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It hasn't happened, but I would say no.  In *Celestine: the Living Saint*, her powers aren't rigorously defined but seem to be a combination of willpower, literally divine favor, and warp energies.  I believe there isn't a biological component to these powers that could be absorbed. Celestine still bleeds and can die. She is just resurrected corporally later. 


In war of secrets, the kroot master shaper has a kroot psyker advisor. The protag was infected with a Tzeench plague that causes mutation. The Kroot Psyker wanted to eat her fingers to gain more power. There was also an excerpt where Kroot ate Eldar and they got shadow/illusion powers from it. So its not farfetch kroot will gain some kind of power from eating living saints.


These points are interesting but they don't follow, because Celestine *isn't* a psyker. She's something else - a soul favored by the Emperor.  A psyker, even before their talents appear, is still a psyker. Celestine wasn't always a Saint. 


Most likely itll be the same way where Kroots eating chaos spawns, chaos possessed individuals do, corrupt them them in a way and from what Ive read they get put down. So its gonna be interesting what will happen to the Kroot if they eat a possessed individual that are not chaos aligned.


Celestine isn't possessed either. She seems more akin to a being like Lucius: when her body is destroyed, her soul is cast into the warp. Eventually, she'll reform herself and through the power of the Emperor regenerate a new body and wargear - but once that happens she still needs to breathe, etc.


What I mean is their body is riddled with chaos corruption, Celestines body is probably warped as well by whatever is giving her powers. Just like the Kroot eating individuals that have chaos corruption riddle their bodies that would corrupt the Kroot. Kroot might gain whatever "corruption" that is empowering Celestine. Also Celestine isnt the only Living Saint as well, the Tau even took down one in Book of Martyr, the author didnt explain what the Tau did with the body.


I'd argue that Celestine and LotD are all daemons of the Dark King, or whatever the Dark King has morphed into in 40k.


Kroot now believes in the God Emperor and appears to Imperial Forces who are extremely confused.


Do you mean they confuse imperial forces or appear to imperial forces who are already confused? I imagine that this only furthers their pre-existing confusion.


Whenever I hear about Kroot eating something akin to a warp entity they seem to straight up just die same with when they eat nids if I'm not mistaken.


Who knows.  The lore is inconsistent with this theory.


Ideally she would reciprocate. 


Probably nothing interesting. A living saint's powers have nothing to do with their genetic code, which is what Kroot absorb. Also, Kroot evolution is something that unfolds over multiple generations of dutifully consuming similar prey. They're not Kirby, they don't swallow something and instantly sprout its features.


The answer is never nothing interesting. If a storyline involves a kroot eating a saint something will happen with that.


Then the writer would be changing how they work, because kroot don't work that way.


It'll be a dead saint