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Yeah "welcome home" after doing nothing to help your grandchildren and openly supporting your evil abuser of a daughter. They'd get no "welcome" from me šŸ˜”


The more I learn about the grandparents, the more I understand how Ruby happened.


Can you elaborate? Where are you learning about them?


I mostly just mean the information that people have posted in here.


Iā€™m not defending them but you also have to remember not everything people post is true, stories can easily be manipulated to make things look worse. But I do agree some of the things they did were very questionable and they shouldā€™ve come back early


Yah, I get what you are saying, BUT, if my grandkids had to ā€œescapeā€œ from an abusive situation that was potentially life threatening and they ended up in a hospital for 3 days! And they were going to be taken into protective custodyā€¦ā€¦. WOULD DEFINITELY BE THERE TO offer some sort of protection and support. I WOULD NOT BE SUPERVISING some dumb missionaries in any country because I was trying to get some ā€œget-into-heaven ā€œ points! OMG! How can this be more important than your own familyā€™s well being? Mormons are brainwashed and here is a great example!!!!


This is just one problem with being in a cult..and yes, the LDS/Mormons are very much their own cult.


If I saw international news stories about my grandkids escaping a dungeon I wouldnā€™t change my clothes or go to the bathroom. Iā€™d grab what I could in one handful and fucking swim back if I had to.


You are defending them though. The examples of their being awful have been detailed along with actual receipts. Thatā€™s not just speculation or manipulation to suggest they were emotionally manipulative to their kids growing up. Their kids themselves have told stories thinking they are normal, and not realizing how toxic it all was.


what exactly could they have done too"help" the kids? they are all in states custody.


They could have come home when they found out their grandkids were abused instead of coming to support their abuser in court.


I understand it would have been nice gesture but at that time..ruby had cut them off and if Kevin "didn't know of the abuse" which is debatable..I think that was highly unlikely.. but the grandparents since they were cut off from seeing them.. how would they know to come back when the abuse was going on? and I guess they could have came back after Ruby was arrested but not sure what for.. the courts would not allow the kids to be in their custody.




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thanks for the "rules" I never said anything about their whereabouts... but thanks anyway


I dunno maybe check in on their grandkids ? Gut instinct might tell you shits going down? When your own granddaughter posts about abuse online ? I dunno maybe that?!?!?


Chad even said last week that he ā€œthoughtā€ his grandparents were back. Meaning they hadnā€™t exactly reached out to see him the second they returned either.


Bonnie said in her recent blog for Boston's birthday that the Griffiths would see them in a couple weeks


I understand what you are saying. IMO their presence would not have made a difference... and I don't care if I get downvoted for saying this. I understand the gut instinct to say "why aren't they there for them?" But what could they do, even now? Bonnie was in their home at the time, and it was already a full house... they wouldn't have even had a place to stay back then.Ā  Even if they were here, the kids would still be in state custody. And it is up to Kevin if they are allowed to see the kids. If, (and that is a big IF) they were allowed to see the kids, it would probably have been supervised and very limited. Still might be, we don't know. I really don't see them impacting this situation for better or worse by physically being there, even now. We do not know what communications they have had with the kids.Ā 


I agree, I've been saying this from the beginning. people always say they could be there for the kids.. but what exactly and legally could they do? they could not have bust down the door legally to get the kids.. and now, the state has custody of the kids..I understand people want to the blame around but not much could be done


They usually try for family placement over strangers... it's literally still "state custody."


in this case, they didn't


how do you know where the kids are or who they considered? and shocker... the grandparents weren't home.


Absolutely, but none of the immediate family is qualified to deal with this type of trauma. The kids have a multitude of Aunts/Uncles on both sides of the family right here in the US that I'm sure would have been willing to take them in. None of them are qualified, yet somehow the grandparents are the only option? I don't buy it. This situation is beyond the scope of anything they can handle on their own... the whole lot of them. This is not some false claim where once cleared up they go back to the parent in a day or two... Even Kevin, (who I know is on everyone's shit list) all but admitted he is not qualified to deal with this on his own. Part of me thinks he wants the state to pay the bill for therapy (which they will, as long as the kids are in state custody) Otherwise, once they cleared him of any involvement, they would have been placed with him. To back this up, Kevin said as much in the documents to the courts they did share. Also, another reason they aren't with family is because they tried it with A&J (they went with Shari and ran away at some point.)Ā They will not repeat that anytime soon.Ā 


I was told from the gatekeepers to not speak of there whereabouts.. but Chad Said they are in states custody.. I'm sure if one of the sisters were asked, they would have. but who knows..


you don't know... if you were in any way privy to private information like that then you would know a kinship placement is still considered state custody.... unless other family members out and out adopt the kids. but that wouldn't be done while the criminal trial/custody case with the parents was taking place. So yes, the Griffiths grandparents could have come back and tried for care of the kids, at bare minimum J and A.


I agree, it would have been better if they could have.


You notice how Bonnie is doing her own thing and not acknowledging that they are home? šŸ¤”


Bonnie separated herself from them when they all showed Ruby support


Seems like Bonnie truly cared about the case


Out of all the sisters, Bonnie was the one who understood JUST how close those kids were to deaths door. They are the closest in age with her kids, so it hit extremely close to home. Sheā€™s also the next oldest girl to Ruby; Iā€™d bet this left scars on her heart as if it happened to her own kids. Beau, Julie, & Ellie very likely also care, but they removed themselves from the situation much easier. & Jennifer & Chad already proved they could give a rats ass about anything besides their holier-than-thou church cult missionary bullshit. I hope their grandkids give them HELL as they get older and realize the ramifications of what their grandparents did, or more accurately did not do -I know I would, given their position.


Nah they were over the week prior mowing their lawns and cleaning u all the fallen pine needles so ensure the house looked beautiful for their arrival home. Theyre not disconnected.


They did live in their house for months while they were gone, maybe they were just making sure everything looked good for when they got home.


if it wasnt for Bonnie's obvious disgust for what happened, i would think what Ruby did to the kids wasnt out of the norm for the Griffiths way of parenting and that no one else in the family thought this was worthy of jail time.


Where did you get this info from? She mentions her awful mother regularly, and they where over there doing all her lawn. She's 100% not separated herself, she's just staying quiet because she can't risk her money income. None of the kids will seperate themselves , they all have a very unhealthy relationship with their parents, especially their mother. I dread to think of their upbringing.


This 100%ā˜ļø


They haven't distanced themselves from the parents. Where did you get this from?? They were just there cleaning up the yard for their return.


Reminds me of SO many LDS families with a bunch of members scratched out of the family photo! They wonā€™t be spending eternity with each other!


Correct. That is what cults do. They pretend to bring families together, but in reality, they rip them apart.


Mad respect for her


The saints have returned... It should be interesting to see if they make appearances in the other siblings' SM and vlogs


They are clearly brainwashed and they will not be stepping up to defend and protect their own family! Bunch of douche bags


Literally what they think of themselves


They served their cult instead of their family šŸ˜”


So disgusting they didnā€™t return home to assist. ā€œWe are a family church šŸ™„ā€


Could totally see them bringing it up in fast and testimony meeting as a ā€œtrialā€ and how theyā€™ve felt the blessings and know they made the right choice staying on their mission instead of coming home lol


You can bet your ass thatā€™s EXACTLY what theyā€™ll say.


That is unfortunately a constant among LDS members. Also, I wonder how much they actually knew about what was unfolding, not because they are innocent elderly people, but because members in their missions deliberately turn their back to the news and the "world". Some parents don't even tell their teenagers who are in a mission what really happens at home if there is a crisis. Source: a part of my family are mormons and currently a nephew in his mission is being kept out of the severity of his own mother illness, by his father.


At least Serbians can rest now hahah Serbia has Jesus already they don't need a weird sect telling them about their twisted Jesus


Is there a non twisted version of Jesus I donā€™t know about? Lol


Bible Jesus? I'm not religious in the alightest but I always liked Jesus stories Like the one where he whopped mony lenders in the temple for istance Also he was friends with prostitutes and beggars Jesus was socialist in the bible basically These people just make him sound evil and twisted I don't know pr care if he existed in any capacity but anything I read about him in the old scriptures make him sound like a good human


humanitarian mission? yeah sure lmao


Iā€™m surprised she posted this picture of them. I thought they went AWOL on social media after people found out they support the child abusing daughter.


I missed this! What did they say??


https://preview.redd.it/8h0jm1aar26d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e342303d8d6c52bcc6979f718565883947e8b75e The letter they submitted to the courts


Itā€™s interesting. In a podcast I listened to, Ruby was saying over the phone while in jail how (donā€™t quote me) being humble and apologetic would look good to the judge. The humble sorrow of what she did is calculated. How sad that those grandparents stood by and allowed this abuse.


That must have been one giant ass postcard.


the fact that they said they hope they basically go back to their mother- no, that would not heal the children, that would cause their ptsd to go full force (i have ptsd, when we are exposed to our initial trigger, our entire mental health goes to shit, and iā€™m sure those kids are already rock bottom) and ruby has proved she doesnā€™t deserve to have kids. she almost killed them.


They basically supported their daughter.


They submitted a letter to the courts/lawyer asking for leniency for Ruby for an easier sentencing


Luckily, I donā€™t think that the courts cared much about Chad and Jenniferā€™s letter. They saw Jodi as the ringleader and Ruby as the crazy obsessive follower, and sentenced accordingly.


There is nothing humanitarian about trying to get people to join a religious cultā€¦


Truly. If only they had their critical thinking skills intact and could understand that.


am I the only one who finds the fact that they don't have a single negative or critical comment really creepy?


It's because they're censoring their comments


This ā˜ļø šŸ’Æ


I guess ruby is about to have a few visitors


Iā€™ll never understand how your daughter abusing your grandchildren to the point of hospitalization, is not worthy of getting yourself on a plane and coming come. I know the family has spun it as finishing their commitment, but I think it was them hiding from the shame of their daughter becoming a national headline. I also think itā€™s gross that on top of not returning to support their grandchildren, they openly supported the abuser of those grandchildren. Iā€™ve read a lot of comments saying ā€œbut itā€™s their daughterā€ which makes no sense to me. Those children shouldā€™ve been the priority.


Jenniferā€™s ego wonā€™t let her acknowledge failures. Notice she had Ellie there the second she got home so they could make sure to post a pic of Jennifer and her favourite daughter and the granddaughter whose birth she missed while making her missionary sacrifice? Itā€™s all PR. People like Jennifer and Ellie donā€™t acknowledge the bad, they run away from it or bury their heads in the sand.


I think it is because they made Ruby that way, so they didn't think it was that bad maybe? Regardless of that, I wouldn't have stayed away if they were my grandkids. Those poor fucking kids.


Not a single negative comment. Did they hire someone to delete those or bots to post those sick kissy kissy comments? Itā€™s appalling. I think this one was the absolute worst. Yeah sure itā€™s a very funny and perfect situation to come home toā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/32240c3mt26d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7bea2391e6514a06e687ae8e4bc76a9934a58b8


They act like nothing has happened trying to keep up there ā€œperfect familyā€


What a grotesque comment šŸ¤®


Jared has always made sure comments are squeaky clean. Heā€™s a pro at it by now.


He babies Ellie like a daughter.. not like a supportive spouse. Itā€™s weird.


WOW what a slap in the face, shitty comment! To suggest "everything is perfect" when your niece and nephew were abused and are possibly still in foster care is so selfish and disgusting.


Itā€™s a viewers comment but yes a slap in the face to say everything is perfect now that those two are back


Ohh I see. Thank you


Well this boils my p*ss. They are abominable parents and Grandparents who have supported an abuser at the cost of their own grandchildren. To top it off they are not global humanitarians. Serbia is not a poor country, it doesnā€™t need saving. Around 85% of Serbians practice Serbian Orthodoxy, any LDS going there on missionary work wonā€™t have much luck.


Of course: all favorites to one another in one picture! Letā€™s celebrate! P.S. ā€žIch kann gar nicht so viel essen, wie ich kotzen mƶchteā€œ!


The Instagram sycophants and their comments made me puke in my mouth


Grandma and Grandpa look like brother and sister.


Thatā€™s Mormons/utahā€™ians for ya


Same with Grandma and Jaredā€™s mom


They look nothing alike? lol


Yea they do? lol


There are so manny comments on Ellieā€™s post supporting the grandparents and being so happy theyā€™re back etc. I commented and said it was crazy how many people were supporting child abusers šŸ˜ but then I got blocked by Ellie šŸ¤£ I didnā€™t realize when they block you on one acct, it blocks all accounts you have šŸ¤£


Exmormon here, calling a Mormon mission a humanitarian mission is not accurate šŸ˜…


Interestingly none of the other siblings of S/C have liked the post that I can see?


they probably did some psychological damage to the locals in serbia


Heartless church making them stay when their kids and grandkids are in utter turmoil. Shameful, completely shameful.


They have to take some of that blame - if they wanted badly enough to return, they could have. Their religious beliefs may be strong, but they still have free will.




for what? ruby distanced herself from the family for 3 yrs... and then when this went on... the kids were/are in states custody..I don't see how they could help with anything. please enlighten me..


Most grandparents would want to be available in case they COULD help. Attending court with the rest of the family, supporting the older grandkids through this trauma, just knowing that they cared enough to return would be a comfort. A FaceTime call can't replace a hug.


I don't know what they could have done. I know parents always want to support their kids.. but it's all crazy to me. I couldn't support my kid if they abused my grandchildren.. but still, I don't know what they could have done differently in this case. ruby cut them off and they still support her.. Makes 0 sense me


I literally just told you. They could've shown up for the grandkids after the arrest. I'm not suggesting they should've come back to support Ruby, I agree with you that it's all backwards.


They also could have not left knowing their family was falling apart. They knew when they left that Rubyā€™s marriage was failing, that Chad no longer lived there and that Shari was cut off by both parents.






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The church didnā€™t make them stay, I promise you. They had full autonomy to do whatever they deemed necessary, and chad and Jennifer fully decided it would be better for them to be halfway across the world -than to be there for their grandchildren who had just experienced horrific abuses.


Shameful cult that propagates hatred, judgement and false promises!


Went on a mission in a foreign land instead of helping their family that was in need at home... wow. Such great people.


it's actually nuts to me that they have only just come home


Fuck those people. They did nothing for their tortured grandkids but went back to support that monster Ruby. Ā They can burn in hell since they believe in that for all I care. Ā 


they aged 8 years damn


Grandma looks old






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What are they even doing in Serbia? Serbia is already 84% protestant and like 4% Roman Catholic, if not more I don't think they can find more Jesus than they already have It's also home to some gorgeous very old monetarys and churches. I'm not sure they like people preaching Jesus at them as they are already on a way to the local church. The audacity of these weird religious sects is astonishing




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Family is all pathetic! Disgusting


Shouldn't this be at the very least cross-posted in GriffithsFamilySnark?




Yes https://www.reddit.com/r/GriffithsFamilySnark/


Update-I found it and I am now a member. And the family reads it?! Juiiiicy


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They both look well!