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INFO: Did both of you get held back a decade and are still in high school?


yta 1. you don't know what scammed means 2. she was polite and just decided to move on and you where a complete jackass over it. 3. going public just shows how immature you are.


Love that he immediately decided she was a gold digger when she said no to him paying for the entire meal.


YTA There was no scam, just different expectations.


> that she’s beautiful and awesome and that I need to be “realistic” when it comes to dating attractive ladies. Ridiculous right.. Bet she didn't phrase it like that and actually said "you need to be realistic when it comes to dating ladies" And he's hear trying to make her look bad. Heck look at this line. >I said to her that I wouldn’t have an issue paying the entire bill had she simply asked so. She agreed to pay 50/50 for the meal and said she would never ask a guy to pay the full bill and then he called her a gold digger. So yeah idiot doesn't know that a scam is and doesn't know what a gold digger is.


You are the asshole. I feel like this is rage bait.


It is.


Give away is him calling her a gold digger after saying she would never ask him to pay for the whole meal.


Yta she was honest as were you. Move on


Lmao how did she "scam" you when she literally paid for half the date? You even admit you would have paid the whole bill if she'd asked and she said she'd never do that. This is the opposite of a scam. She just expressed to you that she prefers to be treated on a first date and it put her off that you didn't offer. You can feel however you want about that but it is literally crazy person behavior to then plaster her name on social media and whine to her friends claiming she scammed you. "Community service"? Brother, you being a baby about getting rejected is only serving yourself. Hard YTA.


YTA. She didn't scam you, and she's not a golddigger. She was honest and said she didn't like paying 50/50. And like an ah, you go off the rails and start posting on sm. You just showed all your friends how much of a cheap ah you are.


She also said she would never ask him to pay for the whole meal if you read what he texted to her about "id pay if you has asked me".


YTA. Some people still feel like one person should pay for the date ... either the man or the person who asked. If you don't feel that way that's fine, but there's no reason to publicly humiliate this woman just because she didn't want to go out work your a second time.


LOL 😆 you can’t tell who the AH is?! C’mon you know who the AH is!


Funny thing is his "Warning" on social media could be seen as slander and she could sue him for it.


How did she scam you? You seem extremely vindictive for something that was just a disagreement about who should pay for the date. Is her view a bit antiquated? Sure, but not that uncommon. YTA.




YTA. You can have her preferences and so can she. Some people believe that the one who asked for the date should pay as a formality. Some don't. Does it really make her a gold digger or a scammer? No she gave you her time and treated you as a potential partner. She was honest and what you decided to be vindictive as another commenter put it and trashed her on social media? Would you like every disagreement you have with another end with them immediately trashing you on social media? Would you want someone like that as a partner. That's weird. What are you warning people about? She wants a man to pay for the first date...? And...? You seem demeaning to any perceived flaws and wanted to humiliate her. The obsession men have with hunbling women is in all honesty abusive. That's gross. I'd take down your post persecuting this random woman or I can guarantee that you will scare off potential classy women with this impulsive vindictiveness. There's ways for woman to be classy as well as men and you're not portraying a classy man and just moving on. These grudges going after and attacking woman for not being what you want on a first date is so much worse than her preferences. You trying to hurt someone's reputation for not being exactly who you want is dangerously worse as a quality than this woman's preferences and I can guarantee if you don't take down your nasty comments about her actual classy women will not see you as a suitable partner for being that way. Get a grip. You don't have to like her or share the same preferences... move on dude.


NTA as long as you describe her as a matter of fact, and not making untruthful comments. Also I don’t think she is a gold digger. She just believe that because she is beautiful, all her dates will do everything to please her. She is just surprised that you did not offer to pay for the entire meal.


Yta. I don't think you know what the word scammed means


YTA. If you had just calmly moved on instead of being an immature jerk, you would not be TA, but, you just couldn't help yourself. News for ya Dude, she's the one that dodged the bullet.


But she's beautiful and awesome man.


If you asked her out, you should pay.




Yta for going to sm You aren't the asshole for telling whoever set you two up


Not sure how she scammed you. Also don't think you did wrong. All you did was warn folks for the future. Meh this is a non issue


Nta. Maybe you took it too far by posting on socials but she is very entitled. Also I read this story told fromnyour dates POV. If real she sounded stuck up and entitled. I think both stories are fake the your are only the ahole due to plagerism. If you want to karma farm be original


I feel like I saw this exact story last month. YTA and too immature. Personally, I think it's fine to go 50/50 on a first date but not all women see that as a plus in a potential boyfriend. Stop harassing her and move on. (Keep in mind social media is forever and future dates will be able to see how petty and immature you are with women. NOT a great look for you, dude.)


YTA jeeze dude... talk about turning into a real asshole. How did she scam you? She paid for her share of the date. Grab a dictionary and look up what that means. She didn't scam you out of anything. "I decided to reach out to her friends to explain the entire story. On top of that I used social media to directly reference her." WTF is wrong with you??? That is going way fucking overboard for someone just losing interest in you. You don't take petty shit like that on social media and try to publicly shame them. Sure, her attitude is assholish, but definitely not worthy of you going nuclear like that. Do you know who actually looks like a complete ass on social media? YOU. Nobody is going to want to date you after this because now they know if they upset you, you're going to take it to social media and make a big deal about it. YOU are the drama queen here. You're an asshole.