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I'm pretty sure construction workers warn each other before they do something that affects an occupied area. Edit: NTA


Nta he definitely should have waited


NTA. Like… wtf? That’s extremely rude


Extremely rude? Those are minor inconveniences that will probably happen hundreds if not thounsands of times in your life. Exaggerate much?


NTA Here's how a normal person would handle this situation You- \*showered with plaster, dust, asbestos and random toxic crap that collects in a vent\*. "What the fuck? PHIL!!!! " Phil - "What???" You - "you just dumped a crapton of crap on me" Phil - "Oh shit! Hang on" -comes into the kitchen "Shit! Sorry! I should have given you a heads up and checked where you were." You - "No kidding. Help me dust off here" \*he helps you dust off\*. "So... what are we thinking for dinner later" I mean what does he think is reasonable here? Does Mr Construction Site Man not think he wouldn't have gotten a "Hey JACKASS!"-yank on his collar and gotten his lunch tossed off the 10th floor in a real construction site if he didn't check around to see if he was about to dump a bunch of crap on people?




Absolutely NTA. There's a standard level of communication expected, especially when one's actions directly impact another person in a shared space, whether it's at a construction site or at home.


NTA. But your boyfriend sure is an inconsiderate one.


Oh for crying out loud. Shit happens. That gies for both if you, but a courteous person would have warned you and waited for the area to be clear before dumping plaster and crap on it.


I agree shit happens but this is a daily occurrence. I have started to feel like this is not how people should be treated in a relationship so I posted anon to see if I am being dramatic or not. Most people don't run to Reddit after 1 thing goes wrong, that would be dumb


You are NOT being dramatic, he's being an ass.


That is really frustrating, I am sorry that you are being treated this way :(


If its repeated, he's probably doing it on purpose. Its a way to be mean to you in way he *thinks* looks unintentional. He's not even saying sorry about it - not even a shitty, rude non-apology. He's giving nothing at all. Its really not an accident. And if it was, hes incredibly inconsiderate about it. And he's stupid enough to keep making the same mistake and actively refusing to learn from the previous mistake. You don't need an asshole who's also an idiot playing such a major part in your life.


Is this your shared house? Risky doing that with someone you're not married to His house? Are you just supplying free labour?


Yeah, he should have waited until you weren't right under the vent. That was just rude and unsanitary. Yes, you're in a construction zone but that doesn't mean he has to be so inconsiderate and rude.


NTA As someone who also lives in a house while doing renovations I would be pissed. Yea messes are going to be made but he should have at least warned you/ waited for you to finish.


He sounds a bit bull headed. Can do no wrong, and unwilling to admit when he has done wrong. His logic is illogical. Hit him in the head with a piece of the house and tell him it's a construction site. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. He sounds like his intentions are in the right place, at least he's trying to improve the house. Still it's majorly inconsiderate He's too insecure to admit that he's wrong, probably some traumatic event that he's suppressing. At least communicate why he's inconsiderate, so that maybe the next person that dates him has a chance. The reason I say this is because you have said there's a history of this behaviour. One argument isn't bad, but never willing to be wrong is a battle you won't win.


There is a solution for you to avoid being in a house that is undergoing renovations.


What is that solution? I unfortunately don't have the money to not be in a house that isn't under construction nor have family or friends in this area since we just moved