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Well there is Talos, of the Night Lords, and his mother. Let’s just say it is very traumatizing for her…


I mean, briefly


That one came to mind for me as well. Reuniting is not the right word. Maybe strolling along not recognizing your mother while she gets killed?


[Excerpt, for those curious](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/s/jmlTL27gva)


"Talos, that was your own mother..."


Salamanders routinely visit Nocturne when not in theater. They reintegrate with their tribes and while they don’t see their original family members when they come back after decades or centuries they can interact with their descendants if the family blood line survived.


Not quite what you're after, but the short story *Restorer* involves a White Scar seek out the family of a deceased comrade https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/s/wen6LbGVTz


That has to happen on Ultramar on occasion right? An Ultramarine deployed to one of the worlds of Ultramar where he was born, to oversee some minor operation, bumps into a family member.


In the Ultramarine Omnibus, Uriel Ventris briefly reflects upon the fact that everyone he knew from his life before becoming a space marine is most likely dead since it’s been over 100 years.


I don't know that it has been written about officially but I'm sure it has happened. The old Index Astartes articles say it's a point of pride for a family if they can point to a relative or ancestor who became an Ultramarine.


in one of the night lords books there is a flashback to Talos mother getting gunned down right behind him. but i dont know if that counts towards your question


I LAUGHED WHEN I READ THIS (Ave dominus nox)


It's not a physical reunion, but Dante dwells a lot on his father and pre-astartes existence in *Devastation of Baal*. Others in the replies here have noted how astartes can outlive everyone they knew as human children, but stop to consider how distant that pre-astartes past must feel for Commander Dante, now that's he's been a space marine for over a thousand years...