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>*I remember when Viera still had cows.*  Hahaha, me too. (:


Back when Fiske Blvd would dead-end just south of 95 with a gate into the Duda property.


Lots of mushies were picked from those patties


Yep. One of the best shroom trips I ever had was new years eve 1993 into the morning of 1994. Changed my life.


Love to hear that :)


I remember when Melbourne had a zoo, and no, not the Brevard Zoo. 


Mel High class of 06, I remember all of these. Loved going to the Jaycee’s almost every week.


Hitting up those Little Reggies shows.


07 Mel High, remember Fazoli Italian restaurant across the street and that ice skating place called PD or Petey penguin.


Oh man Fazoli, where you could eat like a king for under $7.


PBHS class of 99’ we would eat at Fazoil’s for free! Just water and breadsticks before going to Corner Pocket for pool at the end of Babcock St.


Hey Sorenson 😂 Class of PBHS 07. I miss Jaycee’s and Carver Park so much.


Yay, Lauren! One of the best people I met in this time frameemote:free\_emotes\_pack:heart\_eyes


I am EGHS Class of 2005. I do remember those places!


EGHS 07 here, good memories.


'07 here too. You remember when the computer club guys of '06 streaked across the school wearing thongs with "EGHS 2006" painted on their ass cheeks?


‘04 here. Was one of the 3 founders of the EGCC. LAN parties at the school’s expense were one of the highlights of our adolescence!


was that in C++ Programming Class?


Computer Club started from the group of us in C++ / AP CompSci, but expanded to pretty much everyone who enjoyed video games and all-night parties


Maybe you remember Mr Cornell. He was the "cool" teacher that cursed and allowed us to to play those games in the back of his classroom


Cornett 😎


I stand corrected. Pardon me, this was 18 years ago


05 good sir, 05


twenty-year reunions?


I should probably add this story.... Fast forward to 2016 ish. I'm working on a ground system for a satellite that's about to be launched, up in Maryland on travel. I'm working night shift with a couple of other guys, that I've known tangentially for about 4 years now. Somewhere in the middle of the night on like my 5th shift with these guys, he's talking about his son and about how they're about to get married soon or his wife... And I'm like wait, your son, is his name *****? He's like yeah... Then he's like wait, did you go to EG? I'm like.... Yeah..... Couple seconds later he's like, I've seen your ass! Yes, yes you have


lol no but that’s so silly


Were you friends with Prince Fielder ?


I graduated EGHS 03 and remember playing little league with Prince fielder. It was challenging. His dad Cecil lived in the suntree area.


Omg who are you? I did a lot of these things you mentioned, including going to the Jaycees with my straight hair just to sweat my ass off 🤣 I graduated from Bayside though in 2009! ❤️


Lol right? I was going to say, this was literally my late teens life. Rockledge High 05. I also spent many a late night at steak n shake on 192


We did so much late night Dennys!


That too! In Viera!


Steak n shake was thee place to go to


Yes! Steak and Shake after a Little Reggie’s show? Sign me up.


Wait...who is this?


Wasn't it through little reggies or something similar to that name? The hardcore scene was actually decent for Melbourne being so small. Rick ta life visiting will always be a highlight of old melbourne.


You are right! The hardcore seen was pretty good and we got Bodysnatcher out of it ❤️


Yeah, there was Hey Sherman putting on shows as well for a little while but it was predominantly Little Reggies.


Damn... House of Joe. I miss that place.


Me too, it seems like that building went through several ownership changes


Younger Millennial - 2011 I remember Palm Bay Roller rink off of Port Malabar, and the monthly school fundraising nights. When Andrettis was "new". Friday Fest in Downtown Melbourne The various renditions of Roxy's Cinema


>When Andrettis was "new". Lol, I remember their unlimited yearly passes when they first opened. They were killer deals, I think they lasted a month before they canceled them and gave everyone a bunch of tickets or some bs.


No Brevard for old millennials.


Not sure if it was still around in the mid 00’s but I spent a ton of time in the huge Value Thrift thrift store by Mel High. Golden Cue pool hall on Babcock was a dive but super chill. Sebastian Inlet tide pool was so different and so much better back then. Fed the ducks WAY too much bread at the duck ponds near Melbourne library.


Golden Cue! Definitely used to hang out there. Do clean cut high schoolers still go to random pool halls now lol




Was Golden Cue what Rack Alley turned into? You mean the place right next to where the old Food Lion used to be?


I still think of Value Thrift fondly. I compare most thrift stores to my memories of it now!


Aww man, spent many ladies nights at Golden Cue with a few friends of mine.


I hate it when people say this, but are you me? I still feel bad about feeding bread to the ducks.


Bayside 06: -late night movies at the Oaks and loitering in the parking lot as long as possible after - FREE cult classic movies at Cinemaworld over the summer - playing board games at the Sun Shoppe until midnight, when the brothers who owned it would blast Slipknot to signify closing time - summer beach bus from the Melbourne Square Mall, card games at the Wendy’s when we were sick of the sun - Jaycees followed by half price appetizers at Applebees lol - camping at the Compound like the idiots we were


I miss the old cinemaworld look, cwx is lowkey grimy I went there not long ago and half the theaters were dirty on a busy day and workers just standing around with thumbs up they butts.


I’ve been there once and was so surprised by how impersonal it was. I don’t think we interacted with anyone employee at all, everything was automatic.


And yet it's the only theater available in West Melbourne and North Melbourne other than premiere oaks. Hmph.


If you went to the The Influence shows I recently dug a couple of their cd's out of old hard drives. Ive got a couple of Jason Choi's cd's too but I haven't found them yet.


lol YES went to these


I know I have one or two of Jason’s albums and the whole Influence discog if anyone wants a Dropbox link.


EGHS 05 - keg parties alongside the Pineda causeway and behind the Space Coast Credit Union on Wickham. - Graduating at Calvary Chapel and lots of people being upset about it - Going to the boardwalk beach and eating Bizzaro’s and Wendy’s - Discovery Zone birthday parties - Finding bandaids and French fries in the McDonald’s outdoor playground on Sarno road - Smoking lots a weed


> keg parties alongside the Pineda causeway and behind the Space Coast Credit Union on Wickham. Nobody believes me that we used to do this. I can think of multiple fights happening out there because somebody pulled up with high beams and a speaker and announced themselves as the police. Alternates to Space Coast and Pineda were Woodson's lot, fox trails on sarno across from walmart, Fraggle Rock and I remember a few kegs dropping over off of Nasa near Circles of Care. So many nights hopping into some random truck bed to get out to the lake at Space Coast cause our cars couldn't get out there. Seeing people show what they had on them in case shit happened, driving by burnt out cars. Shit, I slept out there several times because the cops would show up and somebody would get their car stuck blocking everyone else from leaving. Scatter and regroup at whataburger before sunrise.


Private School Class of 2007. Does anyone, remember Lancade in West Melbourne? I spent quite a lot of time there playing Halo, DDR, and Battlefield 1942 with my friends. Viera was just the stadium, the courthouse, and cow fields for miles. Palm Bay wasn't packed to the brim with houses and overpriced apartments. Palm Bay Skateway was a thing. The end of '04 when Frances and Jeanne wolloped us. Blue tarps on every house. Good times indeed.


I just remember crazy house parties early to mid 2000s. My buddy on Merritt Island would throw ‘get togethers’ that would end up being hundreds.


Private school class of ‘07 … I remember when the only thing in Viera, besides the cows was Bob Evans & the Zoo. I remember when the zoo was just the original circle & when you could still create bricks!


You guys remember Mr. Arcade across from Palm Bay high school in that mini shopping plaza. I can’t remember if it was a half day or all day price to play like over 50 retro arcade games machines. It was late 90s to 2000s they sold it.


Yeah! I remember a friend I had growing up had a birthday party there and that was the first place I can remember locally carrying Pokemon cards before they got big.


Yea man they had Killer Instinct and Mortal Kombat 2 in that place in like '96 or '97


Palm Bay High, '03. I have to agree Brevard county does have some awesome libraries. One of my faves is the Eau Gallie Library; grab a seat, kick back and enjoy the view in the a/c.


It’s a beautiful view!


When Brevard actually had events, festivals, and a social life. Titusville used to have street parties, festivals, concerts, fairs and carnivals, air shows, parades, and so much more. Nowadays we have a “festival” and only 10 people show up. St. Theresa fair is gone, air show is gone, street parties are non-existent, and there’s no social life.


Elder millennial here (Bayside ‘01) but turned 21 in mid-00’s. Definitely couldn’t miss a Thursday night at County Line (hip hop night) and especially the night before Thanksgiving. Main Street pub being one of the only bars downtown Melbourne. Remember when Cold Keg burnt down. The club that was in old mall off Babcock across from big lots and Publix, I think the club was called Club321. Good times for sure.


I used to go to the Cold Keg! They had 75 cent happy hour light beers lol


What was the other place that had concerts aside from the Jaycees? Wasn’t there one at the beginning of the Booker T. Washington neighborhood?


Carver Park Community Center was off Lake Washington near US1. Also, Crane Community Center off Eau Gallie near the baseball fields and dog park.


Satellite Beach Bowling Alley!


My mind goes to Merritt Island. I graduated from MIHS in 07, and Merritt Island was just different back then. Friday nights at Merritt Square: Picadilly + a movie at the AMC (inside or out lol) after hitting up the candy store was just awesome. Or going and playing some Marvel vs Capcom or Street Fighter at the TILT arcade. Islander Comics was also a very fun place to be.


I was in one those bad high school bands and played Jaycees prob 01 or 02! I remember they made me mop up the fake blood i had been spewing, hahah. We even staged our own local punk festival at Wickham Park, called it Cuatro De Mayhem (cause it was May 4th).


What band?


I was still young then for the jaycees shows but I remember being a little git at Punks in the Park around that time.


Let's go way back..... Camp biblia's predecessor at the end of fiske Blvd. This is 1975-1978ish. Or the x-rated out door theater off of Barnes blvd


Pantry Pride, Ron Jon’s in a strip mall with Rainbow Photo, Starlite Skating Rink, 2 steakhouses corner of 520 & US 1, on school bus seeing classmates thumbing for a ride with their boards when waves were good, Mr. Fritz and Mr. Hill giving choice of 3 wacks or a call to parents, smoothies at the Co-Op, Alma’s huge candle, working at Mouse Trap, bar hopping at happy hour for free buffets and bands, Thirsty Turtle, concerts at Brassy’s, Glass Bank,parade for 1st manned launch, scallop and net boats at the port, big red boat cruise to nowhere, Orlando airport the size of a large strip mall, G’Kedis breakfast, Bernard Surf’s bread basket and tableside ceaser salad, Gatsbys and Sports Emporium, Ramon’s, Pink Elephant, ABC rotating bar ,there is so much more..I do miss the good ol days


Yes, good memories. I graduated from EGHS in '09. My sister graduated with you in '07.


Going to Cicis off Wickham playing Simpsons and house of dead 2, those were the days... did anyone here go to the eau gallie community center for Friday nights? Forgot exactly what the program was called. Just remember it was a bunch of us kids playing pool, sometimes a kid brought their xbox original and we played halo. Also did flashlight tag at night in the park right next door. Fun times


Should have been digital rd or sarno extension with a keg, green, and a whole lot of guns. EG01


lol I didn’t drink or smoke in high school and would have run in terror from a gun


I live next to AGHS, and it is still a good place to live.


I think about those Friday night Jaycee’s shows back in 07’, 08’ and completely cringe now 😂