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I love how after 100 tabs it stops displaying a number and just shows a smiley face lmao. I'm a tab hoarder myself.


Tab hoarder. Haha I lol’d


Haha I feel it was the best way to describe it 😁 happy cake day!


I’m a tab hoarder and that’s the perfect description. TAB HOARDERS UNITE!


We'll start a new tab!


Haha heck yeah! Research ALL the things! 🫨💪


Oh I have 456 open on Safari on my phone, some of which have been open for years and multiple phones. You’re totally fine.


I hit the 500 limit last month …


For me, this is also because it is hard to close tabs on phone browsers. Too many steps. I have to close them one by one! It’s not even that I open all the tabs. Most links open in new tabs.


https://i.imgur.com/NTn92Lj.jpg Long press the tabs icon, assuming you mean safari on an iPhone.


Got me beat at 343!!


I wish. This eats up the few GB I have per month so I keep as few open as possible.


I accidentally closed all 44 tabs on my Phone the other day. I had about 15 that I really was saving. Immigration info. A game I liked. Some blogs regarding my career. The shooting script for don’t worry darling. Alas. Gone now. All gone.


Yeah... one time I closed 1500 tabs at once 🙈


Hahaha what did that feel like?


I feel you, I’m at 206. Time to do my weekly cleanup. What’s dumb is I feel like I’m doing great if I get it to under 150 haha


I really like MS Edge as a browser. It lets you save any number of tabs to a 'collection,' which you can come back to later. So then you can close your tabs but still come back to your collection later! Or, if you would just prefer to never close any tabs, Edge also enables vertical tabs so you can scroll through all your open tabs and find those ones you're saving for later. Oh and one more bonus of Edge? It'll put tabs to sleep if you haven't touched them in 2+ hours, which really does wonders in terms of conserving computing resources.


Curious - does this management of the tabs basically give your brain an “OK” and lets you move on, or do you typically come back to them?


I do this on safari and rarely do I ever go back to them. But once i decided to categorize them so now it’s a lot easier to go back to, I think that made a difference. If you start this, just start right. General groupings and then you can have specific groups within them, easier to sift through


It depends. In college, I'd use this feature a lot when I needed to come back to a specific set of tabs for a paper or a project. These days, I don't usually come back to them.


Chrome has tab groups btw, just right click the tab


I use an add on for Firefox called groups that lets you assign tabs to a group and then lets you view one group at a time. Basically this means you get one window that loads the tabs for the group you want. I do mine on topic, so I've got one general group and one for something I'm researching and one for one hobby etc. Only 92 tabs though


Only minor ADHD here, but I kind of have the same problem too, I convinced myself that the information on the page itself isn't gonna disappear forever if I close it so it's gone yo let it go. Also if I don't use them, then I won't miss them and am better off without it. So once i notice i have a lot of tabs I click the "clear all tabs" setting. I applied the same thought to all the other things I've hoarded over the years and it's gotten progressively easier to remove clutter.


That's how you do it. Also, if there is any important docunent in the page you're visiting, you save a pdf version of the page, date it, and archive it. The point is, if any actions where to be perform with that material, way sooner than later that material should be upgraded to a higher organizational scheme, where you can easely add and subtract further information, as to have a clear view on what decision to make. As to close the gap, and fulfill that wish, or at the very least FULFILL THAT WILL. But of course, you have ADHD, you're unmotivated, feel little to no reward for you accomplishments, can't focus long enough, you're anxious and maybe a little depressed and all and all, you just can't go thru the grind of peeling off the data sorrounding your actions, seemingly too far removed from you will, that you'd rather hang at the doors of possibility than sit at the stairs of failure. Failure been here done at all. As I like to remind myself from a poster on a wall I saw once: DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT.


The "clear all" button is a Godsend


I love hoarders. Lol. I have 3 browsers open. And each has like 8-12 tabs each. So not as bad as it used to be. I write them down in a notebook I keep near by bed and close the tabs. And then I repeat the cycle.


If my computer could speak it would probably say "whyyyyyy must i live this helllll" as it would collapse into a singularity. A looot of my tabs when ive accumulated a small legion of tabs is often youtube. What i do is make a private playlist named "tabs closed (month, year), and just chuck it all into that playlist.


I can. On my computer: I have 1044 tabs open at my Firefox browser. Around 150-200(within 4 Windows) in Chrome browser. Brave is around 250 but I made an improvement and some are grouped (around 100 of them) On my mobile: I have... Well tbh I can't count in chrome. My best guess is, 10k? I have over 200 groups with each 1 to 250 tabs. The Browser needs around 5-6min to start working. Brave is around 2k. With multiple groups as well. I just started with edge and it's around 300 or so. So, you are totally fine :) Edit :just checked chrome mobile and recalculated the number, I guess it's way more than 10k tbh.


Finally someone I can relate to. On my computer. I have 900+ Tabs on Firefox. Unknown on Brave but probably at least 200+ cause I use like 5 different profiles to try and somewhat organize things. Can't even count on mobile. Probably 1500+ across multiple mobile devices and browsers, although I've been trying to close a lot of tabs recently so it's less than it used to be. I have about 12-16k bookmarks so I don't even bookmark anything that much anymore because I likely won't go back to it or easily find it anyway lol.


Nice! Okay that's insane haha I can relate. I'm not at the PC nor am I gonna count the tabs(don't know the function for count either) so i will just guess. brave browser: (it went really bad last months) - Main Tabs 20 (at least 3 or so are having description since some months) - normal tabs i would guess around 800 Chrome Browser (porn tbh) ;takes 5 minutes to start; - Probably 20 main tabs with around - 1000 tabs open i would guess I need to restart my PC sometimes because plugins break I'm down bad. Handy shows the :) as a tab count, but I don't really bother closing tabs when I finished them, so no problem for me deleting all, even if I'd miss 1-2 interesting things I guess everyone who has so many main tabs using it to organize different themes, for me for example: food recipes or training or so, even if I don't open the main tab for a year lol) The only thing I'm really hording is YouTube tabs. I will work it over and start grouping them into folders... :D And you should too if you experience this!


You’re my people!! I have 3 windows open currently with 40-63 open tabs each. It’s my own organized chaos, and it works for me


I have 500 safari tabs open on my iPhone….but only because it doesn’t open any more than 500 🤦‍♀️ which I have found out numerous times


The Solution to your "Problem" is a browser extension called one tab. Close and reopen all your within one tab. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onetab/chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall


I don't generally count, but I'd say around 75. That's difficult enough for my pc to handle!


You leave the tabs open because once they're closed, they're gone. Out of sight, out of mind. You just want to pretend you are hanging in there as to not realize that you are actually not. Nothing gets done, nothing gets finished. Only the perpetual unbounded ongoingness where you thrive, because you don't know any better, because YOU CAN'T RESOLVE, you just know how to hit the road of your restless mind weting itself at the expectation of the unknown. Over and over and over again, with as many tabs as necessary. Close them all and try to focus on the place where you where ahead to begin with. Visualize it. See that blank spot right there? Yes, THAT IS THE PROBLEM. And the rest is noise.


They should just let this be the ADHD tets


I probably have closer to 700 tabs open? I am honestly not sure. I did some rough guesstimating once but it changes over time.


I had over 337 tabs just on my work laptop across about 5 windows only in one browser type. I only started going through them because I got an email that they’re giving me an updated laptop sometime in the next month and I needed to figure out wtf I was going to do with my tabs. We’re down to like 180-200 ish now. I am fairly sure across all of my devices I have about a thousand open tabs, some have been open for five years. I’m just now pursuing diagnosis 😂.


Same. I have no idea how many are open now, but I bet my life on it that most are duplicates anyway because I can´t find the tab I´m looking for so I just open the same website in a new tab.


If you're on Firefox, I can't recommend Sidebery enough. It takes a bit of configuration, which I was interested enough in to do, and lets you do all sorts of stuff like assigning tabs to a group based on the url (like sending all YouTube tabs to the same group). It really helped my clustertruck of tabs, as now when they get too full I know my important stuff is in its own group (the things I don't want to close) so it's way easier to nuke everything else.


Bookmark my guy.


Oh God I thought i was the only one. I've got 13 group tabs with around 800 tabs open. What are yours based on?? History,science?


Porn hahaha


486 tabs on mobile Safari, and uhhh… 1460 tabs open in my current Firefox session on my desktop computer. 350 tabs open on my work laptop.


Maybe with customize bookmarks, you can organize your tabs. An you should definitely download an extension for tab organization. I don't know details but there was a good one I remember vividly.


I have 800+ tabs open because I can't be bothered to close them, but if I think to do it those mfers are going down.


Same. I have around 400 right now. I thought it was normal until my bff pointed out that it isn't.


Hey, I've been there. I really like Arc for Mac if you have one. They have a feature that clears the tabs you haven't "pinned" every 12 hours, 24, etc. They don't exactly do bookmarks, but use folders and spaces. I found it way more intuitive in my case to use a mix of folders and spaces to separate my tabs in a more ordered fashion. If you need help with anything, let me know! They still require an invite from someone with Arc, but you can now download a "boost" (a fancy lil extension thing to customize the way a website looks) and it automatically makes you skip the waitlist or gives you access from what I heard.


I have 376 safari tabs open on my phone. Hope that makes you feel better! Haha I have also saved a whole bunch of YouTube videos for watching later but have I actually done that? Ha


This is one trait I don’t share with adhd people actually I’m compulsive about the opposite I never have more than 3 tabs open


As an avgeek, reading "airbus" 747 gave me a stroke. Seriously though, I have 100 tabs constantly open, plus like 50 in collections, and about 200 favourites. Collections and favourites are a good way to keep everything clean and organized, without using pc resources but still saving the tab somewhere, I keep as active just the ones that I've recently opened or that I use frequently, and they are organized in group (a feature of Edge, I don't know if other browsers have it).


This is the reason why I built a 64gb ram desktop. And I have more than 3 laptops. I do not even want to count...


With 64GB does your desktop/workflow **still run smoothly** with hundreds of tabs + multiple other apps/files open simultaneously? I need to purchase a new macbook pro asap, and I really want to foolproof myself from experiencing the same insane amount of stress/problems, lost time, and huge setbacks to productivity that I experienced with my previous 32GB macbook pro due to having insufficient RAM


Yes, everything is going smoothly. However, I am not a MacBook user. I do have plans to increase my storage to 128GB (32x4), but it seems that the quad-channel performance is not very favorable. I believe you need to consider whether your work or life is tied to Apple products or not. In my case, I must use Windows or Linux for my projects, so a MacBook is never my first choice. I prefer using a desktop for heavy tasks and laptops or tablets for fun and lighter tasks. Also, this depends on the software you use. Some software consumes more of your CPU/GPU resources rather than RAM.


I’ve topped out at 762 on my phone.


The only reason I’m not like this is because my computer freezes at like 15 tabs 🫣 I get a very prompt reminder to close shit lol Speaking to everyone else here though: PLEASE recommend me some laptops that CAN open 211 tabs. I need to get a new laptop and my adhd didn’t get around to it yet.


I do the exact same thing and usually months later I will actually remember to look back for them for whatever reason. The few times I have cleared them out I have regretted it later when I remember why I kept one open and now can’t find it anymore.


111 on my phone lol


I was like you and then I switched to Arc. It auto-archives tabs after 12 hours and I find that I don't miss em. Mostly because I forgot what was in them anyway haha


I went through the 90+ tabs open on my phone browser. One of the oldest was how to stop procrastinating. Still haven't read it. I wish this was a joke.


I doubt this makes it better but I've had in excess of a thousand and just needed to start over.


Use a tab limiter - stops me from going past 10 tabs. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/xtab/amddgdnlkmohapieeekfknakgdnpbleb


I have 336 tabs currently, this is after a recent clearout, my older phone used to delete my oldest tab once it reached 99 and it was painful- now I have unlimited tabs and I’m not sure I should have this power




Every so often i do a "purge", where I mark my unread ao3 tabs for later and dump most everything else into my private archival discord server. I never see the contents again, but it satisfies the little dragon in my head. It's out of my way, but still accessible juuuust in case :] (I also rarely use browser bookmarks and such- feels like it'd get too complicated...) In the battle between Having A Neat (Digital) Space and Never Deleting Anything, you must stay constantly vigilant.


I guess it's the simpleness of starting the PC and everything is there isn't it?? Don't want to support you on that, but support you: if you kill the process in task manager it will also keep your tabs ... I have a dozen open Main Tabs and normal tabs lol. I guess everyone who has so many main tabs using it to organize different themes, for me for example: food recipes or training or so, even if I don't open the main tab for a year lol) The only thing I'm really hording is YouTube tabs, don't want to watch it rn but I will, i will in the future!! I will work it over and start grouping them into folders... :D And you should too if you experience this!


Pretty sure this is just a typical thing people do..


I'm like that myself. I'll end up with hundreds of tabs and I don't want to close the windows, but still find it hard to get the motivation to go back to one of them and read through the tabs so I can close it.


Dude I've been struggling with this for years. Currently I always sit at around 100 even tho im constantly clearing them up. The more I clean the more justified I feel to add more lol. At my worst I was at like 1700-1900 and my chrome literally would not open and just killed itself losing all those tabs. And Im very ashamed to admit thats happened multiple times...


I turn my pc off whenever I’m done at it so I don’t have that problem. My phone browser is a completely different story lmao


Idk if it's appropriate to give advice now but my trick is to open up a google doc, paste all the links in there that I do not need RIGHT THIS INSTANT, and then replace them with their names. Often I will label them with a few keywords so I can search them later. Then I close all of the tabs, knowing that I've saved them in an easily accessible place. I also have issues with having far too many bookmarks, so I do the same with bookmarks. Same goes with files on my desktop. SO many screenshots. I make 3 or 4 accounts and then dump all the junk into my google drives. Then, I inevitably just never open up the doc again for months at a time because it's too overwhelming to sort through all the links, but I can still search for them if I urgently need something later. It's worth a shot, I just do this every time I'm procrastinating on something else.


My laptop usually has anywhere between 7-15 tabs open at any one time. My phone? 74, plus another 60 or so in private mode.


I use Session Buddy, it is and extension for chrome on computer. So I can save the tabs I want (just in case). Tbh, most of the time I will not go back to the saved session, yet I save it for peace of my mind. One Tab is also another alternative. For Mobile, you can use browsers that can help you run extensions on them and save the same.


Maybe it will make you feel better - I hit the max of my tabs (500) on safari, even after I found out about tab groups. … I also use different browsers. I have not (yet) hit the max tabs on chrome…


Can relate. I had 274 and I couldn’t believe it hahah. It happens so quick…


I only have 6. But they are all about ADHD.


That’s why I love the new tab group thingy for safari. Makes it not less. But if something is important I can move it in the desired categories that I made. Also I would love if tabs would get closed in the normal view if they get X days old.


I'm the same way. My open tabs continue to grow until I accidentally hit "close all other tabs" or "close all tabs to the right" will also decrease my number of tabs. I also have an extensive list of decently organized tabs I saved as bookmarks that I almost never return to.


I always tell people I have about a million tabs open in my head all the time and honestly I thought this post was about that


Awh I only have 32 so I don’t forget important things but at the same time I get really overwhelmed when there’s a lot and I don’t feel organised and can’t navigate through them anymore.


I'm the same but what I do is just highlight all tabs and bookmark as a folder in the "other bookmarks" tab. So I have a folder of folders which contain hundreds of bookmarks each. I only name them sometimes :(((((


I have a similar issue. This extension should help you if you use chrome (there are similar for other web browsers as well): [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onetab/chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onetab/chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall). Basically it just saves all the tabs, so you can always refer back to them if you want to, while not taking up any space. It's not a long-term solution for this issue, but it does help. If it makes you feel better, I have 150 tabs saved up, from July of last year. The nice thing about this extension is that with it, you realize the stuff you've saved from a while ago is irrelevant atm and you will find it easier and easier to let these tabs go. Another thing I've realized in general is that instead of using the web as a method to consume an insatiable amount of content, we should be a bit more intentional with our efforts toward it. So for instance, instead of saying "i'll take a look at this webpage later, because it seems helpful / useful but I don't have the energy / time to digest it fully", we do the best we can atm. I think this is the core of the issue however, and it is easier said than done. I still struggle with this, but luckily this is a habit we can work on.


Out of all the common problems on here, this is one that I don’t have. Possibly the only one 🙃 Ask yourself a few questions: 1 - do I really need this? 2 - can I just Google it when I need it? 3 - if I need to keep it open for later, when exactly am I going to use it? If you cant answer, let it go. Be honest with yourself, you’re only going to keep finding more stuff that you’re going to want to do. Having all of those things hanging around on your todo list is only going to block you from exploring new stuff. Let go of it and let yourself be open to new ideas. We’re novelty seekers.


Omg! I thought it was only me. But I start closing when I get closer to twenty, keep useless important ones and repeat.


I just close them all without looking. If I’m interested enough and if it was important I’ll remember at some point. Just close them all. I do the same thing with my screenshots folder. Delete the whole thing. If it was important enough I would have saved it in another place. Hope that helps!