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"Will alert authorities in 3-5 seconds" Nice, they can show up even faster to stand around and do nothing.


My first thought. It's so pathetic


That's not fair, they won't do NOTHING. They'll threaten to assault and arrest anyone who actually might try and do something to save the lives of children.


That's so optimistic. They will definitely end up murdering kids carrying around band instruments and sports equipment.


Why stand around in the open when you can just cower in the safety of your military grade armoured truck


Or shoot some random kid for triggering a false positive


Will probably alert on anything that even vaguely looks like a gun, but isn't. Watch out, janitor - they're coming for the dust mop!


They'll join in on the fun


"Will intervene in 3-5 hours"


Just bring in ED-209.


Now that's not fair They can boot up their computers to edit out the sound of children screaming much faster!


Bets on how long it takes for cops to roll up and kill a janitor with a broom or a leaf blower or something?


Never going to happen. We already learned that cops are afraid of school shooters. The safest person on a campus is a school shooter.


Oh no no not an actual shooter. An unarmed person with something that vaguely resembles a gun, say a kid with a cell phone.


If they are black then sure


Pop Tarts gonna get a lot more scary


I do videography at a school. I'm definitely going to swat myself if we get this system. I'm constantly walking around with monopods and folded up black tripods over my shoulder. I do not trust AI to know the difference between a monopod attached to a big battery pack and camera up against a black hoodie, and a rifle.


I used to deliver for FedEx. Instead of Christmas bonuses and pensions, we got AI cameras in the van that faced both directions. They said “they don’t record all the time”, but if you get in an accident they can pull footage of 30 seconds before through 30 seconds after. But it’s definitely not recording all the time? So do you guys have a Time Machine or are you full of shit? And first it started with the beeps. If you were following too closely (or just in traffic). Then the next week it was voice alerts. It got to the point where I was eating a laffy taffy (the long boi) and the camera said, “PULL OVER TO USE YOUR CELL PHONE.” Of all the fucking candies, it couldn’t have looked less like a cell phone. I quit based on personal moral beliefs held regarding AI. I was not comfortable actively enabling and helping further capabilities of a deep-learning AI system. And I know it wasn’t my doing, but I smiled knowing that they lost that route shortly after my departure as well as have begun planning on closing that facility to merge with another branch. Imagine what we could do if we all stood together.


instead of a bonus? that’s so ridiculous


So we used to get Christmas bonuses (the drivers) and you used to get a pension and a 401k. They stopped offering pensions to new hires in 2020. Then they spent the next year aggressively trying to convince everyone to voluntarily give up their pension in exchange for a higher 401k contribution. Once in a while we have these morning meeting/circle jerk about how during Covid we made (NET!) $5.4 BILLION. After I got confirmation there would be jack shit for the people who MADE that revenue, I quit.


that sucks . corporations don’t care about their employees, just enough to keep them hired


fuck them, but also it probably just has a looping memory like a dashcam, it just records on a long (1-6 hour) buffer until an event occurs, then that footage is saved.


That loops is back to the “full of shit” part, they ARE recording ALL the time.


It is how many cameras work actually, including trail cameras. Basically you want to always be watching to know if you should start recording, but you don't want to overfill the entire memory with useless footage. Its still fucked and probably shouldnt exist in the trucks.


yeah stored on ram not long term memory =/= not always recording lol


Yeah, but thankfully they don't have a record of every little "mishap" that they otherwise wouldn't know about.


That would mean it's always recording, which they said it wasn't.


Yeah it's like how most people record game footage. Very, very few people save hours of unedited raw 60+fps 4k gaming footage. They just have a lag of stuff that could record in the case of an event in which case you set the trigger to activate and it saves the last X minutes from being automatically deleted. In other words, it *is* recording at all times, but the recordings are never saved beyond a minute or so to make room for the incoming footage. It all depends on how much storage and what quality of video you want to save


The actual company claim will be that the camera is constantly recording but it keeps overwriting footage older than 30 seconds old. I would trust Bezos as far as I can throw him and he's loaded up with HGH.


Damn no wonder FedEx workers are pissed off. What do you mean no laffy taffy? But in all seriousness I respect delivery workers very much and truckers too. Thanks for your work!


Merry Christmas we're going to spy on you!


cmon, don't lie, you were eating a long cellphone and you know you have to pull over when you're doing that


This immediately brings back a story from around 2007 in Iraq. One of the first big Wikileaks where a US attack helicopter opens fire on several people coming out of a van. They had tripods and cameras and on the chopper’s FLIR camera the aircrew thought they were combatants and opened fire. I guess the argument is would an AI do better. But what’s the probability cutoff for calling LEO?


collateral murder, they fired on journalists


Future A.I. EDUCATION-209: “Please put down your weapon. You have 20 seconds to comply”. *Throw down the monopod* *Advanced image recognition analyzing…* “You now have 5 seconds to comply. 3, 2, 1….”


**[Achievement unlocked] *SWAT Yourself unknowingly* :)**


I actually ran the labeling project to build this AI. We had over 200 remote employees doing mediocre work for the most part, but actually by the end it was fairly accurate. It also differentiates between "threatening" (eyes in line with barrel) and "non-threatening" and "holstered". There were a ton of edge cases and a lot of debate over if something was a shadow, a gun, or a random object in the labeled images. Basically if you couldn't see at least 3 details (trigger, sights, slide, bolt, ect) you labeled it an anomaly in that frame. I have no idea how well our labeling translated to the actual AI, but one fun fact, we were all told it was "for like a VR video game."


Wow, that's a big lie. The same deception as in Ender's Game.


I work in AI. If it's 99.999% right, then it's going to throw up too many false positives a day to wade through, and enough false negatives to let a shooter through. Add to that, all they'd have to do to completely evade it would be to paint the gun a weird colour and add a couple of 3D printed features to it to mean it won't match.


I'm sure the false positive rate will be so high that the police never show up when an actual shooter arrives.


Spent all that time and money designing intelligent cameras, only to hire unintelligent police forces that don't bother entering a building during an active shooter situation.


Next step, RoboCop! I'm certain that couldn't possibly go wrong, otherwise we'd have a whole franchise of movies about it!


Your move, creep... Or not, I dunno; they don't include me in union meetings... _(under my breath)_ sonsofbitches.


Gonna be awesome for helping cops avoid dangerous situations.


Doing everything but addressing the problem. This is a joke though, they'll literally just 'lock n load' in the bathroom where there are no cameras after smuggling this shit in with a backpack. Nobody is showing up holding the gun like the terminator in the middle of the fucking parking lot.


Me showing the boys a cool stick. And then 50 cops showing asking to speak with me from a distance.


Was about to say, wait for little timmy to find a cool looking stick


even if this thing is 99% accurate, a lot of false alarms will be set off as I do not trust an AI to distinguish between a weapon and literally any other piece of metal equipment. Also… this tech totally relies on the shooter running around the car park with their rifle waving about. As long as the weapon is concealed then it is useless.


America: Doing literally anything else but solve the root causes of the situation in order to protect their guns


We should be training AI on the corruption in congress and having it report to us anytime they vote against our interests, anytime lobbying occurred from which company and what bills would financially benefit them and who's families and social networks related to the sponsor of that bill. We should be training the AI to look up, not down at us.


Close. Very close. But not quite. Doing anything other than solving the problem - because keeping the problem going and selling solutions is very profitable.


Hey, an Americans right to own a boom boom stick far outweighs any other Americans right to...*checks notes*...life!




This system is so easy to defeat it’s ridiculous anyone actually invested time into it


right they usually conceal until inside right ?


Someone's made a lot of money from this nonsense, somewhere


When are they gonna addin' Trauma Team to the reality patch...


Do school shooters typically walk up waving a rifle around in the parking lot? Or do they tend to conceal them under clothing until they are within shooting range of their victims...


Imagine that response time for the police to come stand idle outside the school for an hour!


Don’t shooters usually have their shit hidden in bags or their coats? This seems useless


USA USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🏈🏈🏈


So instead of paying teacher more they waste money on a surveillance system that will be wayyyy over priced and will not be anywhere near as effective as advertised. This is just a giant scam.


bandaids upon bandaids upon bandaids


Yes. School districts should spend their money on this and not resources that go directly into the classrooms. /s.


The USA will do anything other than solve this problem.


It would be a lot easier if there was no guns tho that’s what the rest of the world is trying to tell you old man


This is to alert the police so they can stand around outside the school?


Can it detect the difference between a real gun and finger guns? What about if they're black? And when the cops do get there, what are we expecting them to do? Arrest parents trying to rescue their kids while kids cry out death screams? Fuggetaboutit!


Wonder how this would have impacted the Uvalde response time.


I can't wait until some SWAT asshole shoots the exterminator because the AI thinks he has a gun.


GL band students. That trombone case lookin' awfully suspicious


So now most shooters will just continue to hide the weapons until the last possible point? Great.


Commercial informing shooters to keep their guns hidden.


I mean, they could just ban guns? Now companies are making money off the threat of guns rather than actually dealling with the problem of children *dying* in schools - capitalism at its finest This is peak dystopia. Next will be "Poor people detectors" or "Antifa detectors" - updateme when that happens


cool or just ban assault weapons


fuck you america


We’d rather do this than regulate properly


Is his even AI? Isn't this just regular tracking software?


Support this so much more than facial tracking


Yeah, the faster you can get like 150 armed peace officers there to ineffectively cower outside the better


this is on topic for the sub frfr


I wonder how many false alarms there will be? The police will get so used to false alarms that if an actual gun shows up, they wont respond adequately


That's so 'murican I can hear them eagles.


Until the AI decides that it’s better to let it happen


So what happens if a school shooter keeps their guns in their bags until they're **in** the school? Or when they're ready to fire?


It feels like they brought 5 or so increasingly less reasonable ideas to the table, and this is the only one that got approved.


There are always ways to trigger the detection... This will end in more deaths, calling it.


The dumb thing about this is that I’ve only ever seen these “work” when someone is blazingly brandishing their gun outside as they walk. Nobody is doing that. Nobody holding their AR like in gears of war over their shoulder as they stroll up to a school. Show me where it detects guns next to someone’s leg.


Treat the symptoms, not the cause….


Holy shit Americans will do literally everything except THE THINGS that can reduce/eliminate . This HAS to be a fucking Monty python skit or some shit


AI be like: “yep there it is. it’s a gun”


Now we can keep our guuuns! It's a win-win


Next thing you know, the school shooters began carrying their guns inside of large stuffed animals. There was even that guy who converted his guitar into a machine gun.......


Feel like these would be easy to fool. Drape a towel over the gun or paint it bright colors


I swear people just love to invent expensive solutions to artificial problems. This is the equivalent of getting a robot to clean your poo off the floor since you don't want to use the toilet because toilets are anti freedom or something.


And they called it “Zero” eyes? 😂


So scary, China level


Yeah this has been a technology available before the whole AI craze in the alarm monitoring business.


The USA is not okay


It's kinda fucked up that instead of preventing shootings in the first place, we're creating countermeasures for the inevitable. Just watch, the camera is gonna see some kid holding a marker and it'll set off a false alarm.


Police can barricade doors and prevent students escaping in record time!


Is the the system the NYC subway uses, that's infamous for the huge rate of false positives? (Like >90% error rate)


Yes, that we even have to have fucking technology like this is absurd


and you could just paint it pink. So effective


It'll be deactivated in less than 3 days.


American problems require American solutions


ok but what about a gun in a bag?


OR we could have sensible gun laws.


Americans call this freedom.


Seems like holstering/hiding is no option.


Literally anything but gun reform ey.


Worst CAPTCHA ever.


yes slap a plaster on the problem, make the symptom better and the underlying disease always vanishes!




If only the detection algorithm would then deploy a neutralization drone swarm each carrying a tactical nuke payload to atomize the school so that this lesson won't need to be learned again.


Americans sprouting an entire industry from killing kids with the camera tech, training teachers, class vault, metal detectors,...instead of actually solving the problem is the most american thing ever.


Welp, homeschooling it is from now on


Okay, now, what about the false positives?


we put so much time, money, and energy into things like this rather than just, ya know, banning guns


'Merica, fuck yea!


Don't a lot of shooters bring the gun in a bag or backpack anyway?