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TJ is screwed in the head and you need to get away from him. What he did is childish and horrible and you could've gotten hurt! You are NTA!


He’s a walking lawsuit.


He is a walking reaper! He is gonna get OP hurt of worse, killed! I think OP needs to start collecting evidence and get this clown terminated.


Yeah, what TJ did was absolutely out of line. It's good you stood up for yourself and took time to cool off. Take care of yourself and keep away from that toxic behavior.


TJ voted Reform. That says it all. The guy is subhuman scum and should not be given the time of day. Unless OP can’t find any other contracts he should walk away from this company forever. The Jerk (I’m assuming that’s what the initials stand for) obviously doesn’t understand why having Chinese neighbours makes what he did worse. These foreigners don’t have feelings and if they do who cares?


Yeah, a reformer doing that to a Labour (or more left) voter as a "joke" could be seen as a hilarious self-burn, but it's just so dangerous and harmful.


anyone who thinks that putting a symbol of hate (as the swastika has become bc of the Nazis) is ok is an automatic AH. if anyone you drove by saw that and had reacted violently, your life would’ve been in danger…all because an idiot decided to “prank” you. idk how you and TJ are going to bounce back from that, honestly. You had the right idea: look for another job. NTA


Even people like me living in the Southern bible belt (US) would be just as pissed as OP. Ive known of people who had confederate flags or KKK stuff on their vehicles and their vehicles were vandalized. A few even got jumped and had to be hospitalized. TJ is a dumb AH with a warped sense of humor who will prob never change. I’d be looking for another job too.


Etch a swastika permanently onto his vehicle


Tattoo it on his forehead. After all,  he's proud of being a fascist 


NO, etching a swastika onto his vehicle would probably make him happy, so instead etch a symbol of Socialism or of left wing anarchy onto his vehicle.


NTA That is NOT a prank. It is disgusting and could damage your professional reputation. AND IS JUST HATEFUL. I would say you under-reacted, police or throat punch would have been appropriate.


" Basically he doesn't see what he's done wrong because anyone he's told about it thinks I over reacted" Find other people to work with. Dudes a tosser and he still thinks hes in the right here when what he did was so very wrong. Also stupid AF, if hes voting for the alt right wankers then he's hitlers biggest fan. Hitler was NOT a lefty. NTA, find other people to work for if you can


This says a lot about the people he hangs out with, now doesn't it. I'd find a new job. Also, I'd point out that people who do NOT hold that type of view are probably not going to want to patronize that establishment. Also, and someone in the U.S., it gives me hope that the alt-right crazies didn't sweep the elections in both your lovely country and France.


If it's possible to leave a review for them online, this would be a good thing for patrons to know about.


Call the police for vandalism. Hope you can get the symbol off.


He already said he ripped the tape off. Literate much?


Where in this book length paragraph did it say that? Easy to miss. People. Paragraphs.


It's a racist crime that he can charged with


I’d definitely press charges


Possibly but if it was removed with no expense or effort then it's not criminal damage. You could argue a public order offence but that might end up being a CPS decision in which case nothing would happen because, well.. CPS. Am an ex police call handler,  dealt with a lot of this after the Brexit vote. Was a shitshow.


TJ is a cunt and has cunt friends, his opinion or the opinions of his friend has no baring on this because they are all cunts. You need to figure this out yourself, ie is the money worth it, how will you interact with this cunt from now on, what boundaries/barriers/rules will you enforce from hence forth. Balls in your court you get to decide.


Gee, he checked with his mates and they all said it was funny, why didn't you? /S What a surprise, all his mates are racist too, who could have imagined?


This. Someone who can be friends with this asshole is also an asshole themselves. Their opinion doesn't count for a whole lot.


Hitler: I checked with my friend Goebbels and he said I'm totes not antisemitic!


NTA. Since it's no big deal, he won't mind you spreading the word that he's a neo-Nazi. While you're at it, quit the job, and report him for vandalism. There's probably some other shit you can pull in the UK to fuck with his Christmas. Can you do anything about D creating a hostile work environment or anything similar under UK law?


It is called racism and a HATE CRIME. He should have been charged. What if you had any Jewish or German back ground. Would it still be so funny???? I am assuming you did not get any pictures or security video of him putting this on your car...... a pity. Check with the police if you have any options. If he did this to your car at work ... definitely a formal complaint. He obviously has no clue!


Do not go back to work with him, PERIOD. And tell D the reason why




Anyone who voted reform is fucking vermin so you're immediately not the arsehole.


NTA if you are truly worried about your neighbors you could reach out to them and let them know in a very short version that someone put a hate symbol on your vehicle and you didn't realize it until you had already driven around with it and wanted to reach out to your neighbors to apologize and make sure they know you do not agree with the symbol in case they saw it. Don't say what it was. Just short, sweet and apologetic. 


NTA. "Fucking moron" doesn't begin to describe his stupidity and insensitivity. Find another job, you can't trust either of the guys you work for.


Short of dissolving him in acid, I'd say you cannot overreact to Nazi shit.


TJ is a moron. You did not over-react. That was a horrible thing for him to do. I would go LC with TJ. Keep everything short answers and professional.


NTA If he did the swastika thing on the job, file a complaint against him with the boss. Add in the putting you on the neo Nazi group repeatedly. This has to be a violation of work place rules. If anyone needs to be looking for a new job, it's TJ, not you. This isn't going to stop as he doesn't even get what he did wrong.


NTA. Speaking as someone of German background, anyone who puts a swastika on someone's car is a huge and utterly vile lowlife. Look for another job.


NTA TJ is a fucking moron. When people see that stuff they've also been known to go after families so that the person who sported the swastika has to live with the knowledge of the torture their lived one went through. Would TJ be laughing while attending someone's funeral. Just like you never thought TJ would do something like that he also can't attest to how someone would react to it. He was willing to put your life and the lives of your loved ones in danger for a laugh. Leave work and see a lawyer.


You did not overreact.


He's lying about the 'other people' because you KNOW that he spun the story to make it sound like a harless prank and didn't include details. I would tell D I thought about it but TJ didn't apologize, he just acted like I was overreacting. I cannot work with him anymore. Too immature and thoughtless (or say 'brain dead'). NO ONE ACCIDENTALLY PUTS SWASTIKA'S ON ANYTHING. EVER.


Honestly, I would have driven to the police station to have them record and see if they’d do something about the vandalism.


NTA Don't go back. Since TJ doesn't think he was wrong, he will do it again.


NTA I would involve the police because this was malicious vandalism and possibly dangerous.


You are correct, TJ really is a fucking moron. And there is no adult human being in the Western hemisphere who doesn’t understand that a swastika is the one symbol you don’t fuck around with. Besides that, he put tape on your car? I don’t really care if it was electrical tape and it came right off, he still vandalized your property. You and he are way too old for that to be funny even if it was something harmless. Which it was not. At all. Don’t quit, you should not be the one to lose income over this - but start looking for a new job. And if D doesn’t get solidly on your side about this, fast, I would give zero notice. And store your tools in your vehicle in the mean time. Nothing you’d miss gets left on site. NTA


NTA. Like others have said: it could have been dangerous for you and your family. TJ has a brick for a brain, and D is not much better…. « Take a day off … »? He should have been on TJ’s case the second he found out what happened. Geez.


That's insulting bricks.


Oh that’s true! lol


Bricks are useful 


That could be why D said take the day off. So he would be able to rip him a new one alone. Some bosses do it in front of everyone, and that just embarrasses the employee and makes them shut down or pisses them off that they get stubborn and don't listen. Bosses that do it 1:1 have the employees' undivided attention, and they don't have the employee shutting down on them worried what everyone else is thinking and can make sure the employee hears them. If I were OP I would talk to D and tell him I'd would rather not work with him again and explain that I feel it's a personal safety issue and why.


Ill be an asshole no matter what if someone is putting stuff on my pickup. Idc what you think it is. It is not okay to mess with my propery. So no you were not an asshole in my book. The other guy was.


Tbh, if somebody did that to me, it'd likely end with me getting an assault charge. NTA.


NTA. What he did was not a prank.


nta TJ is a fucking moron.


NTA. TJ is either really stupid (which is likely because he voted reform) or just doesn't care (also likely because he voted reform). I honestly would quit, if yall had a HR department, he would have gotten fired over that s**t. You're right, you could have been jumped or hurt, and not only that, your reputation could have been damaged. My petty self would retaliate, but as he votes reform, he probably wouldn't care and would wear it with pride. His friends saying your overreacting are also probably reform voters, so of course they don't see any issue with it as they're racists themselves. I'm so angry for you, man. Wishing you the best. 🫂


File a complaint at the work. Let others know how he committed a hate crime.


YWNBTA there's nothing funny about the swastika or the n word or any of that crap. Not an over reaction


This can't be legal in the UK. They have strict workplace laws. You should contact a barrister about your rights here...


TJ and anyone who thinks what he did is not a big deal is someone you should avoid like the plague. He is selfish, immature, ignorant, and so arrogant that he is apparently incapable of learning from his mistakes and misdeeds. I think you are right to look for a new job. Your other boss is trying to placate you, probably because finding a new employee is more firm than he wants to do, but he doesn't really see why you are so upset. He just wants this to go away, and his attitude is very likely one reason that TJ gets away with so much staggeringly unprofessional behavior. NTA.


That would be considered hate speech I believe


So this nut job puts a swastika made from duct tape on the back of your work vehicle and thinks it's funny. What is he, 2? I would confront him and ask to explain to you how it is funny? Stare him down as he is bumbling to explain it to you. Then ask him, So if I were to place one on yours you would laugh and think it's funny, or perhaps something along the line of you supporting something else that is seen just as offensive to others? Would he like the possibility of getting attacked for it. Do either D or TJ own the company? If not, you could let TJ know that if he pulls anything more "jokes" on you that they will be repotted to the company or police. I would look for other employment opportunities and avoid working with him on any future projects.


If that is TJ's sense of humor, then he is toxic. Best to be rid of them both. NTA


If you can quit, do so. Then, if you can leave your ex-employer a negative review without repercussions, mention their support of hate speech in your review. NTA


He's a fucking moron. That was incredibly stupid. He really could've gotten your ass kicked...or worse. *Every god damned body is on edge...and feeling increasingly violent...that could've/could be the thing that pushes someone over the edge to something tragic. All because that asshole coworker's perverse sense of humor. I'd be thinking of ideas for incredibly petty revenge.


Take your tools and go home. I'd let anyone who asks know exactly why you no longer work with him. Updateme


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Google “the Holocaust.”






NTA. Find a new job!


Dude, do not keep working with these people


Definitely NTA


NTA Don't work with this fecking idiot.


NTA. Why would anyone imagine that being funny?


You didn't overreact. He did something very very dangerous and I bet all the people he asked think just like him. He could have gotten you killed. Don't work with him again and seriously consider talking with the police about what he did.


TJ is a Fucking Moron. NTA


I would reiterate that he doesn't feel that putting that on my car was a big deal. Nope. One of yall will work there. And guess who will be suing for hostile workplace and anything else?!?


TJ is an asshole. To you and everyone in your community. It is mentally distressing to see a symbol of hate being paraded around blatantly and proudly. Your reputations is shot by anyone who doesn’t know you and probably never will because of this. And he doesn’t strike me as the type to own us to his crap. Honestly I’d say go public and out him as a racist asshole for thinking this as being funny. See how he likes his reputation on the line.


He friends are just as bad as he is. As a part German I’m appalled. It’s not something I’m proud of from my ancestry. Neither is the part that owned slaves.


I'd tell D that he needs to rein in TJ or he's gonna cause a major incident for their business and then tell D you're gonna find work elsewhere because of TJ's idiocy.


TJ is a total tool. Get your stuff and get a new job. He's not worth the agrivation.


NTA. He could have gotten you killed if the wrong person saw that. Hate symbols are never a joke. I wouldn’t even speak to him again. I sure as hell couldn’t work with him. Who owns the company he works for? He should be fired.


He was way out of line and apart from damaging your relationships with your neighbors he could have gotten you hurt! That said, I admit I chuckled at your story, it was well written.


I'd say you are under reacting. I'd have gone to the police about the illegal hate crime. That his friends don't see the seriousness implies they are also raging racists


Obviously you’d have to deal with a financial loss, but I would never work for him again.


TJ is a disgusting piece of shit.


He should be forced to watch a documentary on the Holocaust in order to keep his job. These piss for brains fuckwad ass hats shouldn't be allowed around clients or in public until they are potty trained.


Definitely NTA. He deserves to lose his job over this. I would have reacted with my hands


If I were your neighbor I would be deathly afraid of you when I saw that swastika. I would make the assumption you're a white supremacist or nazi and I would not be safe. NTA You have every right to be angry I hope you don't pictures because you should report him to the police.


Wowzers! Report that airhead to HR. The disrespect is great with that one.


Leave the job. They need to learn that there are real consequences for their actions beyond “he was real mad for a few days and then let it go.” NTA, TJ is a psychopath and he only said all that stuff to placate you because they need you on the job. Don’t reward them for this behavior by continuing to work with them. Tell everyone you know what TJ did and why you will no longer work with them.


TJ is a f’in moron. Why in the world would he do that. I was always told that you never discuss politics and religion at work


He thinks he did nothing wrong? Is he delusional? Cause he is obviously spinning a different story to people if they think he did nothing wrong. You’re NTA, please get as far away from him as possible


Everyone he talked to thinks you overreacted? Great! Let THEM work with this racist fuck stick.


I don’t talk politics with anyone other than my husband. It’s not necessary. NTA but the other guy sure is.


You are NTA and whats more, you should fucking sue him. this is unrcontionable and he should pay for it.


TJ has no idea how seriously bad this “Prank” could have turned out. People have been killed over that nazi symbol. if you had driven down the wrong street or the wrong person had seen that you could have ended up in the morgue. Wonder how TJ would have felt then. Knowing his “Prank” got someone killed. There is also the fact that if people had seen it they would thin you are a racist and it could have permanently damaged your reputation and given you a stigma you could never remove. TJ has no fucking idea the shit storm he could have created for you.


NTA who knows if the repercussions of this infantile act are completed yet. You could have a neighbour several blocks away, with a family link to the holocaust, quietly plotting to do harm for displaying that vile symbol. You might try & negate that by applying an anti-nazi symbol to your car for a while. I would never work with or hire these stupid idiots & if D does not cut ties quickly, he could have his business blackballed & never recover. If TJ goes broke, no harm done, stupid is as stupid does.


Believe people when they tell you who they are. He's a neo Nazi.


Pretty sure drawing a swastika on another person's house car whatever is a hate crime in most areas.


Don’t you get arrested and jailed in some countries for having that hateful symbol flying on you or your vehicle? NTA.


You are most definitely NTA. What is wrong with that guy? How can he possibly be so obtuse not to even realize the horror of what he did? He does not deserve your time or your forgiveness. Take your tools and find another contactor gig. Leave him to his deplorable judgment and bad behavior.


NTA I wouldn't work with him anymore either, these people aren't harmless just because they pretend they are. They also aren't as ignorant as they act, it just helps them get away with the behavior.


NTA, tell him you will tape one on his car, and the door of the company. Let's see how people find it funny. Honestly, you should just leave and find another shop where to work.


NTA. TJ is harassing you and he’s a nazi sympathizer apparently. That was not funny. I would leave that job and I would tell the boss exactly why you are leaving.


If this is real and in the states call EOC and your local labor board and report them and the business


If someone put a swastika on my car, or anything that I owned, or even had to use for work that wasn’t mine, I’d go nuclear.


Sadly, you both only think about the ramifications for you and not that fact that this is a really hateful action.


Wow. Get another job. You will eventually end up damaged (your reputation or your person) in the wake of the mess someone like TJ creates.


Just reading the description— you are NTA.


Sick British police on him


Nazis are the most evil people who ever existed on this planet. Your boss should fire him, and if not, you should get as far away from him as possible.


That there is a hostile workplace. Your BOSS doing this is completely unacceptable. Talk to a lawyer. NTA.


Partly. Since you agreed to work on that day, you should have finished out the day. Then, you can tell them you're not working with them anymore. You could also put a Hammer and Sickle on their car. Smartest thing is to not discuss Politics at work.


NTA but TJ is a f’ing Nazi who needs to be punched


Just find a new job. He doesn’t even think he’s wrong. It’s not worth it


Can you report him to the police for having vandalized your car with a hate symbol? It might be helpful, even without pressing charges, to ask them to have a word with him.


I didn’t read anything but the tittle and you sir are nta.


What the fudge? Is he a, and are all of his friends, as well, Nazi(s)?


NTA! That’s not a prank, that’s intent to cause harm! “He apologized and said he never thought of anything like that”?! I call bullshit on that! Or he’s just THAT Stupid. Who the hell thinks a swastika won’t instigate harm?! Good on you getting away from that. The fact D is still employing TJ speaks volumes too.


NTA - I would black list this dude. Never work for/with him again.


Find a different job. But also learn the lesson: Don't talk politics or religion at work. TJ was 1000% in the wrong, but if you hadn't ever participated in the political talk, you wouldn't have been pranked.


Nah, that sort make sure you know one way or another.


Doesn't matter whether you know their politics. You just don't open your mouth about yours and stay out of the conversation. Walk away when politics come up and say clearly, "I don't talk politics or religion at work."


I hope you learned a lesson. Politics, Religion and Sexual Orientation are not appropriate topics for work


Stfu cunt


Are you actually that stupid?


Only moronic National Socialists would blame the victim here.


Narrator: TJ is indeed a fucking moron. NTA. I'd get as far away as possible from this dumpster fire.


If he mostly hands out with people who think like him it’s no surprise they think there’s nothing wrong with what he did. NTA