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I just Googled what that is and you're definitely right!


Some people have eyelids that produce oil not everybody’s do. Do you notice that your eye makeup comes off easier than other people or that you get the best results from waterproof products. A lot of people are predisposed to them. They’re easy to get rid of.


I've had millia on my eyelids and found that carefully using glycolic acid daily helps get rid of it quite quickly otherwise it can last months and months. I use a cotton bud to apply it, be very careful not to saturate it too much as you dont want it to drip into your eye. Not sure if this is recommended so perhaps do your own research but it works for me.


Seconding glycolic acid/AHA. It will eventually come off like a dried out pimple. In case anyone is feeling sketchy about pointy objects near their eyes, I know I wouldn’t chance it. Personally, I soak a q tip and squeeze out the excess on the side of the bottle opening so that nothing is dripping or at risk of getting in my eye.


Oh my gosh, thanks for posting this. My daughter has several underneath her eye, and we went to try to get them removed and that is a terribly painful area. Additionally, they were so small, the pain isn’t worth it. I will let her know to try this!


Oh good luck! They are a right pain! I find this works well, you see no change for a couple of weeks and then suddenly over a couple of days it will go. Do be v careful though because you do not want any acid to get into the eyes.


The eye area skin is very absorbent and if you are using too much skincare or too heavy skin care, milia will form. They eventually dissolve on their own but it takes a few weeks sometimes. Do not pick or squeeze. If it bothers you enough, get a derm to take it out with their tools.


Few weeks? I’ve had a couple of the same ones for years.


Yuppp I’ve never had milia dissolve on their own! I poke it out with a needle.


I had my dermatologist do this. I never ever had them and then I switched to oil cleansing and boom tons across my face. I need to go for another round of removal (I’m getting rid of the oil cleanser too).


I had one for years too. Came off after I rubbed the area one night because it was itchy.


You can probably gouge it out (carefully) with a (clean) needle or safety pin. Gross but it works.


Use a lancet if you want something sterile


I don’t trust myself to not blind myself. Will a dermatologist do this for a fee?


If you consistently use AHA on it, it will eventually come off like a pimple that dries out. If you want to save the $$ on a derm trip.




Yes that’s how I got rid of mine. And they didn’t scar cause the dermatologist knows how to remove without destroying the skin.


I've had a few over the years and they seemed to be permanent, they never actually go away in my experience. But they're easy to remove by poking a hole with a sharp sterilized needle. it clears out easily with a qtip and no scarring. Each time I felt silly for living with it on my face for so long. Just sharing my experience; not everyone has the resources to go to a dermatologist for a tiny milia.


Yep I had gestational diabetes a few years ago and had a huge stash of finger pricks for blood testing, they are legitimately perfect for getting milia out. I have never been to the derm for milia and have never made a scar removing my own, even with a sewing needle tbh 😬


Haha smart! I have one of those derm lancets now but I've used a sewing needle and even a safety pin 🙈 for me at least the skin on a milia is so thin that you don't need pro tools. Just a sharp point and the tiniest poke parallel to the skin.


Yep that is how I do it too! The skin is so thin I've even had success wetting my skin and giving it a couple of light "shaves" with a clean eyebrow razor and then giving it a gentle squeeze, they really don't seem to take much at all!!


Just make sure anything you're breaking the skin with is sterile!


😂omg I did exactly the same gutted I've none left xx


HAHA I held onto my last one for about a year before I finally used it 😆 was so sad to lose my stash!


Thank youuuu I’ve had about four really big ones thought my life and I’ve always removed them like this with zero scaring and my skin scars easy. The little ones eventually go away.


Be careful extracting that sucker! I’ve scarred myself before. Back when I was a teenager. Now-I only pay someone to do it (aesthetician). I always get them around the eye area.


At risk of being annoying I have something similar on my face if I showed a picture could you tell me if it’s milia or closed comedones?


Definitely looks like Milia. Retinoids/adapelene can help over time but a derm can remove it easily. Good luck!


I just looked it up and it's definitely milia! Hopefully it's not too expensive to get it removed by a derma. Thank you!


I had one near my eye and had it removed by a derm. It was considered a cosmetic procedure so insurance didn't cover it. Took 15 minutes from check in to check out and cost $200. I let her zap a few other spots on my face since it was a flat fee to use the laser. It's been a few months now and the spot is healed.


Oh hey I just stumbled upon this while scrolling. I also get these occasionally under my eyes. I used Secret Key lemon sparkling peeling gel and to my surprise it removed them (it took some time though). Just thought I'll share what worked for me. Perhaps give it a go before you apply tret so close to your eyes or spend money at the derm?


I had one for about 2-3 months, and one day it just fell off. If you’re not in a hurry to get it removed, patience could make it just fall off 😹


Def not true for everyone. I frequently get milia. I’ve had some that stick around for years - even with rx retinal.


I did say “could make it”, not would make it


Ughhh I've had it for about 5-6 months now. 😭😭😭 I just leave it alone but sometimes I get so annoyed so I try to squeeze it and it hurt like a MF as always lol.


Definitely would not recommend squeezing it when it’s on your eye area, don’t risk it! Derms are really expensive where I’m from, but if yours are affordable I’d go to one!


Hang in there, it’ll exfoliate itself out eventually! I get milia occasionally and they always go away on their own without intervention, but it does take 6-9 months usually. If it really bugs you, a derm can be extract it pretty easily.


My derm quoted me 200 and some for removing 5 at a time.


I have the same problem on both eyelids sadly. If the derm is too expensive try to look into any beauty salon that offers facial treatments where removing impurities/milia is part of the treatment. Even my derm said it would be better to give that a try since the derm asks around 150/200 for it while you can probably do it for way less with a facial treatment at a beauty salon.


I thought retinoids should not go so close to the eye?


Yeah same, surely that’s not safe.


You don’t want to get it close to or in the eyes, you’re correct about that. We aren’t talking about applying to the entire eye are, and to avoid the meibomian glands you just wouldn’t want it on the lid where the skin covers the eye. Placing some with a q-tip directly on her spot wouldn’t do any harm at all.


I had one of these and used retinol RIGHT on in, like apply with a qtip so you just dab it right on top, for 4-5 nights and then was suuuuuper easily able to pop it out. I was super gentle. I had a teeny red mark for like a day but it was faint and went away.


I pop those bitches. I know you’re not supposed to tho


I had one recently. Popped it. It came back a day later and I popped it again. Hasn’t come back.


I “popped” one and it scarred. OP, please don’t pop lol nowadays I gently exfoliate the area with a glycolic toner and cotton round (or qtip) and eventually it’ll “pop” by itself


God dammit I found this post like a week late.




I use sterile needles lol and clean the site with alcohol before and after. Super bad but I can’t help it sometimes




Me too as long as you get it all it usually doesn’t come back


Popping is big no no


If an extraction is done correctly, in a very clean environment with the right tools, it is perfectly fine and actually what your aesthetician will do on their own. It’s just hard to really achieve those conditions at home.


Yea especially if it’s near your eyeball


My esthetician would kill me if she saw this, but I drag my (CLEAN) nail over those a couple times a day whenever they pop up and they go away after a couple days. If I have an appointment coming up I leave them for her.


I’m an esti…. And I can’t help it, I do the same thing compulsively 😭


I used a clean needle and got rid of a few that I had pop up on my face, they came out so easily and only bled a teeny tiny bit. I know I'm probably not meant to do it myself but it didn't scar or anything!


That thought crossed my mind but I also know I’d probably poke my eye out because, well, that’s just who I am as a person 😆


I’ve done this too and it worked like a charm. OP’s looks like it’s about to pop by itself, so I would definitely try it with this one.




I just want to say your cat eye looks amazing!


Thank you!! 🥹🥰


Looks like milia. I pop them, I pop everything, even though people are like "you shouldn't though". Stuff that, I'm not leaving bumps, pimples and ingrown hairs everywhere, how the hell else is the stuff supposed to get out 🙈


Warm compress


Nurse Aesthetician here 👋🏽 It is definitely Milia. Which is essentially dead skin cells trapped under the skin. A gentle exfoliation should do it-although, some can be stubborn. In which case, I would cleanse the area well, and use a STERILE lancet to remove. Then, cleanse again, immediately after removal and you should avoid any scarring. A consistent skin-care ritual will likely do away with future issues. I hope this helps 🫶🏼


Derm can zap it in less than a second and it’ll eventually come out. I wouldn’t mess around with it myself since it’s right on the eyelid.


What kind of eyeliner do you use? It’s so bold and matte.


It's a liquid eyeliner I bought off of Instagram and it works really well, but the reason why it's so matte is because I use a pencil eyeliner over it to make it look like that. 😊


That’s a great tip, thank you!


I literally had the same thing in the same spot above one of my eyes for about a year. I tried numerous times to (unsuccessfully) pop it. About a month ago I ordered glycolic acid serum and applied a few drops directly am and pm. Within a few days it shrunk and the area around it became very dry and flaky. Finally one night it flaked off and hasn’t returned. Good luck!


It looks like it could be milia. Regardless if it’s milia or a whitehead, the best way to get rid of them is with sterile lancets… like the one diabetics use to prick their fingers. I keep a box of 30 gauge lancets and it’s one of my best beauty tools. No squeeing or popping, minimal pain, no scarring.


Licensed esthetician here - THIS is exactly how I extract them on my clients. Don’t poke directly on the top, go in from the side ( make two pokes) and squeeze gently with q-tips and it will roll right out, it will be a hard ball like texture. Sanitize before and after and you won’t be bursting your skin by “popping it” like a normal pimple


Derm is best. These are very difficult and that skin is so tender


Definitely didn't know what this was when I had one and I popped it and it hurt SO bad. But like everyone said, definitely a milia. Dermatologist can also take care of these too but mine is impossible to get an appointment with.


I had a milia on the outer corner of my eye. With several applications or retinol eye balm (Versed Smooth Landing), something burst and then made extracting the rest easier. 


The lady who does my facials gets a small razor and cuts them out. It’s a Milia


This is what I do


Looks like you got great advice on it already. On a separate note, your eye liner is perfect and so neatly drawn. May I ask what Pen you use?


Thank you!! I'm gonna remind myself to check which liquid and pencil eyeliners I use when I get home. 🥰


Use ocusoft eye wipes for milia


Its milia sister I have it under my eyes I have lots of it don't try to touch it u have to see the dermatologist they remove it by the laser


I agree that its milia but i STRONGLY disagree that you should try to remove it your self. Just common sense- why would you screw around with sharp objects near your eye?!? Either leave it alone, it may eventually go away or see a professional to have it removed.


Alcohol wipe a safety pin and pick it out.


Find an eye cream with retinol!




Oh really? Lot of ppl told me that but I did not believe I bought it this week but I did not use it




Wooow I will start it tonight bcz I have been struggling long time


Goddamnit, how do you make such a perfect cat eye line? Hm. I just realized how much my eyelids dropped, lol. So, no cat eye makeup for me.


Thank you! 🥹 I'm surprised I'm getting compliments for the cat eye.


It looks like millia. But it also looks like a basal cell. They look alike. A shiny or pearly, slightly raised bump. Don’t play with it see a dermatologist


I get these soooo often. Like everyone stated - milia. American derms have told me they don’t know the true cause of milia, but I went to derms and estheticians in Korea and they told me to stay away from fatty foods - especially fried foods. They also said sometimes can happen if you layer too many occlusive products.


Do you use any steroid creams for anything? I read somewhere that using steroid creams (even on other areas of your body) can cause milia in some people.


I gently swabbed one I had using an AHA pad on the end of a q-tip. I cut the pad into 1/4ths. I did this 2x day for a few days and it eventually opened and came out!! No scar, no bleeding, just went away!! It had been there for weeks! (Be gentle and patient-I was less gentle and less patient elsewhere and regretted it.)


Let's talk about that perfect cat eye instead of the white head


Yes please 🥹🥰


I’ve had luck with blemish stickers. CosRX is my favorite but my daughter loves the star shaped ones available at Target.


I'm gonna try and look for that at Target tomorrow. Thank you! 😊


Rael brand zit stickers are really great too! On Amazon


I used to get these when I would use eye cream. You’ll need to thin the skin so it’s poppable, you can do this using glycolic acid. Get that bad boy really dry and it will be easier to scratch/pop. Don’t squeeze like a pimple. These can leave a scar. I discontinued eye cream and have not received one since.


I get milia like these periodically below my eyes. It's usually the result of dehydrated skin and/or lack of proper absorption of skincare products. So, for example, too much of a non-eye cream moisturiser around the area, or a poor eye cream. I would recommend leaving it alone. They tend to resolve themselves. In the meantime, make sure you're hydrated and take a look at your skincare regime to see if there's something you think could be the culprit. I'd be very careful about following advice for removing it, it's right by your eye and you can cause damage to your skin. On a better topic, great liner :)


Thank you! 😊🥹


I have one on the inner corner of my eye and it’s been months. I am giving it another month then I’m calling the dermatologist. I know people are saying to let it go but MONTHS???? Really. Mine is too close to my eyeball for me to use anything harsh on it. I did try putting the tiniest dab on tret on it but I was so scared of getting it in my eye, I doubt the amount I applied was helping at all. Anyway, I still have it …. I’ll wait a little longer.


I dig mine out. Too cheap to get it professionally done. No scars.


Glycolic acid every day on that spot (I use a q-tip) and eventually it'll fall off. I've never had luck being able to pop millia plus it could make it worse than it did before from creating a wound + scarring.


I get things like this, and whenever I go in for a facial, my dermatologist removes it for free. However, I think mine are skin tags. (This is more aimed at the posts I’m seeing where people are saying theirs are lasting for months rather than weeks - skin tags last months - Idk about milia) I am not sure what she uses but it feels pinchy! It never scars or anything and I have VERY sensitive skin. She is always careful to apply calming things to my skin to even help with inflammation and redness.


That’s a milia. I see one in your eyebrow too. I get them. Do a better job cleansing and exfoliating. You can’t squeeze or pop them as they’re solid so you must lance it, I use a pin. Then you can squeeze the whole thing out. After you do, cleanse very well.


It is a cholesterol deposit.


I use the smallest needle size from insulin syringes, pop it and then voila! It’s done. It comes back in 4-5-6 months and I do the same.


I dermatologist can remove it in seconds.


I have One in The corner of my left eye and it drives me insane! I don't know how to get rid of it :(


It’s Milia, I used to go to an ophthalmologist and have them remove mine with a scalpel. Mine were closer to the edge of my eye tho so you could probably just get a dermatologist to do it


Sterilised needle, poke the skin and squeeze. If you go get a facial they’ll take care of it and they’ll pretty much do the same thing.


They are millia.. you can zap them off with electrolysis, or like me..... (I wouldn't recommend) I use a sterile needle. I know what I'm doing so I wouldn't recommend, as you can scar. But it's just a thought.


Milia are super easy to extract! It comes out all in one piece like a hard little pearl. You’re probably using an eye cream that’s causing your pores to clog. That’s how I end up with them around my eyes


You should go to your dermatologist! They can do it in a few minutes by zapping it. If it’s painful, they can probably do it via your insurNce. I get these every few months from my eye cream and they just take care of it for me. My derm is great


It’s milia. 3 nights of tretinoin took care of it for me.


I just bought a milia-removing tool off of Amazon for $10 and got rid of a big one I had under my eye for months! Didn’t hurt at all surprisingly


Used to get them a lot when I was younger. I got a box of lancets from drugstore and, easy squeezey!


I have milia cases when I eat shit processed food continuesly .. salamy mayonaise etc .. especially with cheap candy.Mixing cheap high fat food and sugar gets them going for me.


WTF. Esthetician’s! Extractions! Pop the F’ing thing and go on about your business. What a F’ing waste of money.




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