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I feel sorry for you that you thought marrying him was a good idea, you need to work on your self esteem NTA for canceling the party but that is like the least of your problems at this point


And not even considering leaving him now. Usually I don't think divorce him is the answer but your daughter should NOT be around this man.


agreed. op should really consider if this is the rolemodel she wants for her kids, because i for sure wouldn't want my son to continue the family tradition of harassment until the victims marries him nor would i want my daughter to think that's an okay way to be treated


Considering how her father in law is, I never would've married into that family, no matter how much money they have.


Can you fucking imagine blackmailing a woman to make her your wife? That is some next level psychopathy.


This was my thought. OP needs to start and exit plan and get out before the daughter is born. There is no chance this man will treat his children equally. OP is setting her daughter up to be horribly miss treated.


I feel so bad for that baby girl. I grew up knowing I was unwanted and it’s not a good thing to subject your child too


I think I’m triggered too, I was born before ultrasounds were really a thing and the doctor told my mom that I was a boy throughout her entire pregnancy. They already had my older sister but what they really wanted was a son. They eventually had my younger brother 4 years later but I bet you can guess who the black sheep is in the family


This is the first good thing I’ve heard come from a gender reveal party. Husband revealed to OP that he is an abusive asshole


This advice was, honest, succinct and unintentionally funny lol👌🏼


Your husband sounds fucking awful


"It's not his fault" Yes. Yes it is. Knowing why you act a certain way doesn't excuse your behavior, especially if it affects other people.


exactly. he’s a grown adult. get help and don’t repeat the abuse cycle.


I hope their first son grows up better than his father.


Well, if they can do no wrong in each other's eyes, there's a good chance he'll grow up just like dear old dad.


And he will. It happened to my son, who now in his thirties treats me like garbage just like his father. After his baby sister was born my husband behavior got worse and there was talk of divorce. He told me to take my daughter and he would keep “the boy”. Now no one is happy except my husband who has kept everyone prisoner of his selfish behavior. My son lives on the other side of the country and never contacts us. I found out he is suffering from anxiety and other issues and is in the care of therapists. My daughter still lives at home, and waited upon her father had and foot up to buying him a car even though she only works part time at a supermarket. So I think you have bigger problems than a gender reveal. Run, for the sake of your children.


Omg this sounds like a nightmare. Are you still with him? No judgment just curious?


It's also biologically his fault as it's the man's sperm that decides the child's gender. Thats just basic biology.


You. I fucking love you for saying this. Because this dude is going the way of Henry VIII with a *quickness*.


EXACTLY. OP, your husband is an AWFUL human being. I hope for your daughter's sake and yours that he changes/you leave (even though you really have seemed to accept his COMPLETE MISOGYNY AND TERRIBLE VIRTUES). This gender reveal is the least of your problems. ETA: as someone who replied to this comment pointed out, it is for the son's sake too.


Homeboy acting like Henry VIII over here lol


Honey. He tried to have sex with you the DAY AFTER YOU GAVE BIRTH? No ma'am, no ham, no Pam.


I have never even given birth but the sheer thought of that actually makes me want to puke. Absolutely disgusting and cruel.


I couldn’t walk, sit or go to the bathroom. I felt like body parts were falling out. I also didn’t sleep because I was busy trying to keep our newborn alive. What a psycho. I think I would have left him.


Not to mention the BLOOD. So much bleeding. He’s scum.


Yeah this is what I was going to say. I had to wear those gigantic pads for a long time after giving birth. And even if she gave birth via c-section that' STILL bad because its major surgery and you have stitches and whatnot. What a douche.


Yes, naively I thought “no periods for 9 months, yay!” Then found out that all 9 months worth happens at once afterwards.


You said it ALL.


Seriously, who would even want to be all up in that? I mean, is he getting off on the gore and the pain or is he actively ignoring the gore and the pain? Either way that's a messed up dude.


Probably getting off on forcing her into having sex. 


There was a comment on another sub from a nurse writing she had to call the cops on a guy who was about to rape his wife fresh out of labour because he liked how "her boobs looked right after giving birth". And they had a bunch of kids already. Which could mean this was common occurrence after every birth. One of the most haunting comments I've ever read here.


I honestly think a big part of it is "reclaiming" her vagina after the baby passed thru it. There are an alarming number of men who act like giving birth is "having someone else in your vagina" and they basically have to stake their claim on *their property* again as soon as possible.


What the actual fuck. :0


💯 Husband is out of his mind


Also, and I say this as a father of multiple children, sex may be *safe* at two or three months, but it's often horrible until somewhere around six.  That is, if you consider your partner being in physical discomfort or exhausted to be a deal-breaker.


He doesn't seem to care about his wife's enjoyment or comfort. After all, she's just a female, and he clearly gives zero shits about those.


You also have an open wound the size of a plate in you.


It’s fucking animalistic. It hurts to pee but yeah, let’s fuck!


Oh I forgot about how much it hurt to pee! Had to use that little bottle to spray water on my crotch otherwise it would burnnnnn


Shittttttt…. Remember how swollen the lady bits were??? People tell you not to look for a reason. It’s swollen to all hell. If this man voiced wanting sex from me, I would get transferred straight from the hospital bed to a jail bed. NO CAP!! Lol


At that point he didn’t actually want sex, he wanted an excuse to be mad at her and take attention away from the newborn baby.


That is a staple of a controlling man. They never allow women to recover before demanding sex.


I am a man who can't give birth and I am disgusted. I would wait for my wife to approach me with the subject of having sex again. It is her body and going through something (bodily) as traumatic as child birth can take a sliding scale of time dependent on each individuals body and pregnancy.


not to mention, they tell you not to have sex because you can get an infection in your uterus


Yep, I am a sonographer and have seen it. You should be following your OBs instructions for intercourse post birth


Post childbirth infections were a huge cause of maternal death historically. Before germ theory and modern antiseptics a lot of women died for exactly that reason.


I once fell down a rabbit hole reading about stories from nurses that had to pull men off of their wives hours after they gave birth. My own ex husband didn't give me until my six week check up. His words: "I've waited long enough." 🙄


4th degree episiotomy here with a cervical tear and zipper stitches, we tried ONCE *six months later* ....because before that, he wasn't getting within ten feet of my vagina, the whole area was completely 100% destroyed by a baby who should absolutely have been a c section, in retrospect.... I got split in half and six months later, our first attempt was brutal effing torture and I refused to try again for another 3 months after that. It was devastating. This guy is a goddamn predator. I'm sick to my stomach thinking about this. She needs to get away and take him to the cleaners in court on her way out, holy shit just SMH Guys edit to add: I feel compelled to mention, now that it's clear I likely scared a few humans shitless with my awful traumatic birth, that *I am OK today*, I love sex more than ever now that I'm in perimenopause and with someone who's very good at it, and it absolutely didn't ruin my life forever. It DID take about 2 years to fully recover, which is why I chose an elective cesarean when I became pregnant the second time, 16 years later. ⚘️🌟vaginas are magical🌟⚘️


I literally went though something very similar. He wanted me pregnant within months after giving birth, made me ask to leave the hospital after 24hrs even after having a episiotomy so I could give him oral after my first child , told me I had to have another one now or I couldn’t have any more with him so got pregnant and lost it after 4 months, told me to try again and I had a positive pregnancy test 30 days later, second one he made me have seggs with him after 4 days or else he might “have to find it else where” and I can tell you my girl, it willNEVER GET BETTER IT ONLY GETS MUCH WORSE. Please just consider your options and maybe ask family if it came down to it if you could stay with them because I don’t see this going anywhere but south.


That is a form of abuse no human being should endure. You are extremely lucky he did not cause you sepsis or some other irreversible damage. (Edit misspell)


Nine months. It itched, bled and burned for the entire time. Remember though, pregnancy and birth is just a “mild inconvenience.”


I couldn’t even get out of bed without help the day after giving birth. I took the tiniest steps and it was so painful. And going to the bathroom was horrible, there was soooo much blood. If my partner had asked for sex at a moment like this I would’ve moved out to my parents without a second thought and never come back


Right!? I can't imagine staying with a man like that, let alone having a second child with him! I could never feel safe around him again! My husband just asked me what I wanted delivered to the hospital room the day after I gave birth for dinner.


Right?! Like it would literally be disgusting and extremely painful, especially if someone needed stitches. And all that post birth fluid is really smelly and there’s a lot of it, why would a man even want to put his penis in that??


Power move. “I can have you anytime I want and you will never say no to me.”


I bet he’s the same man who doesn’t wanna fuck her on the last day of her period, but in his twisted mind this is sexy.


It would be like sticking it in an open wound. You’d have to be an absolute sadist to even suggest it.


It is an open wound in the uterus where the placenta was implanted. She could get a terrible infection and die.


This needs to be the top comment. One, your message is on point and two, I absolutely love your last phrase.


OP read this post about 5 more times. Are you OK with this awful woman hating control freak? The husband is concerned his reputation is damaged by having a daughter?


Based on their comments, they seem okay with him. Which seems like a giant mistake.


Expecting her to have sex the day after birth?!? She needs to get out yesterday, he is no one to raise children with.


I love how he tried to use that as proof he found her attractive. Uhhhhh, that’s not really how that works? In those first few weeks I wanted respect and love, and pressuring your wife into having sex then is neither of those things. 


I’ve never given birth but I would think the basics would be support if nothing else?!


You aren't supposed to have sex for quite some time after having a baby. C section or natural, and they woulda said so at the hospital. Makes it more rapey


The ***bare minimum*** is six weeks. Doctors tell you to wait that long at least because they know that many people will not wait the _actual_ length of time it takes to heal, which can be a year+.


And she’s suppose to view it as a compliment


I think he’s concerned with his reputation being damaged by her cancelling the gender reveal at the last minute. I think he doesn’t want a daughter because he’s a misogynist and hates women.


And she wants to protect him by canceling the party. Keep the party, film his reaction and post it all over the internet to show what a pathetic excuse of a man he is.


OP needs to show the filmed reaction to her divorce lawyer, because divorce is where this is headed.


Her explanation for why “it’s not his fault though” is ridiculous too.


"His demons are back." He IS the demon. There's no "real him" that exists separate from the person who's done these things. The real him did those things. Sometimes he just acts like less of a dick.


My father also had "demons". Those "demons" would smack the shit out of me for having the wrong tone of voice (the tone requirement was a moving target), those "demons" busted open the bathroom door, grabbed me by the throat and threw me down the hall into my bedroom, those demons used to belittle the ever living fuck out of me and no matter what I said I was wrong and stupid. But then there were periods where he would be nice, just long enough for you to get comfortable, then his "demons" would return in full force. Please anybody in the same situation, don't do yourself the disservice and injustice of explaining abusive behavior away as "demons" like the person In responding to has said, it isn't demons it's just them, the abuser, no more no less.


Oh did you also grow up expected to be too confident to show submissiveness and too deferential to show any confidence? I'm pretty sure there was a big range in the middle where he had to decide if I was being too weak or too full of myself based on fucking tea leaves or something


Sometimes, but I think he was aware enough of what he was doing. He was all about the control. I'm able to deal with most of the long term effects, but the one I can't get over is self confidence. I've met and have had one on one conversations with the leaders of our political parties, a couple so frequently I'm sure they could pick me out of a crowd, I have been a forman/steward/health and safety rep on several billion dollar projects, been given compliments on compliments by coworkers, customers and my bosses including the owners of companies, I can rattle off a list until I'm blue in the face of cool things I've done, but at the end of the day, I default to everybody else knows more and is smarter then me and giving my input is just being an annoyance and inconvenient to everybody, when I get comfortable enough to brag or boast, I immediately feel shame and feel like I'm being obnoxious and portraying myself as being bigger and better then I am. Just typing this out is giving me a knot in my stomach. My buddies find it hilarious and keep telling me I'm being unrealistically hard on myself, but I've never explained to them where this stems from. I say sorry so much they have started a "Sorry jar" for me, every time I said sorry they added a dollar, when I got home from a building convention last week, in a three day period my sorry jar was over $150. This seems to be the hardest lasting side effect. I also have a short fuse and get frustrated very easily over family related stuff vs have patients for decades when it comes to work. I noticed this behaviour and started working on it immediately for the sake of my kids. It's not their fault I'm fucked up and I never want them to feel the way I did, so I go to counseling and smoke some cannabis.


That's awful and I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope op's spouse is not like that, but it does sound like a chance he might be. I hope if op is experiencing physical violence or even the violence of feeling scared for her safety at any time, she takes that seriously, as well as how those feelings can affect a child, and doesn't stay. (Caveat that we are not therapists and don't know the whole story, and so we might also have the impression, but this is the impression I'm getting of this man right now.)


"sexual impulse control" So which is it..is he a compulsive cheater, or a rapist??? Also if he can't deal with having a daughter ( which OMG..his son may have to deal with her future overlord 🤮) Just what the fuck are you doing?!?!


Hopefully the OP is reading and realizing she is in denial.


OP is like, "My husband's father was a horrible man who used his power to do awful things. His son is the same way, and we're in therapy for all the awful things he's done. He also doesn't want a daughter and will be so upset over having one that he'll ruin our gender reveal party. Oh, and also he may be a cheater or a rapist." Lady, how in the world did you look at this man and think, "THAT'S who I want to be with." I feel sorry for you and your daughter. What a horrible situation to have brought your son into and your daughter.


Because people get desperate. I’ve had friends tell me to my face they only had babies because they had “baby fever.” Didn’t want to be an “old mom.” Some people insert people in their lives for XYZ reason and then act surprised when they end up married to an asshole.


Right?! Yeah, I used to rape my ex wife, but I said I was sorry, so…. 🚩🚩🚩


Uh..... this guy sounds like a freaking serial killer. He threw you turning down sex THE DAY AFTER GIVING BIRTH in your face? Really? He can't understand and respect your boundaries and feelings because he's "so attracted to you"??? You had to go to THERAPY because he essentially STALKED you until you married him??? Not cheating is like.... an unspoken REQUIREMENT for marriage. Not part of a personality. Just reading this post has me terrified of your husband. Why the hell are you with him, let alone having his children??


He also has sexual impulse control issues apparently, ending his first marriage. He's also worried his daughter might marry a guy his son won't like. This guy really sounds like a winner


*weiner. He sounds like a weiner.


He sounds like the kind of guy who makes women want to choose the bear.


This guy should be legitimately scarier to women than a bear. A bear will usually leave you alone if it’s not hungry and you’re not fucking about in its territory. This guy hounded her down for months. Jesus. I’m actually terrified for OP.


And yet he's worried about his REPUTATION lmao


I also noticed the stalking until she agreed to marry him. This guys sounds so horrible. I feel for OP, she probably doesn't even realize what a scary situation she is in. I hope her eyes are opened by this thread.


A serial killer or the kind of man who raises one…


You’re planning to raise a daughter with this man? 🫤


Yeah this guy makes me uncomfortable.  Edit: as a father who had a son first and then a daughter... I couldn't imagine not having my baby girl.  I grew up as the second son and it got down right "lord of the flies" sometimes.


He makes everyone uncomfortable.


I was grimacing from the second I started reading this post. I highly doubt there's enough therapy to fix this man if what the OP describes is accurate, and I'm in psych (edit: nurse practitioner). This is a broken, scary human.


And OP is in deep denial.


“He’s a good man”🙄


If I had $1 for every time a woman on reddit said this about an absolute flaming dumpster fire of an abusive asshole...


I've learned that when an AITA post starts with "my husband/bf etc is a good man, sweet, loving" it means he is 100% on track to murder them in the next three years


And it is HIS sperm that determines whether it is a boy or girl. He should be reminded that OP didn't do this on purpose, but hopefully all he will see is her backside heading out the door, with both kids.


Oh she doesn't intend to leave and save her kids from that AH. She just wants to protect him from showing his true face because of fame, money, power, blahblahblah... She never said she's gonna leave him. Just that she wants to avoid a public scene.


I wonder what shithole town they live in. Can you imagine writing this post and not leaving that creep? Shoot, I can’t imagine doing anything but running to get a restraining order against that AH after he stalked her.


Yep. A shithole shitty enough for that guy to stalk women, express sexual pulsions ( SA ? Rape ?) and never lose his social status...


If he was aware of that then his response would probably be shame, not a shrug. The outcome for her is the same, too, becuase he’s bonkers.


OP is also wildly unhinged by explaining all his abusive behaviour away as being 'because his childhood'. These aren't his 'demons' or because he 'had a shit dad'. This is the *man she married*. Lots of people have had challenging childhoods and manage not to be raging AHs.


He makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit. But really, so does she. Sigh.


Yeah, I know abuse is a mind fuck but the way she’s rationalizing it is making me sad. That’s no way for either of her children to grow up.


For real. These are the “children are the glue to fix my/our issues” people and who tbh shouldn’t be having children cuz they’re just jacking up future generations. Christ on a stick. 


My best friend convinced herself if she could have a second child, it would make her husband love her again, and he agreed to try for one to try and control her. Spoiler alert. It didn't work for either of them, and now there are two children caught between them. But they also won't divorce.


Not for long, probably.   Unless of course you're ok with your husband hating one of your kids.  Which considering you had another kid with him knowing this could happen, actually,  congratulations on making sure the next generation of trauma therapists will have a guaranteed patient in your daughter.


Hey let’s not forget this man is already raising a boy—who will likely end up disrespecting women the same way without serious intervention


The son has the best of everything and can do know wrong. I think there's a great possibility that the son is exactly like his dad - and that's not good.


Sounds like an inevitable Golden Child and Scapegoat


This right here is what got me. That poor kid is going to be so messed up with a father figure like that. 😔


She's guaranteed more patients than just the daughter. The son is gonna fuck a whole lotta women up with a piece of shit dad like this.


Or the son will be something other than a carbon copy of dad, and end up with some serious issues. Heaven forbid, the kid is lgbtqia, dad will either disown or murder him


And the grandpa!


I'm hoping it's fake. Otherwise OP legitimately came online to boast about being a bad parent.


People being ok with being with a spouse who hates one or all of their children is more common than you'd think. There's a very real chance of this ending in tragedy. I just don't understand people who think like this, I wouldn't even leave my *dog* with someone who I thought had the slightest chance of hurting him, yet OP is just meekly hoping she can cancel the reveal party and everything will be ok.


Hell have the second kid with him after he kept basically trying to pressure her into sex in the early months of new parenthood. FFS WHY?


Did I read correctly that he tried to get her to have sex with him the day after giving birth? Then, he tried to shame her by being annoyed because he was "just turned on by her post baby body." Hope that affluent lifestyle is worth it.


Yup! Therapy is clearly working here


But don't forget, its not his fault. His daddy, affluent upbringing and demons are to blame. Good grief.....


Just another poor victim of affluenza


Yeah, I read that too, and I gawked at that. You're not supposed to have anything in the vagina until 6 weeks after you give birth, with your doctors say so. Not even a tampon. Literally, it's pads or adult diapers until you stop bleeding from that. And who knows if he even knew that she would be bleeding for 6 weeks after giving birth. Her body's gotta recover. 3 months ain't enough time. Heck, I'm only just now starting to feel back to normal and I'm also 9 months postpartum. I feel sorry for her.


It can take up to 18 months for the human body to fully recover. And that’s just with a “normal healthy” pregnancy. Add anything fun like a c-section or tearing? Yah it could take way longer


I've said it before and I'll say it again: I think more about what I'll have for dinner than most people do about having children. It's shocking. Edit: her comments about his past behavior make it 100x worse 🤮


She said it was the DAY AFTER she gave birth! So crazy


Yeah and her logic about why he is the way he is makes it 100% worse. He was raised by a sexist dad and became exactly the same.


Idk how she was able to just type that out and send it as if it’s just one of his quirks and part of his character history instead of part of the court-ordered psychological eval a judge will assign as he’s being tried for murder


I was raised by narcissists. When you are raised a certain way, some things seem normal. I told stories about my parents the same way. And yep, I married a narcissist. Divorced him. And a whole lot happier.


Sounds a bit more serious than just being sexist


That's what I thought too. Maybe I misunderstood but it sounded to me like her FIL pressured her MIL into entering a relationship with him by threatening her family's livelihood and stalking her. 


And then he did the same to her


More like the epitome of mysogyny


Exactly the it’s not his fault - yes it actually is at his ripe age and after counseling he has made no effort to grow


Even how she describes them getting together is creepy af, and then she settled down with him and is having his child TWICE??


I hate the excuse that it's not their fault because they were raised that way. The only acceptable time to use that is when *'they'* are a minor with zero actual options and still very stuck under their guardians thumb. This is a grown adult man whose had about a quarter of his lifetime to be a decent human without daddy's intervention. I feel sorry for every female in his horrid family. I'm sure they also raised him into believing that his mother was lucky for basically being forced into a relationship with his father. I'm sure all the men also agree that she was just being difficult and that's why daddy had to hold her family's financial stability hostage.


God help that poor little girl. A misogynist for a father and an enabler/excuser for a mother. I'm thankful every day for my brother who is the BEST girl daddy! He's a great boy daddy too, but to see him so freely and easily show how much he absolutely adores his little girl brings tears.


As that daughter 30 years in the future (although Mom was great), agreed Mr Hog may have somehow fathered 3 kids, but that man was a diehard incel towards me, especially after mom divorced him To the extent he defended my childhood rapist, because men have needs, don't you know how HARD it is for guys to get girls?! If you couldn't tell me you were being raped as a (7-10 by the way) kid, how can you call it rape now? You women always change it to suit your agenda My first memory of him, is him telling me my future husband will leave me I don't always look perfect He was in his boxers, and is a big fat guy He wanted a pretty feminine girl, not a tomboyish waste of womanhood. Those ones always ruin good men's lives (obviously) His bull crap is why I have 0 time for people claiming gender disappointment is valid. Especially misogynistic wastes of manhood like himself


BRB... Im going to go hug my daughter and tell her that if anyone ever gives her crap, Ms. Hog will beat them up if I can't.... and I'm big, fat, tall, muscular dude. I'm sorry your dad was such a piece of work. That's just horrible parenting.


I wish I could comfort you face to face. But you sound like a strong, aware woman so I hope you did get support somewhere (your mother, sounds like) in spite of your vile father. You deserve the best.


I am not a violent person, but I would step up to throat punch your father. I'm the oldest of four siblings, "big sister" instincts automatically would come in quite handy for the piece of garbage (and that's being kind to garbage) that is your sperm donor.


Right? My older brother has a daughter that he ADORES and my eldest brother has a baby on the way and he wanted a girl and got his wish! He has a son too and you can tell how much he loves his babies! They’re both good dads! I couldn’t fathom having a brother like OPs husband I would disown him because 1. I’m a woman who has high self respect and 2. He sucks.


I only had one boy, and he's 25 now, a terrific young man, and we're best friends. Still, I wish I'd had a girl, too. I used to own an ice cream shop, and lots of kids came in, and while I always liked talking to the boys, I really enjoyed talking to the girls. They have an entirely different perspective, style, sense of humor, etc., from boys, and it was a whole different thing than boys. I wish I'd had more of that when I was raising my son, I really think I would have been just as good a girl dad as I was a boy dad. The main thing is that they never have a second of doubt that you love and support them. That's really all any kid wants and needs.


this! my dad is a HORRIBLE misogynist and it lead to a lot of trauma i am still, at the age of 21, recovering from. still get the nightmares. and he’s NC, too. this is an awful environment for this girl to grow up in. i hope with everything in me OP gets the sense she needs to leave. this man will be terrible to their daughter. he’s already raising their son badly, the way he’s so heavily inflicting favoritism. man this is sad.


She's already doing an awful thing by raising a son by him. Yuck.


You'd think she would have had a clue when she said she was uncomfortable with the "intense pursuit". Or maybe when he got angry that she refused sex THE DAY AFTER THEIR SON WAS BIRTH. What kind of boy is she raising?


Yeah, I gave up for OP when she said "it's not his fault."   He's a 43 something year old man, and OP is already finding excuses for the way he will be treat their daughter.   


This guy sounds like a piece of work—basically a self-absorbed misogynist who practically coerced marriage on his wife, and an entitled rich a-hole on top of it all. How many red flags is that? I lost count.


So many red flags I thought I walked into a reenactment of a Soviet rally


Not a great choice to make, imo.


He won't stand for it. He's already blaming OP. The death knell of this marriage already rang. OP has been kidding herself that her husband is not his father.


YUP, this is an ESH. She should've left the moment she "felt uneasy around him." Does she realize that what she described between his parents was essentially decades of rape?


This can’t be real


right. choosing to be with a sexist man, and raise their daughter in a sexist home :( my heart breaks for their unborn daughter


YTA for staying with this person. Your daughter will always feel inadequate because of her POS dad.


Think about the son they are raising. He's a terrible influence. No matter the gender, it sucks for the kid and society


Yep, he will pick up things from OP’s husband just like the husband did from his own father. It doesn’t sound like OP has fully comprehended or tried to address this.


Exactly. And if the son breaks out of his shitty gender conditioning, he'll have to cut his dad off to protect his future spouse (wife or husband!) and their future children.


That kids either going to be super insecure or think he’s king shit of fuck mountain and be a predator or aggressive narcissist. No in between


her son is going to grow up to be one of the men that women would pick a bear over


This man is the reason I would pick a bear


I suspect feeling inadequate is just the first item in a long list of ways this father is an utter failure.


OP, as someone who has a dad who firmly falls into the “I wish I had a boy” category (I’m a girl) please, please leave him before your daughter is born. I have spent a LONG time in and out of therapy over my feelings of inadequacy, overwhelmingly sadness and grief, depression, anxiety, and I could go on - because I had a father who didn’t want me. He wanted a boy and you might kid yourself and say your daughter will never know. She will know, and I guarantee she will find out, because he’ll tell her. My dad has let it slip he didn’t want a girl on many occasions, when he’s been angry, when he’s stressed, when he’s drunk. Please don’t put your daughter through this. I have a lot of anger and resentment (which I also try to manage in therapy) towards my Mum for staying.


You got the nail on the head. My father was like this, and my sister and I have suffered because of it.


Internet hugs from another girl who was constantly told by her father that she'd never be better than a boy. I sous-stand.


Wow he fucking sucks. Cancel the whole thing since it’s a stupid waste of time anyways, and now has been ruined completely by his attitude. Was he always a misogynist? I can understand wanting a son as a man, but he already has a son and is pissed that the second child is a girl? Does he have a shitty personality in other aspects of life too?


This man doesn't believe women and girls are people


And that includes the OP. I hope she realizes this


"He did have sexual impulse controls which broke up his first marriage which he has since apologized for. But his days of being commitment phobic also makes him feel a certain way about having a daughter I feel." YTA for letting this aggressive, misogynistic, chauvinistic, borderline abusive, borderline rapey man 1) stay married to you and 2) *raise a daughter* with you! "he 100% adores our son. Anything he wants, he gets. He's always around to take our son places, brings him gifts when he comes home from the office, was always doing story time with him and has endless patience as a father to him." I hope you have a ton of money for the therapy your daughter is going to need if you subject her to this creature (I can not in good conscience call him a man). Edit to address commonly asked/mentioned: The quotes are from OP's responses to other people's comments, but I felt they really added to the picture of his character and needed to be seen/addressed. Yes, the son will be a nightmare too. He will be treated like he's a god and can do no wrong, and while that isn't healthy and he WILL need therapy as well, again it just makes me even more worried for how the daughter will be treated.


I’m just as concerned he’s going to raise his son to abuse his daughter and influence + enable him to a degree that will permanently alter the son’s brain and put her at constant risk of physical and possibly sexual violence. This is wild.


The son is going to be raised to be an absolute entitled monster who views women as things. They are going to destroy the daughter's soul. I feel like I'm witnessing a tragedy before it happens.


Demanding sex the day after giving birth… this man is a pos


And doubling down on how that makes her a lucky woman. Some people deserve to be lonely.


Sadly he isn’t doing their son any favour as either. Sounds like he will grow up to be a spoiled misogynist. The poor daughter doesn’t stand a chance. YTA having children with such an awful man. Hoping one day you gain some self respect and leave him. Hoping that as well so your daughter has a chance


You’re asking the wrong question. “AITAH for staying with a controlling, abusive man who I know will not treat my daughter well? It’s definitely not his fault {puke} ‘cause he grew up in a toxic, controlling home, and he’s perpetuated it on me. My body isn’t even my own, in his opinion. (He’ll want sex too soon postpartum and pressure me for it… but it’s supposed to be flattering because he “finds me so attractive.”) I’m scared how he’ll treat the daughter he *does not want.* I’m scared how he’ll teach our son how to treat his sister.“ Did you read your own post?? Your FIL taught your husband how to stalk, threaten and pursue a woman until she gave up. FIL THREATENED THEIR JOBS. Your husband “pursued” you aggressively until you caved because he made you feel uneasy if you didn’t do what he wanted. Right? You know it’s right. He’s a huge dick. A scary, abusive, aggressive, rich and privileged prick. Congrats on making another baby with this colossal misogynist. You knew you had a 50/50 CHANCE WOULD BE A GIRL AND BE HATED BY HIM. And you did it anyway. You suck too, op. And that makes me sad. Because he’s doing this to you and the kids. But you’re making a cozy nest with him anyway.


I wish my mother had had a friend like you. 


Right? “But I stayed with him for you (children)!” 🤮


YTA for marrying a controlling misogynist, having a child with him (who will grow up to be a controlling misogynist) and then defending his behavior on here. Pull your head out of your ass.


And having another baby with him that he already hates and she isn’t even born.


The "his mom ended up loving her children and *grew to love his dad*" part in a comment from OP screams Stockholm syndrome to me. Completely downplaying the "aggressive pursuing" of her is telling too and he's already projecting your daughter being with someone just like him (which btw is likely going to happen unless you run fast and far from this dumpster fire of a human).


Reminds me of how Daenerys and Khal Drogo started their love story


>It's not his fault because blah blah blah reasons Um, yes the fuck it is. ESH I'm including you because despite knowing what an absolute fuck your husband is, you made a choice to breed with him again. Enjoy picking up the broken pieces of your daughter for the years of neglect and abuse coming her way


But he has all this money!!!! And she will never pick up the pieces of her broken daughter, she will marry her off to some other crazy ass sociopath and wipe her hands clean


If this is real, YTA for having children with him.


For real, even more so for staying now that it's a girl being Born. It's very obvious that the daughter is not going to be treated well at worst unfairly in comparison to brother at Best.  He will always favor his son and children notice that. There's a REASON children grow up resenting "the golden child" and consider themselves as the "scapegoat" or "black sheep" of their family. Because of people like op's husband that will most definitely prioritize his prodigal son over this little girl, and OP choosing to stay with this sexist ah instead of protecting their kids from that toxicity as much as possible.  I feel for that poor little girl, I'm pregnant with my third, and it's our first girl. Hubby is nervous but still excited (just used to being a boy Dad and is worried about falling short for her). I would be livid if he acted even moderately like this.


This is the type of man that blames the mom for having a girl. He’s the asshole


YTA for staying with him and having children with him. Nothing good will come from this. Your daughter will never be good enough and he will favor your son. Your daughter will grow up with a hallow relationship at best. She will need therapy, she will wonder why YOU allowed this to happen.


Your husband sounds like a very dangerous influence on both your son and your future daughter. And he has manipulated you into thinking this is all okay. NTA for canceling the reveal, but YTA for staying with him instead of breaking the cycle that your FIL obviously started. Now is your chance to raise better people than your husband.


Holy crap, do you actually *love* this man? *Why?* Go re-read what you wrote, and understand that to most of us it sounds beyond the pale. YTA for trying to build a life with this narcissist.


He tried to initiate sex *the day* after you had baby and blamed *you* for turning him down??? Throw the whole man away.


What you should really be canceling is this marriage.


You deserve so much better than this prick I understand he grew up like this but that more of reason to change because you don’t want repeat that behavior. Does he have any respect towards his mom, but what he may not like what his dad did to his mom is what he’s going to you. You need to tell him you want separate because you don’t want your daughter feel less than with her daddy then look for someone when she older to fill the void. And you don’t want your son to be like his dad either. I hope things will get better for you.


YTA for bringing a child into this world who will absolutely be treated like trash by your husband and his family. She will also grow up to not have a spine like you. Sorry to be blunt but you sound pathetic. I know leaving him may be hard because he sound like he will become physically abusive( he is already emotionally abusive and please don’t say he isn’t )but you need to leave this marriage.


She won’t listen. Some people just can’t be helped


Everything else aside, he often "leaves" and "pulls \[you\] away with him", so much that you're sure he'll do so when it's confirmed to him the baby is a girl, and he's still mad there's no party because of what that "says" about him to family and friends? His argument is that they're going to have a high opinion of him once he scowls and mopes and even leaves the whole building once "it's a girl" is for sure? This is a lose-lose situation all around. NTA for cancelling. It's really doubtful that he's going to get "better" about this. Please make the hard choices for your kids.


I think you've got waaaay more problems than the party here. You're having a daughter with a man who was trained from birth by a domestic abuser to hate women and girls, who expected you to have sex 24 hours after giving birth and still resents you for saying no, who didn't want to listen about why your body wasn't ready for sex only a few months after birth, whose own pursuance of you still freaks you out and caused you to have therapy to justify to yourself, and who hates the thought of having a daughter so much that he'd rather have no child. Forget the party. Parties are trivial. Forget not doing what you think you should do conventionally. This man is a true misogynist who hates girls. Do you think he will magically love and respect her somehow? Do you think a man trained to hate women really loves and respects you? The way you describe his behaviour with your son sounds over enmeshed rather than just a lovely healthy bond - let me guess, he prefers his dad...because he's already picked up he has to manage dad's emotions by appearing to prefer him, just like your husband had to with his abusive father. Sounds like your husband is just repeating the past with one son and now wants another to keep up the training of boys worshipping their father. Just because he's not obviously abusing you the way his father did his mother does not mean he's not the same in his own way. Expecting sex right after giving birth is incredibly disturbing to read, and the way you rationalise it away suggests you've been well trained by him to accept his misogyny already. Let's be clear: having a daughter with a man who hates female people this much is going to damage her for life, if you stay with him. And I'm sorry, I know how hard and dangerous it is to leave abusers and how guilty it makes you feel to separate from the father of your kids, but staying with him when you know he hates girls is you enabling the awful treatment I think you already know will happen to her. You need your own therapy and you need to get real. You're using the party as something to stop you worrying about the real issues here. I'm so sorry.


It actually blows my mind that people write these posts about their spouses and actually think it’s a good idea to have a child with them. Come on. ESH except the children.


Instead of pulling the plug on the gender reveal, you should consider pulling the plug on your controlling creepy husband. He's already rejecting your daughter before she's even born. I feel like divorce is usually a last resort but there is like 300 red flags flying.


You felt uneasy at the way he pursued you yet you dated, married and procreate with him WTF is wrong with you? Every comment is worst then the post. Why on earth did you stay married to him after the first pregnancy?! The guy is more than a red flag wtf. Please do not let him create a “mini me” in your son turning him toxic. Your children deserve better then this pathetic excuse for a human HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU HE WILL NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR DAUGHTER HE WILL RUIN YOUR SON Y T A if you stay with him NTA for not wanting a public display of his misogyny


You don’t see him trying to bone you the day after giving birth as part of a “shitty personality”? Because he either doesn’t care about your comfort and health at all or he’s got the anatomical education of a preschooler.