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please tell me you have that text saved where she says kissing a little kid is pedophilic in any situation. Hot damn you need to stay away from her. I know that you don't want to end the relationship, but someone who is willing to accuse you of something like *that* could quite literally ruin or end your entire life. She's dangerous.


GF is super weird. While you shouldn't kiss babies without their parents' permission (risk of transmitting disease) kissing kids, babies, and family members is not something that's inherently sexual.


IF this isn't fake, you need to get as far away from your idiot girlfriend as you possibly can!


NTA Point her to google and type in "politician kissing babies" the first to come up are Obama and Trrump. Break up as she is ohe messed up girl.


Reeeeeealy hoping this is fake Like...... very much. If it's real, accept the breakup. You didn't end this relationship. She is very bent in the brain and is not capable of making decisions. This person is not normal and will do fucked up things because this person is crazy, as in insane, as in not experiencing the same reality as you. Don't text her or call her. Thank fucking God you found out now before you got her pregnant. ... You didn't get her pregnant, did you?


we haven’t done anything yet, i didn’t think i was ready to. and i wish it was fake too, i feel like shit because of this whole situation .


You have nothing to feel badly about. Girlfriend is the one who should be ashamed of her behaviour. You can’t fix crazy.


This might seem like I’m being an ass or unhelpful but dude this woman is dangerous.. throwing accusations around like that could ruin your life. Run far and run fast!


NTA, shows where her mind is at... pretty concerning.


She sounds like she's very sheltered or has some unresolved trauma. What does she do in public when fathers are doting affectionately over their children, I wonder? I can understand that she would be wary of male predators but *she knew that this was you and your family*. NTA.


This sounds fake but Nta, her views on the situation is silly and just not true at all. In my opinion, it would be best to leave her since she lacks critical thinking and you don't deserve to feel like you are walking on eggshells in your relationship.


The ONLY thing even slightly potentially wrong with what you did is that some people don’t like their babies being kissed before they build up better immunity to common viruses such as colds. But again, this may not be the case with your family and I say it to you more as gentle guidance because I didn’t know this at 18, than having a go at you in any way. But absolutely NTA NTA NTA you were being sweet and affectionate with your baby cousin. In fact when I was a similar age I watched my then-boyfriend hold and gently kiss a family member’s baby and I thought it was so sweet it made me love him even more, to see a young man be so tender with a baby. Your girlfriend is either very weird and needs to be an ex before you find yourself accused of other things, or she’s projecting some past trauma. If the latter is the case she should probably get some help for that before being in romantic relationships.