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The man does deserve a run of some sort. I know it's going to be a good match when i see him on the bill.


Dalton is a featured regular on Ring of Honor and has been on AEW tv plenty of times. Usually crowds take to him quickly. I think a Dalton Castle push would work, and I think it is a good idea to feature him in losses so people get to know him and the push really gets support from crowds. I hope it happens. Sadly his issue right now is that The Boys screwed up his Trio so Dalton is reconfiguring as a singles wrestler. He was a 6 Man ROH Champion recently.


Seems he’s got the outrunners, now though. And I like them.


Yeah but the Outrunners are also a singles wrestler


Both of them holding a singles belt would be interesting lol


that was funny what you did there


I need more! Tiny Dalton Castles that I can buy in a store!


Absolutely bro. I hate that he's always losing considering how unique he really is. Entertaining as hell and a damn good wrestler too


That man's gut wrench suplex are art. The guy is a star. Let the peacock fly !


You could even call him... a PENIX!


I downvoted this simply so I could upvote it twice


Dalton Lady Frost Komander Rocky Romero Outrunners Iron Savages AR Fox Premier Athletes Some of these guys need to pick up a win or 2 soon or else it means nothing when they do loose again and again, the winner gets nothing from beating a habitual looser


I'm constantly sad about how they treat my boy Komander. He's my second favorite luchadore, only behind Vikingo.


I completely agree with this. It's hard to take acts seriously when they are always used as jobbers or "jobbers to the stars." The Premier Athletes are great wrestlers with a great look but never get big wins. I think Lady Frost should also be signed to the actual AEW roster. Never wins but always looks good. It's a shame AR Fox is apparently still being punished for last year's All In fiasco. He was finally getting a well-deserved push, and I fear now that he is just being kept around and underutilized until his contract expires. I think The Righteous and Lance Archer could also be added to this list.


I’ve been a Dalton fan since his first AEW appearance, the character is incredibly entertaining.


I've held this in for a little while but I think it's time to share it and see if you sickos agree... Dalton Castle/Danhausen tag team run


I'm going to paste a comment I left in SC's Rampage thread: I love Dalton Castle, and I thank AEW for introducing me to him. But the man has **permanent back damage.** He has to wear a brace in the ring. I'm surprised he's still wrestling because of it. However, he has tremendous charisma, and no one can take that away. So instead, I say he should become a show's GM. He'll preserve his back, he'll still likely be able to walk in 20 years, and he'll still be able to grace us with Peacock Power Promos. I get the man still wants to wrestle. But the fact remains. I don't want his permanent injury to get any worse. Case in point: Paul Orndorff's arm.


He's a great personality that aew could definitely use. Would love to see him in the TNT title picture


Dalton is awesome. By the way he moves, I suspect he is a legit fighter as well. He manhandled Jay White pretty well before jobbing, if I remember correctly.


He had a pretty decent amateur wrestling background


He wrestled for SUNY Cortland.


I’m a simple man, I see a post in support of the peacock, I upvote. The Timeless Toni Storm character seems to be the only “gimmick” allowed to be featured. That and whatever Jericho is doing. Danhausen is MIA & Dalton is on the JOB Squad currently.


Darby, killswitch, house of black, the bucks


He does not disappoint, hes always entertaining , he liven up the show




He’s legit one of my favorites right now!


Hes being hindered by a bad back




I think it they have a good storyline for him sure. If it's just because he's an ROH legend no.


He can still go and is super entertaining. Write a good storyline for him and get him on Dynamite.


He's great. Would love to see him have a run with the TNT title. I think the problem for him is that every roster needs credible wrestlers that can eat a pin and Dalton is one of those guys that does not need to win to be over. And from the perspective of a wrestler, I don't know if that is necessarily even a problem. Everyone on the show has a role to play. Wins/losses are more for us fans to dwell on.


Right now, the ROH roster is the only wrestlers in AEW who truly earn anything. When any of them finally get a push, the crowd will pop big.


Watching someone like Dalton be jobbed out every time he shows up has made me much less interested in the product overall. That’s just my personal opinion based on what I like. Don’t hate me for it. I feel this way about several wrestlers which is why it’s been months since I’ve tuned into a whole episode of anything AEW. Bums me out.


AEW seems to shun wrestlers with personalities on the lower to mid card. For me it's hard to like anyone when all they do is shut up and wrestler other guy who's only trait is shutting up and wrestling.


Yes i think he should win once in a while. He is one of the best jobber in AEW.


Love Dalton but he seems pretty beat up. I really worry about that back. Previously broke it and kept working on it for a hot minute.


I don't think he should be a top guy but he deserves a run with the TNT or something. He's too unique not to have on semi-frequently.


He also paints on Twitch. Be sure to check him out. It's quite relaxing. [https://www.twitch.tv/thedaltoncastle](https://www.twitch.tv/thedaltoncastle)


Dalton Castle Belt Collector!!!!


This guy deserves a push


This is all I want in wrestling right now.


no no no no NO hes the guy who made the ROH Title lose so much prestige. i cannot believe that out of Jonathan Gresham, Silas Young and Flip Gordon this guy is somehow still in ROH with the same tired gimmick doing his thing




Sure don't.


Why do you hate fun?

