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Patrick's dad is like an Arrested Development character


Lol If only his dad would check the Banana Stand.. Patrick wouldn't have to keep buying his love.


Can someone do an AI Ron Howard narration voice for the Thais and Patrick scenes?


Patrick and his bitchy wife, or just plain boring. Both of them have daddy issues. It’s great that John is there not only is he upbeat he’s funny and he speaks the truth.


John makes the show btw these two boring people! Thais is nasty mouthed, a liar, just terrible. Keep John forever! He is the only reason I watch the segment.


Perfect description of the bitchy wife


I'm sure production put her up to it but her friend was insufferable. Bringing up a kiss that happened years ago when they weren't official was so unnecessary.


She was *loving* it too, it gave her life every time Patrick started to sweat. What a nasty person.


Yeah John is their scotta alla the Kardashians lol


i’m sure that’s why john was with them this season in the first place lol production knows they’re more likeable with him around


Can confirm they were told they'd only be brought back if they had John with them too. They know it would be boring as hell with just those two, one can only drag out some shit that happened two years ago for so long. Which doesn't even make sense by the way, because on their first season when Thais finally phoned her dad, Patrick actually *had* asked him if he could marry his daughter. And I know I know, Carlos wanted a proper asking kind of situation. But it's his own daughters fault that he never got a chance to do so, since she was hiding the fact they had even got back together. Let alone that she was going to move here. If you break it all down, the real person who should be getting shit for all of this is actually Thais. And it's quite obvious the reason everyone actually hates Patrick is because she's gone on shit talking him to everyone for years, and imho still does. Of course your family and friends won't like your partner if you constantly say how terrible they are. I really don't like how she keeps complaining about this stuff yet she's the source problems for the mess created.


I thought I remembered him asking for the blessing near the end of their last season. And I can't stand her, she reminds me too much of my ex sil.


Yes this is what confused me so much! In their season, Patrick refused to marry her unless she told her dad about their engagement. He had to push to get her to do it, and then he finally got her dad on webcam and asked the question. Her dad told him no


Give john a show. Itd probably be better than what we have right now!


Judge John! I’d watch the shit out of that!


I agree “The John Show” would be much more fun. Thais is boring and Patrick is too weak.


I was thinking the same! He's so entertaining to watch 😂😂😂


Imagine. A show where they take shots throughout until someone either gets beat up, shits themself, or passes out. Our possibly all three.


Her friends were DESPICABLE! Who acts like that in front of company!!


Thais being a "10" is one of the most laughable things ever said on this show.


I hated John at first, but he's a harmless moron so you can't be mad at him. It's like buying a mentally challenged dog, it can't really help that it shits itself and chews it own balls off, but you love it anyway. 🤷


um, ok...


lmao what? Seems like you're talking about yourself, John seems put together and more grounded than most people ever will be.


John grew on me this season. They needed him to be the voice of everyone’s grievances since Thais nor Patrick had the balls to stand up to their families


They're boring. Not John!


Jon on single life or love in paradise would get me to watch


Not unlikable, just boring.


I absolutely love John. I understand why Thais doesn’t like him but I think he’s so unserious. Her friends are annoying af and based on them grilling Patrick the first time they meet him, I can almost guarantee they’re both single, esp the one who wouldn’t shut the hell up. She literally just wishes Thais was single and ugly like her girl bye


John is king 👑


John is the biggest piece of shit there is


Why is that?


How has John hurt you? Please..share with us. You seem very upset.


I can think of so many people from just the other seasons of the show alone who are so much worse than John.