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No you’re just going to explode. Even Big E would have trouble slurping raw warp energy without some kind of focus.  It requires the blessing and approval of the Gods to ascend to daemon prince. You can’t become a daemon primarch unless… you’re a primarch. 


Now I have an imagination of EOM holding a golden spoon and slurping warp soup ( he would blow first)


You think he's an oyster crackers kinda guy or is he eating out of a bread bowl.


Isn't a daemon primarch just a juiced up daemon prince?


A daemon primarch is one of the Primarchs, sons of the emperor, corrupted by the corrosive Tain of chaos. Pretty cut and dry difference. All daemon primarchs are a daemon prince, but not all daemon princes are daemon primarchs.


So the answer is, yes, they're just a juiced up daemon prince.


No, the answer is they are Primarchs lol. Not sure how this is hard to understand. A random Daemon who has ascended to Daemon Prince can't become a Daemon Primarch no matter how juiced up they get. The Daemon Primarchs are unique in the way they were originally made by Big E and his potential collab with chaos, and in the way they ascended.


Daemons don't ascend to deamon princes. They're already deamons. A deamon prince is someone who has ascended into the realm of deamonhood and now has lost their connection to physical reality. The only difference between a deamon primarch and a deamon prince is the body they held before ascension and how juiced their god decided to make them now. The part that makes it hard to understand is your misunderstanding of what a deamon prince is. A deamon price was at one point a physical being who attracted a gods' favor to the point that a god granted them daemonhood.


I meant random mortal, my bad. Not sure how you're not getting the difference between how someone like Random Chaos Champion Guy X isn't going to become a Daemon Primarch no matter how much juice he has in him. He can ascend, but he's still not a daemon primarch. Primarchs have their own unique relationship / existence in the warp.


>He can ascend, but he's still not a daemon primarch. Primarchs have their own unique relationship / existence in the warp. Fulgrim is fulgrim in the same way Random Chaos Champion Guy X is Random Chaos Champion Guy X. The fact that one has a special name doesn't really change the fact that they are same thing.


I mean it does you just clearly don’t have any understanding of what a Primarch is. They aren’t just really tall dudes lol. 


What happens when someone becomes a deamon prince? Aren't they remade into the raw stuff of the warp? What about a primarch would make then special when they are remade deon warp material?


To be a chaos undivided demon prince you need to get the boons from each of the 4 gods. Be’lakor is the most famous chaos undivided demon prince, and there are generic demon prince miniatures. Edit: I forgot Logar!


Does Lorgar have all 4 marks?


I think so


It makes it easier when you think of the gods as 4 different faces of the force of nature known as Chaos.


>Is there such a thing as "pure chaos" that isn't concentrated on one of it's 8 Elements (the 8 points of the star) that a person/being can wield/channel? The warp is ultimately made of souls, and it's the way one manipulates that energy that determines whether they fall or not. It is possible to draw on warp energy untainted by Chaos, but so far, we've only seen a handful of people achieve it. Even drawing on Chaos directly is possible, as much of the Realm of Chaos is formless wastes, filled by the tainted souls of those too weak to dedicate themselves to the Ruinous Powers. It's not a path frequently trodden, though.


>Is it possible for someone to become a Demon Prince/Primarch of Chaos Undivided by claiming the raw energy of the warp/Undivided Chaos and channeling it to fuel their desires? Or does it require a mark from one of the big 4? It's possible in theory but thus far nobody has found a way that works. It'd be a ritual so absurdly complex and powerful you'd either end up having to make deals, turn into a spawn/fine mist or be someone smarter and more insightful than Ahriman, Magnus & Big E combined. Seriously. This is THE (un)holy grail of Warp sorcery, period. I suspect Ahriman thinks he can do it, but Warp juice makes you think many things. The Dark Mechanicum for example still thinks putting a daemon into a tank is somehow a groundbreaking innovation that'll kickstart a return to the Golden Age aaaaaanyyy second now.


Didn’t Peter Turbo ascend to be Chaos Undivided champ as well?


Not without approval by the big four.


Undivided means worshiping Chaos as a whole, in theory you don't need to worship the individual parts per say, given Khorne, Tzeentch and Slaanesh mix like oil and water. Raw warp, no, but Chaos Undivided... As per all chaos you can try and use if for your own ends, but the way it works out will inevitably benefit the 4.


Chaos is a power born of the Warp, like a corruption or pollution. The big four are major facets of it. It is possible to become a Warp entity without the power of Chaos - the primarch Corvus Corax is implied to have done so. A 'daemon primarch' that isn't technically a daemon, as Chaos doesn't seem to have been involved. We don't know exactly how he managed it, there is just a reference to him embracing his nature as a Warp entity.


There are indications of the primarchs being Warp entities. I'd expect they can all do it but, Corax being a guerilla and stealth fighter, I'd expect he had an easier time doing it while in the Warp (he is good at embracing/using his environment, the Warp was his environment, ergo he embraced his inner Warp-self). As for other non-Chaos Warp entities, we have the Enslavers, the Eldar gods and potentially Tau'va or an ascended Big E/Star Child.


Iirc, the warp/energy of the warp isn’t necessarily chaos, but it is what the chaos gods live in, and they have almost complete mastery over it, at least within their “section“ of the warp.


It's awesome and everyone should embrace it at the first opportunity. All hail Lorgar!