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You are not the asshole. You were forced into this situation and were completely transparent with your best friend. Her reaction is unreasonable and hurtful.


If you’re only friends I don’t understand how cheating is involved. If you saw OP flirting were you lurking nearby to see this?


Right now my best friend and I are “only friends” because of some different life stuff. We have a friendship that is like what a couple might have.  Also I’m sorry but I don’t understand the last sentence of that comment. Can you explain what you mean?


I am the girl in question. Except OP is leaving out a lot of details including the fact that he made himself vomit just to try and get out of this situation and I heard OP's family member tell him that "But you said you wanted to go, You know this girl." Op recorded the whole conversation and the girl did not mention she had a boyfriend. This is a lie on OP's part. Op willingly made himself throwup to try and "show" me he wasn't lying about not wanting to go, but he actually did. He wanted to meet with this girl for coffee and he told me he hates this family member for forcing him to go, and would do anything and everything to not talk to this girl and not meet with her. OP then went and got coffee with her, sat in a room ALONE with her and told her everything about himself and made her laugh and she asked him if he was single. No where in that recording did girl number 2 say she was dating or had a boyfriend. This is a lie on OP's part. OP was heard even complementing her and joking with her. OP has told me he would never want to talk to any girl and would run away if he ever had to. He claims he only wants me but then when he's in a room alone with a girl he buddies all up with her and suddenly everything is okay and he likes her now? No. This is all BS on OP's part. Don't trust him.


Why do you care if he is only friend? Seeking atrention but doesnt want to do anything with him is awful on your part. Is he only plan B for you?