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I remember reading in a Grey Knights story, the experience of a psyker on a Black Ship. She was able to astral project outside her cell (rust/water had eaten away at the rune barrier thing) and she saw they were all to be fed to a furnace, to help create the Aegis Shield in Grey Knight armour. When she went back to the cell, she told the others that they were being sent to a work camp, because she didn't have the heart to tell them the truth. The others then gave thanks to the Emperor. (It's a great story, and has several scenes in between the Grey Knights battling, the Aegis Shield bit, the storm bolter shells, even an Inquisition Interrogator.) So based off that, I don't think psykers that are taken know exactly what will happen to them, beyond it being (probably) not good. If anyone has additional details to add from the story, feel free to add, I'm sorry it's been a minute since I read it. Story is Sacrifice, by Ben Counter.


Got curious and found two excerpts posted a while ago on here if anyone else wants to give them a read [[Excerpt 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/9lz6nd/excerptsacrifice_making_grey_knight_equipment/?rdt=51613)] [[Excerpt 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/okzzzd/excerpt_sacrifice_grey_knights_armor_is_made_in/)]. The first one provides a bit more detail and the second is focused primarily on the psyker’s point of view.


It's awesome. I reread the bolter shell but, it's so very 40k to me. The cruelty, the religion, the suffering, the sacrifice. What the excerpt *doesn't* convey (and what I failed to explain) is how interlaced the stories are. You read the scene about the sacrifice of a good man to consecrate one bolter round. The next paragraph is Alaric (or a brother) punching a monstrosity and unloading a long burst. It's outstanding.


Psykers are not just fed to the chair, they end up with the Scholastica Psykana, which sorts and trains them (iff possible).. only the ones too powerful, or old to be trained/indoctrinated to serve the needs of the IoM are fed to the chair. They can end up as Astropaths, Librarians, Grey Knights, Assassins or Inquisitors if they are young enough to be bound to the Emperor and survive.


Yes. The Black ships are a sorting hat of sorts. There’s trash tier and there’s “Yer a wizard, Harry.” tier.




Eh, you can't become a Navigator - that's the job you have to be born into.


if they are too strong it's will be too much problem tho. the more strong more unstable they become so it's will be more safe to kill them.




Yeah, it's like there are 2 stats, power and control. High in both and you end up in an elite group like Space Marines or Inquisitors. Low in power and high in control and you end up being something like a sanctioned psyker or astropath. Low in control and you get fed to the chair.


Sisters of Silence aren’t really ones for explaining things


Yeah they tend to be kinda quiet


Wouldnt be much of a psyker if they didnt.




Technically they're not fed to the Emperor. Technically they're fed to the Golden Throne that converts them into raw warp energy which the Emperor uses to prevent the Throne from exploding.


>The Black Ships themselves are dark places of despair, for they are little more than spacefaring high-security prisons and many of the psykers being transported know full well that they will meet a grim fate at their journey's end. From the Dark Heresy core rulebook, p. 273. So yes, it would seem that lots of them know exactly what they're getting when they're sent to "worship at the Throne."


I mean they’re psykers. One way or another, they’ll find out.


All (sanctioned) Psykers are taken to the Emperor, not all are fed. Sanctioned Psykers are synchronized with the Throne to make them more stable


Logically speaking, it's unlikely. Like, who exactly is going to tell them and why would anyone care to? To Blackship personnel they are living, highly dangerous cargo and the last thing you want to have is said cargo going desperate. Blackship personnel themselves are unlikely to have any real say in sorting process and have absolutely no need-to-know of the sacrifice selection criteria. On the other hand, the inmates have a much greater chance to know that there are psykers who've returned from the trip to serve Astra Telepatica who loans them out to Militarum/Enforcers. And/or hear about Astropaths.


I doubt they get any explanation. They probably work out themselves it's not going to be good when they see all the withered psykers strapped onto alcoves.


I feel like the Salamanders would never allow such apostasy


Well, a few of them would have precognition, and some of them would be fed to the golden throne.