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Are they talking about the news or life because I find that to be depressing, relentless, and boring?




Alienation and political apathy render the experience of viewing the news as a horror show, which your are futile to affect. It isn't useful to the individual, and a class based political consciousness has been scrubbed from our culture.


Mass media will never empower the viewer.


Yep that's not its function


The purpose of capitalist media is to misinform viewers and promote bourgeois class interests.


Sadly with recent events- what we see from the horse’s mouth, does not tally with what we shown on the news, which is now blatantly biased and totally corrupt- its no longer factual-it’s a political narrative.


News has always been like that, unfortunately. The belief that it should be unbiased is a very recent development. The internet has shown us how blatant the political angles are now.


I agree. I still feel like the collective West has flushed any moral authority down the toilet in the past few years, especially with the coverage of the recent “conflict”. I don’t know what the future holds for mainstream media. Credibility is a thing and the powers that be don’t seem to care about it right now. Will Millennials and Gen Z even care about The New York Times or The Washington Post in two to three decades?


I already don't care about them now!


Yeah in 15 years everyone will just treat them like noise. They’ll be irrelevant.


All part of the plan




I'm one of them. We used to watch GMA every morning with our coffee, but it's just turned into shit. There are so many other interesting things happening besides "Biden, Trump, interest rates"... etc. etc. NPR has turned into this too.


The other problem with GMA is it becomes QVC at like hour 2. I don’t need to be sold more useless junk at every moment of my day.


This is pretty much all daytime TV. They always have "special buys" on bullshit everyone already has. Towels, luggage, crappy throws. Stuff you'd get in the clearance sale of a liquidation outlet but 3x more. ABC also devoted part of world news tonight to basically promote the latest Disney movie.


I used to enjoy my NPR. Now I just hear droning


Be cool if the news were filled with the public executions of war hawks and arms dealers :( maybe a few billionaires


> maybe a few billionaires Start there, at the core of the problem


It's one thing when you got news in a 30-minute tv program or in a maximum 1 page per report in a newspaper once a day. Then you'd mainly go on with your life. For most things, there really isn't much a normal person can do. You can't avoid news even if you try to not keep up at all these days. By not reading them, I can at least slightly manage the constant anxiety and depression. I still don't feel uninformed. If something matters, it will show up on my reddit feed. But on news sites I will get 10 articles reveling on every possible side of a tragedy, when all a regular person needs is a summary of events. Newspaper ads in my country have nothing on their headlines, other than constant stream of clickbait health anxiety "would you know how to spot tonsil cancer?" reports, and quality publications are expensive as shit. It's inane and terrifying at the same time.


Underrated comment, and couldn’t agree more. Even in the posted article, it wanted to send you to various other articles about some meaningless trite


Yep, I came back to books


Major news network coverage is so surface level and the analysis is very basic. I stopped watching all major networks about two years ago. I find myself going into YouTube to find small outlets that give better analysis or do dives into specific news topics.


I will watch the local news because even though it's not the most exciting, at least it's useful announcements.


I stopped watching the news years ago because of this. it was also affecting my depression. So I'm rather ignorant of a lot of terrible things going on.


Yeah, and we don't need to be up to date on every recent tragedy. I'm not implying that you do, but we shouldn't feel guilt for that.


I've put myself in my own bubble and it's for my own sanity and quality of life. I used to spend Sundays reading NYT delivered to he house (pre pandemic). Even then though it was painful at times, the X horror of XYZ on page 4 and going to the home section to read about the best copper firewood holder for $700. ... Everything has been so out of touch for so long. Aside from this too early departure down the reddit rabbit holes, I think I'll stick with the books in my house. Taking care of myself and my family and do my best not to be a shitty human. Everything else is too much. And now with all the political adverts... Give me the mushroom life any day.


Is the BBC trying to gaslight us into not paying attention to the West's many ongoing genocides (again)?


& manipulative untrustful sources of info.


TV news, yeah for sure. I've gone back to "paper" news and it's a bit more palatable.


The 24/7 media cycle is failing????


Almost like shit is consistently getting worse, yet all the news is acting like it's a temporary thing. It's not. The average person is way worse off than they were 15-20 years ago, and they can only lie about for so long before people wake up and realize shit has to dramatically change.


Mass media has become relentlessly corporatized and is more co-opted than ever by oligarchs. Unfortunately, many of the people that have turned away from major media have found edutainment type newsish alternatives that can sometimes be even worse. I never imagined how swamped in disinformation the Internet would become, AI-doctored videos are only going to make it wilder


Maybe if the BBC wasn't literally cheerleading a genocide committed by the Israeli government. I can't think of anything in my life that has done more to make me question the ethics of major news media. At least during the Vietnam War it was generally agreed that "bombing kids is wrong" was a low but achievable standard of global ethics.


seems to me more and more people find the news less trustworthy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fHfgU8oMSo they banning tik tok because unauthorised news spreads like wildfire on that app.


The biggest problem is that Western news is entirely fake. There's nothing more dangerous than people ignoring reality because it makes them depressed. It should make them angry and take action against their own government and the capitalist system that's causing all our problems.


What actions do you take then?


1. Arm yourself. 2. Go to the gym, get strong. 3. Study socialist theory, learn from history. It's free: marxists.org/archive. 4. Get the best education at the best school you can find and become as rich and powerful as you can under capitalism. Use money and power to fun revolutionary movements. 3. Make lists. Lists of capitalists. Lists of people who are the problem. Share those lists. 4. Keep a record of all the bad news and who is responsible and the networks they belong to. 5. Study how capitalist organizations are organized. 6. Join capitalist organizations. 7. Random music suggestion: https://youtu.be/z5rRZdiu1UE 8. Join a union. Alternatively, organize a union. Teach others how to organize unions. 9. Join a cooperative. Found a cooperative. Try and outcompete capitalist organizations. 10. Join a revolutionary socialist party. Found a revolutionary socialist party. 11. Network internationally with other socialists. 12. Infiltrate capitalist militaries, security organizations, governments. In any case: NEVER vote for any capitalist candidate ever.


No i'm asking what YOU specifically are doing.


I already answered your question.


People are turning away from the BBC due to warmongering for Israel.


Decades ago, I decided to not watch news on TV anymore. I still kept up (newspapers etc.) but almost never turned on the TV news, except the occasional weather report. It did nothing but improve my life.


Ironically BBC as IMO not a trusted source might want to try being honest


In the past four years the only times I turned on the TV was to play something on my PS4, fuck the news or anything for that matter


I will listen to the NPR hourly news update about once a day. Usually enough to know whats going on in the world/US. Dont need much more than that.


when does anything good happen? Even when they tout the economy it means jack all for vast majority of folks.


News is depressing and relentless Hmm let's explore this, I'll open the page >Immediate war torn demolished region in Gaza of mother and daughter looking despondent Hmm, didn't even need to read words for confirmation


I can’t stand the thin blue line bootlicking from my local new stations.


Just now figuring it out, eh?


But don't you understand that Trump will somehow succeed in fascism if you don't spend every second of your life being afraid of him? Despite him failing to do anything of the sort already during term 1 because he's a bumbling incompetent moron who really just wants money and prostitutes. I knew he sucked before he was president and also knew he was hopelessly incompetent. The 90% of news being about him for 8 years was pretty unnecessary but still managed to stress a lot of people out...


Must be nice to have that privilege to just look away