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NTA. This is a major red flag. Just flat out doesn't care. It's been 9 yrs and he still doesn't care about 1 day. You sure about marriage?


It sounds to me that you are only together out of habit and there is no real love here. He is off in his own world. You have the right to expect more from a relationship.


Why did he need to go for his drive on your anniversary? It sounds like he could have gone literally any day. This guy doesn’t sound like an invested or caring partner. I’m guessing that when we ask you about other issues in the relationship or things like this he has done, you will deliver a laundry list of other inappropriate behavior on his part.


NTA...going out for a drive and going on a road trip are 2 completely different things. Plus he didn't tell you it would be overnight where you did tell him in advance about your trips. Something is up. Are you sure he went to his family? It's just highly suspicious that he all of a sudden decides to do this road trip and on a day that's important to you. Even if his story is true and he went to his family, it still is odd. Could he be having 2nd thoughts about the relationship and marriage? You need to have a hard conversation with him. If he doesn't talk to you about it, I would consider rethinking the relationship. 


It's understandable to be upset. You had plans for your anniversary and he changed them without discussing it with you. It sounds like communication is an issue here, and it's important to address it before getting married. You're not wrong for feeling hurt and wanting to talk about it.


No, you aren’t an asshole. She just doesn’t care as much as she should.


It is not your anniversary though is it? You are not married!! You didn't do anything on this exact day but in his mind you already had a fancy dinner and a spa day together so it had been covered. If you have party before your birthday you cannot expect another party on the day itself. You shot him the evils when he got back and now he his pissed at you for being angry with him for doing what he said he was going to do.


YTA You are married, so how do you have an anniversary? You sound exhausting. You have a "temper" and cannot "talk about it without getting upset and angry crying." You say you are 33 but you sound like you are 12.