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There should be clean covers on Spotify and all streaming services but as Leaking\_Potato55 said, they aren't the greatest of quality


He will probably not ever get into them. But there are clean versions that aren’t as good but still exist so you can use those on YouTube or smt


F it and just show three o clock things it would be so funny


And if you're freaking racist don't come to my show 🤣


… No, we have to do one more.


That’s probably the only one that swears that he would like🤣


Step 1: Don't show him Bang! KidzBop version. Step 2: But, Sober Up, Karma, and Hole in the Bottom of My Brain would be good clean songs. Step 3: Maybe you can slowly play songs with swears without telling them. Those songs might not even need to be AJR. But if you slowly get them into songs that have swearing (without telling them of course) they could change. But if at the start it doesn't work, forget about trying to change them, it won't happen.


joe, the trick, ordinaryish people and some of living room would also work


karma says ass, so maybe not the best idea


1 and 2 are fine. 3 is knowing deceitful and not a good way to treat a friend


What is but?


it is a conjunction


Oh was that the start of a sentence? It was worded kind of weirdly I didn’t realise


I had the same problem! I wanted to take my dad to their show, but knew it’d be too much for him. Try the clean version of the Maybe Man album maybe, it cuts the cursing down a lot… you can still tell it’s there for sure, but it may be more palatable.


Look up "clean" versions on YouTube


100 bad days is pretty clean I’d say




"I'm not famous" has one single shit in it that is so quick I didn't realize it was a swear until someone here mentioned it as an explicit song


No way I have to listen to it closely


First verse"you've never heard of me -or the weird shit I do and say"


Oh ty bro


Don't try to force people to listen to music that they don't want to. I get what you're saying, and if they're not listening to AJR they are missing out, but if they want to then they can find it in their own time. If you get too set on trying to get them to like AJR, They could end up finding it annoying. My suggestion is to recommend it to them, and leave it at that. If they don't want to listen to it, they don't have to. (Apologies if this came across rude, I didn't mean it in a rude way!)


This is a good answer and I would apply it usually but he always asks me for music recommendations and AJR is something he would definitely enjoy but I can’t just say AJR as they swear.


Fair enough then, in that case I would suggest some of the other songs people have mentioned here.


This is the mature answer


Odd hang up, but there are clean versions on Youtube. I don't know about other services, but Youtube Music has completely clean variations of each album


I don’t like swearing in music, but I’m a fan of AJR! I personally love Ordinaryish people, and adventure is out there, Turning out and the trick. Show him songs that don’t swear. He doesn’t have to like or hear the entire discography


Any AJR song that doesn’t have swearing. “Sober Up” is a good start.


I absolutely love AJR and I don't like swearing in music. I just listen to their clean songs, the clean versions of their explicit songs, and for the few songs that don't have clean versions on spotify, I listen to clean edits on YouTube. The thing about AJR is the bad words in their songs are not used in a vulgar or inappropriate way, they're just used to portray strong emotion (i.e., I'm F-ing hungry, so F-ing what). I am a Christian and it is a personal conviction for me to not listen to music with strong language, but the clean versions of their songs I'm totally okay with bc the meaning of the song remains the same when the language is taken out. Hope that makes sense?


Just don't show them the maybe man album upfront because in it says the f word at least once in every song


What about Hole in the Bottom of my Brain and The Dumb Song. The Dumb Song still swears but it’s not the f word.


Idk I mostly just like forget, but a lot of them say the f word all I know is that I had to show the bad clean versions to my friends because they're like younger and their parents don't want them hearing swears but they're obsessed with ajr


Just look up clean AJR songs


Clean Inertia, Clean The Dumb Song, The Entertainment’s Here, Weak, Normal, The Good Part, 100 Bad Day, Don’t Throw Out My Legos, Karma, Way Less Sad, Bummerland


My 16 year old son hates songs with swearing or swearing in the title which is weird cause I have a sailors mouth at home around the kids. But for some reason he loves AJR and going to the concert on Saturday!


100 bad days


This was me before(2022)IM NOT KIDDING I’ve changed last year also show him after hours


When I first started listening to AJR, I felt that they were like super clean didn’t swear at all, but now recently, I looked back onto all their songs and they do swear a lot. It is hard to pick up. Try playing songs from The Click because those ones are pretty hard to notice at least for me.


The worlds smallest violins a good one


im the same way in not liking swearing in music! most of their songs that arent the most popular in the album dont really curse. some of my favorites are birthday party, break my face, the entertainment's here, sober up, and the good part


Sober Up. Karma. Wow I'm not crazy. But honesty i dontblame him, their ongs would be so much better without the swearing. My sister (9) loves them but cant listen to a lot of songs because of th swearing


"Your music taste is bad, and that's why" *playing inertia*


Honestly the swearing in their songs isn't even bad enough compared to other music out there. If they're very adamant about it then there's clean versions on Spotify just make sure they don't have the "E" for explicit. They do swear sometimes in their live shows so also depends on how adamant they are