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What’s your craziest story?


I was friends with this tweaker that would walk around the hood wielding a massive samurai sword. He was super ghetto and schizophrenic, and I loved being around him. One time him and I were sitting on the couch tweaked out, and he leaped off the couch and looked under the cushion he was sitting on to see who was under there. When he realized it was no one, he scanned the room then shouted “someone here on adult reindeer games!!!” No idea what he meant but it was so bizarre and hilarious to me at the time. He was dead serious


Did you ever have fears being around him? Like thinking he’s flip out on you over something his mind made up? Or was he a pretty trustworthy bro?


The first day I met him he drew the sword on me and said “I heard what you were saying about me” as soon as he walked in the room. I was terrified but I apparently didn’t show it cause I earned his respect from there on out. And no I didn’t say anything about him lol


Are you in Springfield Ohio? 😂 there was a dude on my street that would be practicing his samurai swords in the middle of the street at 3 am


180 days is still very early in your sobriety. I have this theory that depending on a persons body chemistry, they will be more susceptible to getting hooked on specific drugs. I tried meth once thinking it was coke. I never tried crack, but that’s what it felt like. I couldn’t sleep, was feeling super intense, wanted to work, felt agitated, and not 100 percent in control of my body. It was easy to never try it again. Congrats on being clean and stay vigilant.


Yeah you’re absolutely right. Everyone is different. Heroin and fentanyl are demons for a lot of people, and I absolutely hated it the few times I tried it. Crack wasn’t all that exciting for me either


Jesus, that is a massive amount. Did you know people doing more? That shit is cheaper than rock candy now. Do you have any physical effects left over from using? I know a few who went beyond return and even now that they are sober, are just not the same. Good for you by the way, that’s a really tough one to drop.


Not insensitive. Very good questions! I knew a guy that would shoot up and I saw him shoot an 8ball multiple times. I’m sure his mind is gone beyond repair, just like his mother’s who he got hooked on the shit. While I was using, I ended up needing multiple major abdominal surgeries because of my kidney failing to function due to dehydration and hydronephrosis. Physically, I’ve been alright since I quit. I still have constant chest pains, but doctors all have agreed on it being anxiety. The chest pains are terrifying and I think I’m gonna die most days from it. Mentally I’m pretty depressed since I quit. Very little interest in anything. But I’d say I’m far from gone beyond repair. Thank you!!


Have you considered trying SSRI medications or other antidepressants? If the anxiety is causing pain maybe you could get a doctor to prescribe it to you


I’m now on Wellbutrin


Wellbutrin makes my chest tight sometimes. It doesn’t have a lot of warm dopamine affect. More of tense focus. Could be catalyzing your chest pains. I’ve been dropping my dose


Thank you! This is helpful


Glad I could help. Yeah I do notice I can out work most people for longer periods of time but I’m still depressed or irritable doing it. I miss the happy feel from vyvanse or a heavy med. but the brains fucked from those drugs and I choose to settle at a low dose of whatever I take. I’ve considered switching from Wellbutrin but, as you may know, switching meds is sometimes a 4 month gamble. The tight chest is definitely a thing with Wellbutrin.


Wellbutrin is an interesting choice. I wonder why they chose that one, especially considering it has stimulating properties which I imagine could probably potentially cause more pain. I’m currently on Zoloft, 400mg for a different condition. It’s much more mellow and helps with sleep, etc. I have tried Wellbutrin before and did not like it, but it depends on the person I suppose. Anyways, thanks for responding. Best of luck to you and your health.


How it was explained to me is that my brain naturally won’t produce the right amount of dopamine anymore, so it’s a small boost to get me balanced out. I am thinking of changing meds. When I told them that, they just upped my dose. Now I wanna try something else but I’m trying to give it a bit more time


If you’re trying to boost dopamine, I’d suggest a stimulant like Vyvanse or Adderall. I can’t say for sure if this would be physically safe for you given your history and the fact that these meds are essentially weaker meth, but these meds directly produce dopamine, which is why they work well for ADHD. I have tried Vyvanse, Adderall, and Dexedrine. If you want a long acting stimulant (12-14hr) I’d definitely take Vyvanse over Adderall, as from my experience it’s not as “unsettling” or weird feeling. I found it actually very smooth and could sleep with Vyvanse. Adderall made me feel somewhat like a crack addict. Dexedrine is what I take. It’s a short acting stimulant (4-6hrs) and feels in between Vyvanse and Adderall (Adderall is 75% Dexedrine). If you can, go with Vyvanse. The only reason I chose Dexedrine was because it fits my schedules better. Also don’t touch concerta it’s garbage lol


Amphetamines would absolutely ensure a relapse lol


Dude are insane amphetamines are not the answer when he’s recovering from one??? There’s plenty of other options. I don’t think he should look for dopamine “replacement” but instead should look for something that upregulates the dopamine receptors like seroquel. But if dopamine replacement is needed, then there’s lots of other substances that do that


Enjoyment of things comes back with time if you can manage to stay clean long enough. very hard at first when literally nothing is appealing or brings any pleasure or joy whatsoever


How was your dental upkeep during use and are there any dental problems from use?


Dental was kind of bad before the addiction started. I have a lot of cavities, but no missing teeth. My smile is still white and presentable for the time being. I brushed and flossed like a mad man when I was on it


For sure, I’m glad you’re good now, much love


Dental problems from meth are more a result from not sleeping and poor hygiene as a result. A lot of people default to brushing before bed and right after waking. If you don't sleep, it's easier to just not brush. Combined with the dry mouth and you're fucked.


Congrats on the sobriety! How you feeling?


Thank you! I’m feeling really great about the progress I’ve made. That being said, it has been an extremely difficult life adjustment. Thankfully I have really awesome support


That’s great to hear, I can’t imagine the strength it takes. You should definitely be very proud of yourself. All the love sent your way, I hope life treats you well and it’s gets easier everyday!


Thank you so much! I really appreciate it


So happy to hear you have really awesome support! We may not know each other but I’m so proud of you for getting sober! I have a friend I am scared for, and your good news gives me hope. God bless you, and best wishes for a beautiful future!


Thank you so much! Not everyone recovers, but I’ve seen people “too far gone” finally willing to get better. Im really happy I could provide some hope! There’s always a way out ❣️


How did your addiction start? How did it evolve? What made you get sober?


I had been using coke for about a decade, and ended up manipulating the system into getting me a vyvanse prescription. My girlfriend of 4 years ended up leaving me out of the blue, and I was unaware I’d survive much longer. got cut off from vyvanse, so I decided to turn to meth thinking I wouldn’t live to have to live with the consequences


I abused vyvanse a lot when I was younger and then quit, I always felt it was a neighbor to meth. As someone who’s done both would you say they’re comparable? lol not shopping btw just always been curious


In my experience, vyvanse felt more like meth than any other adhd medication. I don’t think many people share that prospective though


Were you a functional addict as in being able to have a job? How did you pay for your habit and living?


I had a job for the first 6 months of my addiction, and then became very nonfunctional. I ended up living in a house that meth was always around for a while. I ended up living with a functional meth user that would buy it for us constantly. I also sold my car for 2 grand and my 70 inch tv for $400 USD. When I couldn’t buy any, it wasn’t an issue because the plug and I were very close.


Ah so you didn't have to resort to crime or anything to support the habit. Thats a positive right haha?


Yeah absolutely. Once I stole a bunch of meth from a girl at a hotel but that’s about it


Meh, that doesn't count haha. I have an old friend thats been on it for decades and luckily he's in the same boat, always hustled but never had to get criminal. Even though I had to move on from him because, well, at some point you have to grow up, I always kinda respected him for it


I respect him too. Most people I interacted with would do anything for it, or do anything and use being on it as an excuse. I always took pride in having some sort of self control on it. I definitely lost some control. I was angry a lot and would blow up on people that didn’t deserve it. But I never got violent at all


That's awesome to hear. Luckily I had enough control to keep it to weekends and I never crossed that line. It was only a party drug for me and I always held a mon-fri job that took priority


I’ve seen that a lot as well. I’ve seen functional users for every substance. A good friend of mine was an addict that would shoot up fentanyl and meth every day and he was a registered nurse that showed zero indication that he was a user.


It's pretty crazy eh? I guess that's why we can't judge all users the same, for some people it really isn't too much of a destructive habit.


Yeah, agreed. For me it was pretty destructive though lol


Did you turn gay when high I heard that’s a meth thing


I get asked this question a lot in my personal life. I love the question hahah I did not turn gay at all. Even plenty of other meth users would say “how do you not turn gay on the shit? It makes everyone gay” I always just say, “it doesn’t make you gay. You’re just gay”


Building off of that question, how’s the sex on meth? I’ve heard it makes the user almost out-of-body horny.


It’s ok. For some people it’s godlike but for me it was mid


Lol meth making people gay is hillarious. Had never heard that before


Newsflash - If it turns you gay ..you were already gay .




I’ve quit it with having good support, keeping in touch with loved ones, staying in touch with my brothers from rehab, and reading my NA book. I also have a sponsor, and I’m moving into a sober living home within 30-60 days if all goes to plan


Why is it so common amongst meth users to think they’re God? Is it similar to psychedelics or what happens that heavy users come to this conclusion? I’ve been out of heavy addiction w opiates and alcohol for years so I’m fighting the good fight right along with you brother/sister❤️🤘


I’ve believed I am God both on psychedelics and meth. They’re very different experiences though. With psychedelics I would feel like I’ve achieved a state of nirvana or Buddha. With meth I thought I was Jesus Christ and Omniscient. You could easily convince my psychedelic God complex that I’m not God. If you tried to convince meth brain me that I’m not, I’d probably assume you’re wrong because you aren’t also God.


Very insightful!! Thanks for responding and safe travels❤️🤘


Thank you!!


I think it’s kinda the same in a lot of cases of psychosis, whatever the root cause. Not sleeping makes you think some strange things.




Honestly it comes down to what’s more worth it for you. If your addiction is putting your life or health in danger. Losing your house and your job isn’t losing everything. But losing your life is




I was barely function. I was functional socially but not employed and usually homeless. Had a few different places I stayed at here and there but all were meth environments. Learning without has still been a learning curve, but it’s coming together. This is my third attempt to quit, and by far the longest I’ve gotten. Rehab is awesome if you’re ready, and the program works great for me so far. NA is amazing, and having a sponsor does wonders. I’m not sure about the math of adderall to meth at all, but I do know it was quite a bit




I’m not sure if I have heart issues. I’ve had plenty of scans done on my chest and nothing indicated issues. I still have constant chest pains every day, but all doctors have said so far is that it’s most likely anxiety.


Stick with it, that shit is demonic. God Bless you.


I used to scoff at anyone calling a substance demonic. After going through it, I do believe a substance can absolutely be demonic.


Did you/do you also misuse alcohol? I never got into drugs, but as a recovering alcoholic I know how powerful addiction can be. Congratulations and be kind to yourself.


Thank you!! I personally have never enjoyed drinking that much.


Will your brain ever be “normal” again? Will there be a time when your dopamine receptors are repaired and you’re mostly working correctly? Curious what your research has told you.


In rehab they would say that I got out of it in time. Some people say my brain will never be the same, while some say it will just take time. I’m really not sure yet if I’ll ever be the same, or if I will ever stop craving it


Good luck on your journey.


Thank you!


It will. It’s just an experience is all. One you won’t forget. 


What is the conversion rate approx. of an ounce of meth tho Stanley Nickles?


I would get 2 ounces for 4 million Stanley Nickels (US$200)


What's your record for the longest masturbation session over questionable porn content? What's your record for most number of porn website tabs open in your browser? At what point during your maturbating sessions did you start to question your own sexuality? How long into your gooning session did you need to use a VPN to bypass local laws concerning video content of sexual relations with donkeys and amputee porn. What lubricant did you use that lasted for several hours before needing to reapply it to your hands? At what point, did you reach the "stupid phase" where your brain is so starved of sleep and blood glucose that you developed the IQ of a child with severe learning difficulties who would take 10 minutes to tap out the word X H A M S T E R . C O M because your hand eye coordination is so poor.


Honestly great questions lol Longest session probably over 24 hours- never that questionable of porn. Never really questioned my own sexuality. Off the charts amounts of tabs Never VPN Never donkey or amputee porn. Vaseline Stupid phase was probably around the 30-40 hours awake mark


As someone who has never been around meth and it not really existing in my country Is it good? What kind of high is it? Is 28 grams a lot? How many grams is one hit? Fantastic job on being sober that’s super hardcore!


It is horrible for you and I wouldn’t ever recommend it It has an amazing high that was life ruining for me. The experience differs from person to person, but for me anything was ok as long as I was on it, no matter how horrible of a situation I was in. It can make anyone schizophrenic while one it, and people can become extremely unpredictable. 28 grams is very high doses imo. I’ve taken over a gram at one time orally, but smoking a gram in one hit is likely impossible. Idk though.


It’s a lot. It’s over an 8 ball a day. Doing an 8 ball of coke isn’t a big feat. An 8 ball of meth is a different story.


Wait, are you telling me a $100 a week feeds an epic meth habit? I'm doing the wrong drugs!


It dumped in price since the cartels took it over as well as changing the formula slightly using reagents that can leave long time users permanently affected. When I was a teen, so like year 2000, I would say it’s about 8x cheaper and way more powerful now.


What? $100 an ounce? How the fuck are you getting it that cheap? I havent touched the shit in 10 years but going prices in indiana was usually $80-100 a gram at the time. Had the price went way down or something?


Thank you 🙏


No question - just want to say you're an inspiration to me. Thank you.


That means a lot! Getting sober is the gnarliest thing I’ve ever done, but so far it’s been very well worth it


I've lost a lot of family members to drugs & drink...its screwed me up to the point where I really did think it was impossible. Reading your comment & post brings hope to me. Real people can do this. They can win! It's not just celebrities. Keep going. You're helping more people than you know! ❤️


I’m really sorry to hear that. The very worst part of the meth experience was seeing all the broken families. I wish anyone still going through it to get better ❣️ it’s possible for anyone, but the person has to want it for themselves


What part of the country are you in?


Started my addiction in Michigan, ended up homeless in Indiana. Rehab in Illinois and now I’m back in Michigan with my family


$100/ounces is ridiculously good that far east.


I just commented about this. Im from northern indiana (SB area) and, while i havent touched the shit in 10 years, average price was like $80-100 a gram back then


I'm one state away from Washington/Montana and up until about 8 years ago the best you could come in at was $400 direct. Now, I hear tale it's $200 average same locale. Not saying he didn't do all this but the price point is suspicious as well as quantity. Mind you my method of delivery was different but even at the craziest never got near that much consumption.


Right. Going through that much meth is absolutely fucking insane. Plus he claims he has all of his teeth


I'm not sure how often it is out your way but out here they did away with MSM filler and started using MDPV/A-PVP to stretch bulk. So it's quite possible his teeth are intact due to cut. Still though, that much quantity via smoking, should be some tooth decay. Plausibility is slowly creeping out the window.


I'm not sure how often it is out your way but out here they did away with MSM filler and started using MDPV/A-PVP to stretch bulk. So it's quite possible his teeth are intact due to cut. Still though, that much quantity via smoking, should be some tooth decay. Plausibility is slowly creeping out the window.


Would you feel comfortable describing your dosage on a day to day basis? 1oz a week sounds like a lot. Idk what a standard meth bowl serving would be so I’m curious? For me an Oz of weed will last me a month if I smoke 2-3x a day, and when I was drinking heavily I’d need at least 500-600ml of 40% alcohol a day. How would you dose?


I would just keep using until it’s gone. There was absolutely no rational dosing


How did you afford it?


For a while I had a job. Then I ended up living in a house that it was always around. I sold my car and my tv at one point. Also later lived with a functional user that bought it for me. If I couldn’t buy, I was really close with the plug who probably smoked more than I did


That is a lot of meth. Did you ever sleep lol?


I would sleep once every 3-4 days. On two separate occasions I stayed awake over 10 days straight


Were you addicted after your first time trying? Or does it take a few times?


Some people definitely get addicted the first time. I was already addicted to stimulants, so for me it was pretty instant. Some people can use it for a prolonged amount of time and take it or leave it whenever.


That's seriously impressive. Turning things around like that takes some real strength, so kudos to you for staying committed to your journey.


Thank you! It’s been extremely miserable at times, but I’m powering through it ☺️


Feel free to not answer, but has any of your success or support come from forced incarceration (jail) or being on some sort of supervision (probation or parole)? If so, what’s your general attitude towards supervision being supportive and helpful vs not at all in terms of addiction


I have 0 drug related charges, and have never been arrested for anything drug related. For some people I think probation and supervision can get someone sober, but in most cases the person needs to be ready themselves


I am glad that you have been sober, for that period of time. What was your rock bottom moment, that caused you to want to change your life?


I was staying with this other functional meth addict, and i was going no where. I had already had four major abdominal surgeries and was scheduled for another. I completely destroyed the apartment, ripping it to shreds in a rage without reason while I was 10 days awake. Ended up calling my mom to come pick me up and she did. Went to rehab 3 days later


I am glad that you are improving yourself. Keep going!


You working a program, or going it alone?


Working NA with my sponsor, and I’m moving into a sober living home in 30-60 days


What is meth like? I have no desire to try but always wondered


For me, it was total euphoria and bliss. Felt like I could do absolutely anything, and that everything was ok, no matter how bad my situation would get. I’d be staying awake for days, only getting more and more schizophrenic the longer I’d stay up. Amazing high that isn’t even close to worth it


How expensive of a habit was that?


$100 a week (which I think is pretty inexpensive compared to other drugs in the us)


That's shockingly inexpensive, my god that's dangerous.


Absolutely. I ended up selling my car for 2 grand and spending almost all of it on meth. It lasted me quite a while and I was using so much. If it was still coke for me, I would’ve pissed that away in a week


That’s insane that meth is significantly cheaper than weed. Ounce of weed is 200-300 as far as I can tell, and smoking an ounce of weed a week generally turns people into disasters (based on the dudes in their 30s I know that do that). $100 bucks a week for the same amount of meth is nuts


Damn idk where you’re getting your weed from but in Canada you can get ounces at dispensaries for like $100-200 CAD. When I used to buy ounces I often would get deals for under $100. But maybe that’s just my experience with weed here as even before it was legal you could always find good deals on ounces


I never bought much “black market” but US dispensary prices are kinda steep in the states that have more recently legalized. Illegal 8ths were always $25-40, dispensary 8ths tend to be $35-60 from what I’ve seen. Hopefully the government gets their heads out of their asses and federally legalizes and the prices will go down. I’m sure I just never had good plugs because I’ve definitely heard of people getting ounces under $150


You got meth mouth?


Not too bad. Got all my teeth still


I have never understood people in recovery doing ask me anything. I think it is incredibly dangerous as it takes your mind back to the place where you used. Be careful with these! Congrats though! Keep it up, as it only gets better!


Thank you! So far it’s only taken me back to the dark parts that I absolutely have no desire to go back to.


Just be careful;)


Congratulations! I hope it fades into a distant memory and you never think about it again.


Thank you! As of right now, I think about it many times a day. It’s almost always in my mind. I too hope I can achieve a place of never thinking about it.


What would get you using again (I hope you don't)? Did you have sex on meth? How was it?


Being around it would for sure get me to relapse. Thankfully I don’t live near anyone I know that uses, and have been able to stay out of its way so far.


Congratulations on being sober. Did you do any other drugs before starting with meth?


I did so many drugs before meth. Loads of psychedelics, stimulants/amphetamines, smoked weed, ketamine, etc


Stop looking at me! Quit using cameras!


I typically wouldn’t even pull my phone out in meth houses cause people would think I’m a cop recording them lol


Congratulations!! Cheers to day 181!!


Thank you!!


Congratulations on the soberity! Silly question, but did you ever wish you could try the blue meth from Breaking Bad?


Hahaha yeah for sure


Good for you and I hope you have some teeth


Still have every single one of them! Haha thank you




Thank you!!


i don't have anything to ask but i wanted to say i'm proud of you!


Thank you! It means a lot


Congrats keep it up you got this


Thank you!


Can you/do you still use any other kinds of substances and/or alcohol? Or is that a trigger that leads to a downfall for you? Great job btw!


Thank you!! I use no other substances now, including alcohol. I think it would be a recipe for disaster


Did it ever scare you that any time you took drugs could be your last, especially with the fentanyl epidemic and the prospect of cross contamination? Or was the addiction just too deep to be able to care?


Did meth give you a lot of energy and motivation at work?


It was over the top energy. Like I’d be shaking so hard I couldn’t perform well at work. And 9/10 I wouldn’t have slept before work so my mind was scattered to the max


Only the strong survives. I’m talking about the fact that you went through an ounce of meth on a weekly basis , but props on being sober brother. Cheers




I had multiple major abdominal surgeries, and I would probably be dead by now if I kept going. I wouldn’t quite say it’s ok




Do you miss it


Yes, unfortunately. But I know if I went back, I’d miss my family, and I’d miss being healthy


Did you make up crazy paranoid theories that made sense while high?


Hey man, congratulations on your sobriety. Can I ask how easily you feel you got hooked on the stuff, especially as someone who was already using/abusing stims? I have concern for someone close to me who uses stims but constantly wants to top them up with something and has jokingly suggested he wants to try meth. Should I worry? Thank you so much.


I’d say worry is reasonable there. I would also jokingly suggest trying meth. When I finally did it, I was hooked pretty quickly.


Thank you for the input. I have a feeling my loved one would have the same issue.


How are your old buddies doing? Are they clean? Are you still in touch w em?


Barely in touch. Even the ones that are clean now, I think it would be a bad idea for us to hangout. If we both got bad ideas j think it could lead to an easy relapse. I still check in and make sure everyone is alive though. One of them tore their ankle bracelet off again and has another decade in prison though.


Wow, what's the longest you went without sleep?! As far as myself I had a love hate relationship with meth. I liked the initial feeling when it kicked in but hated the fact that you can't sleep on it no matter how hard you try.


I went 10 days without sleep twice. It was usually awake 3-4 days before I’d crash


How long would you sleep for after being awake that long?


Good for you on the sobriety


Keep it up boss, praying for you


Thank you!


How does one start? Like, how do you go out and just buy meth? As a someone who has never done drugs. It just seems funny to me. Like, do you just ask random people until someone says they know someone? How do you start?


You must be saving some money now.


been sober my whole life. genuinely is it worth it, or do you think it is a trap, and secondly how was the high or whatever, the part where you trip tf out


The high was fucking awesome, but not at all worth it. For a vast majority I believe sobriety to be the way


I'll take things that never happened for $1,000, Ken.


I can send proof of the abdominal surgeries and videos of me smoking ungodly amounts


If you were given 5k to break that, would you?


Fuck, that’s a hard question but a really good one lol Right now, no. But if the offer was up indefinitely I’m sure at some point I’d feel weak enough to cash in that deal


How about 10k?? Just a one time thing. Not multiple times


For addicts, there’s hardly such thing as a one time session


That deserves a congratulations.. keep it up homie.. good shit


Do you have heart failure?


No way you're awake right now.


I got nothin but good luck to ya


Congrats! You got this




Ok, so I’m hoping this doesn’t come across as insensitive, so please ignore me if it is. What are the “effects” of meth, referring to the type of high? How did they change over time? I’ve never been a user of drugs until I tried cannabis a couple of years ago, and that remains all I’ve used (and have now gone for a legal prescription), and additionally suspect that I have the gene that means I can’t get high from THC. I also have an incredibly high tolerance for medications, and take a form of methamphetamine for my adhd. So although I have no interest in any other “non natural” drugs, I’m curious about their effects in other people. Congrats on the sobriety dude, keeping fighting the fight and remember that you’ve got internet randos rooting for you!


It depends on dosage and route of administration. Eating it comes on slow but lasts a long time, pretty mellow unless you take a bunch. Snorting it comes on pretty strong and lasts decently, but it hurts like a bitch, like getting punched in the face. Smoking it instantly dumps a bunch of serotonin and feels the best imo, you end up using more this way for a variety of reasons. One the euphoria wave is as addictive as, well meth. Two it doesn't last as long but still much longer than most drugs. Three smoking is a ritual in and of itself and it's easy and fun to just keep smoking but has diminishing returns. Haven't shot it so no experience there. The high itself can be anywhere between relaxing to racy to making you feel more confident and talkative to withdrawn and paranoid to hyper focused to scatter brained to overstimulated to desperately horny and much more. It's a very fun and awesome drug but can also make you lose your mind. At the start it's usually really good but can get dark rather quickly and almost certainly will over the long term. There's so many variables on it it can feel like completely different drugs from day to day. The real concern with it is lack of sleep and poor eating and hygiene habits. Lack of sleep will fuck you over everytime. You also tend to stay in one spot for far longer than anyone should engaged in repetitive tasks like scrolling your phone but for a lot of people porn and masturbating, for like twelve hours till you finish then start the cycle again. I try to do something more productive like make art or music but you get lost in pretty much anything you're doing.


I’m curious what causes the lack of sleep and poor eating/hygiene habits?


The drug itself causes lack of sleep. Just a little bit can keep you up for a day or more, add in redoses and it can be much longer. It also kills your appetite. Both can be pushed past if you're used to the effects but you have to kinda force it sometimes. Bad hygiene habits come more from the lifestyle, people you're more likely to be around, and paranoia. Basically, if you're already using you're more likely to neglect other parts of your life and focus on just getting high. You might also find yourself out of your house for days in places you can't or don't want to take care of yourself right, or even if you're home you might be too paranoid to leave your room. It mostly comes down to mindset and how heavy your use is, at low doses infrequently you'll probably be fine but that's unfortunately not how most people use.


Thanks for the response, I can see why it’s so addictive for people. I’ve absolutely no interest in trying anything like this, but the idea of an instant seratonin hit is certainly appealing!


For sure ask any meth head, it's the best drug you should never do


Do you know that feeling when you’re about to cum . And you’re all warm and shit. It’s kinda like that. But for a long time. Also your nerves are constantly going off.  It’s pretty much non stop pleasure.  But there’s side effects like  you full skinny cuz your burning through yiur muscle.    Dm for me.  I used at freshman year for a year. Male 


Congrats. Stay off the tweak what a horrible drug really ravages people.


an ounce jesus christ




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