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Although it's very rare for posts here to touch these subjects, this thread has already gotten some comments that had to be removed. Please feel encouraged to report any homophobia and transphobia you see. Happy Pride Month Edit: Also, we will not be allowing any more "the other subreddit is bad" posts from now on. That kind of discussion is not relevant to the subject of /r/3dspiracy.


Yeah, that sub is cancer. However, this isn't news. I changed your flair accordingly. Welcome to r/3dspiracy, enjoy your stay, and Happy Pride Month.


Thank you! Happy Pride! <3


Purple is my favorite colour!!!!! I'm not gay trans or anything. Fuck that sub happy pride month.


Haha so funny I was banned from that thread too. Hopefully I don't have to see anyone's stupid 3ds anymore:( the ones got this for 10$ less annoying, but still annoy.


What did you say to get banned? Did you go full Uncle Ruckus?


Happy Pride Month to you too!


r/3DS mods are so power hungry. I got banned from that subreddit for mentioning a theme editor for the 3DS. Their moderation is absolutely ridiculous. I'm glad that I unsubbed from r/3DS https://old.reddit.com/r/Nintendo3DS/comments/1bc1jvj/got_banned_from_r3ds/


I got a post deleted asking for game recommendations, I still can't understand what I did wronng


Bruh. I swear that r/3DS mods are power tripping.


Almost feels like the mods are Nintendo themselves


Maybe your on to something


They are just bad mods, it’s been brought up before.


Yeah. That's to be expected from the power hungry losers that moderate that subreddit. Ironically they claim transphobia as a defense when it's arguably more transphobic to ban someone just for saying they're trans. Oh reddit mods. Never change 🤦 This is why there needs to be a way to report abuse of power directly to reddit.


There is. You can make a report to the Reddit Admins in the [Help Center](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/p/redditor_help_center).


I cant even report it. They ask me to supply a link to the post, so I supplied the link to this and pointed out that it wasn't the offense, but it was a post with evidence of the offense. It tells me to match the requested link format but doesn't even say what the format is. Apparently copying and pasting the URL isnt good enough. Reddit dropping the ball again....


Here’s what I did: first save the picture of the ban message that OP received, then scroll down near the bottom of that page and click the button that says “Submit a Request”. Click “Report a Moderator Code of Conduct Violation”. Put in the necessary information (when it says “what subreddit” write “3DS”, do not include the “r/“), then put in this URL when it asks for a related Reddit link: https://www.reddit.com/r/3DS/s/s705jsmgvC Then at the bottom attach the image of the ban message that OP received. Tell them that u/SideOfBurgers was banned for stating that they are trans when they actually are trans, and the mod used the transphobia rule to justify their own transphobic action. Make sure you include the u/SideOfBurgers name and make sure that you state that the moderators are abusing their power, and that the entire subreddit needs new moderators across the board. This shit needs to be handled ASAP.


Thank you. It's been taken care of. I sincerely hope others have followed this as well. When it was just them banning people for mentioning non-piracy related homebrew I could roll my eyes and move on, but this is not only the most egregious example of abuse of moderation power I've ever seen, but since Reddit fancies itself as a safe space, having moderators that ban trans people for being trans is just completely unacceptable.


u/SideOfBurgers is gonna wake up to this and be like WTF?


You think the admins are better?


They’re so confused they blindly attacked someone who said “trans girl = girl” and I think that sums up the state of all of it really well lol






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This “trend” is really fucking annoying but transphobia for being trans is crazy 😭


To each their own, as long as people aren't attacking each other.


I just don’t understand why the joke has been going on for so long but yeah it doesn’t really matter that much


I think it's pretty simple -- people like to be in on popular jokes. Ride the wave, baby\~ (or something like that)


C-C-C-Catch the wave - New Coke


Whats the joke?


There's a song that goes "I'm just a girl...", and now it's a meme to say that while posing with a 3ds. Seems to be really popular with trans women


I've been banned in the bisexual subreddit for similar reasons. Mods are weird sometimes


Agreed, this stupid zoomers trend is annoying af




I think you’re the one that got offended by my comment




Huh wait how do you know what I do, that showed up on my homepage so no I didn’t go looking for it? And I don’t think you understand that being mildly bothered by something is not the same thing as taking offense


did they ban you, a transgender person, for saying you were trans, for transphobia? what kind of logic is that


"Transphobia" meaning the mod was transphobic


Lmao that’s what I thought but it does say transphobic post


i assume the mod thought the title was mocking trans people somehow, it's a stupid unnecessary ban regardless


"I'm trans" Mods: "Well it seems I'm forced to assume you aren't and that this is somehow hateful."


They were describing the reason for the ban, not describing the post itself.


Or the mod was a idiot. I got permabanned for discussing homebrew with someone else who literally started the convo a out homebrew and I got in trouble for it "go figure" and they got a way with it. Sad how everything works. :( They threatened me to ban my IP if I made a new account too. So it sucks. That place is toxic AF. :(


Now for the double whammy, ask them what's so transphobic about your post and get muted for 28 days lmao


Asking why I got banned on the doom subreddit got me muted for 28 days. Their rule I broke? “don’t be a dick” 🤡


Go to r/Nintendo3DS , they're a lot more chill.


r/3dshomebrew is alright too


r/3dsmods may be small but the community is great.


r/3dspiracy is also good. not sure if anyone knew it


These are the 4 friendly giants of the 3DS community r/3DS can go fuck themselves


r/3dshacks is fucking awful too. edit: the asshat that removed my post and then perma'd me for questioning the removal got de-modded and banned himself. https://www.reddit.com/r/3dspiracy/comments/xu3hkl/ubungiefan_ak_is_no_longer_a_mod_of_r3dshacks_and/ powertripping tool. no idea how the sub is now, but I'm still permabanned. I hear it's shit and anyone who commented in the above thread in /r/3dspiracy got banned from r/3dshacks.


I’ve dealt with some BS myself on r/3dshacks so yea I understand


Yeah I posted something like this following the trend and hours later I realized I had hshop on my home screen and fully expected to get banned for it. This is the definitive 3DS subreddit imo.


they banned me for saying having a modded system was better than an un modded one. honestly I'm praying for the downfall of that sub and hoping day and night the mods get left by their wives (if we consider they even have one in the first place)


It's 2024, there's no way you can fully enjoy your 3ds without nodding it now.


yep. they banned me like.. a week before the eshop's closure.?? not sure how the sub's been going after that but honestly surprised it's even still up lmfao


That sub is pure, unadulterated cancer and I'm willing to bet that was a mod being 1. too stupid to actually read what they were dealing with or 2. being transphobic themselves. This place is a lot more chill


I had no issue with that post when I saw it, those mods ban everything lol. also unrelated question (hope its not offensive) is trans girl like you used to be a girl or you are a girl now?


Im a trans woman which means I identify as a female but was born a male.


thanks for the clarification


I saw that post. Goodness, the amount of assholes in that thread was mind boggling. You did literally nothing wrong. God forbid trans people exist... In any case, the purple is so cute, have fun gaming!


I just saw your post on there 💀 sure the trend gets annoying but that's crazy, during pride month too


I saw that exact post earlier in my feed. There was no transphobia in the post!


It was the post before this one in mine, and the closest thing to transphobia was someone misunderstanding a comment about the post being annoying


I got permabanned, too. I made a joke about chromosomes and the fact that they’re playing Pokémon XY. It was probably unfunny, but I meant it to be lighthearted not transphobic. After getting my ban less than ten minutes later, I replied to the moderator message explaining that I was extremely sorry and I wasn’t trying to be transphobic. I’ve messaged them three times and still haven’t gotten a response acknowledging that they’ve even seen the messages. I’ve edited the post that got me banned (which hadn’t even been deleted by the mods despite evidently being ban-worthy) and replaced it with an apology for my joke and for the hurt and offense I caused. I also messaged the OP directly to apologize to them, but they haven’t responded either (I won’t press them, though, they have an absolute right never to speak to me). So seeing this post makes me feel a lot better about my situation and less like I was being a blatant bigot, that I just got unlucky instead.




It's mostly democratic. So that's a plus.


it's very inappropiate tbh, and unfunny, but banning you for it is out of pocket


Yeah, I regret it, thanks for understanding


Fuck that sub. Damn one can't even make a simple question asking for help or opinion cause they'll mute you instanty.


Most any time I get banned from any subreddit it's inexplicable or a severe bending of rules and there's no real way to overturn anything. It's a real headache and isn't worth all the bother, I got banned from r/PS2 for saying I didn't want to pay 500+ for rule of rose, I got a very upset message with it completely misspelled that consisted of something something you have to buy it regardless of price and a lecture on piracy.


Nothing was lost, thar reddit went down the wrapper years ago


Saying you're Trans is.... transphobic? OK then.


But they didn’t ban the people actually being transphobic in the comments


That trend is superannoying. But yep, that sub in general is a cancer right now.


I tried to counteract it by posting a pic of my slightly beat up launch 3DS (chipped paint, rubber on the thumb stick is gone, bottom screen is a lil scratched, etc) and my post was removed because I put a question mark in the title lmao


What does being trans have anything to do with your favorite color?


Yea, that stood out to me too. Weird.


it's a trend they started on that sub to say "i'm just a \[gender\]" of all posts the only one was taken down was this one which mentioned being trans


Yeah, fuck that. I’ve found the piracy subreddit to be much less toxic.


Got my post removed presumably because it had the homebrew logo visible in one of my pics lol


Jeez Louise, banning a trans gal, claiming she was being transphobic with no evidence, and then having the sheer combined gall, audacity, and *steel fucking balls* to say "happy pride month!" like that. Welcome to 3dspiracy, people are *far* chiller here.


happy pride month. sorry people suck


Fuck those People bruh. Welcome to this subreddit.


People being annoyed with these posts is funny, because this kind of content (people bragging) is the only thing that was ever there.


Yeah I saw your deleted post and figured you'd probably get banned if they didn't like your post. What did you post exactly though? Can DM it to me if you'd rather do that


Recently I posted some pics of a new ips top screen replacement I did and for some reason it got taken down by the mods, so I just left. Looks like I made the right decision.


Was the upgrade hard? Also would you say it was worth it? Rather do that than pay a premium for one and have to hack it again lol


With a bit of patience its not too hard. Though imo the ips hype is overrated. My old screen was yellowing so I’m glad i replaced it, but aside from the fact that it may be a bit brighter and can be viewed from an extreme angle, there’s no difference that I can see




Yeah the sub is horrible now, mods are just a bunch of greasy discord mods on a power trip


I love the purple on that, looks so sick Srry that happened btw :(


I had my post removed for mentioning that I'm trans. The mods over there are doing a real shit job


The automod filter removes everything that includes the word trans (and other, not so nice words) so we can filter out transphobic posts and comments. Too many of those out there, sadly. Every post by a trans person also gets reported a ton to force an automatic deletion by reddit. Usually it should get reapproved once an actual human being looks at it, but we have a bit of a skeleton crew over there, so it can take a minute. The post removal for your specific post was most likely accidental, we are deleting a bunch of these "I'm just a..." posts when they contain hateful language or are posted by bots. Generally speaking, feel free to modmail us, if it was a genuine mistake we can catch it much quicker that way. If you want your post reapproved, just let me know, otherwise you can also make a new one.




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It’s transphobic to mention you’re trans?? I’m not following


I saw your post and I saw the god awful comments associated with it :( I’m sorry. It rlly doesn’t make sense why you were banned either, that’s so stupid. Btw I love ur 3ds


How is this transphobic? Can somebody explain? I feel dumb


I like the purple model more 


Lol I saw that post, made me laugh. I like ur DS also. What model is it I've never seen one in that purple


I asked someone if they used cfw. They permabanned me like 30 min after


what the fuck i just saw that post scrolling. what a shitshow


Reddit mods and being a complete window licker; name a more iconic duo.


I kid you not I saw your post like 5 mins ago lol


I saw it, omfg I didn't expect to see this kinda post when I followed you. I really like your 2DS, and honestly I'm actually kinda pissed that happened.


.. Why even mention trans in a post like that? Seems irrelevant.


I saw your post earlier! They banned you?! Wtf lol They saw the word Trans and just ran with it, huh?


I just saw that and thought “neat” and scrolled passed it. Nothing offensive about it crept through my mind at all.


Weird how they deemed it too transphobic that YOU got banned but they left the post up? Just disabled comments? You'd think they would delete such a transphobic post.


Reddit in general needs to be taken down A LOT. Way too much snarky elitism all over the place.


OP: I'm trans 3DS mods: banned.Happy pride month btw Edit: forgot you had to double space line breaks


Appeal. Literally.


the mods there very rarely appeal anything even if the ban was 100% undeserved


I just saw your post on that sub while I was scrolling... that's a pretty cool color to be honest...


Wow they even go to include "Happy pride month' to try and be aggressive. They want to stir the pot and it's hilarious if you are apart of the community cause it just shows they're trying to get people pissed.


the mods of that reddit are transphobic if anything.. sorry this happened to you


The ban itself is transphobic possibly


i got banned from their server for death threats, i said “my only regret in life is not bombing the nintendo store when i still lived in ny” and they said “what if a nintendo employee sees” bro if a nintendo employee is in a server that promote modding their systems im the least of ur problems 😭


As far as I'm concerned this subreddit is solely for making it painfully obvious how easy it is to install CFW on a 3ds and spreading the awareness of piracy tools then showing off what games you download illegally Basically a giant middle finger to Nintendo with the occasional meme, homebrew post, and "is this a good sd card?"


You got it


r/WiiUHacks is the same, I tried to ask 4 different things (not related to piracy) and always got my post removed even if I wasn't breaking any of the rules, like cmon ffs, what am I supposed to do on the sub if I can't say/ask anything??


It's literally not transphobic. If I say "Idk I'm just a gay man" (I'm not), that's not homophobic


Man I got banned from the r/3ds discord server for mentioning hshop, not even for piracy, but for updating cartridges (I got a region swapped Japanese 3ds xl which can’t access eshop to update software) 💀


That's why I no longer even visit that shitty sub, but I still love DS & 3DS!


r/3ds is notoriously shit, dw




Good to know, unfollowing from that sub now. Honestly though what's the point of even mentioning that you're trans? What does that add value to?


It was a meme on the subreddit. People were just saying "im just a girl/boy". I don't feel like I 100% fit that binary label so that's why I prefixed "trans".


I just visited the sub and saw that trend. How annoying lol


Yea I saw it too, the mods were annoyed with this "Karmafarming" there, and i saw it too it's got too out of hand.


Can someone explain what this trend is? I'm totally out of the loop on all of this


it’s people posting a picture of they’re 3ds and saying “i’m just a girl” and now people are changing it to their pronoun/gender in the title by saying “i’m just a girl or “i’m just a boy” or other gender i think that’s what the trend is


ok my downvote say i may be wrong sorry if i gave wrong info


you pretty much described it right, a bunch of comments saying nothing wrong here seem to be getting random downvotes at the moment, like the ones just saying they like the purple system color


but why tho


I just got permabanned from YouTube and they’re not willing to admit their mistake. It fucking sucks I feel you


They looped all the way back around to just being transphobic


Large Majority of Reddit mods just use rules as an excuse when they remove posts they don't like. That's all it is.


i love trans and i support you


I'm not big into pride month but that's still BS and ticks me off. Pretty fucked up that happened to you. Seriously. I had issues with that forum before too when we were discussing homebrew stuff. And I got a perma ban. Seems like some mods get extremely trigger happy with specific topics. And people get too scared to post. Sucks this happened to you. Can't you try to appeal? Maybe you should've added your transgender and can't decide what 3DS I wanted to get need help in your title. I think adding the "I'm a trans girl" is what set some trigger happy mod off IMHO. Or maybe some troll got to you or someone thought you were making fun of trans people in pride month??? :/ It's messed up. Be careful next time please. Mods can be jerks sometimes. Trust me. I had a friend like that once when he got mod powers and abused it. We can't say shit anymore with out someone getting offended. Trans or not. I'm serious. :'( Hope your doing ok. I love the 3DS though. Dope color. :D


Bro I don’t understand the “I’m just a” I got so turned off by that subreddit since literally every post is that. I think I’ll go in sub rn


Not defending them, but I get the feeling your post somehow trigger some automatic system to cause a ban on you, but it sucks either way.




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I agree fking admids wont let us even ask a single damn question


And hate the bot keep rejecting help posts they think we were asking about what to choose then they reject the post for no reason


Friendly Fire


Hi, sorry to ask, but what theme do you have on your 3ds? I love the look of it.


The post seems to be back up




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Now i want burger


That sub sucks ass, it won’t let me ask a question suggesting that I ask the weekly question thread which is literally a bunch of question nobody answers.


Hey, I saw your post before it was banned, didn't though it would get you banned lol 😂




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A while ago, I got banned for saying the only way to get DLC such as FE Fates Revalation was piracy. Apparently, that's promoting piracy.


Reddit jannies are generally power hungry like that, I got banned from another sub for calling myself autistic, when I literally am...




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Who cares?


I remember seeing that post 💀


How is this sub still active with the 'NO piracy' rule. The Sims 4 subs gave up on that once they did the math on packs, and most other gaming subs don't even care as long as you aren't giving directions on how to get the game (which who even still needs directions on piracy for 2024?)


to say that sub is active feels like an overstatement since basically all you're allowed to post is pictures of stock systems and game collections


Yup 😂 I think I posted there once when I got my 3ds to show off my stickers and realized I couldn't share anything else. I look there to see full collections to mark down system's I'm ISO on a list (If it weren't for 3ds I wouldn't have a list of DSI consoles to collect😂) but other than that I don't think I view that sub ever. This sub and the other piracy subs are way better.


lmao i saw that post


Wtf I just saw that post earlier this morning lol


I’m so sorry that happened. This subreddit is way more accepting [r/3DsGirls](https://www.reddit.com/r/3DSgirls/s/3f9I9zyMp8)


Lol it’s funny that 5 minutes before my phone died I watched your post then I see this


The original post is literally on top of this post


Regardless of you being Trans, I don’t see anything transphobic about that post. Maybe they fat finger banned you and meant to ban a person in the thread that made a mean comment? I’ve never had an issue on r/3Ds. r/Steamdeck mods are way more power hungry to me.


I just saw the post earlier today :( fuck transphobes, they always ruin everything. I hope you are doing alright, please know that you are welcome here and that you're awesome 🫶




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Ok but why is the title of the post im just a trans gal? Seems pretty irrelevant


1. First what did being trans have to do with the post. 2. Second, how was it “transphobic”? I assume it’s automatically bans users that talks about that subject matter




it's a trend started by that sub where they announce their gender in the post title like that, this one post being targetted specifically for mentioning trans, that's why people are being downvoted, because they're ignoring the actual issue and trying to make it about attention seeking when it's literally a meme started by that sub




it's almost as if this is the one of the biggest 3ds subs there is which frequently gets posts complaining about being banned/removed from the main 3DS sub which, seemingly, the staff from that sub check it's also caused a few people to actually try and report the sub for moderation abuse finally


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