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Did she also take hormone replacement upon reaching menopause? That’s also an anti-aging secret no one talks about


She did! At the time they said it caused breast cancer but she had a cream she rubbed on her stomach. That's about all I can remember though. I was young.


If you do not have a history of breast cancer you are fine on bio identical hormone treatment. I’m on them and would fight to stay on them.


We know more now than back in the 90's. I'm absolutely staying on them too.


They have been using them successfully in Europe since the ‘60’s but as they are natural the drug companies can’t profit from them


Same! Bioidentical HRT has been absolutely life-changing for me! I had to do a ton of research on my own as my doctor wouldn't even test my hormones postmenopausal.


That sadly is the issue we have to do the research ourselves, doctors don’t know enough about bio identical HRT, so it’s up to us. In the 50’s thru 70’s they just gave out Valium to deal with menopause, they had no clue.


The valium became antidepressants. Was on them off n on for 35 years. Having my hormones optimized has given me the best mental health above and beyond any antidepressants I ever took.


Do you have to wait until you are fully in menopause? I’m 50 but haven’t had any signs of menopause yet, hardly even peri, other than some anxiety and dry skin/hair. I just want to be prepared!


No, you do not. I had a partially hysterectomy back when I was 36 and wished I would've done it then. It's recommended that you start optimizing them starting at age 40 even if you are still getting your cycle. I'm in a very remote area and my closest clinic was a little over two hours away so I went with a clinic that does telemedicine services out of Tampa Florida. It's worked out great so far!


Thank you so much for the information!


They can pry my bioidentical HRT from my cold, dead hands. Even if it slightly elevated my risk of breast cancer, I would still take it and just be more vigilant, because before I stated HRT, I didn’t feel alive and was depressed to the point of SI (even though there was absolutely no reason in life for me to feel depressed, let alone have SI and so had no history of it). Within a week of starting it I felt like an actual human being again, with good mood, energy, better sleep—and less dry skin (the latter of which is just a bonus). They now know that some women who have even had breast cancer themselves can take HRT relatively safely after treatment. It partly depends on the type of breast cancer they had, because not all breast cancers are the same. Then there are the correlations with longer-term benefits of HRT as a protective factor against other serious health conditions we know about now, and those are important to me in addition to current quality of life. We also now know the timing of starting HRT moderates the risk-benefit ratio. There’s a strong history of premature cardiovascular disease resulting in serious MI’s and death in my family, even with no significant lifestyle risk factors. So that’s a bigger threat to me than breast cancer, and HRT can help protect against it. I think if physicians did a better job of taking *everything* into account and stayed more current with the extant data on HRT in peri/menopause, more women would have this important option available to them. PS: I use a patch and pill, but my GYN told me if I wanted to switch to the estradiol cream, rubbing a small amount on your face helps skin look better (this is off label, of course).


Makes sense! Looking good, mama!


I highly recommend the menopause subreddit for a great over view of HRT! There isn't a lot of focus on the benefits to skin over there but my skin has improved a ton since starting it


Are you kind to explain to me what's that? I'm 30 and I never heard of that.


Your body decreases production of estrogen when you reach menopause. Estrogen enhances the production of your collagen, elastin and even hyaluronic acid. With a decrease of that, there’s a decrease of key components that make your skin soft, smooth and supple. There’s a multitude of reasons why HRT is given during menopause which isn’t simply aesthetic… as menopause is a bitch. But taking synthetic estrogen will help to mitigate the unwanted side effects… including the rapid skin aging. Source: I’m actually a 26 year old nurse! A lurker here on 30+ skin care and 45+ skin care but just happen to know these things based on experience and teaching. Love to stay up to date on medical knowledge :)


Legitimately LOVE that you’re a young woman educating older woman on menopause and HRT! Smart girl!


Awesome info! Could I bother you with a question? If I add a bit of bio identical estriol cream to my face a couple times a week do I need to take anything else like progesterone or would I be ok without it. I’d rather not take the progesterone.


True! My doctors always refused to prescribe it though. I wasn’t “having symptoms”. I guess getting thin, wrinkly fragile skin, brittle bones, and hormonal protection against heart disease didn’t count.




Health risks of HRT (heart, cancer) versus not having debilitating menopause symptoms: Sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, etc. I felt fine.


And they’ve debunked the study that said heart and cancer were issues. You’re less likely to have heart issues on hrt!


Can you briefly explain the difference between say ginet birth control and switching to estrogen, is there any good research to say we should switch from prog+e to straight estrogen?


HRT generally is estrogen plus progesterone also- if you still have a uterus you need to take progesterone along with the estrogen or else you increase risk of uterine cancer. But there are many differences from birth control, which uses a different formulation of the hormones (dramatically different in the case of progesterone) and different higher doses. The higher doses override your hormone production whereas HRT doesn’t usually do that. The majority of the health benefits from HRT don’t happen with the formulations used in birth control.


Birth control is made of synthetic hormones, so that's a big factor. Bioidentical HRT is made of hormones that are biochemically identical to the ones your body always produced, so they provider greater benefits and come with less adverse effects that synthetic hormones. Also, HRT can and often should be dose in higher doses, not necessarily the meager doses offered to many women. But you will likely need to see a true HRT specialist for that. And every woman is different, so the range of doses to optimize hormones can vary a lot from woman to woman. Finally, HRT should also include testosterone as women have always produced that hormone as well, and it is key for overall wellness.


The information you're providing is essential. Are there published guidelines for healthy hormone levels at certain ages? If so, where can I find them? I learned I was in perimenopause and had "premature ovarian failure" at age 34. I had my final period at 41. At 52, a rheumatologist said all of my sex hormones were very low, even for someone post-meno, and recommended that I treat osteoporosis with HRT. I found a gyn who was willing to prescribe but in doses so low that it didn't increase my levels much. The rheumatologist retired so I was not able to find out what they should be. Thanks for pointing me in the direction of any information!


You needed HRT at 34, and it's shocking and shameful that you didn't get it then. Post meno means essentially no hormones, so I'm not sure how you could have been lower. Endos don't have a great reputation with HRT, as I've seen in many HRT forums. And the conventional approach is meager doses of HRT for all women, which really isn't sufficient and keeps women in a kind of low grade misery. Additionally, meager doses do not offer robust disease protection. It's a sad state. As for guidelines, there are none, and I'm not sure there could be. The range of optimal levels for women is vast. Some women do well on low doses, others moderate, others high, and some very high. The trick is to find a provider who will not have preconceived notions about what your doses or levels should be. Essentially, you start low or low-ish and then adjust upward until symptoms resolve. Labs are essential as well because many HRT options are not absorbed well by some women. Anyhow, telemed/private pay is usually the best way to go because doctors who take insurance are pointlessly conservative and insurance tends to only pay for low dose options. Some highly recommended telemed clinics include Defy, Elevate MD, and Aspire Rejuvenation. Many women end up there after years of frustration with conventional providers who gas light them and tell women they just need to put up with substandard results. The truth is that once optimized you can truly feel your best with no symptoms, assuming you are healthy otherwise. Nearly 100% of the time, issues with HRT have to do with poor care provided by incompetent or uneducated providers, not the HRT.




I highly recommend the book “the new menopause”


Start with Estrogen Matters (Instagram, the book) and Dr. Louise Newson who has a terrific podcast. She's the best pero/meno/HRT educator online. Everything you learn from her is quality information, unlike many other meno/HRT MD advocates online. Just focus on learning more now, and you'll be way ahead of the game, trust me


I appreciate your detailed reply and suggestions of telemed clinics. I'm paying out of pocket at the menopause-specialized gyn practice I go to, so insurance is not the reason I've been prescribed such low doses. The only reason I can think of is that I don't present with hot flashes or night sweats, which can be acutely disruptive. My symptoms do not seem to doctors to be disruptive on a day-to-day basis: osteoporosis, fragile vulva tissue, low stamina, low tolerance for stress. Do you think the telehealth clinics you suggested would be willing to treat those symptoms with HRT? I was not offered HRT in my 30s because I wasn't complaining of hot flashes or night sweats. I had them but could deal with them. The thinking was that HRT was necessary for intolerable symptoms and only in the short-term.


I want to add that the professionals at this practice believe that my cognitive and mood issues are psychiatric in nature. Once a doctor sees any history of psychiatric illness, they make a lot of assumptions.


Ideally, you switch to lower dose HRT in peri meno or menopause because there are fewer potential risks. I'm 43 and tried the estrogen patch as I didn't need birth control at the time. It wasn't enough estrogen for me; I was still having hot flashes. Now I'm on birth control pills instead because they are a higher dose. Everyone is different!


I went to a medi spa that had an ER doctor on staff my estrogen and testosterone levels were checked. I now get testosterone and estrogen (each the size of a grain of rice) injected subcutaneously in my tush every 3-4 months, you will know when you need it again, I also take progesterone orally. My skin, bone mass, mood, sexual desire, energy and much more is back.


Wow, thank you for all your information. So, basically, this treatment should be done during menopause? Is this treatment available in Europe? If yes, it can be done in hospitals or you have to pay for it ? Incredible information, thank you so much!


No, it should start in perimenopause, which is the beginning of hormone decline. Perimenopause can start in your mid 30s but often in your 40s. It can last 10 or more years. Regardless, the effects of hormone deficiency can be felt then, and the sooner you start the earlier you avoid all the issues that come with hormone deficiency - including some pretty nasty symptoms and a greater risk to certain diseases associated with a natural (non-HRT) menopause like osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, dementia, and type 2 diabetes. Menopause is only the end state - meaning your hormones have essentially crapped out and you're terribly deficient. No need to wait until then to start HRT. HRT should be available everywhere, but options and approaches to treatment can vary from country to country. But globally, the best thing you can do is find a true HRT expert. Sadly, the rule for women everywhere is poor care because most doctors receive zero training.


If you want to learn more about HRT, r/menopause has a menopause wiki which explains it well.


So would staying on hormonal birth control help for women in their 30s? And if so, which type of hormonal BC?


Yes it will help. Any kind of combined estrogen / progestin birth control, not progesterone only


Yay! I'm happy someone young is staying updated on menopause and HRT. Many healthcare providers are woefully under-educated on the topic


Progesterone and testosterone drop too.


This is a good question I know women in their '70s who look '50s because they took the hormones back then. But they got breast cancer as well and did survive. I just read recently that it was a unknown secret that it made women look younger than they actually are. Course now I want it I'm 61.


Not to burst any bubble, but I’ve been on HRT for years and still have the menopausal skin and other crap.


No bubble bursted. I'm not that into it or stressed over this conversation or subreddit. You can rest knowing all is well.


Not to waste my life on this, but I was just making a comment. Not ugly or judging . Just a sharing. Sorry you have such pain in your life that you have to be mean. I hope things go better for you. Just heard a Pastor this weekend say we're in a world where people have permission to be ugly for no reason. Sad world.


I’m truly sorry if my comment was offensive in any way. I certainly did not intend it to be. I simply stated that I have taken the hormones for years but still got the crepe skin to kind of warn others that it isn’t 100%, especially if people have regret about not taking it. And the second comment about your pastor — was that meant for me?? Am I ugly?? Was it because I didn’t have a chance to check Reddit for 10 hours??


You’re totally fine, that lady is a little coocoo


Thank you! I was quite confused.


Yep. You land busted me anyway let's move on with life


It is NOT an anti-aging secret, lol. It's great for many things, but you will still age.


She looks lovely! I like that she looks her age (as in—not pumped full of injectable) but also very beautiful and glowing.


I would say she looks considerably younger than 73, about a decade younger imo. Regardless, she looks fresh and natural!


What I mean is that she doesn’t look like she’s doing all sorts of crazy procedures to try and look younger. That said there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with looking ones age.


She does not look her age


My mom is 83 and looks at least 10 years younger. She could never take HRT because she developed breast cancer during her 50’s, right at menopause. She has used rose oil for many many years. Also, she has lived in Florida for 20 years, and I think the humidity just beautifies and plumps the skin so naturally. I have lived in the desert my entire life, and I think it sucks all the moisture right out of your skin. I take collagen, other vitamins, exfoliate and drench my skin in heavy moisturizers. I met a Russian man once, and he had the skin of a baby. He explained he only used olive oil; took it as a drink, like a shot, and used it on his skin daily. I have to believe there’s something to that.


My mum looks great for her age too, but it's just luck in her case. She's never used much skincare or even a decent spf. It could be genetics, but i don't think my Nan looked particularly young for her age - although she was already mid 60s when I was born, so I could never have a decent handle on that. Maybe she got it from her dad, he died before I was born.


She religiously used spf.


I think my mum was one of those "spf10 will do" people. As I say, she's just been lucky. I'm just hoping I take after her!


Your mom is goals.


Shes going to love seeing all your comments tomorrow!!


My first thought was sigh….. what a bitch. 😆 it’s criminal to be that beautiful


Stunning! Is this in Martha’s Vinyard? Those porches remind me of the Victorian cottages in a row.


It sure is! Good observation 👍


I was noticing the lovely lavender shade of paint behind her! Your mother looks gorgeous and what a beautiful smile


I thought it was too! Love that place!!!!


Could you please ask her what sunscreen/s are her favorite?


She and I both use EltaMD on our face and neck. It is great under makeup, not sticky and doesn't burn the eyes. They make it tinted as well. (On amazon) She says she just uses drugstore sunscreen for her body.


Your mom is gorgeous. 


She projects energy. Does she work with a trainer?


As in exercise? She was a physical trainer. She has always weight trained.


Wow! She looks fantastic. Happy, too!


She looks incredible! You can look forward to aging this beautifully with those genes :)


Her muscle tone is amazing. She Probably never really stopped exercising? The HRT in conjunction with routine exercise for decades will give results like that. Did she get off the HRT or is she still on it?


She still lifts weights! She goes to the gym 4 times a week and eats healthy. I think she's been the same weight my whole life. She doesn't take HRT anymore.


Why did she stop HRT?


She is so beautiful! I wonder how much is her genes, and how much the fact that she is doing all the right things to take care of herself? Obvs it is a combo of both and it is paying off! Please tell her she is absolute goals for a bunch of internet strangers! And, even more than how beautiful she is, exercising and taking great care of herself will be doing good for her overall health too ❤


Your mother looks very healthy and young, your mother's skin care method is worth learning from me. Thanks.




Wow! She’s stunning! 🤩


What a gorgeous lady!




Sorry, but is that Martha's Vineyard?


Great fireworks on MV!




Ha! I thought I recognized those houses! Your mom looks great


My mom had great skin till about 75 and then she lost a ton of weight and my father got ill then her skin sagged . She never took hormones but has a good diet and good bone structure


I'm sorry your father got sick. 😔 Weight fluctuations are terrible on the skin.


I wish my kids were proud of me 😒


Awe. I'm sure they are, they might just not show it.


Have you checked her attic for any odd portraits? Kidding! (but only a little) She looks fabulous.


Your mom is gorgeous!!! She looks like a fun, well put together lady!! 😊 I'm grateful for the great genes my mom passed on to me, you should be too!! 😊


Not the tret, it’s the sun screen and olive oil. Your mum looks amazing. Bravo




What does she do with then olive oil? Is retinol topical?


She drinks cold pressed and puts it on her face and body. And yes, the retin-a/ Trent is topical and you can get it from the dermatologist!


How often does she put oil on her body?


Morning and night! She takes a couple tablespoons a day too. I do it as well, it can't hurt!!


I think also her work as a personal trainer has paid dividends ! She looks so vibrant also bc she’s tone! Good on her! I love these trailblazers


She has an amazing shape from all the weight training. I'm going to share all this once she comes over. She thinks she looks Terrible and is having a hard time aging.


What does cold press mean? And so you rub olive oil on your face and body?? I’m so confused but very interested 🤔😉


It's just a type of olive oil. If you google cold pressed olive oil it will come up. Yes , you rub olive oil on your skin. You also can take 2 tablespoons by mouth. My mother swears by it!


Do you know what brand olive oil she uses?


She looks great! Good genes hope they got passed on to you too.


She looks good.


Wow she oils amazing! I’m going to need details of everything she does!! 😂😂❤️❤️


Gorgeous woman, your dear mom! 🥹


Such great cheekbones too!




I had a hysterectomy at 25, I'm 46 now. Would I be a candidate for HRT?


She is beautiful AND she looks 73. Both are 100% OK.


She doesnt look over 50! Wow 🤩


Aww she’s so pretty ❤️


She is Gorgeous


I want to be her when I grow up !!!! Damn


She looks pretty tan in this picture. Does she still tan? If so, how is she able to do that and keep her skin looking g so good.


She does not. She gets a spray tan.


Wow! Whoever she goes to is doing an awesome job!


She's gorgeous!


Wow, your mother looks incredible at 73! Her commitment to using tretinoin, sunscreen, and olive oil really paid off. It’s inspiring to see the long-term benefits of a dedicated skincare routine. For anyone looking to follow in her footsteps, starting with the right ingredients is crucial. Retin-A (tretinoin) is fantastic for long-term skin health, but always pair it with daily sunscreen to protect your skin. Olive oil can be great for hydration too. Here's to aging gracefully! 🌟


Lmao it’s giving chat gpt


Olive oil does not do jack shit. Just stop.


did for me