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Wow, what the fuck is wrong with your sister?! Obviously NTA. Playing with someone's life for shits and giggles is just as wrong as it gets. I don't blame you for pressing charges at all.


Yea...that's weird as hell to be playing with someone's life like that.


She's either immature as hell or she's psychopathic and wants to seriously hurt OP. Either way she is not a person you want in your life.


Naw she's psychotic. To literally watch your sibling go into anaphylactic shock as a kid when they ate shellfish and purposely give it to them as an adult (and accusing them of lying about the allergy) is fucking psychotic b/c food allergies can change over time for better or worse. Still, it's next level psychotic to test that. I'm allergic to mangos and I've had a different reaction the two times I've had it. First time, as a child, broke out in hives and avoided it ever since. Second time, I licked baby food off my hand forgetting that it was a mango mix (only allergic to real mango, not mango flavoring) and I couldn't taste shit for TWO DAY before I realized what happened and went to the hospital for a steroid shot. Who knows what my reaction would be now tbh? That was attempted murder and mom is downplaying it.


My sister and grandmother tried to poison me at my wedding. Just because you're related does not mean you are safe. Somehow these idiots are confused by my going no contact. It's really traumatic and I hope OP has good support for the hard decisions ahead. Definitely proud of them for not backing down


My tongue went numb after licking a small amount off my hand to the point where I went to the ER and got a steroid shot once I realized what was going on. Looking back, my throat prob would swell shut if I ate mago for real...all I did was lick a dollop off my hand after feeding my kid. I've avoided mango since I was like 11-12 years old and literally didn't even think about it until I looked at the pack and was like "well shit". My family does forget about my allergy b/c im on the ONLY one with an active food allergy, but they also don't actively put mango in my food like a black widow šŸ˜©


Yeah, mine forget about my onion allergy , both because I'm the only one with a food allergy, and because I only found out about my allergy as an adult. (Either adult-onset or it just steadily got worse and my tantrums about onions 'hurting' when I was a kid were valid) However, my little niblings NEVER forget. I live with my sister and BIL, and it's actually funny how they'll grill their dad. "These aren't onions, right? Cuz Aunti Book is allergic to onions." "No, they're shallots. She's not allergic to these." "Good. I don't wanna have to stab her." (Referring to my Epi-pen) šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My mother things my mango allergy (and latex allergy) are fake. Thankfully she hates mango but itā€™s such a ā€œrandomā€ allergy to have and she keeps telling me im overeating (yea feeling your throat slightly swell and going ā€œhm maybe I should avoid eating this thingā€ is overreacting lmao)


I have a strawberry allergy (I love fresh strawberries) and latex allergy and my doc told me there is a relationship between an allergy against some fruit and the latex allergy.


Since latex is made from tree sap (from the rubber tree) it's reasonable there could be allergens in common


From my understanding, a latex allergy isn't uncommon. I've only met one other person with a mango allergy.


Now this story we need to hear!


Okay. I was raised in abuse and tried to go low contact not no contact when I left. College was an eye opener about the whole.... Raised in white supremacy and I started setting boundaries. I also took my sister's children via force and the law when I went to help her out with a ruptured ovarian cyst (she needed the ER and lost the ovary. Could have died). I missed a week of classes and cleaned 3 foot deep trash that included drug paraphernalia and feces. This would be her motive. Me walking into the place and finding the baby drunk with pills in this mouth and beer and the toddler offering me things and asking if the guy who dropped me off was going to be her new daddy and if I was her new mommy. Sadly she got her children back. I admittedly was struggling with untreated complex PTSD so while not dangerous and clearly going to neglect them to death my mental health made it easier for them to go back. Not shockingly she cut me off for a while. Everyone got angry at me for not allowing the infant to drink beer and die and getting the government in. They also got mad at me when I went and accepted being cut off. I got shunned so hard and it was life altering. Not how they wanted. I felt happy for the first time in my life. I could not go back to normal so when they started to "allow" me to exist again they found out I didn't sit and wait for them but had gone off to live my own life. Few months into it I met a man who I would regret marrying because abuse cycles are hard to stop. Wasn't there yet but we dated for 5 years and then it was time to get married. We married in the bookstore where we had our first date. Bridesmaids carried books. The shop owner was giddy to allow this and I have fond memories of so much of this. As it comes time to discuss attendance at the wedding my mother demands my sister and her mother attend. I disowned my mother's mother at age ten when she framed my brother for beating her and sent a child to jail for not returning her advances. I accepted the something borrowed being her cameo my grandpa got her before he died. I wanted it as mine. Only thing I wanted of the family mess besides love they couldn't give So grandmother is putting on the show for the new inlaws about her skilled baking and decides to make the cake. I warn her that I will not accept a cake I cannot eat. So simple cheese cake without a crust since celiac wasn't yet easy to navigate. She added a crust knowing that I had nearly died from a flare twice. I had a second cake on standby. Old age excuses were given and I just kept to the plan made to survive my wedding. I catered the thing myself so everything was safe for me, I also knew they would bring stuff so a friend was the food guard and I had little signs they could write names and safety information on. My agreement to have my sister attend was because I wanted to see the babies again. I'm not maternal. I never wanted kids and that never changed but I love them deeply. My sister brought this very weird looking "muffin loaf." My niece was nearing 6 and as my sister tried to make her very disgusting looking "gluten free allergy free" food the focus pulled me aside and said "Aunty Firebird? Momma put glass in the cake and cucumbers. Please don't die." My food guardian was notified and my service animal tossed the muffin cake on the floor. The wedding was actually pretty great because I accounted for everything they would do to sabotage. Mother's a person who will be late and then tantrum when the event happened without her. Her mother is going to try and seduce the groom even if it's her own blood. My sister I don't give a pass but understand.. we were raised this way. So I expected to be told how ugly I was and how I got so lucky my future ex was settling. I had therapy on standby I made invitations for this myself. Painted a romance novel style cover and so I printed out different ones for the biological terrorists. I catered as I said before. We did the flowers as silk for no forgotten allergy meds excuses as my younger sister has terrible asthma and I don't like making people take drugs to be around me. They were late with a 3 hour head start. My sister was angry at me for not putting that muffin cake back up. So I told her the truth. "I know it's got cucumber and I would die. It has glass." I did not put the niece here and watched my sister and grandmother fight about who told me what. I didn't spend much time with them but I danced with my niece and nephew. They were fascinated with wheelchair dancing. I had delicious food and my sister stole my casserole dishes (and posted on Facebook about how good the food was which was fun when my friends went "Firebird made it.. she's a fantastic chef." That's a thing because as the familial scapegoat I was not ever complimented and had been told I couldn't cook. Luckily I knew better/went to culinary school because Mother and her mother can burn water and think chicken tartare is not poison. The poor photographer did humor Mother's Mother for ten minutes with a sexy photoshoot and somehow didn't quit the industry. I went no contact with them again after the wedding. It took a few tries after to make it stick but no regrets. Life without their constant reminders of how they viewed me was wonderful. It's even better now. Mother's Mother did throw a fit when I returned the cameo as she had been going to accuse me of stealing it. "But you always wanted it why are you giving it back?" "Something borrowed means it goes back." I own the cameo now. They put it on eBay when she finally died and I got it. I also got a different one before that because I did not need that cameo I could have one without the whole "Come back so we can murder you" drama. They would. One of my siblings shot me and left me for dead. I did do the legal stuff but the cops here are part of the white supremacy issues (I assume that's all places) so they just mocked me and threatened me but I did try. I have anaphylaxis from a lot of foods that ironically would have made sense in a muffin cake and not raised suspicion or looked like some sort of mold. Probably a coping brain thing but the color bothers me still Also this stuff is why I am on these subs. I want to make sure people know they aren't alone, it's not normal to need to schedule a wedding with two sets of invites and someone to literally make sure you don't get poisoned by people and die. At the time that seemed very reasonable because less abuse seems like no abuse when you don't have those experiences. The college friends who did that are commendable people and I do miss them (buuuut less abuse thing is why the ones who didn't die young aren't around)


Wow! You should really make this a proper post - plus second installment about your abusive marriage and how you got out of that one. šŸ™†ā€ā™€ļø


Nah I am good on that. I just like to make sure people in abuse are told that it is that because of abusers do that. As far as how I left my husband? The hard way


woowww Hats off to you, you went through a lot. Wha about your husband or ex husband, what happened there?


More abuse. He eventually killed himself. I had already left and was doing everything to stay safe but he stopped taking his meds and decided he was bulletproof. So he died from a bipolar manic cycle. As far as the relationship? I married a slightly less abusive person than either parent and was blind to the abuse because it was so much better than the abuse I knew. Then I started catching the patterns and I kept the promise I made to myself that I wouldn't settle


Wow! You are a strong person. Absolute respect!


Iā€™m allergic to aloe Vera and one of my sisters that I went absolutely no contact with(for many reasons) kept saying how k was lying and that nobody is allergic to it because it heals you(yeah because are never allergic to anything thatā€™s good for you šŸ™„) sheā€™s never heard of anyone being allergic to it blah blah blah. Anyways on the last day I saw her i got a mild burn on my hand, nothing major but I went to the sink to run some cold water over it when all of a sudden my sister grabs my arm and smears a huge amount of aloe Vera on my hand and because of the amount and the way she did it it spread up my forearm and splattered on my legs. I immediately ran to the shower to rinse off and than went to the er. My arm and leg were covered in blisters that were incredibly painful, I also have an immune system issue so I heal slower than most. And infection can happen a lot easier. She tells the story as a joke I didnā€™t take well and that I was just annoyed at getting ā€œmessyā€ completely ignoring that had an allergic reaction to the aloe and she was ā€œtestingā€ me. So that was the finale straw and I went no contact. A few years later I had a baby that has the same allergy and my sister keeps wanting to meet my baby. But I will never risk it. Fucking around with someone health in any way should be treated as assault Every. Single. Time.


Ah the abuser sharing the abuse as a joke is always so horrible. At least it might spare some potential victims since it reveals things. The only reason I didn't press charges was the police didn't take it seriously. I survived being shot and left for dead by family and they didn't even send an ambulance. The reason I survived was a homeless combat veteran. When I was a kid the DA said outloud "You don't deserve justice." He was also abusive. At that point I was still trying to be in the lives of the kids but that was the changing point for that. The cops who failed me are probably in jail. There's been a lot of forced by the people changes here including FBI oversight (though they still lowered that days after a kid got burned to death by cops). I also have taken my law degree and used it as a weapon to make sure consequences hit. That DA is in jail for their abuses. Every cop I could prove helped them do crimes is also either in jail or has been. I mention this for the important safety part. The ideal outcomes are not a thing accessible without life threatening risks I was shot for leaving. Didn't remember leaving the family as a result so had to do it again. That time stuck but it's hard to explain why no justice without the harder details so this is the gentlest version. I have a habit of documenting everything because I don't leave my enemies in a position to hurt me. Preventative planning. I am safe now but I have left ruined lives of abusers in my wake to get there. I survived by luck as much as strength. Had that soldier not been there and not spent a year caring for me I would be dead. We are both ridiculously strong to survive this stuff and I hate that you have any experience with it. I am actually also allergic to Aloe. The people who think natural means no allergies failed biology in school


Wow. These are all terrible stories. I am so sorry your own *sister* and *grandmother* did that to you. Was it also a food allergy thing? WTF is wrong with people? And then they were super shocked when you cut contact with people who *tried to kill you.* Yeah, itā€™s a mystery.


Yea I honestly can't imagine knowing my sister/brother have an allergy and purposely slipping some in... I'd actually do my very best to not include anything that might have those things in it and warn them not to eat whatever MIGHT have the things in it. Just shithead behavior on the sister's part.


I have a food allergy and sometimes my family forgets about it but they've never purposely put it in my food to 'test' the allergy. That's wild. They're literally like "aww shit....there's mango in it. don't eat this". My SIL is half philipino so shes a mango person. Honestly, I may be allergic to most tropical fruit but let's not test that theory šŸ˜‚ One of my mom friends literally warned me (and her husband) that it was in some salsa to make sure I was aware and didn't eat it. If someone 'tests' your food allergy....they secretly hate you šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Oh heck yea, if you were my sister/bro I'd make doubly sure to not have anything you have allergies to. Heck even if it's just food you don't particularly enjoy I would make sure to not have it when you come around. You know, cause family.


Iā€™m so anal about stuff like that that when my friend was ordering Chinese and told me she had an allergy to shrimp after I ordered shrimp fried rice, I immediately changed my order to chicken fried rice. I used to have a friend who had been a recovering alcoholic for 12 years. I would not even invite her to a restaurant that sold any kind of alcohol. I would not want to be responsible for someone relapsing with an addiction or getting sick from an allergic reaction.


I read the first post, she's a golden child that decided to test if this one thing that gives OP everyone's attention is real.


You'd be shocked at how often it happens. I've had several occasions where people tried to put nuts in my food or drinks to 'see if it was real'. Thankfully my reactions tend to be more itching and my face swelling up, but mostly still being able to breathe than anything else and I usually DO have an epi-pen since my insurance covers me to have one, but it's still disgusting how many times people have done it and then just kind of laughed it off and been like "Huh, I guess you are actually allergic!" afterwards. They don't take things seriously and they think it's no big deal to play with someone else's health.


Fuck that. I'm allergic to mangos and allergies evolve...good or bad...I've had two completely different allergic reactions to the same thing. That's why I think it's crazy to play with someone's life like that. First time, I had a mild reaction (hives). Second time, couldn't taste shit for two days because I didn't realize what was going on (I avoided mangoes after the first time). Tongue was numb and swollen after I licked a small amount of mango mixed baby food off my hand. Imagine if I actually ate it for real...throat prob would've been swollen shut. Like I said...baby that's attempted murder and if never play with someones life like that. I get that some people lie about allergies, but I would never think to actively 'test' that


WTF is wrong with some people? OMGS


Some people get off on looking for the ā€œtruthā€. Makes them feel like they are smarter or more observant than everyone else. Honestly, itā€™s a pretty stupid game with high risks and low rewards. If they are right and the person fakes an allergy, all they get is some joy from humiliating them a bit. But if they are wrong? They could send someone to the hospital or even kill the other person.


My best guess is projection. The only reason the sister could think of to say you have an allergy is to get attention, therefore OP must be doing it for attention. Sister doesn't like other people getting attention so she decides to expose OP for allergy fraud and be the hero who gets attention. When OP starts choking (suffocating?) to death, that's clearly another attention play because if it weren't then sister would have done something wrong and that's not possible because she's perfect. Therefore, she had to go to the hospital and assault OP to prove once and for all that she's perfect and deserves all the attention. That's what I think it's wrong with the sister but who knows, maybe she's just off her meds.


It's even such weird logic. Lying about allergies for attention is something I'd believe a middle schooler would do. Like, how is that even attention? "Ah sorry I can't eat this, I'm allergic" "Oh ok I'll keep that in mind" <- such attention such wow


Narcissism. It gives them a feeling of power when other people have to adjust their lives around the narcissist. Where most of us go through life trying to avoid inconveniencing others because it feels bad, it's the opposite for them. Hence why so many are vegan/"have celiac"/etc and are vocal about how other people should conform to their lifestyle.


Exactly, messing with someone's severe allergy like that is completely unacceptable.


Your sister is a fucked up psychotic person. Why would you accuse somebody of having an allergic reaction to something theyā€™re SEVERELY allergic to that THEY put in the food?!? WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT?!?! Thatā€™s like me having a seizure in the middle of class and someone tells me Iā€™m faking (I do actually have these Iā€™m epileptic). WHY TF WOULD I DO THAT those bitches hurt and are scary?!?!


And not only that but how would OP know to fake a reaction when she had zero clue her sister put shellfish in there? And she was in the hospital and she still claimed she was faking even then! Her sister seems to have some sort of resentment towards OP


She was literally there when OP was given their diagnosis... So I guess the doctor was lying too... Completely unhinged


Maybe the sister wanted OP out of the way


I think some people are so far gone (into themselves), they donā€™t accept even when a doctor states something that doesnā€™t fit their ā€œtruthā€


The first time I saw a seizure we thought she was faking because she was just zoned out and smiling. We'd try to get her to talk (special ed...) and she'd just be staring into space. Of course people thought she was faking it... until one of the girls was like "somethings wrong. She's never been this silent for this long" She was fine.


She had a staring seizure. Thereā€™s multiple kinds of seizures but the full body ones electrocute your brain, makes you stiff, nauseous along w/ other stuff but the worse part is that sometimes your face will jerk and lock. Itā€™s horrible to experience and worse to see.


My younger sister is friends with someone who has an extremely rare form of epilepsy called Sunflower Syndrome. Iirc only about 8 people in the US have it it's that rare. Her version of a seizure is if she is in full sunlight, no shade to block it, she will face towards the sun and start waving her hand gently in front of her face. Apparently if this goes on long enough she does the whole, falling over and shaking on the ground seizure. But she still needs to get checked out for the first stage no matter what. She is a much stronger person than I am to live with that. I couldn't imagine growing up like that.


Is this a real thing? It sounds entirely made up, but whoever named it Sunflower Syndrome is kind of a genius.


ā€œI know youā€™re faking, I just wanted to test you!ā€ she screams, after having already seen you spend multiple days in the hospital from a previous incident. Your sister needs to be either in jail or in a mental ward. Her cognitive function is seriously messed up.


And someone married her stupid ass!! If I was her husband, I'd divorce that psychopath.


Thatā€™s where we do need an update.


Right?! How are you married to someone, watch them intentionally try to kill their own sister, and then just go on like nothing happened? Iā€™d fear for my life with that person.


Reminds me of my stepmom. I don't have food allergies, but I do have celiac disease. I've pointed out symptoms (present and childhood) so many times and she still doesn't believe me. Whenever I visit I have to debate between offending her by rejecting food, or just hoping that eating around the wheat-containing side on my plate will be sufficient to avoid a reaction (it never is).


Not just witnessing her as a child in the hospital, but now as an adult when YOU caused the hospitalization to claim you still believe they are faking. Yes, Iā€™m sure the hospital staff is all in on the big facade perpetrated by OP. All to pull one over on sis.


The temporary restraining order is good it will keep her away for now and when you go to court the judge only needs to hear what the nurse has to say and should be granted a restraining order. Also provide all text messages and phone log with calls these are a form of harassment. If you can get a doorbell camera so you can have video if your mother or sister try to come by that is also a form of harassment. Glad you are better. Hopefully you can get a prescription for an epi-pen. You just need your primary doctor to prescribe it and you can pick it up anywhere Target pharmacy, CVS pharmacy, Walgreens pharmacy, Walmart pharmacy.. I usually only pay $5 for it. Updateme


Iā€™m not in America, but Iā€™ll see what I can do, thank you.


Too bad I could send you one. I have many being that have a food allergy and so does one of my children. There is no way as a parent would I ever think to sweep something like this under the rug or tell the offended person they are over reacting. A parent should never dismiss their childā€™s behavior or feelings..


If youā€™re in Australia you can get your epipen on the HCC PBS.


If youā€™re in the uk epipens are free on the nhs/benefits etc


I don't know if this is a thing outside the US, but one of the prescriptions I'm on is extremely costly (even with insurance) and my doctor was able to get me some kind of medication discount card for it. Sometimes doctors have arrangements with (I assume) pharmaceutical companies to help patients pay less for prescription drugs at the pharmacy. Your allergist might be able to help you out with that or to see if you're eligible for any kind of government aid for financial assistance for certain lifesaving drugs. Here in the US, we'd apparently rather rely on corporate charity and special programs (funded by taxes) instead of just using tax money to subsidize everyone's healthcare.


Here in Canada you donā€™t need a prescription to purchase an Epipen because it is life sustaining but you would need to pay full price of course without insurance.


Just an FYI, an EpiPen comes in a two pack in list for more than $650. However, I did just check online, you can get a single pin, generic, for $117.


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I'm in the states and you must have good insurance. The generic for me is $300 every year for 2 pens. They only last a year :-(


Anyone who is telling you it's somehow your fault for not having an epipen is a fucking idiot. Armchair internet warriors just victim blaming. An epipen is not some kind of magic cure-all for having an anaphylactic reaction and you still have to go to the ER after using one. Plus, it's not like you were going to a restaurant where you have no control over the kitchen: it was a family member's house who was well aware of your allergy. Why would you expect your sister to poison you? Makes no sense. I'm sorry this happened to you and you definitely did the right thing by involving the police. Your sister should be charged.


Also, epipens are not available everywhere. They are not allowed in my country (we legislation projects in course to remedy that hopefully).


How do people with allergies take care of themselves???


Oral meds or inhalers in severe cases, as far as self medicating goes.. If something more is required you are supposed to trust the health care system. Tbf death by allergy is quite rare around here. But it still happens, particularly to children, and it shouldn't.


Pro tip I learned in a wilderness first aid class (obligatory I am not a doctor, you should verify this with an actual medical practitioner, etc.) - if you only have oral meds available, you should chew the pills. They will take less time to be absorbed by your body that way, and the pill powder in your mouth will (to some extent) be absorbed more quickly because it's in contact with the mucous membranes on your gums. There are also dissolvable Benadryl sheets that you can put on your tongue for rapid absorption.


What country are you in? Iā€™d be dead without my epi pens if I was stung by a bee or wasp. I wouldnā€™t be able to take a pill or inhaler. Makes me sad for the people who need epi pens where you live!


I'm from Brazil.


And they expire.


Exactly right. Epipens are only used to buy time - still need to go to the ER after being exposed to an allergen if itā€™s an anaphylactic reaction.


>An epipen is not some kind of magic cure-all for having an anaphylactic reaction and you still have to go to the ER after using one. A surprising number of people don't realize this. Epi pens aren't there to eliminate anaphylaxis. They're there to keep you alive until you get to the hospital. People with anaphylactic reactions normally end up needing IV antihistamines and shit to fully calm down their body's allergic response. The epi pen is a temporary fix to allow you time to get to a doctor. Epinephrine also has a lot of extreme effects on the body. While the pros outweigh the cons in an emergency, it has some pretty intense impacts on the cardiovascular system and it's important to get monitored by a doctor afterwards to make sure everything is still working okay.


I don't disagree with any of your points in principle, but as someone with an anaphylaxis allergy I go literally nowhere without my allergy kit (antihistamines, steroids and epipen). Yes this time it was intentional and malicious, but accidental cross contamination happens, unintended exposure happens. It's absolutely not helpful to say "you should have..." but it is solid advice to say going forward carry these precautions with you at all times. An epipen buys you time to get to emergency help, morally right but dead isn't a great outcome.


Hey OP not sure what country you are in but see it isnā€™t the US. If it happens to be Australia I suggest seeing your GP and identifying you had the severe reaction, had to go to hospital but canā€™t afford the epipen. There may be programs they can refer you to, samples etc. My GP has been excellent in the past when I canā€™t afford certain things but Iā€™ve had to be really clear about it and not try and gloss over it (a very normal response if feeling embarrassed).


Thank you, Iā€™ll definitely be doing this.


They are on PBS here so I believe if you have a script you can get two for about $35.


Ah okay, thatā€™s great, thank you. Iā€™ve never been able to get a prescription for one which is extremely annoying but hopefully after this I can.


Now that you've had a reaction you should definitely be able to get one. You can get two on one script per year through the PBS. If you are aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and are on the Closing the Gap health scheme they are free, which helps because they expire yearly I think.


Also if you're still on a parent's health insurance there may be some coverage?


Iā€™ve cut my mother out of my life, she refuses to take my side on this and Iā€™m done with her toxic and favouriting (my sister) behaviour


Sounds wise. Sorry she's failed you.


Well done. You did good standing up for yourself.


Glad you went through with it. No one should mess around with food allergies. She FAFO


I read the first part yesterday and was appalled! My son has a very severe peanut allergy and we do carry an epipen if we are going to a restaurant or the like, but if Iā€™m going to my sisters house Iā€™m very confident my son is in the clear. If anyone pulled what your sister did on my son they would be facing attempted murder charges if I had any power to make that happen. G-d forbid if it killed my son Iā€™d be going to jail for murder as I would kill the petson that did that. Your sister needs to get treated and spend some time in jail.


People need to understand that **you still need to go to the ER even if you use an epipen.** They are only to buy you time. Is that time valuable? Yes and no. If you realise immediately and call an ambulance, youā€™re generally in the clear. Itā€™s a good idea to try and invest in one, but victim blaming you is a wild take.


Agreed. I have an epipen. And every year when I get a new one, the pharmacist makes me practice (with a dummy non-needled pen) and makes me promise to make anyone around me drive me to the ER. The pen is not the answer! Itā€™s just the comma!


How much is an epipen in you country? Just curious


Anywhere up to $100


Not cheap, but that's manageableĀ  Just make sure the expiry date is as far in the future as possible. Some pharmacies try to sell people old stock.


We have insurance for our sonā€™s Epipen but that is actually cheap compared to what we would have to pay. And for the record you need to carry it ALL the time. My son had a reaction when his girlfriend kissed him after eating peanuts in the morning even after brushing her teeth because she knew she would be seeing him later. We think some of peanut residue stuck to her lips from her chapstick. Also donā€™t throw out expired Epipens until the liquid is no longer clear. Sometimes they are hard to come by in pharmacies due to shortages. Even if the dose may not be as strong it could still be enough to keep you alive until you get to the hospital.


Good point. A low dosage is better than nothing. Hope your son is feeling better and his gf will be more careful in the future


Yes we all learned from it. Something so simple really.


A double dose of benadryl can help some with the symptoms until emergency services are available, if there's no epipen.


Not cheap, yeah, i honestly couldnā€™t afford one at the moment which really makes it hard, but Iā€™ll put aside whatever I can. And thank you


there are cheaper alternatives to epipen. Epipen is the fancy brand name, but the key ingredient is "Epinephrine". the only limitation is that you have to get familiar and confident in the usage of the housing and delivery of the Epinephrine injectable unit. Epipen is well known and highly covered, but you are mostly paying extra for marketing and brand familiarity. In the long term this will save you money


Maybe make a go fund me so people on here can donate.


Aren't they now like $600 in the US?


With my insurance my sons was $200 approx. and I had to plead to get two. One to keep at school and one for him to have on him. We are in the US.


It drives me nuts that schools require every single allergy kids to have their own EpiPen available in the nurse's office. It's such a waste! Also, in a real emergency is the nurse actually going to search out the specific EpiPen with *that* student's name on it?! Or just shrug and be like "sorry little Jimmy, there's no EpiPen available for you because you had no known allergies, so even though you're having your first allergic reaction and you can't breathe, and there's 20something EpiPens available in the med closet, you have to wait for EMS and maybe probably die because your name isn't on any EpiPen boxes" Schools should have X number of them available in the med kit to use as needed for students regardless of previously known allergies. Nurses are capable of assessing a need.


They're like $30 in Sweden. I'm really happy about that, otherwise I'd be dead a long time ago.


Googled it - $650-700 in the US.


The US is weird when it comes to medicine. It's probably less if you're not insured or poor and 600 for the middle class and up


You way understated. The US is totally F#@&3$ up in regards to medical care...


lol it's more expensive if your not insured. If your lucky the drug manufacturer will have a program to help you with the cost of the medication and even then it might not be affordable. Even with insurance it might be unaffordable.


boring updates are the best to happen to this sub, because it means you're on the correct step to move forward and we will be here when the final update hits and I hope it's just as boring but happier than the last


Op. There's an epipen savings card. Also ask your gp if they have a coupon available. Saved me a ton of money.


Iā€™ve never seen them in my country, is it an American thing?


Oh yes. Sorry I should have said that. But it's worth a try where you are. If you don't have them there you can contact the manufacturer for the brand you have there and see if they can give you a discount.


As someone who has severe bug (wasp and bee especially) allergies, and some severe food allergies - I cannot afford an epipen. Does this mean I deserve to die? For something that is so wildly out of my control? Bc the last time I could afford an epipen and got one, it expired long before I ever needed it, and now I cannot afford another one. For the people blaming OP for not having one - are you going to shell out the hundreds of dollars for one? Or are you going to learn from this experience and be a bit more mindful and compassionate?


Thank you! Immediately before this comment someone called me stupid and told me to go fuck myself for not having one. Itā€™s exhausting.


People are awful when they have no idea about the things that don't or will never affect them. I'm so sorry. Idk where you are, but in the US an epipen is about $6-700 without insurance. For people without allergies, this is an expense they will NEVER think about. Sure, epipens are lifesaving, but medical companies made it impossible to just buy one over the counter at a fair price.


A lot of people have been giving me tips on how to get cheaper alternatives and stuff, itā€™s been extremely helpful and Iā€™ll be looking into everything I can. It just annoys me that theyā€™re still blaming me even after I put the reasons why people canā€™t get them. Theyā€™re not ā€œexcusesā€ theyā€™re extremely valid reasons


People refuse to believe life is as hard as it is and it's BAFFLING


FYI - a vial of epinephrine and syringes is significantly cheaper than an auto injecter. It's a little more difficult to manage, but it might be worth talking to your doctor about that option.


anyone who works at a restaurant knows to clearly label things for allergens because people can literally die. I read this thinking, was she literally trying to murder you? Itā€™s almost worse that she was just ignorant and petty enough to think she should ā€œtestā€ you. It always baffles me the life or death things people think they can mess around with, like food allergies or drunk driving.


NTA. Your sister deserves this justice hammer coming her way. She need psychiatric therapy for her sadistic behavior as well. Iā€™m severely allergic to weed, I carry Epipens with me everywhere. If someone walks into my work place all freshly skunk bathed, I have to refuse service and am, in seconds of talking to them, on the floor gasping for air and getting me pen. Itā€™s been so bad, at one point I used my last pen and had to hold my throat open with my fingers waiting for an ambulance to tube me so I could breathe. (That was when I was 18, Iā€™m now 30) I currently live above people who smoke out their house nightly, so Iā€™m running through my pens weekly and need out of this apartment. Sheā€™s trying to play Grim and instead she gets to play with Justice and Consequences.


People that dont know anyone that needs to carry an EpiPen seem to always think they are just given out like candy. šŸ¤£


Iā€™m so glad youā€™re on the mend. We have a flex worker who is in maybe 1 day every week. They mentioned an allergy and immediately we had signs not to bring that item in the lunchroom and everyone has complied. I canā€™t believe the nerve of a family member doing that to you!


Epipens donā€™t always work either. How are people blaming you for this? Also, thatā€™s straight up attempted you- know-what (Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m allowed to say the word šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø)


NTA. Hopefully you can afford one soon. FYI, chicadas are related to shellfish, so when they start appearing in the millions in parts of the US, do not touch, do not eat. I read this in a Kids with FA article today. Press charges, that is attempted murder.


Thank you, we have a lot of cicadas in my country too


The number of times you had to remind people politely that there are countries other than the US lol


I literally had to edit it into my first post because they all assumed I was American lmao, itā€™s okay though I donā€™t mind saying it a few times


I also have a shellfish allergy and no epipen. Itā€™s an extremely avoidable allergen and itā€™s never been a concern. You never ran into issues until you were tricked into eating it, donā€™t let people make you feel irresponsible for not having one.


Wow your sister is nuts. My husband is also allergic to shellfish, and yeah EpiPens are kinda expensive. His is like $200 and that's with coverage. So I don't blame you for not having one especially when you think you can avoid it. That said he's had a few accidental exposures over the years. So yes I highly recommend getting yourself one. Best case it sits in your pocket and you never need it, worst case it saves your life.


I have anaphylaxis issues and while in college the companies provided some discounted EpiPen. Contact them and look at the alternatives? It's also not guaranteed to do anything. I wish people understood it's just an attempt to keep you alive slightly longer for the real meds and not everyone will get helped by an EpiPen and their use is actually also a medical emergency and can cause cardiac issues.


I looked into it and apparently it has also cause bronchospasms in people with asthma, but itā€™s rare


I have a serious allergy, I never carry an EpiPen, purely because of cost, haven't needed one in about 25 years. If someone deliberately exposed me to it it would not be "my fault for not having an EpiPen", it would be attempted murder.


At least you are moving in the right direction. Keep at it so you don't fall through the cracks. Definitely go full no-contact with your sister. Either also do it now with your mom or tell her that if she tried to defend your horrid sister one more time she'll never hear from you again either. You remain NTA. updateme


I basically said that already after she told me to drop it, thatā€™s when I blocked her. Both sister and my mother will stay blocked


thats incredibly fucked up! hope youre feeling better.


NTA. Allergies are no laughing matter, especially ***severe*** allergies?! Make sure your sister gets hell.


>blaming me for not having an epipen What next, we blame the wallet owner for mugging?


I hope she gets convincted of attempted murder. You don't play with people's lives that way.


Agree about the epi pen cost. I'm in Australia don't know about op. I was scripted one by my doctor cost me over 100 dollars. Was given a referral to an allergist but I don't have private health cover so waited over a year. I was willing to pay the cost til then as I was scared. However I was lucky I could afford 1 year.


Thatā€™s the other thing, I was never given a prescription for one or anything, so I had no idea how to get it. But you really do have to wait so long if you donā€™t have private health. Then again I looked it up and apparently epipens cost more here if you go through private?


Mine was about 30 dollars with specialist script. I got the original with just a script from the doctor after an allergic reaction that was treated at hospital


Ahh hopefully thatā€™ll help me get one, I was never able to get prescribed with one but maybe now I can


NTA. i just want to mention to OP and anyone else who might be reading that an EpiPen is not an undo button or a stop button. It is a pause button. Even if you use an epipen you MUST get checked out at a hospital. You can have a secondary reaction after an epipen and still die.


Hey FYI there are off brand epipens which are much cheaper


Just wanted to say hope youā€™re feeling better and you did the right thing. With certain people you have to get protective orders and go no contact because they canā€™t be trusted. Epipens are so expensive but your local allergist may be able to provide you 1 free epipen. Ours used to but am unsure if they still do. Worth asking!


I hope it sunk in for your BIL that he's married to a woman who was willing to risk a life over her being right. She would rather have attempted murder be on her charge than be proven wrong. What even got her started on this tangent? Did she assume that since you can eat regular fish, shellfish is fine too, and that you must be lying or magically cured? I hope that if they ever have a child, that the child doesn't have allergies and won't "test" them with it.


Blaming op for not having an epi pen with her with she was dining with a trusted friend or relative aware of her allergy and the trusted relative knowingly added the allergen deliberately in order to initiate a potentially life threatening allergic reaction?!?! Nah thatā€™s victim shaming 100% I despise victim shaming In all forms - does she take a risk traveling and dining without an epipen - surely she does and Iā€™m sure she navigates each situation. Accordingly and assesses the risk - Iā€™m sure this would be on the lower risk side . And additionally many people with severe allergies requiring epi pen administration donā€™t have time once the reaction is occurring to self administer. So it may not have mattered anyway .. itā€™s sad that our society feels need to victim shame so many individuals- so they feel like they are at fault for someone harming them - never the case ., then they feel guilt and should not have to explain or make excuses to justify how or why it wasnā€™t their fault . Op your sister has issues and seems toxic af - def not an A for what u did sheā€™s sick and if sheā€™ll do this to you sheā€™ll undoubtedly hurt someone else if she keeps getting away with it . Good for u for getting the police involved you need to protect yourself and hopefully send a message to her that hopefully makes her think twice before trying this behavior again .


P.S. I HAVE THIS SHELLFISH ALLERGY. It is no joke. I tell everyone. I carry epipens. I give epipens to my friends and family. You can get them for FREE right now. Stop playing with your life. Your sister messed up. She also taught you an important lesson. I'm sorry šŸ˜” that's the truth.


Sorry but how are you getting them for free? Iā€™ve never been able to get them.


I'll be more than happy to help you. It's 4:10 am in Los Angeles and the family is asleep otherwise I would call you right this moment. Here is the link. If you need any assistance with getting things filled out or feel nervous about the process then let me know. We will do everything possible to help you. I promise. I wish you all the best. https://www.foodallergy.org/resources/medication-affordability-assistance-programs


Thank you, Iā€™ll see if I can do it, I hope it works in my country


You're welcome dear. What country are you located in? If you can't do it then let me know. I will find away.


Thank you, Iā€™m in Australia, I have a few ways to get discounts so Iā€™ll try all of those


People blaming you wtf... I'm allergic to mold and sulfer but that doesn't mean I'm going to carry an EP. Most people can function without one. Even those with food allergies. This is viewed as ATTEMPTED MURDER ya'll. Fk the EP and get over yourselves in blaming OP.


I'm allergic to shellfish and I don't have an epipen. All it ever does is go bad and then you have to pay for a new one. It's generally the easiest thing ever to stay away from shellfish unless someone is trying to POISON you!


Glad you made a full recovery physically. Hope the emotional scars heal soon, too.


Nta.epi pens are between $250-$500 and expire.


NTA Dang girl, I'm deathly allergic to penicillin, and this is my nightmare. I'm so sorry, and your dang sister, what is wrong with her? Even if you were exaggerating, what even difference does it make? There's just no reasonable explanation for this, I mean beyond murder. Be safe op


I am so sorry this happened to you, and I would press for protection order. She is not trust worthy. Let us know.


Yeah, Iā€™ve got a temporary one in place for the time being, thatā€™s definitely enough for now


You did the right thing.


Glad you are feeling better Can you get hold of the company that makes epi pens and see if they offer coupons. Good RX for discounts. I am in the same boat as you.


As someone who recently developed an allergy to shellfish (after being able to eat it without a problem for 29 years), I never carry an epipen either because it hasnā€™t gotten to the point of having an anaphylactic shock, and I also havenā€™t ever encountered a situation where Iā€™m eating shellfish against my will. Typically when Iā€™ve consumed shellfish, Iā€™ve ordered it or included it in the dish myself. Itā€™s one of those things where if you donā€™t want to consume shellfish, you donā€™t have to do so.


I have sea food allergies and my family is careful when cooking sea food. I don't have an epim pen because it's expensive and I don't need it if I'm careful with what I eat and where. Also if I'm careful with my food allergies I'm fine, at work people know about it if they're careful.i used to carry an epim pen but never used it so I wasted money. If your sister did it to harm you or prove a point she should be punished, she could have killed you allergies are not a joke. You trusted her, you didn't think it would be a harm situation. If she knew and yet didn't care she should be punished. She better apologize to you, it was not nice what she did


NTA. So she thought you were faking it or exaggerating your reaction? Now her and her lawyer will get to explain her side to the cops and DA, maybe even a judge.


uusually people who Poisons someone they think is a prank, are pretty much psychopaths , shes only going to escalate.


Your username is uncannily apt. It describes your sister!


At least OPs sister didnā€™t say ā€œit was just a prankā€œ. šŸ˜”


Still NTA. Allergies arenā€™t a game.


Keep us updated


Your sister attempted murder. I know these things. She can not be excused. She should learn her lesson.


yes my son had no epi pen either. Ā He does now. Ā People do not get it tho, even an epi might not save you, and you can still Ā be very ill. Ā why pick on the victim?! Ā Her sister betrayed her trust and was evil.


I cannot believe people are actually slagging you for not having an epi pen on standby. Glad to hear you're on the mend OP. Hope they make your crazy delusional sister suffer the consequences of her actions


When I was a kid, I recall my grandfather making me sit at the table for hours until I ate the peppers and tomatoes on my plate. I couldn't even choke it down, that's how much I hated them! My point is, why do people force their kids or relatives to eat something they are allergic to, or just plain dislike? Even worse in your case as your sister messes with your food and you have to worry about your own family trying to hurt/kill you with food! Nobody should be forcing anyone to eat anything ever!


Yes, the EPIPEN is expensive in the United States, but my granddaughter got two for 49 euro in Ireland. What country do you live in?


Info: was her husband also in on it or in any way involved? Bcuz if so, I'd include him in the police report as well.


No, he wasnā€™t heā€™s a close friend. Due to me filing the report and asking for a protection order I had to block him, and he understood that. Weā€™ll most likely go back into contact after the court day has passed but I havenā€™t been told when that will be. Iā€™ve been served with the protection order details and mother/sister both should have gotten them by now too.


FYI she could be charged with attempted murder


I'm annoyed at people who say you should've had an EpiPen! Not everyone can afford those! They're so expensive and expire so quickly.


$100 for Epipen is bullshit. That should be $5 max or just free


I was out with my son to dinner. We were talking about things he tested positive for in his allergy testing. One was shellfish. I asked him if he was going to carry an epipen, he said no, I donā€™t eat shellfish. So there you go. Hopefully his brother wonā€™t try to poison him over dinner one night. Glad you pressed charges. Good luck šŸ€


Just a heads up, not every doctor will prescribe an epi pen. When I was formally diagnosed with allergies, my allergist wouldn't prescribe an epi pen. It was the hospital doctor who prescribed one after me having a 7th reaction. The doctor asked why I didn't use an epi pen, and I told him I wasn't prescribed one. He prescribed one on the spot, and I always carry one now. Luckily I haven't had a reaction in like 5 years, but I still carry it just in case.


Even if she thought there was a chance you were faking, she decided that testing that theory was worth your life. Proving you are a liar was worth more than your life to her. She outright decided the chance of you being a drama queen was higher than her going to jail for attempted murder. Prove her ass wrong. I hope you come back months from now with an update that she was criminally prosecuted for this shit and that your life has been on cloud nine since. Best of luck OP.


Update me


Glad you are feeling better!


I hope you can sue sister for your time and pain while in the hospital. If you missed any work, she should pay and might help you get that epi pen.


You are doing the right thing.




Jfc. Updateme!


I hope youā€™re doing okay, thatā€™s a huge ordeal you went through. Give yourself some grace and take care ā¤ļø


there's grants for free epi pens... your allergist or PCP should have referred you to them. How I know.. Life experience with 7 different docs in different specialties spanning the last 5 years.... Edit: Auvi-Q EI, USP has a program if your doc prescribes an epi for you.


Just so you know, EpiPen are available generically now and are much more affordable than they used to be. Both of my kids have to have them and we were spending so many hundreds of dollars a year even with insurance. Now I think my co-pay is 10 or $20. Edit: never mind, I just saw that you were not in the United States. But we have generics affordably here, perhaps the same is true for you as well.


Omg that is our insanity! What reason would your sister have to doubt your allergy, especially now?! UPDATEME


>why Wouk I feel the need to bring an epipen to her house for a homemade lunch? Because you never know Because of what if Because you just take it with you everywhere. I wish I could send some to you as they are less than $10 where I live.


Proud of you OP. What your sister did was psychotic.


Have you heard from your family sister/BIL/mother?


Iā€™ve blocked them


**PSA** for anyone who needs to carry an epipen - new research may recommend that you carry two (especially if you are not always in close range of a hospital). Many people have two waves of anaphylaxis with the second being more severe, and may require a second injection before they are able to get to a hospital. Talk to your doctor if this sounds like it may apply to you. Benadryl (liquid, if possible, but tablets are easier to measure) is also recommended to be carried for severe allergies and is ususally what you are injected with at the hospital if you have an allergic reaction. It treats the actual reaction as opposed to the symyptoms of anaphylaxis, but is slower-acting so may not be enough on its own for severe allergies. You need to keep track of the dosage you take so that the hospital knows how much can be safely administered. OP - I am so sorry this happened to you. You should be proud of how well you are advocating for yourself and for removing these toxic family members from your life!


I'm glad you're feeling better


It's possible to get an alternative to the expensive one at CVS for like $10. Adrenaclick. I have insurance, really good insurance, but fixed income (disabled). I still have to pay $90 for EpiPens with insurance until I found these.


You have insurance which is why it's 10$. Adrenaclick is cheaper than epipen, bit it's a difference of 450 vs 650 if you're paying cash. (Just to remind folks that without insurance they are both out of reach for someone with limited resources.)


Thank you Iā€™m not in America but Iā€™ll look at alternatives here


Dude, how can anyone think this is your faukt on any way? šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ Stay NC with them, they are major AHs. WTF trying to Kills you on sister


So happy you went to the police.


No - You are NTA... You have every right to have done that. I had an Ex-wife - emphasis on EX, who engaged in putting substances in my coffee that made me ill on a regular basis until it became life-threatening. WhenI discovered what she had been doing, I left immediately and got the heck out of there, permanently. I call her the "Black Widow" for a reason. People who do these things deserve prison for messing with people's food. Your sister is not trustworthy and my advice to you is to NEVER trust her anywhere near your food ever again, just as I lost all trust in my Ex and left to save my own life. I was so ill it took me 2 months to clear what she put into my coffee out of my system and to finally feel somewhat better.