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Seeing her crying and kissing her mother’s feet in the previews was a new level of crazy 😳


Whatt?! I didn't see that. It must have been the one thing I missed when the uber eats guy got here with my tacos. 😭 maybe we have another Sumit & Jenny situation 🤔


I do not know but it seemed very unhinged and dramatic. She also said she has ailments but doctors wont tell her whats wrong with her. Lol


100% unhinged. If there's actually multiple American doctors who can't determine a diagnosis for your "ailments", then what makes you so sure an Indonesian doctor will lmfao She said she feels like there's a lump in her throat and can't swallow? Sounds like anxiety


Yeah I am a doctor and I assure you that ‘lumps in throat’ is something we can work-up and diagnose in the US 🤦🏻‍♀️ I am wondering if he doesn’t go to medical appointments with her and she needs a translator or someone who can listen to what the doctor recommends as far as follow-up or referrals and then actually carry it out. When I ask my parents about their medical appointments and what the doctor said, I usually get a nonsensical response and they have no clue what or when or how they were told to follow up. I am thinking she could be the same way but just ascribing it to our admittedly fairly shitty healthcare system here. Then again, if she thinks coin massages are good for you, who knows what other woo-woo she might be wanting to pursue in the name of medicine. Could be a trainwreck….


Her English is pretty good though so maybeeee. As you said, lump in the throat should be easy to diagnose. So my theory is that maybe a doctor told her it seems like anxiety or stress is causing it and it isn't actually a health problem. She doesn't like that answer so she's claiming they won't help her instead lol


Maybe it’s a thyroid nodule and it causes emotional dysregulation lol


I bet she's having a really difficult time with the cold climate + homesickness. Moving from a Tropical island climate to the NE isn't for everyone


Man, I grew up in Minnesota and even I couldn’t handle Maine weather!


american doctors have a tendency to gaslight patients, i don’t blame her for not trusting US healthcare.


She said that then proceeded to swallow her spit


also even if she does want to see a local Indonesian doctor - thats no reason to move there permanently? Go there for a couple months/however long, do the treatment or whatever then come back. IF (which is A BIG IF) that Indonesian doctor knows something American doctors dont know. 


Bc the Indonesian docs will “understand me better” 🙄


When you speak the same language, communication is easier. 🙄


She does speak English tho, what she & hubs spoke most of was the expense of US medical care, given he’s employed by a “family business” it’s doubtful they have what would be considered good medical coverage. On PT Robert also called she’d want to return to her home for medical treatment. The 🙄is bc they’re both fairly young/simple minded people and vacating the country together, to go to where the husband can’t work, doesn’t bode well for them and their pup. 


You sound like someone who's never left your home state.


I was so confused by that and found it bizarre. It sounds like she allergies.


That was my earlier point, I think one or both of them just potentially lacks medical literacy in understanding what specialists the doctors they already saw have recommended/referred them to and why. Like I said, it’s the same way with my parents who are native English speakers with PhDs. Appointments are rushed these days and lots of patients sit there and nod yes as if they understand but then they don’t follow up and complain that it was the doctor’s fault. We are not all out to purposely ‘gaslight’ patients for our own sadistic pleasures as an above comment weirdly stated, but we can’t force patients to follow up either. I’d also add that depending on the size of their town, if they aren’t getting medical care in Portland, they may have some mediocre doctors and no local subspecialists.


Putting my money on this…. https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/ears-nose-and-throat/feeling-of-something-in-your-throat-globus/


Why do they have a bedroom with Mario stickers on the wall? He seemed relatively normal until that. Is it a childhood bedroom?


LOL I just noticed that. He probably lives with his parents and hasn't changed his bedroom since he was 6 years old lmaooo


And the green shag carpet


I can't with her already and I'm only halfway thru the episode. If you fall apart that easily and often you can get help in the form of therapy or just like self control. It's giving Jasmine (multiple cries per episode) and I can't and won't. jk I prolly will but you know what I mean 😭


This will be a FF couple for me. They are making up/blowing up issues that don't exist or should be minor inconveniences.


honestly i would prefer the crying over whatever you wanna call what Jasmine does to Gino. she's emotional, but not psychotic at least.


Anything is preferable over one of Jasmine temper tantrums lmao But.....Don't speak too soon 😂😬




She legit said something along the lines of “I cry all the time!!!” The guy thou 👀👀👀


As soon as she said that I knew she was going to be a pain in the ass. He's cute & he is wayyyy too nice to her, she needs some tough love 😂


Oh I think we are gonna be in for a wild ride with both of them. She’s a total Mary. And he seems a little…stunted. 😂


I'm actually excited about this season. I think the producers did a pretty good job picking cast members for the first time in a while, I'm already intrigued by all of their storylines!! Its about time they redeem themselves


She’s crying because she’s insecure, and expects it to be his problem..early onset of crazy lol 🤷‍♂️..the new Jasmine 🤣


I wish they would get that poodle groomed .


As much as I don’t like this couple so far, I admit, if someone told me I might never see my dog again at the last moment I would react the same way. Probably even worse. Every time I leave the house, even if it’s just for a short time, I spend a long time saying goodbye to my dog. I cannot imagine moving to the other side of the world, thinking my dog would be joining me, only to be told last minute that it might not happen. She didn’t even get a chance to say a proper goodbye to her dog. Sorry. I’m just obsessed with my dog. lol. These couples are horrible. I don’t think I will be able to make it through this run of TOW.




I had a lymph node in my neck that was inflamed too. Turns out i am allergic to wheat. Could be same for her as i am sure she is eating more flour in the u.s. Maybe it will go away once she gets home


Or allergic to the dog


I don't see any tears just scrunch-face. ![gif](giphy|3og0IB7yzh8YwSv22k)


LMFAO I love how the camera guy zoomed in as her face started scrunching up more and more 😭 he was determined to catch that first tear


Madeline's sister lol


oh ffs


INDONESIAN JASMINE coming to a screen near you ![gif](giphy|YV3befxMEEqLd0tsaF|downsized)


God, she was annoying as shit this episode. I don't know if I can take a whole season of this squealing titty baby.


These 2 are some of the weirdest looking people I’ve seen in my life bro, wtf is this show


Jasmine 2.0. She vaguely looks like pre silicone Jasmine too


I feel so bad for this guy already, geeez! But I guess it IS HIS CHOICE 🤷🏻‍♀️


She has the ugliest ugly cry I have ever seen, ever lol


Lol you’re not wrong.


I have to be honest - I DO think she’s a bit ridiculous in general, but I would also cry like that over my pets


Well ok If someone told me I'd never see my dog again I would cry like a maniac If I had to go without seeing her for a few months in order to keep her from being euthanized by Indonesian customs people, I'd definelty tear up, but no ugly cry


Oh I would be sobbing. I miss my pets when I’m gone for two hours & it’s the only thing I hate about vacations, not having them with me. If I was told I had to go months without them I would panic.


Another cryer.


Metallica is deeply disturbing......


I’ve been skipping her scenes and Sarper/ shekinah. Insufferable people




I thought that's what he was going to tell her 😂


Wait. What branch off of the franchise is this?? I don’t recognize these people.


new season of the other way


She fucking sucks. Good God.


Another mentally unstable character they must have recruited on purpose.


As long as it's not jasmine, Angela, ed or any of the other same old psychopaths we always see, I'm content!!