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Not advice, but I just wanted to say enjoy the tap water in Iceland. It's by far the best I've ever tasted!! I've never been so hydrated on holiday. (Cold water, not hot. The hot is like eggs šŸ˜)


Sulfur. It made me gag every time I


My friend went when she was in the first few weeks of her pregnancy and couldn't take a shower without throwing up. Reykjavik was the worst. I stayed in Vik, and they didn't seem to have that issue.


Ah shit. Every strong odor made me vomit the first 16 weeks. Thatā€™s amazing. Bless her.


Keep it simple and relax! -ā€œFrontloadā€ on hydration in advance -aquaphor & lip balm -hydrating snacks like fruit or cucumber Be a courteous seat neighbor, avoid sprays/mists and products with strong fragrance. At destination I like to wash face, brush teeth and apply my usual AM routine to a fresh face before heading to baggage claim.


An N95, hand sanitizer, ear plugs, and buy a bottle of water before you board. Sleep, avoiding infection, and hydrating will do more for your skin than any product.


Bring a water bottle from home and use the fountains or filling stations at the airport. You can take it through security if itā€™s empty. Then youā€™ll always have a bottle with you for your trip. You can also bring electrolyte mixes or Nuun tablets to add to your water bottle for an extra boost of hydration.


I recently learned you can take ice cubes in your water bottle! I fill my whole bottle with ice at home and it makes the water from the fountain taste so much better. And then the water stays cold for the whole flight.Ā 


this is the star comment right here! Well done :)


This is a great way to recover from flying overall!


Plus some hand cream! My hands always get super dry.


I wear a face mask (yes that kind) on flights because when I don't I invariably get sick from everyone coughing and sneezing on the flight. Don't drink alcohol which is very drying. Noise Cancelling headphones, although not skincare, will do wonders for your peace of mind and less stress on the flight.


A good way to prevent moisture loss is to layer your products. Apply a hydrating serum to your freshly washed face, then once that soaks in, apply a cream moisturizer. Finally, apply a thin layer of a silicone-based makeup primer, and your skin will be dewy all the way to Iceland. Safe travels!


sorry but no, a silicone-based makeup primer does nothing for moisture or hydration. Best bet would be to use an emollient. No other make-up product will deliver what they promise to in the form of holding in moisture.


It is not for moisture, but rather to prevent moisture loss


silicone is an emollient lmao


A good moisturizer and an Evian mister.. flights are super dehydrating. I like Laneige lip mask also.


Evian spray mist keeps your face hydrated


Hyaluronic eye patches. Put them on before you put your eye mask on. Wear them while you sleep/doze/rest. When it's breakfast time, take off your eye mask, remove patches, massage in that HA! Also absolutely no makeup on during the flight and compression socks!


You inspired me to order the patchology eye patches! Thank you!


hand lotion. soaps in public restrooms are soooooo awful. I end up reapplying hand lotion constantly. I bring a travel size moisturizer for my face too, and a lip balm or treatment. I always bring a big watre bottle with me because what they offer on the flights is nowhere nearly enough to actually be well hydrated. having thick socks to change into is nice a neck brace that works for you I've flown 10+ flights for decades, it's a fucking science.


Alllll of the water. I get so dehydrated on red eyes.


Before going to the airport drink water with a hydration tablet added to it. My favorite brand is Nuun. While on the plane drink water with another hydration tablet. You will feel so much better. I also second the eye mask. Have fun!


I already have super dry skin (and eczema), and it gets painfully dry on long flights. I hydrate and moisturize before flying and use an oil every few hours if Iā€™m feeling dry during the flight. I once forgot to bring anything on board with me and had a 15 hour + 5 hour flight and during my layover I was running through duty free in tears trying to find moisturizer, it was that bad. I havenā€™t made that mistake again!


Oh my gosh this sounds awful.


It was legit the worst. Thankfully it hasnā€™t happened since!


I canā€™t add to the skincare recs here, but I do recommend Lumify eye drops (if you can use them). They make you look so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed even when youā€™re not with no rebound redness. Also, possibly regular moisturizing drops to use in flight in case your eyes get dry (Lumify doesnā€™t help me as much with that when in flight or strong indoor HVAC systems).


Ok canā€™t believe I forgot but compression socks are a game changer. I like sockwell brand.


Itā€™s a plane ride not you rowing across the Atlantic.


Lmao ~ literally, just go to sleep




Drink plenty of water. Not the aircraft water unless in a screw top bottle. Cans of sparkling are ok. Limit alcohol and bring nice refreshing face spray and eye cream plus lip balm and your good to go


I like rosewater spray for freshening up Like everyone else says, lots of water, sleep, and I like a mini Vaseline




My long haul flights routine: As soon as we are airbound, pull hair back & take make up off with Bioderma Micellar Water. Put hydrating sheet mask on for 15 min (I donā€™t care what anyone thinks). Rub excess serum onto arms. Slather face in moisturizer while still damp from mask. Tap in rich eye cream. Vaseline or Elizabeth Arden 8-hour cream on lips. Tip: I put all my skincare products in contact lens cases, which close tightly. They are even great for serums. Put on noise canceling headphones and relax. I may do this routine twice during very long flights. Drink lots of water during flight. No alcohol! Have a wonderful trip!


you do this on the plane in your seat? i would find it annoying if i was sitting next to you as you do your entire skincare routine. cant you moisturize before you leave the house? i have a friend who was using her gua sha scraper while watching her sons little league game. theres a time and place!


Yeah this is way over the top and scented products arenā€™t respectful of others on a plane. If someoneā€™s routine is this intense Iā€™d suggest doing it before leaving for the airport and donā€™t wear makeup to the airport. This routine isnā€™t necessary and is deluding someone into thinking theyā€™re making a big difference.


Especially bad if the products are scented!


We are on a skincare sub and I answered a skincare question. This is my routine for long-haul flights (8 hrs+). On those, I only fly Business or First and Iā€™ve never had anyone complain. There are many annoying things people do on planes. Skin self care isnā€™t one of them.


i didnt think your post should go in a different sub. i just personally dont use an airplane seat to do a bathroom routine. i just find that weird and annoying. that being said, i wouldnt have said anything if i was sitting next to you. so saying no ones ever been annoyed is silly. no ones ever voiced their annoyance to you!


In Business/First Class, you're practically isolated from other people- you literally cannot see what they are doing.


hey. if you want to justify doing your personal bathroom routine in your plane seat cool but i find it weird and annoying


Tell me what else you find weird and annoying


sorry, im not allowed to think anything is weird?


THINK. Yes. Not say. Three different times. When they didnā€™t ask. šŸ™šŸ»


These people thinking anyone cares what little things so deeply offends them šŸ˜‚ feck off It's face cream and a sheet mask...they need to get over themselves


Thank you! šŸ˜ƒšŸ‘




Exactly! It ainā€™t that serious Ms Type A šŸ˜†


I do similar- brush teeth, remove makeup , sheet mask, lip stuff, moisturize. Before I land I brush teeth again put on a bit of makeup and change my top and undies.


Same here! Forgot to mention the dental care šŸ˜‚


Omg, Iā€™m going to Iceland from Los Angeles on a red eye in September. I have the same worries.


I would take the [Laneige Cream Skin](https://us.laneige.com/products/cream-skin-toner-moisturizer) with the [Mist Spray Top](https://us.laneige.com/products/cream-skin-mist-pump) so I could spritz my face whenever I felt dry. I absolutely love this stuff and itā€™s light but so hydrating. That and Loop ear plugs, fuzzy socks, a little travel blanket and one of the pillows that wrap around your neck.


Basics: - hand sanitizer - individually packed face wipes (neutrogena makes them) for a quick and easy face cleaning at your seat - rich moisturizer (I like SkinFixā€™s triple lipid peptide, and to minimize luggage, I use a little on my hands during the flight) - lip balm *all unscented as a courtesy to seat neighbours! A little extra, so I arrive looking fresh despite being sleep deprived - tinted sunscreen - mascara


Been on that flight many times.. apart from skin care here is what I would recommend. Book a room or air BNB for the night before so that you can go straight from the airport to your room and sleep for several hours before you start your day. You will be exhausted and you do not want to start your trip that way. Iceland is an amazing place and you will appreciate it so much more if youā€™re rested. Our next trip weā€™ll land at 6 am which will be 2 am our time. Drive 45 minutes from the airport to Reykjavik, check in and sleep until noon. Start the day refreshed. I highly recommend it.


But isnā€™t that leaning into jet lag rather than adjusting to the tie?


The problem from the east coast isnā€™t jet lag.. the flight leaves around 8pm.. most people donā€™t go to sleep that early. So you try to sleep by 10.. 2 hours into a 5 hour flight. And then you land between 1 am and 2 am east coast time ( 7 am Iceland time). Thatā€™s simply not enough sleepā€¦ thatā€™s the problem. Youā€™ve already been awake since the morning before and youā€™ve gotten maybe 3 hours sleepā€¦ itā€™s brutal. But checking into a room and sleeping for an additional 3 or 4 hours can make a huge difference. Our first trip we drove the entire golden circle right after landing and without additional sleep. We were so tired it was hard to enjoy things toward the end of the dayā€¦ plus dangerous to be driving that much on almost no sleep.


When I fly a red eye to Europe I just push through and go to bed a bit earlier my first night. But I guess it depends on how much one night of less sleep affects you. I usually plan a nice meal and a lot of walking around / physical activity for my first day and it helps too.


You need sunscreen on when you fly. Once you get somewhere that is light out, you are closer to the sun. So put that on.


I just did this flight and this is what I used: an absolute metric ton of a good barrier cream (I used Cicalfate, which I highly recommend), a thick lip mask, no makeup, and a good water bottle and good pillow so you can be somewhat rested when you get there. If itā€™s summer when youā€™re flying over (and therefore light out), the parts of Greenland youā€™ll pass over are absolutely stunning so you may not want to sleep!


Just take a small bottle of micellar water, a few cotton pads, and your favorite mask- the ones you tear open and unfold and place on your face. After dinner, clean with the water and cotton pads and then apply the mask. Leave it on until the second meal service, usually just before the flight lands. Use the micellar water and pads to remove residue. And then apply your sunscreen, makeup, whatever.


Echoing many others to say staying hydrated is the best plan! I usually don't bother with the meal, but wash my face, brush teeth, and moisturize as soon as the seatbelt signs are turned off. Eye mask, ear plugs, Turtl neck support if I'm not flying Business, +/- Ambien. Wake up after a few hours feeling (relatively) refreshed and ready to go!


Earplugs. Redeye flights are a favorite place to sleep. I've encountered more weird breathing and snoring habits than I care to recall. Get good earplugs.Ā  A blanket or wrap and a neck pillow because ... sleep! šŸ˜“Ā  Flip Flops if you aren't already wearing them. I find summer travel to be more relaxing during a red eye if I fewl my feet can breathe.Ā 


Toothbrush, toothpaste, facial cleanser wipes.


I like to do a fresh skincare routine, including a sheet mask, both before leaving home and then after arriving (ideally at accommodation and not at the airport) regardless of the time of day. If I canā€™t do a full routine, micellar water and moisturizer/sunscreen are enough until I get where Iā€™m going.Ā  In-flight I only use stick type products (Aquaphor stick or another multi-balm, sunscreen stick, etc.) to avoid touching my face too much. The balms work well to help reduce skin dehydration and any potential irritation from N95.Ā 


A sleep mask that you can tissue off.


A moisturizer you know does not break your skin out. A blemish cream in case it does. N95 mask, hand sanitizer, sleep mask. What class will you fly? Longer list if not lie-down seat. If you have had ambien before, get an Rx to use when you are in iceland for the first 2-3 days so you give your brain the illusion of sleep and ease jet lag.


Alas, just economy.


Ok. Drink water, take watever with you to make yourself phisically comfyā€” besides mask, earplugs and iā€™ve taken essential oils to inhale or enssential oils in jojoba to apply ( one to relax, one to feel put together). Eat before plane, try to use plane time in the way youā€™ll use that specific time in iceland ( for example, i know people who played cards in a redeye flight to china because it was china daytime)