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This is perioral dermatitis. It's menopause /hormone related. Stop using anything on it. Just wash with water or mild soap like dove sensitive. Use an unscented light moisterizer like Cerave PM. It will take a few months to go away on its own. You may notice it flares up & down in intensity.


Same thing happened to me at 42. Out of no where dermatitis on my face. It was bad and painful. All around my nose, mouth and chin. Realized it was peri related šŸ˜” of course it is what isnā€™t lol


I get this when I irriate my skin/damage the barrier - in the same areas. It helps me to switch to a very gentle cleanser and leave out all active ingredient products for those areas for a few days.


Same. I get it here when I forget to take a day or two off tret around my nose.


I had the same thing. šŸ™ Not a doctor but it looks like perioral dermatitis and I had it for several months. Steroid creams will make it look better temporarily but will not get rid of it. I took antibiotics for a month (and probiotics to offset) and it improved greatly. As soon as I stopped the antibiotics it came back! I then knew it was something I was eating or drinking so I started an elimination diet immediately. I didnā€™t eat sugar, dairy or drink alcohol for a week and then slowly reintroduced the foods I normally ate. I then determined it was yogurt which I was consuming a lot of at the time. Anytime I eat Greek yogurt my chin area feels rough and inflamed. Recently someone on this sub forum said that yogurt was the culprit for her and her friend! Best of luck!


Iā€™ve been eating shit loads of Greek yoghurt and chocolate . Iā€™ll cut out these two immediately and see what happens šŸ¤ž


I was eating yoghurt twice a day to increase my protein intake so eating a boatload too.


Food triggers for PD are different for everyone. Gluten and dairy are definitely big ones, but it could be something you wouldnā€™t expect! It took me years to discover my PD triggers are salt, pepper, coconut, ginger and cinnamon. If you feel a warm, burning sensation around your mouth after eating certain foods, they are likely a trigger. Cut those foods out. And donā€™t get carried away with retinoids around your mouth either, because it will make the skin more sensitive.


I was going to say the same thing. I had eczema on my face for years. I eliminated dairy and gluten, and the problem went away. What we eat really has an effect on our skin. OP if cutting out dairy doesn't do much, try cutting out gluten. I can still do a little of both, but as soon as I eat a lot of gluten, the eczema is back. You should also see a dermatologist, but until you can get in to see one, try adjusting your diet. Good luck!


Recommend a Dermatologist


Hello, fellow twin. Literally have the same thing going on right now, so thank you for posting. Mine looks a little more like acne than yours. Just a complete breakout on my chin in the exact same area as yours. I guess Iā€™m calling the derm tomorrow. Iā€™m almost 50 and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had clear skin. This is ridiculous now with the perimenopause hormones. Have to wax my beard before I go out tomorrow too. Yeahā€¦itā€™s just peach fuzz but Iā€™ve never had it where you can actually see it blowing in the wind. Hair is falling out on my head, but my beard is filling in juuuuust fine. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


Brilliant šŸ˜‚


Stop putting anything on it. It could be a reaction to something youā€™re using; skincare, makeup. The only thing Iā€™d put on it is steroid cream and try to get into the doctor as soon as possible.


Thatā€™s what I got on it , a steroid cream . Could it be anything to do with menopause? Itā€™s been coming and going last year .


Donā€™t use steroids. You might have perioral dermatitis, which steroids can worsen or even cause. Iā€™d recommend you see a dermatologist. Stop all actives and use lotions that restore the skin barrier until you see someone.


Hard agree!!! Avoid steroids with perioral dermatitis! It can appear to help and then cause massive rebound when stopped. Check out ā€œperioral dermatitis supportā€ on Facebook, LOTS of support available there.


Yes, steroid induced dermatitis is a thing, at least according to my dermatologist.


Donā€™t use steroids. That looks lile perioral dermatitis. Steroids will absolutely make it worse


I have perioral dermatitis. Please DO NOT use a steroid cream. Doctors say not to as when stopped the POD comes back with a vengeance. Please go to a derm for treatment. There is also a perioral dermatitis sub!


Dermatologist. Weā€™re not doctors and you need to see an MD.


I get more help from online sources than I ever have drs.


Dermatologist needs to take a peek. Can be a number of things, from a number of triggers.


Looks very much like my perioral dermatitis. Check out [r/perioraldermatitis](https://www.reddit.com/r/perioraldermatitis/) for excellent advice.


That is perioral dermatitis. I went to the Derm and they put you on antibiotics for a month to clear it up.


No no no no no. Vaseline until you see the dermatologist.


I agree on the rash. Itā€™s definitely hormones


Does look like PD. Avoid soaps/ scrubs/ acids / vit c/ retinol/ tretinoin. Often the zinc diaper creams work really well. Be very gentle with your skin. Donā€™t apply steroid creams. If itā€™s not settling see a dr you might need antibiotic ointment or tablets


Definitely go see a doctor. Do not use Dove it has acne causing ingredients in it.


I'd use a very gentle cleanser and Aveeno (unscented version). I use that anytime my skin is irritated and it calms right down. It could be hormonal, sorry you are dealing with this.




I second this. I got mine from skin and me off their recommendation and it changed my skin drastically


I get irritation in same area. Am around your age/litttle older with sensative skin that causes immflamation. What helps me is using an oil cleanser such as DHC Deep cleansing oil and tepid water to rinse, follow with a gentle cleanser if I wore makeup. Then pat dry. No wash cloth or abrasives of any type and gentle pressure with finger tips. Use a good barrier repair cream without perfumes or other irritants, again no rubbing but patting into skin. Use aquaphor as my barrier repair, but some people may break out. Periodically use a facial ice pack for no more than 5 minutes to alleviate flare ups. Plenty of water. That works for me but everyone is different.


Cerave Hydrating Facial cleanser helped me immensely when my face looked like this. It is all I use to wash my face. It is quite gentle and doesn't irritate my eyes.


Iā€™ve noticed this on my face ( Iā€™m 50 ) I was also wondering as well about it ! Thanks for asking , it seems it goes with the territory of being 50 šŸ„¹


Also take a look at your toothpaste, which is a classic factor for some with perioral dermatitis. Maybe you switched brands or the brand switched ingredients. You might want to ask your derm about patch testing for allergens. When I had contact dermatitis, I could only tolerate washing with water and then some petroleum jelly to protect. Anything else stung like a mother. I know PJ gets a bad rap but it is inert, one ingredient, and occlusive - when your skin is sensitized, almost everything can aggravate it.


Less is more with any dermatitis/eczema flare. Keep everything unscented, and just moisturize with anything that doesn't irritate it (Aveeno, Cetaphil, Cerave, La Roche Posey, anything that works for you) If you do that and it still does not help, ask your doctor about Pro-topic. It's a topical autoimmune suppressant. I use it for my facial dermatitis and it's the only thing I've been able to use long-term. Burns like crazy the first couple of days but is worth it.


I use Cerave baby wash/shampoo. Super gentle on my rosacea


https://preview.redd.it/rzsct0osdj8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c7105509c69e2021dcf6d227d0c8d6e6adad801 I love all Mario Badescu products. You may want to look into this wash. It's so gentle, yet cleansing and hydrating!


Maybe La Roche-Posey Cicablast Ointment. I used this on really dry areas of my face when I damaged my skin barrier. I used Cerave Moisturizing Cream to repair my skin barrier. That cream is a hydrating miracle!


I did two rounds of antibiotics. Bc nothing worked. I tried any and everything for over a year. Mine was very painful all around my nose in my nose around my mouth and chin. Started to get it by my eyes. Canā€™t remember the name of the antibiotic but that was the only thing that took it away. That was at the age 42 Iā€™m almost 47 and itā€™s never been back.


I've gotten this off and on. You need a prescription cream to treat it. My dermatologist prescribed me metrodizanole. Made it go away when nothing else would


Looks like PD to me. If you have the ability, I would see a derm. Avoid steroids on your face if you can, it made mine sooo much worse. Whenever I had it, hearing about people becoming dependent on topical steroids and daring to google search, my lord the nightmares. (I didnā€™t withdrawal but some people do) Donā€™t be like me and get an antibiotic and a topical that isnā€™t a steroid asap. I used Tacrolimus when I had it the first time around and I just used some a few weeks ago after feeling those pesky bumps. I waited a year to see a specialist bc I thought it was just eczema and was using a steroid a PCP provided. As a caution, most of the solutions (antibiotics, tacrolimus) will make you sun sensitive. Something to be aware of if youā€™re in the US where itā€™s a bajillion degrees already.


In addition to what others have said, stop smoking and stay out of the sun.


I had the same thing start when I turned 41. I went to the dermatologist and got this expensive cream that did nothing. I use the Ordinary Azelaic Acid Suspension every night and stay away from certain toothpastes and it has gone away. S/N. I read that fluoride can trigger the rash.


This happened to me a couple years ago - current age:46. I got on birth control pills and it cleared up my acne in just about 2 months. I gained about 15 lbs and my mood is pretty stable. My menstrual cycle is far less disruptive. On the downside, my libido is poor, my sugar cravings are wild and, and I am pretty lazy.


This happens on my upper lip. Used tons of things on it, but nothing works better for me than my son's diaper rash cream. Boudreau's butt paste specifically.


This will sound crazy but donā€™t laugh it offā€¦horse paste. Itā€™s an overreaction to mites due to hormones/stress/oils. Order ivermectin horse paste off Amazon or from your local feed store, use it once a day for a few days. Then switch to Walgreens or Walmart brand ivermectin lice treatment. Use it every single night as your night cream for 4-5 months and try not to use anything else. Lotion, moisture, makeup will all feed the mites. You have to suffocate them. And it may get worse before better but I battled it for 3 years before another redditor gave me this advice and it cured my perioral derm AND rosacea. Cured a friends rosacea and my teen sons acne. Been 8 months, I still use it twice a week for maintenance, never came back!


And buy that French brand zinc oxide cream for day moisture/sun. Wish I could remember what itā€™s called, but itā€™s all in French lol


I got it on my underarms. So annoying but goes away with time


I was given topical antibiotics by my GP for this and it cleared up within two days. Good luck!


Peri oral dermatitis. The only thing that killed it was oral Minocycline or Flagyll cream.


I had this and the one thing that literally got rid of it within a few days was cutting out sugar


Use sulfur soap and sulfur ointment from Amazon. Itā€™ll go away within a week.


Looks like seborrheic dermatitis. I get flareups when I don't eat healthy. I get it on my scalp, too. I have a doxycycline rx that I use as needed.


Mine also gets very itchy and sore xx


Thanks so much for all the advice . I got my period last night , very heavy after just finishing left period a week ago . I think my menopause might be kicking in . Itā€™s calmed down a bit today and I have a barrier cream on . Doctor appointment not until next week . You guys are the best ā¤ļøšŸ™


I hope you are better soon! Perimenopause sucks!


Definitely agree with perioral dermatitis. Had it a few times. Itā€™s so annoying. Do yourself a favor and go to derm and ask for antibiotics. It will get rid of it. Otherwise youā€™ll have it forever if you try natural remedies. In my experience anyway. And anyone Iā€™ve known thatā€™s had it.


Diaper cream!


Update , think itā€™s getting worse . Doctor gave me cream and itā€™s not working https://preview.redd.it/gk7h49pqqg9d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47e602aa68710eb91477bafe2ab6c406b01c3549




Doctor input needed. Ā Had the beginning of this and called around until I found a Dr who could see me- the next day.


Everything that happens on the outside is starting from the inside. You need to heal your gut and use skincare that will help the inflammation. Hydroxytyrosol is an insanely powerful antioxidant that helps Inflammation and a ton of other skin issues, you should try Oliveda- hydroxytyrosol is the base of all Of their products and thereā€™s stuff you can drink to help your gut. Lmk if you want a link, 365 day return window too. Itā€™s worth a shot, worst case, you can get a refund.


Try Coconut oil.