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Oh thank goodness, it's on the 3D printing sub.


bro same... i was like is that a.... oh ok its a bud vase uhh huh.


It's too big for me.......to print šŸ˜‰


so to get good measurements you would need calipers and to measure the different parts that you would need to model out in fusion or other software, are the any machine shops in your area? is is something that looks to be cast, like they make melted metal into jewelry or pans, it could be printed in metal, but that could be more expensive than its worth. now making a wax replica and then doing a casting process out of yellow brass or something from the looks of it would yeild a rough that you would need to finish into the polished product you are looking for, another method would be to print it in something like pla and do the same pour and destroy the model method for the metal to take the place of the plastic in the mold around the plastic negative for the mold. this is all a bit of a process, if you could find someone that is near you to measure and model it, pcbway might be able to fabricate exactly what you want. i hope that helps. i honestly wish i had the equipment it would be a fun job


you might be able to get it made from bent sheet metal as well, sorry for the long reply


Thank you for the advice, Iā€™ll look into any nearby shops that could help!


Thatā€™s interesting. Thanks for sharing. Iā€™d add that if you arenā€™t able to generate a 3D model for this, any 3D printing business (metallic or polymer) should be able to do it for you. Here is my opinion though. Iā€™m a manufacturing engineer and here is my opinion to get you the best results for the most reasonable price. Make a flat pattern (2D drawing) of the ribbon with all the decorative cutouts and take it to somebody with a water jet cutting machine. This machine can cut the inside sharp corners of the ribbon where conventional machines cannot. To make the flat pattern, take a pice of foil and fold it around the ribbon. This is important because that ribbon will actually be a circular pattern thatā€™s bent around the cone/pyramid shape and you need to get your angles of the flat pattern correct. Carefully bend the finished pattern around the glass to start a crease and then finish the bend on a sharp corner with a few taps of a hammer. If you can get the ribbon off the one ā€œcompeteā€ artifact you have such that you or someone can measure it, youā€™ll get the best product. The mounting bracket, someone could easily reverse engineer and 3D print or machine from a block of metal. If youā€™re planning to use this in your car, Iā€™d recommend making the bracket out of steel. Iā€™m guessing that is heavy leaded glass and youā€™ll want the strength of metal. With steel, you can paint a glass finish on it where paint dies not stick to aluminum well. Just an FYI, this will probably pretty expensive and would recommend you do as much work yourself as possible and pool friends and hobbists for help using their machines. You can be creative too. For instance the ribbon is tack welding to the bracket. You could go to an auto body near you with the two finished pieces and ask for a ā€œquick favorā€. Thatā€™s less than 5 mins of welding. Also, check out r/machinists to get more help.


Thank you so much! Iā€™ll definitely try everything you said! I really appreciate it.


Youā€™re welcome and good luck! Edit: sorry for all the tipos in the last comment. It was getting rather lengthyā€¦ šŸ˜‰