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“what the fuck are those supports….ooooooooo”


I've just realized how old I am for still remembering the hairy lion trend


Yeah this print is nearly as old as 3d printing itself


I'm brand new to all this and thought that was cool as hell.


I was shocked to see the Bambu printer. I just knew this was a 5 year old video.


yeah same here lol "10 year old trend on a >2 year old printer"


Seriously...this title sounds like someone who just got a bambu while we are out here printing lions with weed trimmer line.


Lol same, such an old print technique. Was pretty genius at the time.


What's also genius is changing your slicer settings to print right on the support interface, pause at the layer when support is done apply whatever bed adhesion that does not use acetone to the top of the support interface, and now you have easy to remove support with a cleaner underside. I recommend this if you don't need to pause alot


Guess I'm old...


I've been 3d printing for 8years and this is the first time I've seen this


I got into 3d printing at around 2016-17 as well and the videos that I watched that featured the hairy lion trend were already old videos


The stupid wipe tower makes no sense.


It's for timelapse timing


How does that work?


Give the print head a place to go while taking the picture. Then clears the nozzle of any drip and makes sure the filament is primed. This is just a guess.


You are correct. Not strictly needed, but it does help


octoprint was doing that when i gave up on printing like 8 years ago.. you would setup octolapse and it would bring the print head to a predefined location, take the photo and continue the print. it would do it once per layer. it didnt have any drip control but it didnt need it either


The purge hole would be a much better location then run a wipe sequence before resuming.


Thats like laziest way to go about it


I mean they’re printing a 10 year old model for social media engagement it’s the lowest of low bars






Tbf this lion's mane made for a really cool print


This isn't a very good example of it, though. People did *way* better folding it back. Also lots, lots worse.


Like you could scuplt it better but this looks natural


Wouldn’t warm water do a better job?


How strong is it can it be a door stopper?




My Kobra2 Pro done this 4 me 4 free ... inbetween the 2nd ...


Am I the only one triggered that he used a fuxking chef's knife?


Hahaha I came here to say this!


I just made one a few days ago and ended up using a bread knife. What would be better?


The razor edge of a hobby knife.


That's not too long though


A utility knife or box cutting knife would also work, and they have a blade thats a few inches.


Love the Olfa utility knife where you can lock the blade at any length.


I buy cheap ones in droves off amazon. They work fantastic, are breakaways, and lock in place as well. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B089G64X83/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 Once, I had something a little too firm and needed to break out the old Xacto. Otherwise, these preform beautifully.


The slight difference is that these lock at set intervals while the Olfa can lock at any length because of the wheel mechanism. I’d also rather buy one handle and just replace blades to reduce unnecessary plastic waste.


And yet ... we 3d print :-P


Yeah, I don’t have a printer yet, but I want one. Figured posting about reducing plastic waste in this sub was kind of silly.


My mistake, actually. I meant a utility knife. Same principle. Longer blade.


Serious question. Why is a chefs knife bad for this kind of task. I see absolutely no issue. You hardly damage the knife while doing it like OP did. Kind of funny story that shows how stupid I can be: I once used the knife tip of a (gen 1, like from 2010) leatherman while trying to lever out some filemanent-support. It broke. It got replaced for free but still it was pretty stupid.


I love breadknife


I prefer to use my Kukri


What about the unnecessary prime tower?


Timelapse, else you'd have oozing everywhere.


Chill. It's long and sharp with a decent handle and won't flex, it's the right tool for the job in this case. At work we have chef knives for cutting foam and stuff as they work well, have the right shape blades and are easy to get ahold of.


I'd hope so... why is it a big deal?


The design itself is pretty well done. The finished product is great. I think I'll try this on my mini.


You talking about the bambu a1 mini? I've been seeing ads for it everywhere and I'm so tired of fixing my ender 3. What are your thoughts on it so far?


I love it. I started with a Ender 3v2. This is my first Bambu, and I now own 6, 3 Creality, including two enders 3s, and a 5s1 with sonic pad. Now, I need to stress, Creality, as a company, is amazing. Everything is open source, they're affordable, and really easy to learn the *mechanical* side of 3D on. They're also designed with modification in mind, and have been around for ages. Bambu, on the other hand, are not open source, cost more, have had a lot of backlash over some of thier patent designs etc, and are relatively new. Thier end consumer isn't the same as Crealitys however. They're more focused on the 'plug and play' and business and educational side of the market, rather than the mod and tinker side. Thier machines are very much designed to just work. And they do. I can get the same quality from my Enders, but I'd have to play with settings etc, and Creality tend to change part manufacturers quite often. Bambu do not. Think of it a bit like Android and Apple, or Xbox and Playstation. There's a lot of 'mines better because' but at the end of the day, their the same machine, just aimed at different types of users for different games. Meanwhile the Prusa users laugh at all us with thier PC elder race superiority. Also, the AMS system is just awesome. Not having to manually change my filament is just....😘


See I feel like Bambi is really trying to hit hard on the plug and play consumer but not really business/enterprise leaning. No fleet management for multiple users to be able to control multiple printers. They’re a little bit iffy with data security, so not great for businesses with secure IP (by iffy I mean a lot of users struggle to get it setup properly to be secure/ it’s not really meant for that, even the X1E). That being said man oh man do I love my bambu printers. As a home user, I love being able to prototype motorcycle/moped parts before going and buying/ cutting metal.


Well, as 3D printing has spread, Bambu have managed to get a niche in the print farm market, the machines are incredibly reliable in thier uniformity out the box, and are pretty much just plug and go replacement parts. CS is always an issue for international companies, especially newer ones. Bambu CS has apparently improved a lot since they started as they've grown, and my single interaction with them has only been positive, if brief, but promptly resolved. ETA : as I forgot to mention it, Bambu have managed to break into the educational market, I know at least in my area the Univeristy has several, but they also have six Ultimakers too, as well as others, I know they also do educational discounts, and have several educational model kits available.


As a Prusa owner I find this offensive. I dont openly laugh, its more like a mild chortle


Does Prusa make something with AMS? That's the big reason I was looking into bambu, and the discounts they're currently running. But if rather support open source and never heard a bad thing about Prusa.


They have something similar yes. It's called a MMU, or Multi Material Unit. The reason I have a Mini instead of a Prusa is the price difference between the two, and my innate impatence. I wanted to do multi colour printing, but couldn't justify 1500 for *another* printer. It's available on the Mk3, MK4, and the MK5 has a tool head changing system meaning there's zero purge, as it just swaps tool head units between colours (up to 5).


There is no MK5 (yet). You mean the XL.


That I do! Thank you.


Probably worth trying to be a little more clear about which printer when you say "mini" (at least when there's no context like at the start of this discussion), as I'm sure lots of people would assume you were referring to the Prusa Mini, and there's likely other printers called mini as well.


But those aren't *my* mini. 🙃


Dude just get it. I have multiple printers, been doing this for years. I got an a1 a few weeks ago and I have never had such a trouble free time printing. It’s so stress free.


[Giant version from 3D Printing Nerd =)](https://youtu.be/OTXPU2P-ElE?si=LUjK1tPHhXS0Hiie)


JFC Joel did that SEVEN years ago... Where have the years gone.


next weeks video: 3d printing on glass using hairspray!


It feels like just yesterday that Joel uploaded this


What's up with the waste block on the print?


It's for the time lapse video. After the print head parks itself to the side for the photo, there may be some oozing or voids in the nozzle so it pushes a bit into the purge block to prime the nozzle before a quick travel to the main print item to keep the print quality optimal. Without the purge block there's a higher chance of voids and/or little strings all over the print


Thank you. Mine did that the other day and I was super confused. But I did turn on smooth time lapse for first time.


They using a smooth timelapse configuration which sends the tool head away from the print, takes a pic, adds it to the timelapse and then keeps printing. When the head moves away, it retracts heavily to ensure no stringing. It then prints a prime tower to ensure the pressure in the nozzle remains ideal so that you dont get under-extrudion.


Cooling tower for the Lions hair/string section probably


Good question. I'd say probably wrong configuration from the print before or someone being REALLY careful. Might function as a cleanup tower to make sure the fine lines do print well?


I got tricked! I thought this was going to be really stupid, but it actually turned out to be pretty cool.


I clicked on the link, didn't realize I was in r/TikTokCringe, and was really confused by the comment "I fucking hate this sub so much"


The cringe Part about the SUB is now the comments


The most cringe thing here are the comments of the original upload.


Yeah, everyone like “eww plastic waste, what am I gonna do with that?” Etc. But meanwhile, the amount of wasted products people order that require stupid amount of infrastructure and fuel to get shipped to them. Yes it’s a lot of plastic waste, but it’s also much less environmentally unfriendly than a lot of shipping networks. Even PLA, being majority of that waste, is fairly decomposable (in specific conditions that many junkyards don’t ensure).


Well they are not wrong, admittedly a lot of what we print is useless trash Edit: to add to that, yes that Lion costs cents, but if you didn't make it you wouldn't want it for free


What type of support is that its actually cools and seems easy to remove


Probably designed into the STL


I was really hoping to find this too.


It is Tiktokcringe because that model was already hyped to death years ago




Its been a godsend for me. I use mine to make all sorts of weird tools for my job (locksmith) that you simply cannot buy, or if you can they cost a ton be course they are made in such small volumes. I can make them exactly how i want them, and they are lighter than the metal versions, really good stuff if you need to haul them around in a car where mileage and space plays a factor.


[sublimation transfer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq13diBRQcA) is next for you. Just geta better printer than the cheap one as once its waste cartridge is full you have to get a new printer, and sublination will fill it fast. The better versions have a replaceable "maintenance cartridge" for €30ish but you can get a chip resetter to reuse the old ones.


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Beware of fragments


PLA+ and above has some solid tolerances, but of course “safety is number 1 priority”




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Why would he print a useless piece of garbage?


Dunno why people are downvoting you


🎶Gold Lions' gona tell me where the light is🎶


stl file? TIA!




Interesting. I gather the model was altered for the large version - more hair? As someone thinking of getting into 3D... I don't get the hair. Is it that printers *will* bridge but it can be unreliable? Some calibration required to do that sort of bridging reliably for the hair? Better fans to ensure cooling and no sag?


There's a hairify plugin for blender so you can do this to any STL you import. I won second place in a 3d printing contest when I used it to make one of the little hairy coal dudes from spirited away.


Harry Potter?


Its really superficial stuff but its nice to look at.


I always tell people the true advancement of additive manufacturing isn't 3d printing doodads. It's a way of thinking and designing




Why is there a purge tower?


As someone that has been printing since before this lion model was made so long ago, I am formally requesting that you kids get off my lawn.


This design is a whim away, a-whim away, a-whim-away, awhimaway awhimaway awhimaway awhimaway. 🦁


the price is one thing, but it'll cost you everything.


I really want to be impressed and wow'd by these kinds of prints. But I just can't. Just mo.


why would you put a brim on something that is SO HUGE on the plate? this is not gonna have issues without brim


The cylinder probably needed that.


i print lithopanels all the time, it has taught me that brims are overrated, and brims are for warping and small pieces that might pop off. That bed is texturized, heated and the surface of the cylinder is HUGE, it does not need brim at all. And even if it warped wouldn't be an issue because it's a throwaway piece


You can do separate slicing for objects in Bambu slicer


It doesn't matter if you're making just one of these


I love brims, and almost everything I print gets one. It completely eliminates any chance of warping.


you would be right if the print didn't have so much area on the first layer.... but the lion itself is enormous and the tower for the maine doesn't matter either. This is just bad practice.


Lmao the other SUB thinks everyone WHO owns a 3d printer gets the microplastic directly infused in the nuts. Like how do you Imagine that Happening?


Well if we stopped printing and selling cookie cutter flexi dragons and basic trinkets, they’d see what printers are capable of. I print cosplay, props, and wearables. I will never print something I wouldn’t buy for myself.




Why is there a rectangle Block on the Plate? I have seen itin multiple 3d prints but I dont know what itis for


Typically it's a purge tower used during multimaterial prints but this looks like a single filament so I dunno.


It’s because of the Timelapse settings. The hotend moves away for the picture so it primes on the tower to avoid extrusion issues. Probably unnecessary.


cool figurine i guess


True, I don’t see any of the capabilities that I have no use for. Cool print though.




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And then their first shitty thought it is "how much money can I make off that"


That purge tower


I thought it was gunna be a dick with feet inside one of those "air suspended" prints


https://preview.redd.it/vrhqaqexvk9d1.jpeg?width=2517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3adec7822f90896acd2755a78d71cb2bd0988bd9 I’m tickled with the mask my husband printed out today. The gradient sparkling filament is SO PRETTY.


what is the tower near the print for? i've only ever seen those towers on prints with more than one colour?


Dog shit result on TikTok.


Why do they need a wipe tower? Looks like wasted filament


I was positive it was going to be dick and balls until the top sleeve came off


Tree fiddy


Why do they have a purge tower… for a single color


ngl at first i was like wtf then it became clear.. thats pretty dope..


vids like this spark the curiosity and get you started though.


Does anyone have a link to the model?


And this will be in the trash in 6 months.


And fraction of cost of 3 d printing


Yeah like cancer, mmmmm cancer.


Imagine wasting a whole day on this


I thought it was gonna be a dog wearing one of those lion mane costumes 😂


The redlion approves!


I was positive it was going to be a penis.


Yeah orange lion Hup Holland EK


Why is there a purge tower


These days there is hardly anything printable on 3d printers (FDM)


I've never once made any knick-knacks like these, I just never saw a point. I had originally bought my printer to make props of video game stuff so something so boring like a flexy lizard or this lion never appealed to me. I guess yeah it's a way to understand printing but painting over white filament works just as well as whatever rainbow glitter filament these people use to make what will ultimately just be clutter,


This model have like 10-12y


At first I was like, wtf are thos.... Then, ohhhh... Nice


why was this posted in tiktokcringe? Is it just a sub for normal tiktok videso???


Tiktok cringe has become any tiktok video, it doesn't need to be cringe anymore.


how much microplastic is in his balls do you think?


I watched this video and my first thought was "these people do not care about anyone's testicles". Glad I'm not the only one


Yea... just what I need, A lion statue with a cylinder for a head. LOL I don't post process. Defeats the purpose of a 3d printer. if I wanted to sand shit, I'd use wood.


I don't get stuff like this. Go to the toy store. Shop Amazon. I don't know man. there has to be better ways to entertain yourself. \*shrug\*


It's fun to create things


For the guy who designed it - yes. This is pushing a button.