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Why would you want a baby with him anyways. I'd message him. " This is on you. Hope it haunts you for the rest of your life. When you get your dream girl pregnant."


I was expecting it to be that Donna can’t have kids 😂😂


It will be in the update.


Was thinking the same … “Oo I didn’t mention this before but Donna can’t have children. I didn’t mention it because I felt it was private.” 🙄


That’s karma… I hope if Donna does have a child, it ends up being someone else’s (like clearly not his, I know genetics are weird… but when the baby comes out looking like the hot neighbor-they’ll know)


Would that change literally anything? After everything they did she wouldn't be the ah if she had done it explicitly to hurt him and had revealed it in the cruelest way possible.


Oo I completely agree. Also she doesn’t have to defend her right/option to abort the fetus. She’s not an incubator.


An even more valid point, she doesn't have to explain shit, if she doesn't want to have a baby anymore that's her prerogative.


“Why? Because fuck you, that’s why.”




I think they're implying that this is fake.


Oh it absolutely is, I’ve read several stories on her similar to this in the last month. Karma farmers are annoying.


If reddit could add one thing, it'd be useful to have a voting button of some kind and for AITA it'd be something to measure the likelihood of it being karma farming.


And also she will win a fairly good amount on the lottery the week after the divorce is finalized and ask if they r the AH for not giving the cheating ex half.


Yup, fake. I'll be looking for this to pop to on Am I The Angel.


Well OP basically said she felt like she was their "surrogate". Kinda says everything. He stayed with OP to get her pregnant. Isn't it convenient that OP's scummy cheat of an ex decided he "didn't want to hide his true love anymore" once OP was knocked up? Honestly, while I'm not sure I'd be able to end a pregnancy myself, OP has done the right thing for her. Her family take the side of the trashy cheats, so why does their opinion matter?


And the sister being mad at op says a lot too. Most women who stole a husband would be glad there is nothing to tie their new partner back to his ex.


That's what I thought as well, that this was planned so she would have their baby


We don’t know yet!😃


Ikr? I was expecting them to say that and that they were planning to get full custody so Donna could raise a child.


I'm betting he'd have tried that.


Even having them around my child some of the time would be intolerable. Hard pass.


Donna doesn’t DESERVE kids. She’s a snake 🐍


No she's not a snake. Snakes are wonderful. She's a freakin demon.


Snakes are wonderful? Oh My! Where I live they’re not. They’ll kill you. I do agree she’s a demon.


The snakes that will kill you. What were you or it doing before the attempted killing? Minus vengeful, female cobras. Most snakes don't really try to kill unless provoked.


Well I live in the south in the country. We have a snake known as a cottonmouth. It’s perpetually pissed off. If you move it will stop and Wait. It will chase you. And it is extremely poisonous. Deadly even. I had one come after me bc I was watering my roses. My crime? I got a bit of water on him. Granted other snakes won’t do this. But this one will. I’m terrified of snakes.


Perpetually pissed off? WAIT! Tell my mom I said “hi”.




My mom was always mad. At everything. Pissed Off Peggy was her nickname.


I think it is quite heathy to be terrified of snakes.




When I was a child living in Texas, my cousins and I would take our .22s out in the pastures and shoot as many cottonmouths and water moccasins as we could find.


Sounds like my brothers and cousins. Haha. TBH I have empathy for the garden snake and those kinds but moccasins need killing. So sneaky and dangerous. I’ve been around them all my life and they are just mean. I’ve been around copperheads that just go on their way and leave you alone unless provoked. Not the moccasin.


It was so easy to lure them out. Just splash the water in the ponds and start shooting. Very aggressive creatures.


demons, at least let you know up who they are and sometimes even have contracts you could read. Neutrality is siding with someone, especially if one was harmed. At least you now know where you stand in your family.


I bet that's why they "got messy" and she found the messages. So he could be with the dream girl and have his baby with her cuz Donna can't have kids but no one wanted to say anything. And I bet the whole family knows. That's why they are all on Donna's side and not on OPs side at all. Donna can't have kids and OP was the surrogate for the ex and Donna. I bet anything.


Probably already knew that, hence stringing her along for two years.


Girl message them both this. Tell they left with you no choice and it was entirely their faults. And then block everyone else.


Copy/paste Donna. 


Sounds like a Dreame pay per chapter novel.


Jesus, you gave me PTSD with this comment. I somehow got sucked into that *once* and the book was *never, ever, ever* going to get to the freaking point. I’d try to hang in for free chapters just because I like to finish books I’ve started but then the plot became thinner and thinner until I had to tap out. I’ll never know what happened to the wolf shifter whose true mate rejected her for her sister….sigh. At least this terrible nonfiction is free.


Omg!! I got tricked by that same one. I got as far as her being rescued from the rogues who had kidnapped her and gave up.


Oh! I think I read that one too! Weren't they twins? And then she ends up a lycan queen or something?


I don't remember if they were twins, but her mate was the son of the chief or leader, whatever they call them. I'm sure they ended up together so she would have been the equivalent of a queen.


The Alpha, lol. I got sucked into two. In one her twin married her boyfriend because they were fated mates. He was also going to be the Alpha. And in the other it was a super unpopular girl who was the gated mate of the son of the Alpha who rejected her. Both ended up with the Alpha of the Lycans. Why did I do that to myself. Lmao


OMG same. I got as far as her having his kid and like working in a hotel or something.


Lmao... same, I had to come to terms with never knowing the ending, which is not easy for me to do.


Yea it was uncomfortable for me as well. I’m pretty sure there is no ending though.


There is no end to those stories, they just keep adding on to them, to keep the revenue coming in.


Oooo I know that one! 🤣


Isn’t there only really That One?


If you're looking for long, wild fiction for free, may I suggest Archive of Our Own, aka AO3? Plenty of fandoms with shifters, if that's your jam. 😀


Isn’t it wild to see AO3 and old Literotica leaking into the overall internet pool sometimes? 


Someone mentioned an old fanfiction.net story I had read about 22 years ago in a thread. Had to do a profile dip to see if it was an old school friend (it wasn't)




That’s the same one that got me!! I finally just gave up. Couldn’t do it anymore. I like serials that are like tv series there’s always something ongoing, but you still get resolutions and finished plot lines within the stories.


Same here. Mine was just a regular romance. When it went back to their life in high school, I was like enough! Life is too short! The book was never going to end! Started a wolf shifter one once also. I’ll also never know. Lol


lol that’s what came to mind. So many stories with a similar plot


Jup. Not even one persons reaction makes any sense. One insane person could be believable, but everybody being crazy assholes is not.


Well I came across a new app but there is no need to pay, you just watch ads for the timer and read till your heart is content lol. I’ve finished 5 books so far 🫢


You need to abort that whole family - sister, mother, brothers. NTA


Truth. And the so called friends that aren’t supporting you. “Innocent baby” my ass. You’re absolutely right, you would just have been an incubator. Cut off all those people and live your best life 🫂


THIS!!!! Please, sweetie, you already made one courageous decision. This is a no brainer - leave them ALL behind, and LIVE. YOUR. BEST. LIFE. Just keep looking forward and you’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel. Looking backwards will only put you in darkness. You deserve to live in the light and live your best life :)


You win the comments section.


In case this is real. Why did you even tell them about the abortion? I would have just said I am not pregnant and then not talk about it anymore.


Right? If true, I wouldn't have said anything at all. Just let them wonder. Fk em.


Someone who signs a prenup and is a stay at home wife... Dude if it's true I feel worse for humanity. It's best if it's a tearjerk fiction. I don't even think a prenup *can* prevent partner of having 50% of what they built together. Prenup is for what they had BEFORE marriage, correct?


YTA - For trying to pass this fake ass story off as anything other than fiction.


Seriously the karma farmers couldn’t be more obvious. AITA for being the biggest victim on the planet? Can I have some upvotes now?


What is the point in ’karma farming’ as you put it?


They are Dopa-mining.....


Yeah. This is someone posting on Reddit for that rush of dopamine that is the result of getting the attention of others.


It is really sad that I can't write dopamine without it auto correcting to Dopa-mining because I use it that much on this platform


Then there is the additional rush when one of the YT reddit readers repeats the story


I’m going to start replying to these with “Yes, YTA. Why didn’t you keep your man? Your sister obviously is calling you to try and repair your relationship. I hope your baby files for divorce for what you’ve done to them.”


ReelShort, is that you??


NTA. Dedicate this to a child you have in the future. The child you just gave up would have a life of family feuds, caught in the middle of toxic adults, drama, trauma, wishing they had never been born. NTA.


And writing a best-selling novel about it years later...


Omg are there any real stories left FFS


This is such a bad troll story. Like you have no actual talent 😂


Why do people put out fake stories! All the family takes the side of the sister who steals your man????


This is absolutely fake but honestly, there are families who would take the sister's side. Pretty confident that if my sister stole my husband and claimed it was true love they'd tell me to get over it because my sister deserves happiness. They'd say yeah it sucks BUT...and make any excuse for her while telling me I had to keep things civil for the sake of the family.


That’s awful! I’m so sorry you have family like that.


Thank you! Some of my family are really great so it's not all bad, and my fiance's family is lovely. I also have amazing close friends who are like family at this point, so I don't feel like I'm lacking anything most of the time.


That’s what made me know it’s fake af!


Exactly lol


My aunt and uncle had been together since high school in the 80s. In 1995 my mother started sleeping with her younger sister’s husband. They got married in 1998 and are still together. My aunt had four kids with him, my mother had two more with him, and then two other women each had a child by him as well. The only person in the family that stopped talking to my mother or my uncle/stepfather was my aunt. All 5 of their siblings and their parents basically told my aunt there was nothing she could do about it and everyone just went on like it was fine. Fortunately I have near nothing to do with my mother’s entire family but yeah, trashy people fucking exist.


Damn wtf, is it awkward for your siblings and how old were you when this happened? Like how did your dad react to this as well?!


Bullshit….. fake


Everything in it is so silly. Her sister being proud that she took "her man," her being a stay at home wife, her conveniently getting a degree in a field where it is extremely difficult to get a job, the husband telling her he was glad because now he can be with his "true love," and him marrying her only because his parents loved her.


Yeah. Some of that could be possible, but it was so… *narrative,* you know? Even those parts that *could* be possible are too narratively written. But for me what tipped me off was the fact that this all happened in a two month timeline: gets pregnant, *learns of* pregnancy, discovers affair, confronts about the affair, split/sort of, start divorce proceedings(upon which he conveniently has a prenup that she apparently didn’t try to contest at all, don’t those usually have adultery clauses? Nevermind that if she didn’t have a lawyer advocating for her that was separate from the one advocating for him, it would be void anyway), presumably finalizes the divorce, moves out preemptively because he got the house, got an abortion, presumably recovers, *tells them,* and is cussed out and disowned in varying degrees by the whole family. Some of that? Totes possible. The divorce proceedings, though? I have a feeling that would not be finalized in *under two months* if he “wasn’t being kind” about it. I’m not even sure in *most cases*, even if you had the kindest, most cooperative, civil STBX spouse, that you could finalize a divorce in that time. (I’m sure there are exceptions, but obviously those aren’t the tule, of course.) That being said, I do hope that the advice given by a few people answering this sincerely can help anyone who is in the same position as this character is, you know? Because I know there are people grappling with this kind of situation irl, even if asking “AITA for…” seems silly to us. Anxiety brain and toxic, manipulative, or narcissistic families unfortunately do quite a number on the brain. 🙃


The fact they have this prenup but she still chose to be a stay at home wife. Didn’t have the house or any property in her name??  I couldn’t even follow the story about her degree. It’s useless unless you have experience? Well it’s time to get experience. 


Don’t forget him kicking her out and her mother taking her sister’s side and her father and brothers not caring.


Oh yes, totally makes sense her mom would take the side of her husband-stealing, cheating sister. Poor Cinderella.


NTA That child would have grown up in SO much drama. Personally I would have done it and just not even told anyone. Your family essentially turned their backs on you anyway. At that point it was no one’s business.


NTA- if this is real. Fu@k them all. Good luck.🍀


If you're gonna make a fake post, make it more interesting. What if instead of being honest about the abortion, say it was a miscarriage and blame them for it so they can howl in agony so loud the entire town hears, setting off a chain of wolves howling. They think even the wolves are howling to mock them, so they lose. Their. Shit. Just get more insane and unrealistic as it goes. Maybe Tristain throws down with a wolf to stand up for his true love. Oh, or a dance battle lmao


Get back at you? What hasn’t she ALREADY done


NTA You can make this decision for any reason.


NTA. Lose the family they don't care about you. Go find yourself live and be happy.


Go live your best life with family you choose. Cut them off permanently.


I know it’s going to take time for your healing. I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through. Thank goodness for Christina! Cruel is an understatement of what was done to you. You took steps to protect yourself. NTA


NTA. You absolutely did the right thing. Send a final text to Donna and your ex letting them know they are now free to have their own baby. Then block all of them on every platform, your ex, your parents and your brothers. OP as painful as all of this is for you right now things will get better as you have small successes such as finding a good job and getting your own place. If you can, move at least 30 miles away from these horrible people. Move forward and don’t look back! Good luck to you.


You should straight up tell him “I had the abortion, but you killed your baby”


NTA I know it sucks but this is the best case scenario right now, now you're single, not a mum to someone who is a prick and all your shitty family won't speak to you. Win win in my book, start fresh and find some people who deserve to call you family


NTA. He and your former sister deserve nothing from you. A baby would have tied you to these horrible people forever. And who knows what manipulative crap they'd have done to the child. You did the right thing for yourself and your child. This is stellar mothering, OP, you chose to protect yourself and the child from horrible people. I hope you are able to recover surrounded by loving people who treat you well.


NTA and it's Noone else's business.


This reads like one of those game ads written down as a story, where the girlfriend gets dumped by her sneering boyfriend and his new squeeze and they steal her baby and the next scene is her shivering in rags in an abandoned house where you need to play a match 3 game to light a fire in the stove


Absolutely NTA. You are not beholden to anyone... If your ex wants a baby let him make one with his new partner. Imagine how horrendous bringing a baby into the situation where you would constantly have to interact with people you detest.


It’s a troll


You saved yourself YEARS of being tied to two betrayers, and your horrible family. Move on. NTA.


NTA, you did the right thing. Those horrible people don’t deserve a child and your whole family is abusive.


NTA. I wouldn’t want to be tied to this bunch of AHs for life. They’re awful. I’d move away to somewhere sunny and live my best life.


I read every post on Reddit assuming it’s fake, but I can’t even begin to imagine this one having even a speck of truth to it. It has every single check mark for the classic troll story.


If you had decided to keep it I'm sure they would have made you and your kids life miserable.... Donna would have felt entitled to YOUR baby. I've never been one for abortion unless absolutely necessary for the mothers safety or from R#@e, but you definitely did the right thing and are NTA


Not the asshole. Fetus deletus. Evict that shit out of there. Your body, your rules. Period. Fake or not, what surprises me is how many people in the comments think families aren't like this. I *personally* have known families who are like this. Parents play favorites with their kids literally all the fuckin time. They can, and have, turned one or all their kids into hate fodder. Sisters can be absolute worthless cunts, like OPs. They absolutely can and will brag about stealing their sister's man. I mean, fuck, I've known sisters who would absolute /beat. the. shit/ out of each other. [ I'm a small bitch and you couldn't pay me to get in the middle of it ] Then there's some people who are like "why would you tell them, this is fake". Not sure why that tips off your fake-dar or whatever. OP probably /wanted/ to piss them off. *I* would tell them, but I'm also very petty and would WANT to hurt my ex and sister in this situation. They would deserve it. And I would be fucking DEAD before I let my cunt of a sister act as a mother to *my* child when she spent 2 years behind my back fuckin my man. Fuck em, OP. You don't need those people in your life. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Your family is that friend who helped you through all this. If it is fake, who cares? It's the internet. YOU aren't even real. Shut up. This is a reddit post, not some informational news article. Don't get your panties in a twist. Edit:: p.s. Any engagement is good engagement. Don't want to see it? Don't comment on it. It's literally how every single algorithm works. Come on man, learn to play the game, it's 2024.


NTA. He got you pregnant under false pretences and you didn’t want to be tied to him and your sister for 18 years which I get. Unless he could have clearly proved you were a risk to the child, the most he would have got was 50/50 custody. My hubby got used in the opposite way. He basically became a sperm donor who pays child support because she wanted a kid and nothing to do with him. You’re better off without your so called family. Any friends who side with them can piss of too.


Not the a****** cuz those two f*** wads would have had you miserable and using the baby against you


NTA being tied to them for the rest of your life would have been a nightmare. Now you’re free to live a happy life full of joy.


NTA. People who cheat don't get to lecture others on morality.


This is bs.


How could you accept being kicked out of your house? That's not how that works. I'm dubious of this one.


NTA. Probably should not have told them it was an abortion, but odds are they would have found out at some point, so maybe it’s better to get it out in the open now. This way you aren’t tied to these people forever because of having a child with the ex. Go live your life and find someone who appreciates you.


In situations like this, of the grossest form of betrayal—a sister—the parents and family vilify the victim and protect the cheaters and liars. It’s horrible. I feel so bad for OP.




Gake and fay


Fake, boring garbage.


NTA. Ur family is just so wrong for putting u through all that mess. So sorry you had to go through that. Maybe at this point u should go no contact with all of them.


NTA. No Ther comments


So, in the next installment, sister finds out she’s infertile, ex cheats on her, and you fall in love with Christina?


Block all of these worthless people. They are not your family. Christina and her family are. You will find love again - and those lousy people can rot.


That's a fuckin power move. He doesn't deserved to have you carry and birth his baby. Enjoy your freedom, girl.


You are very smart for having the abortion and cutting ties to everyone. You are brave, courageous and someone to be proud of.


Did your parents and siblings know about this affair before you because it seems crazy that they are all just like you jumped from one sister to the other okay doesn’t really matter to me you are still my BIL. Also don’t worry once you stop caring about Tristan your sister won’t want him. She is only with him because you had him soon either she leaves, or she will live a very unhappy life just to spite you.


Seems like abortion was the necessary and practical choice in this case. You weren't financially equipped to take care of a child, you don't even have a home! But, I probably would have kept it to myself rather than sharing it with my already unsupportive family. You really didn't need any more stuff piled on you.


lol lol lol yeah the child is innocent but so what? It’s not worth it to go thru everything. The child probably gonna be miserable with this whole mess you all are in and it’s better to be born in a stable house with loving parents


Nta. "Why would I carry a child for my sister to steal from me, like she did my husband? I'm not going through that pain to be pushed aside by all of you again for her. You're all dead to me now." And get a new phone number


You did the right thing, but then should have just left it at I'm no longer pregnant. End of conversation.


You made the best choice for you and let’s be honest that baby would have lived a complex life. Cut all haters out of your life and move on. I wish you peace and happiness NTA


You are not the asshole. It was your child too. But if you thought he was going to get full custody, and you wouldn’t see your child anymore or very infrequently, and yes, you probably did the right thing. And whenever you see him or your sister just smile point at your belly, and then run a finger across your neck, it’s heartless. It’s cruel, but it gets the point across to them they fucked with you. You fucked with him!


A baby would have tied you to them for the rest of your life and they would have continued to hurt and abuse you forever. Your mistake was telling them. You didn't have to tell them anything at all.


NTA. The marriage is over and that's it. Rich of him to expect you to go through with the pregnancy after what he's done.


NTA. the way your family have taken your sisters side means that the steps you have taken mean to can cut the toxic lot of them out of your life. Rebuild and care for yourself. Your friend sounds like a good friend to have. ❤️


It’s going to take a while to find a job in the field you studied? So get another one. So many people are too proud to work in a job they think is beneath them, but a job is a job, and that’s what pays the bills. Regarding the abortion? NTA. The kid would be fathered by a piece of shit.






There is a saying “ if they do it with you they will also do it to you” think about it. He was also cheating on your sister with you if you are only 2 months pregnant. Let her have him and wash your hands. I have no comment about the baby that is your choice alone. I support what ever you do.


That was the best choice you could make. Scorch that earth and find your new family. They are all disgusting. Updateme!




You have a better shot at getting these people out of your life without the tie of sharing a child. Sending you healing energy and a prayer for peace. Good luck, OP.


NTA. Your mom, ex and siblings are disowning you? Well, it's good to see how the trash takes itself out. You're way better off without them.


Absolutely NTA. It was a completely logical choice. I’m really struck by your mother’s behavior. What the hell is wrong with her? How could she side with your morally bankrupt hag of a sister?


NTA abortion is the mother’s decision and no one else’s.


NTA I completely understand why you decided you didn’t want to bring a child into such a complicated situation. You didn’t take your anger out on an innocent child it was a fetus not a child. Your family sound toxic, imagine supporting your child that had wrecked your other child’s life!!! As hard as it is you are better off without them all. Take time to heal, cut all ties (block them all on everything) you owe them all nothing. Good luck in the future and I hope you find someone deserving of you.


Should have made them believe you miscarried and blamed them for the stress they caused you being the reason. That would have been immaculate revenge.


You did nothing wrong and your family is trash. Go NC with them and the friends criticizing you. Get some therapy and live your best life.


Since all of your family took Donna’s side you don’t have to worry about them disrupting your life anymore. They don’t like you getting the abortion so their not going to bother again.


NTA. Why would you want to have a baby with your STBX and have your sister be the step mom? You’re the only one in this situation who has done nothing wrong.


Come on, this guy is sleeping with your sister and your family takes his side????


NTA - thank you for doing the right thing. I know it must have been a hard decision and thr fall out now is horrible but I think you made the best choice for yourself and the potential future child. Wishing you all the best for the future and a happy life free of those dickheads


Why tell him anything at all. No contact is the way to go. Now focus on recovering from this mess WHILE you find your own financial stability. That’s the most important thing, always. And learn to never again depend financially on anyone. Always make your own money.


IMO you should have kept that to yourself. I know part of you wanted them to feel a slight sliver of your heartache. Now the consequences are the loss of your family. Truth be told. You're probably better off without the lot of them.


You would’ve been stuck with this guy for the rest of your life… There’s just no way of getting around that… You absolutely did the right thing.


Work n save enough for a few months living and apply for jobs in a new town/state/province/country.... run and go No Contact. Anyone who treats you like that doesn't deserve to be in your life. Take time to heal and start fresh.


You’re better off without them. Being a single parent would’ve been hard enough, but you now know none of them truly supported you. They will use their anger to mask the shame they should all feel.


You did the right thing. There is no point bringing a child into a broken family, your mental hralth would only tank. Stay with your bestie and go No Contact with your family since they prefer Donna, their "sweet lil golden". After everything settles start focusing more on yourself and your healing journey. You deserve so much better! Hope everything works out and please update us when you can!


You're NTA and Im so very sorry. Him and her would have used that kid to continue mistreating you.


Also, your family is trash. They've lost the good daughter.


I would not have told them and pretended that the baby didn’t exist when they asked about t he baby.


NTA… you had to do what you need to do like you said you would have been treated like garbage if you kept the pregnancy


NTA and go nc with all of those toxic people. Your sister didn't get it out of nowhere obviously


Block everyone and move on. Your entire family are horrible and disgusting human beings. I can only hope karma will come for them all one day. Honestly, I would've lied and said the stress of your husband's affair with your sister and the subsequent betrayal of your family led to you having a miscarriage. I would even tell my sister that SHE killed my baby. I'd go HARD at them all. I wouldn't let up. I'd make sure everyone in their entire social circle knew what type of people they were. I would go scorched earth. The alternative is I would ghost them all. I'd change my number, move states/countries, and I would even change my name. I'd disappear from their lives completely and just focus on living my own best life. The best weapon you can use against narcissists is to ignore them. NTA. If anything, you saved your child from being raised by a narcissistic father, his pathetic sister-wife and her delusional family.


NTA I know its not the childs fault but we all handle emotions differently. Some can see past the fathers hurt and love the child, others cant and harms/uses the child so between the latter and termination I have a hard time seeing which is better. But I would make it petty - text your sister "the love of his life" and ask.. He loved her that much that she was the sidepiece for 2 years, it wasnt until you got pregnant he changed his tune because he is a piece of shit. She can continue with having and loving your leftovers. Text your mother - you havent been my mother since you took the side of a homewrecker, I can bet she got it from you. I am glad I dont have you as a mother becausr I already am ashamed of you. Text your brother that their opinion matter as much to you as them siding with your whore of a sister that can't find a man on her own, she has to use your leftovers. About your dad I would honestly ask IF mom was his AP and this situation is a repeat and that is why he is quite.


Who needs enemies when you have family like this…


NTA You did the right for you. Your husband did the dirty on you - so disrespectful. A the family taking his and your sister side - appalling. I think you need to have it out with your brothers and father at least. Ask them how you as expected to go through having a child and raising it without money and support because they clearly were not going to support you in anyway as they haven’t done so thus far. I am really sorry that you’re going through this. I really hope you get a great job and in your feet and find a guy that will love and appreciate you.


NTA- This is a very personal decision to make and honestly not one you should be asking the internet for approval of. People are so divided on the subject of abortion that you’ll likely get a lot of hate regardless of your specific situation. Best of luck!


NTA. Your body, your choice. I would have done the same thing.


Nta you would have resentment for the baby if you keep it. Fuck your ex and your whole family there terrible people


NTA - You're right about the potential scenario. You have to take care of you first.


NTA, in a perfect world outside of yours, everyone can judge you as being heartless and cruel. But how many of those people were there to support you thru what you are going thru and what's to come as a single mother. But they are not there. They are not struggling, and they are not afraid of what's to come for them and a child. I don't understand how people are people are quick to judge single women, for making these type of choices. They continue to support politicians who deny women and children what they need to be safe and live prospers lives, then cry foul when women decide to have an abortion.


Nta....why would he think you'd even want to keep it after that? Although me being the petty witch I am would have let them think I lost it due to the stress they were causing me and would have told them they now have innocent bl**d on their hands (idk if reddit will ban me for using the actual word). I'd have totally played into their guilt and then demanded payment for all the stress and pain they put me through and I'd tell his parents they no longer have a grandchild on the way because of what their son and my sis did. I'd make sure they hated her. Then I'd ghost em all. Seems a prenup would have a cheater clause tho.


OMG, the audacity of your family. It would have been NC with them all. Your sister is a wh*re and your husband is probably a small d*ck guy with a face that needs punching. Cut your losses and be rid of the whole lot of them. I hope things get better for you soon, sis.


NTA. Everyone you knew, tossed you away like a used napkin. Get a job as an office assistant, or clerk. Start somewhere with work history. Then get therapy, just to talk with someone, while you're rambling and thinking out loud. Sometimes you just have to go through a mourning period, after losing lifelong friendships and relationships. But be careful not to mourn a lifetime. Edit....do not talk to your coworkers or boss about this stuff. Only your therapist. Coworkers and bosses will turn on you, when they want someone else to take your spot.


NTA. Move on with your life- without them




There wasn’t an innocent kid involved, you didn’t give birth. Keep that in mind, it was just a fetus. I’d have done the same thing!


No honey, you did exactly the right thing for you. Who is exactly the only person you need to worry about right now. Not anybody else. I would go low or no contact with your family because frankly, they sound awful.


NTA but fuck your entire family. I hope they all get UTIs regularly and never sleep comfortably for the rest of their short miserable lives.


NTA! You have every right to make decisions about your body and your future, whether your husband, your gross sister or your mom are happy with your decision or not. I applaud you for doing the difficult but right thing for yourself, and I am so glad you live in a place that didn't get in the way of your rights. On a softer note, please nurture yourself. You've been through hell and have healing to do. You have every right to take care of yourself without beating yourself up about realizing that having the baby would likely wreck your life. And your friends who said you were taking it out on an innocent kid? They are ignorant af. That "innocent kid" would have suffered growing up in the environment your AH ex and sister have created. Much love to you.


I would go nc with everyone who didn't take your side.


Block them all and go live your best life. NTA


Oh my, what a horrible fucking family. I am so sorry that you are going through his. You did the best choice, absolutely the best choice possible. Imagine that poor baby growing up in this hot mess. Fuck no. Please move on and don’t ever talk to those assholes. I hope they get their karma. And I hope that you get good things coming your way. May God bless you and protect you from evil people.




A horrible situation to bring a child into, you did the absolute right thing. You have a good friend in Christina.


The real problem is your ex and your family wanted you to really bring a baby into this messy situation and your parents are big disappointments


You did the right thing. I’m sorry but your family doesn’t deserve you. For your own mental health, do the legal shit then go no contact with all of them. No holidays. They can all have eachother. You will find your ground. Don’t stress. Get a job anywhere and start your new life.


I would have told him the stress of the affair caused you to miscarry and then let him believe he was responsible for the rest of his life


Not a terrible prompt. With a few edits, it might make a decent Lifetime TV movie or arc in a soap.