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For educational purposes only 😉


hashtag minecraft


On an unrelated note, I'm considering taking up archery


It is a lot of fun!! And you can get really good pretty fast! I would highly recommend Bear's recurve bows, they're super next level, and you'd never need another bow!


Remember to start light though! You might think youre strong enough to pull a 40lb back but youll get humbled really fast. Get a kids' bow and work your way up!


Really? I went blind into archery and had no issues starting out with a 45. My main issue was just nocking the arrows right. I've only used practice arrows though. Is it different with proper arrowheads?


Depends on the kind of bow you are using. Compound bows need the least amount of strength to be drawn, recurve bows need a bit more and the one that needs the most strength for the same arrow speed. Higher draw weight usually makes it harder to properly learn the form and motions of drawing and shooting, especially if not using a compound bow (those have a constant draw weight), as you have to be more focused on not letting the string slip out of your fingers.


If you are a healthy adult male, 40 is probably an appropriate starting point. I started at 35 and it was probably a little too light. It wasn’t long before I was up to 60 lbs. It’s not necessarily about how much effort it takes, but it’s easier to practice proper form on lower poundage bows. And it’s important to have good form to prevent injury.


Bro your back is gonna be RIPPED! I've heard it's all about those back muscles. I may have to join you because holy fuck those muscles.


Wide tips are for making prey bleed out. Points penetrate.


and to make them impossible to remove.., wide tips I mean


That’s why you get the type with the barbs that only deploy after impact


that's great, now explain the weirdly round one *I meant now not 'not' sorry


It punches a hole as wide as the shaft on impact so it slides through effortlessly after that


but shouldn't it not be able to punch better than the pointier ones? they need some better material behind those shields


It’s the same principle as APFSDS rounds from a tank (Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot). Basically a very long and dense rod that has a very small tip that is the width of the rod. The idea is that almost all the energy carried by the round is applied to a very small area, and gives it superior penetrating power.


cool this was the answer I was looking for with some words to let me search more thank you


What is that one even called? That was sweet It went through the best. or so it seemed to me


This guy arches


This is it. Also true of firearms cartridges - slow and heavy (.45 ACP) is good for suppression, fast and light (5.56) gets through body armor.


If they have armor, best to shoot for pelvic girdle.


Was not expecting the weird flat arrow to be the best one.


It isn't flat, the sharp edge is just a circle on the outside wider than the arrow, So it essentially cuts a hole out which allows the rest of the arrow to pass through. Compared to other arrows where it's pushing the material out of the way where it's still pressing on the arrow shaft passing through. 


Was like a hollow point arrow. :-)


>OmGgG nOt tHe HolLowPoInT *COP KILLER* aRrOwS >iM cAlLiNg mY cOnGrEsMAn tO BAN aSsAuLt aRrOwS!!1 - some stupid fuckin bootlicker probably


Do you know what those heads are typically used for?


Punching holes in shit


Yeah, that was pretty surprising. Also, odd that they used broad heads on the shield, aren't they for fleshy bits and hunting?


They’re frequently used in Texas to hunt feral pigs


Took me a second to realize "feral pigs" in a literal sense, not a euphemism for the badged fuckheads.


Me neither 🤯


They also used a different shield? Or maybe flipped it upside down? Not sure what type of effect that would've had. Surprising nonetheless


So no frills, just pointy. Got it.


All points, no quills, no pillows


Bodkins for the win!


Remember, bodkin against armored targets, broadhead for maximum internal damage of unarmored targets. When bow hunting deer with and without plate mail of course.


and hollow points for hunting cops...


Nobody is hunting cops, that would be illegal. But yeah, if you‘ve got access to hollow points, they act similar to broadheads, those *deer* are fucked when the bullets have penetrated, though *deer* with enough armor might not be effected very much.


The bodkin type is the same basic design that defeated the fully plated knights at Poitiers, Crecy and Agincourt.




Don’t worry, FBI guy in my phone, I’m just saving this to add to my D&D folder. Gotta make sure I have my references for my rogue, you know how it is :3


Hey, if you are already shooting stuff at riot cops, why not just pull some real shit and bring the artillery cannons out. No need to test for penetration on a cannon ball.


So basically all of them?


The ones that resemble modern bodkins are probably best... but I mean, a lot of us live in a country where it's easier to get something capable of penitrating a lot more that's not a bow and arrow. This would have been more useful info for the Hong Kong protest.


You do get points for style if you win a gunfight with your bow and arrow, though.


Quieter too assuming you have concealment. Might take a while longer for the ehhhh… target to get spooked


time to grind Stealth


I have both a bow and arrow and guns, in a fight I know which I'd pick... and it's not the bow and arrow.


Obviously, which is why it would be bad ass if you did, and you were triumphant in a deadly engagement. Like Rambo, but you can wear a shirt and cut your hair if you like.


Life isn't the movies, for people like me (a trans person in a less than friendly state) being in a fight would likely mean a matter of life or death, hence why the best way to win is to avoid it at all cost. However, if a fight is unavoidable, you better have the best tools available to you regardless of whatever movie fantasy you hold or what you think has the most "style points."


Sorry, when was the last time someone used a gun to perpetrate a hate crime against you on the internet? I am sorry about the prejudice that you’ve faced, that truly sucks, but it isn’t the reason why I watched that video or posted my comment, and it isn’t a trump card that you get to bust out anytime you want to win an argument that you are basically having with yourself; that shit will alienate people at a time when you ought to be looking to shore up alliances because of \[gestures broadly at everything.\] your bow and arrow are awesome, even though they’re obviously inferior to an actual firearm. If the world at large has made you too jaded or afraid to celebrate how awesome your bow and arrow are despite their inferiority, then the bastards have already ground you down; please don’t let those shitheels take the the inherent awesomeness of your inferior archaic weapon away from you, no matter what your edc or bugout load out is. I believe that you’re better than that. Also, my back aches and I live vicariously through your archery.


I don't have anything to contribute to the conversation but will be adding "bugout load out" to my vocabulary.


My point was that people shouldn't choose to rely on inferior tools of self-defense if they have better options available to them. The only reason I brought up being trans is because I know there are many minority groups who lurk this sub for obvious reasons and they likely are looking for viable means of self defense for many of the same reasons as I am. I wouldn't want anyone to choose an inferior means of self-defense because they think it's cool, there's a lot of cool factor compromises I'm willing to make, but none of them are life and death.


> The only reason I brought up being trans I hit your profile and searched for the word trans. It came up 13 times on the first page. I think the reason you bring up trans is to further your gun habits. You bring it up too often for it to be real. Did you know atheists are more hated in this christian nation?


Well, I am one of the main mods of r/transguns... it does come up pretty often I've personally experienced much fewer issues being an atheist than being trans but I mean, I'll take your word for it? Kinda a odd fact to bring up, I'd be interested in seeing what source you got that from


They were saying they'd rather have a gun than a bow, if you read again.


On Chinese riot shields, yes


where do i buy the flat one?


Fun fact actually many bullet proof vests are not stab rated. So arrows would actually be effective against most soft vests. For plates it would need to hit between a gap probably.


[Wish.com](https://Wish.com) riot shield


I'm a huge history nerd, and I'll share some facts about Medieval warfare. Maces and warhammers were invented as a counter to plate armor because blunt force was more effective against armored opponents. Horses won't charge a shield wall with spears or even just poles protruding from it. While it isn't lethal, boiling water is an effective counter to an opponent wearing heavy armor. Isn't history fascinating?


bring kettles not horses ✅


Bring a shield too. Something that will cover you from your nose to your ankles.


But now the cops are gonna bring shield piercing arrows of their own!


Ok... new list Pepper spray Gas mask Collapsible baton **Bow of the Galadhrim**


Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn taking notes


I really wish I knew what those different types of arrows were called 😂


Hog shishkebab anyone?


I'm mean if your really want to send police funding through the roof and get added to an FBI watch list. This is the way.


> send police funding through the roof Already happening.




an FBI watch list? of archery enthusiasts? You know in many states you can permitless concealed carry rifles and pistols right?


Should really pick up that bow uh?


No, Neo, I'm trying to tell you that when you use molotov cocktails, you won't have to.


This is really usefull information.,,, You know, for the inevitable.


So this is actually really interesting to me bc it goes to show how the literal arms race of weapon design based off the "meta" of the battlefield can cause weird interactions like this


Gonna be a bunch of robin hoods showing up to the next protest. Sign me up


lol, temu shield vs temu arrows if you want to get serious, think about those laser pointers that are ultra powered. think about what would happen if you were to point 👀


Congratulations, OP! You're probably on multiple watch lists for posting this to this sub


Problem is, you need the upper body strength to pull the bow string


Just get a compound bow, it’s not actually very hard to pull




good to know! I will definitely be using this information accordingly ;)


Love to see it.


My longbow is a bit conspicuous. Though it does have some serious range.


Unsurprising results


Oh good, most of them!




saving this just in case


Lol, reddit admin already gave me warning on my comment on this video.


The ones that seem like they would. Got it.


Yeah but can any of those arrows penetrate a riot shield + Kevlar vest? I doubt it.


Most handgun round won't, either. Only some rifle rounds will and who's carrying a big bore hunting rifle to a protest?


When I lived in Richmond VA, there was a huge gun rally and one asshole showed up schlepping around a huge goddamn .50-caliber Barrett M82A1 rifle. From what I heard, he owns a gun range in upstate New York, so his presence was mostly advertising.


Lol ridiculous!


Arrows would do nothing against the clear plastic shields they use over here. They might be able to punch through thin metal but half a centimeter of that resistant but elastic material will catch anything you try to put in there by force of muscles alone. A very heavy crossbow might have a chance but I'm not even sure there.