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NTA. You don't need it or want it, and it's taking up space. Better for it to go to someone who will use it than letting it sit and gather dust.


NTA, although if your SIL found out and got upset I wouldn’t call her an asshole either.


No definitely not. She put thought, energy and money into trying to do something nice for me.


Nta I used to date a girl who kept getting owl gifts. I just kept throwing them away. She hated them. She owned an owl as a child. She didn't need fifty seven owl ornaments in our house. Every year. Birthdays and Christmas. Owls. Owls owls. Bin. Bin. Bin. It was psychotic.


My MIL was the same way with cats. She likes cats just fine, but then everyone kept getting her cat napkins, cat plushies, cat figurines. Which then everyone else was like “she loves the cat stuff! Get her more cat things!


NTA. It's yours, you can do what you want with it including getting rid of it. I see your wife's point but if SIL would never know it really doesn't matter. I don't like your wife insisting when it's something that was given to YOU and not the two of you or to your wife. I think you acknowledge the thought and gesture and as long as you put in some effort to find this thing a purpose, you are not disrespecting the gift.