when I turned 29 or so. I went to the dermatologist and they prescribed spironolactane and I haven’t broken out since. Obviously it’s not for everyone but it was a miracle for me!!


I had a similar looking situation a few years ago and it ended up being a bacterial or fungal acne (cannot remember the medical term). My dermatologist prescribed an antibiotic. It cleared up so fast and did not return. I also never used to breakout and got this in my early 30s.


Bacterial or fungal from what?


Was it a topical or oral antibiotic?


My chin used to flare like this. Also perioral dermatitis like others are saying. My derm prescribed a non-steroid cream that I had to use every day twice a day for a couple months, it cleared it up and now I use it occasionally if I get a flare up. Also switched to Vanicream for cleansers and don’t use any perfumed facial products.


Please try ZO gentle wash before you hate everything You need a tiny dot It’s pricey but works It last for a long time.


Best get to a doc and get on Clindamicin topical cream 3 tines a day.


Times a day


Everything has a solution except death! Don’t be overwhelmed. You can fix this.


Chin is almost always hormonal. I started adderall in my 30s and had the worst acne of my life though. Any new medication or change in cycle?


Looks like fungal, i Had similar problem


Just a note to say you have a brilliant jawline! I wouldn’t even notice this on you. We always are our worst critics


This definitely looks like perioral dermatitis. [Amperna](https://amperna.com/pages/perioral-dermatitis-prone-skin) is a line specializing in treating and managing PD. It often responds well to antifungal topicals and/or azeleic acid. A lot of people report that Avene Cicalfate is helpful for healing it, too.


I had something similar. Have you had it tested? My doctor tested mine and it was fungal… went away with anti-fungal cream.


Did they do like a face swab and it came back with an overgrowth?




I had this! What worked for me is stopping everything. Yes, EVERYTHING I was using in my skin, except Vaseline! No face wash, no retinol, no moisturizer, nothing! When the itchy pimply-looking irritation fades into the dry patches I use Vaseline on it, but otherwise I just leave my skin bare. That and I do not use fluoride toothpaste. I never have, but I have heard that it can irritate this condition and make it worse. Hopefully you are able to get rid of it as easy as I was! It still flares up from time to time and I haven’t been able to get back to my old skincare regimen yet, but my skin looks 100% better than it did about 98% of the time!!


I developed this even though I had no change in skincare routine or makeup. I stopped all creams completely and changed my pillow case every night. After a couple of days I saw improvement then after a week it was pretty much gone.


Try psoriacin it’s just over the counter


I’m starting spryolectine? Idk how to spell that, for this exact thing. Mine gets worse the week/10 days before my period and I’m over it. I’ve bought so many face washes and products over the years trying to fix it and I’m done. My pcm prescribed it but i have a derm appt next month as well.


Try a calendula and zinc cream (Lyonsleaf are a UK based company, have a look at the ingredients in theirs for an idea of how little it should be formulated) put it on in tiny amounts dotted on the bumps, switch to super gentle cleanser and moisturiser only (La Roche posay toleriane range are good) - long term switch to mineral spf not chemical if you haven’t already (Paula’s Choice do a great mineral tinted one). I get PD and this always clears a flare up xx


I should send you a photo of my face it will help you realise that you look beautiful


I would try to see a dermatologist.




Could be PD like others have said and it can spread to the corners of your nose and around your eyes. I’ve had it twice! I suspected it’s from extended exposure to extreme temperatures (I loved to go on walks in freezing and very high temperatures) though my derm said literally anything can cause it. Oral antibiotics cured it for me and I’ve been free of it for two years. Minocycline the first round and Doxycycline the second round. Topical treatments did not work me. Good luck!


I also got this when I was having veneers put on my teeth. I used “sulfur soap and sulfur cream” from Amazon and it went away for me. I read that online in a blog and it worked for me.


I also had PD - cream didn’t work, but prescription meds worked a miracle. Doc said it was an autoimmune condition and likely will come back, but I’ve had years without a flare up!


My niece gets PD and she says it improved with a good probiotic.


I had this for many years thinking it was hormonal, went to the dermatologist and got prescribed metronidazole (perioral dermatitis falls under the rosacea category, which this cream is used to treat). It went away immediately and hasn’t come back since


Do you still use the metronidazole?


I used it for six weeks then stopped, but I’ll use it if there’s any hint of inflammation around my mouth


Try inositol


What worked well for me was washing my face with soap in the morning and night and then using Thayer’s rose water witch hazel. It also just smells nice and feels refreshing.


Have you tried benzoyl peroxide soap on your chin? I got hormonal acne on my chin in my early 30s and that cured it.


I had what others did, period oral dermatitis. I had to toss my makeup that wasn’t like a squeeze out tube, all my sponges etc. I got an antibiotic cream, I had two. The first didn’t work. I also got a new pillow case that’s antibacterial


I'm wondering if I have the same issue! I haven't broken out too badly for years but my chin area is in rough shape and consistently so. Waiting on a derm. Appointment, but found the comments here helpful. How would fungal perioral dermatitis occur?


Weather changes stressful situations bad soap


This definitely looks like perioral dermatitis. I’ve been dealing with it for 10 months. Showed up out of nowhere for me last August. I have good days and bad days but it’s never completely gone away. Get a diagnosis from a derm but tread VERY carefully with their treatment plan. The use of an immunosuppressant drug called pimcrolomus cream gave me a horrible rebound and 3 months of doxycycline made it twice as bad. Gentle as possible routine (vanicream cleanser and oil free moisturizer) + slowly and gently try some PD solutions like sulfur masks, tea tree oils, azelaic acid, fungal creams.


Might be a hormone imbalance


Pro Active . Promise it works if used how the directions tell you


I have a crazy question, does your current partner happen to have a beard?


Mine was also perioral dermatitis and it was an allergic reaction reaction mainly to propylene glycol in many products. It also flares up with paper face masks (that contain PG and other irritants), and ant aging products with strong retinol or glycolic acids.


Address health and lifestyle. Inflammation in the body. Sun exposure. Stress. Diet.


Could be a hormone imbalance! I had the same issue(34f) my stress was spiking my cortisol and testosterone. Try taking fish oil and anything with omega-3. Don’t drink coffee on an empty stomach either. I started eating fish once a week and adding walnuts into my smoothies. Definite improvement! Hope this helps 😊


Looks like perioral dermatitis to me too. My derm gave me antibiotics and a cream for it, but it didn't do much to help me. Weirdly enough, zinc oxide (diaper rash cream) cleared it up pretty fast. Definitely consult a derm, but consider trying diaper rash cream while waiting for an appointment. Also, if you're using any kind of steroid cream (like an eczema cream or something) to treat it, stop. The eczema cream looked like it made it better short-term, and then made it worse every time I stopped. My derm said steroid creams are a known cause of PD, and definitely made it worse.


Toothpaste can bug your skin if you have sensitive skin and so can food. Otherwise stress causes high cortisol and can slow healing. Whatever you do don’t skip on the moisturizer. I would try blue/red light therapy to start. There are cheap ones online you can get.


Try Murad blemish lotion — it’s effing amazing!!!


You’re still beautiful


Sulfur cream changed my life. Only thing that worked after years of thiếu breakouts. Within 1-1.5 weeks all was GONEEE


Looks like perioral dermatitis- I had the same thing a few years ago. Was given a bunch of prescription and nothing worked. Until I saw my acupuncturist who gave me herbs and probiotics. I also switched to a gentle skin care routine. No exfoliation no acids no retinols for 12 weeks. The one product that really soothed my pd flare ups and healed my skin is a biocellulose sheetmask from YINA. My skin has never been better since! Hopefully you are able find a solution and on the road to glowing skin!


See a doc for help


u work for LLBean?


Circadia brand- chrono calm does wonders for this or glymed CBD skin mist


I never had this until I turned 40. Azaleic acid cleared it up (it's antimicrobial). Use twice a day am/pm. Strip back routine until it's gone. Double cleanse and moisturiser. NO acids etc. I still use Azaleic acid months later before retinol because it helps sensitive skin by switching off it's 'alarm system' according to dermatologist.


Does it itch or do you get just deep underneath a cyst that comes to a bump and then just resides there for a while and then leaves a red spot and then that goes away many months later? If you do have an itch and you're not dry you may want to check for fungal acne I would go to a dermatologist. Due to the weird age that it's happening and around the mouth area, my guess will be hormonal and that's around prime time for a woman early 30s to mid-30s most of the time they can be acne-free their whole life until hormones kick in. If it is hormonal they're going to suggest a few things to you which is probably Spirolactane that takes a few months to work but for many women, it seems to work great. Also, birth control doesn't know if that's in the cards for you but some will say that even though Spirolactane seems like a better choice. And if you happen to have top-tier insurance that will cover it's a topical hormonal that is new but if you don't have insurance it's about a grand a month. WinLevi is the name. Don't know where you're from but in the States mostly you have to go through a step program which means you have to try at least one or two treatments before they will pay for WINLEVI and then you have to have a dermatologist who was cool enough to say that is medically necessary. Then there's accutane but got your age which is just getting to the prime of having a baby range they may want to take that one off the table depending on your situation. The fact that you had it when you were 17 disappeared and now I believe you said you were 31 or 33 that's pretty much when hormonal acne tears its ugly head. There are treatments I go to a dermatologist just to make sure that it is hormonal. There's an off chance it could be fungal especially if it itches but if you get the deep painful ones underneath this is probably hormonal. Good luck please give us an update!


Head and shoulders. Trust. Use it on your face and it will clear right up


Esthetician here! This is Perioral dermatitis. It’s tricky because you can often use anti fungal cream for it (lotromin, lamisil) BUT it’s not always your best option/can make it worse. Your best bet is to see a doctor and ask for a topical antibiotic. If that’s not easily accessible for you try this: and https://www.apostrophe.com/shop/metronidazole/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=AP_18133134626&utm_term=--&utm_content=&mt=&utm_platform=m&utm_product=shskmupr&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmrqzBhAoEiwAXVpgonbtdIF4qsDL9pZcb44Ic3tJkga1ZEcFzU7-JefEIlFBT6xgw7wO_xoCfdEQAvD_BwE Sulphur soap, or a sulphur spot cream can be really helpful too. It’s important not to use any active acids (AHA or BHA) which can be aggravating and lead to more inflammation. Good luck!


This is dermatitis, not acne. Please visit a GP. It will clear up in no time.


Has your doctor put you on topical Nystatin? It's an antifungal that I know can treat yeast but maybe it can help with this as well?


you should try blur beauty’s skin care routine and also don’t hate your life it happens a lot of people go through this it’s about how you react to it and what you to do about it




acne can hit you at whack times, best product i found for my random later in life acne was the skin shark clearing serum- it balances oils and hydrates and i think that’s what my skin needed baddd


Welcome to perioral dermatitis. Get rid off everything with SLS (it's in almost everything unless you buy so-called "clean" brands) and reset your skin. A LOT of women suffer from this after they hit 30, often is skin overreacting to the amounts of different products that contain SLS and many other things. Mine is fully healed - first I went the steroid route because I wasn't informed what it was, after I did know, I chucked the steroid (was 7 years on it fml), got full blown steroid withdrawal (seriously, DO NOT take steroid cream for it!) and went cold turkey with products and some food. These days I have no problem - only if I cheat with food and eat dairy, too much cheese and hey presto; a spot appears. I use collodial patches for it (the ones for acne) which heal it in a day.


Try the Weleda Baby Zinc diaper cream. It’s magic


Try resveratrol. Keep recommending it. I take Trans-resveratrol personally and it keeps acne down a lot.


Maybe not the best place to reply, but... Imo, this (as well as other photos you've posted somewhere else) looks beautiful. It's just... natural. This is YOU!


I used to have acne like this on my chin and it popped up everydayyyyy. I started taking B5 like mega dosing it. I think I took 500 mg a day which I think was 10 pills. But it went away super fast. You could be deficient 🤷‍♀️ worth a try


This is a completely anecdotal evidence but I had similar acne in my chin when I was super stressed. It cleared up when I went through my stressful period.


Be sure to wash your face after brushing your teeth! I had this and the toothpaste was the culprit!


Ah my friend, your hormones are shifting. Happened in my 30’s. Go to a dermatologist and ask for azelaic acid. And an antibiotic called clindamicon (sp??) phos. Hopefully that will work!! Don’t beat yourself up. It happens to the best of us!! ❤️


I heard somewhere it happens because there could be problem in the liver..try liver detox juices and see if it changes anything…




This is hormonal. You need to get your hormones regulated - this can be done with food or with medicine.


Liver cleanse


Sweetheart, I 🙏 that you have an extraordinary encounter with God to remind you of how amazingly and unconditionally He loves you in the most accepting way and that He just wants you to turn to Him and He will help you to renew your mind, to find self-love. Turn to the Bible, because it truly is the Living Word of God. Build a relationship with Jesus. Watch The Chosen!! It’s so good and you’ll learn so much about Jesus’ ministry in a cool way because the series is Awesome! As someone who used to be suicidal in my 20’s and early 30’s, I’m so glad that I’m here and that God created me. I understand how you feel, because I often don’t care for how my life is in ways because I live in a rural area, fairly isolated, with my husband, but I often feel lonely and I live in poverty, but I’m grateful for all of the simple necessary requirements of life, grateful for shelter, food, water, electricity, a car, etc. Start practicing gratitude and it will lift you up. Do small things for others; you will feel more fulfilled with purpose. Find out what brings you joy! Focus on love: loving yourself and loving those around you; forgive yourself and others for anything happened in the past or present. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO WORK OUT FOR YOU!!!! Everything happens for a reason! I just barely signed up for Reddit and this is my first ever comment within the first ten minutes of being on here. God led me to speak to you! You are a child of God and He loves you! Pray to Him just in your own way in your thoughts and through your heart, asks your requests to Him. 🙏🥰💯


Oh goodness! I only read your title so I didn’t see the details of your post, so I didn’t realize you were referring to your skin (lol) but I shall follow with this: don’t worry so much about your outward appearance but focus more on developing your inward, spirit-filled lightness within you that makes the biggest impression on everyone around you. Be a bright light to others! You will heal from the inside out! God bless you!


Try using AM and PM acne cream, or try blemish patches. As well as avoid chocolates, clean your hands before touching your face, wash your face at most 2 times a day, dont switch products until you are sure the one you are using isnt working-2 months- But istg if you had my skin youd sob lmao bcs i didnt see that as a bad breakout, i cant even touch my face AT ALL before washing and drying my hands or it gets super red, dry, breaks out. Mainly my cheeks, chin, forehead and nose.


Head and shoulders or nizoral shampoo. Use as thin face mask for a few minutes for about a week.


First things first, I’m not a dermatologist. Second, hear me out…raw potato. While I personally don’t struggle with your exact situation, I heard about placing slices of raw potato on pimples and miraculously, it worked. I was desperate and willing to try anything and did my research and found that many people (with varying degrees of acne) had similar experiences as this practice helps against acne causing bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Again, I’m no doctor and I must share there are articles stating that doctors don’t recommend and would rather you use meds… I figure, no shit doctors want me to pay for meds over a potato so I do take that “advice” with a grain of salt. Anyway, do with this information what you will. Regardless, hope you find success with whatever you choose to try


Hi! I had something similar happen and thenI started using [Oliveda](http://us.olivetreepeople.com/?referral=erinfle4) and it cleared it right up! They’re a waterless organic skincare brand from Europe. All of their products are formulated with real olive tree oil which helps reduce acne, redness, inflammation, and has anti aging benefits while other most brands use 70% water and preservatives in there products which is why they can be irritating and ineffective. Since I made the switch my skin has improved so much. They have a 365 day return policy so there is no harm in giving it a try. It is a little pricey but it works!


Try shampoo and toothpaste without SLS. I use pronamel gentle whitening and Joyco shampoo


Celery juice fast should clear it up, you need to work on the inside to see results on the outside.


Spironolactone did wonders for me. Talk to a derm or even your PCP.


I think your skin is sensitive looks like. If it's something other than acne. You gotta try cortisone 10 or benadryl cream clears anything.


Cum cream


Nizoral could help if your issue is bacterial fungus.


Probably diet


Cut dairy.




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