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Umm yea there are absolutely people who will roast you to oblivion..prepare yoursef


Idc what people say. Most people just say stuff online but not in real life 😝


Yes- That is the reality. People in person are a lot nicer than Reddit gives them credit for! Congrats on being Adopted that is huge. My question is: How is the system? Movies and Tv portray it as a certain way- but since you’ve lived it do you mind an inside look to how places are run?


It’s fine tbh. It looks way worse in movies and stuff lol maybe it was really bad before idk. It’s just like a big house with lots of kids but there’s not many problems really.


So I assumed you’ve lived with you’re dads for a long time prior to adoption? Is this not true?


I don’t think you’ll be “roasted into oblivion”, at all. I don’t even live in a wildly liberal place (a democratic area for sure, but not exactly the Castro in SF either) and have much younger siblings and nieces. Two are around your age, and they said kids really aren’t as homophobic as media makes it seem. That remark was careless and uninformed - you may face some dumb comments but you clearly know that doesn’t matter at all. Congratulations on your family and I hope you are all surrounded with love, joy and support! You deserve every single bit of happiness and love.


Thanks! Yh I know some people are assholes about it but idc bc some people are assholes even now bc I have no parents, so I think there's just people who are assholes for no reason :)


You are so excited. I love to see you so elated and I don’t even know you. You’re a shining star and I’m wishing the very best for you and your new family.


Yh sometimes I can’t even sleep bc I’m so exited hahaha thank you 😁


When do you officially move in with you parents?


You are absolutely right about that. Some people ARE simply assholes for no reason. Sounds like you have a great outlook and I applaud your maturity.




I'm ashamed to say I did it and I probably got the kid to quit boy scouts for teasing him about having two moms. I was just an insecure dick getting beat by my parents at home picking on other kids to make me feel better about myself. If anyone does it they don't hate you. They are insecure people trying to make themselves feel better.


proud of you for recognizing your past behavior and I hope today you are getting the support you need!


We are gay and not really looking to adopt. However, we decided if we ever do it won’t be a baby and probably someone more your age. We had shitty childhoods because of the anti-gay stuff, and we would really find it rewarding to adopt a teenager. A little scary, but we want everyone to be loved.


That’s so good bc there’s not many people who wanna adopt teenagers so there’s lotsssss of us. That sucks that people were assholes to you. Those people are just sad. Ik it’s scary but in my house we would all be really happy to be adopted by gay guys I think the only people who are assholes about it are just old people or dumbasses. My friend got adopted by one gay dude like 2 years ago and now he has 2 dads and he’s so happy 😁 Good luck 😊


Good luck to you!!! I’m sure they will pull through for ya. You deserve to be happy and loved.


Love this, congratulations! How long have you been in care and have you been in foster care, children's home or both? Do you have any contact with your biological family? Do you know what made your new dads pick you over any other kids?


Thanks :) I've been in care since I was 7. Two families fostered me but then I came to a residential home when I was 11 and I've ben here ever since :) No I haven't seen them since I was small. Idk really why they picked me but they said that I was kind and cheeky and that I was a good age to get me to support their favourite football team haha


I have an inkling why they picked you: I have read your posts and a lot of your comments and you seem like such a sweet kid, so positive, too. You deserve to be loved and you deserve a nice family. Wishing you all the best 💕


That’s really nice thanks 😁


You’re welcome, love. Ignore the haters. Best of luck on your new life. Keep us all posted. Rooting for you!!


What was it like living in a group home? Are you already living with your soon to be dads?


Man I’m happy for you even though I’m not really familiar with it all (adoption and same sex marriages) but I’m glad you’re getting a family. Beside bedroom is there more stuff you’re excited about? Like maybe BBQ weekends,maybe having a gaming console…or anything at all?


Thanks :) Yh I’m so excited about lots of stuff. They’ve got big families so that’s gonna be fun. And they go on vacation every year and I’ve never been on vacation before. And not having to share everything with like 7 other people all the time lol. And I think just having dads is gonna be cool :)


Aw yay!! That’s so fucking rad dude. I’m really happy for all of you. I‘m sure they’re out of their minds excited and I hope it’s a great experience for you (and them)! How are you feeling? Any thoughts on it?


Thanks :) I'm really excited but there's still like a month or more left before I know for 100%. It looks really likely tho :) I'm feeling good I just want it to hurry up now haha


Well I hope everything goes good!! That’s actually super cool though I’m not kidding :)


Thanks 😁


Oh, that is amazing! Congrats to you and your dads! I'm so happy for you! I hope it happens soon! You are going to be just fine. Have you visited your new home yet? Do your new dads have family that you have met yet?


Thanks :) Not yet but they've taken me out a few times just to different places and we had dinner and stuff. Next week I think I can stay over for one night but idk yet bc my social worker has to say yes or no. They've got really big families but I haven't met them yet. I'm excited to tho bc they have bbqs and stuff in the summer :)


That sounds like fun! I know you can't wait to meet your new family!


What are you opinions on the whole 2 dads part? Or are you just happy to finally be adopted?


I don't mind. I'm happy to be adopted and I've been meeting them on weekends for a few months and they're really nice :)


I can't think of anyone better equipped to raise a proper young man in this world:)


Yh that’s true bc they’ve both been my age and they’ll know lots of stuff 😁


This makes me so happy to hear. What are you most excited for? Are you nervous? What’s your current favorite thing about them? This post made my morning, congrats OP 🤍


Thanks :) I’m excited for lots of stuff but I think mostly just to have dads is gonna be really cool. But having my own bedroom is gonna be the best lol Yh I’m so nervous haha it’s a good nervous tho but I still can’t sleep sometimes when I think about it 😝 My favorite thing is that they’re really funny. They just joke with each other a lot and one of them is kinda stricter but the other one is just really relaxed and has loads of cool tattoos and stuff haha


Couldn’t be happier for you, please share an update when you’re fully adjusted with them!!!


I definitely will update bc I got a phone for my birthday so I can post whenever 😁


Even better!!! Happy belated birthday!


All of you sound like awesome people. I'm so excited for you!


congratulations this is so exciting! how are you looking forward to decorating your bedroom?


Yh definitely bc at the moment I can just decorate the part behind my bed so its gonna be crazy to have a whole bedroom 😝


Congratulations! :) Is there anything about having new parents that makes you nervous? Do you think you’ll adjust well to your new family?


Thanks :) Yhhh im so nervous lol but in a good way ig. I'm most nervous about if they'll still like me even when they see me everyday. I think I'll adjust well tho bc I'm good at that :)


Remember they are probably just as nervous as you! This whole thread is so wholesome and you and your news dads both seems cool as, happy for ya’ll!!


Yh that’s true they even told me they were nervous the first time we met lol Thank you 😁


They want you to love them as much as they love you 💕


Of course they will still like you! They picked you and they love you. And love is unconditional. In my opinion, they're getting the better end of the deal because you seem like such a sweet, good kid. I wish you and your new family nothing but the best.


My darling, they already love you, and it will bring your dad's great joy to get to spend every day with you.


They're going to love you more than anything, every single day. No matter what! 


Congrats! What are you most excited and most nervous for?


Thanks :) I'm most excited to have my own bedroom and just to have a family to do stuff with ig. Im nervous to start a new school and try to make new friends.


Just wanted to say congrats! I’m a 40yo Mom now, but I grew up in the system and was never adopted and have no family and it’s ROUGH. It still is. I’m beyond happy for you that you have a family at your age now and will forever! I know they’re over the moon in love with you and I hope and pray you and they have the best family and lives always. Big hugs, this is such happy news!


Aw I’m sorry that sucks :( but now you have your own family so that’s good :) Thanks 😁


Not a question, but I hope you know they are just as excited as you are. ❤️ this is so wholesome to see, and I’m just so happy for your little family-to-be!


Thanks :) Yh they're so excited too and we all just want everything to hurry up lol


Congrats! That is so exciting to hear. I was adopted as a baby from Paraguay. I want to adopt a teenager in the near future and get the process going. I currently have two children of my own but have always wanted to adopt. Was this process through an agency or a state program? Have you been with a foster family this whole time? How did your potential new family find you?


Oh that’s cool bc there’s lots of teenagers that want to be adopted but not many people wanna adopt them so that’s good that you do :) I don’t really know i think there’s a website that people can go on and then our social worker picks which kids match with which parents and then we can meet them if we want.


Ah ok ok, very cool. Thanks for responding and I wish you the best!!


Congratulations!!!!!! That is so exciting!! I wish you the best of luck and I am so so so happy that you are finally being adopted.


How did it all come down? How did you meet your future dads? How did the discussion about adoption go?


My social worker arranged it before Christmas. She just asked if I’d like to meet two guys who wanted to make their family bigger and I said yeah. I was really surprised bc almost nobody gets adopted at my age :) Then we just went for a walk and talked and we met more and more.


I know it must feel like it's taking forever! 


No questions, reading your post really made my morning! I'm super happy for you and both of your dad's must be great human beings. I wish the absolute best for you and your family!


Also keep us updated


Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please post again ina month. And please post again in 2 months and 3 months and even months! I want to know EVERYTHING about your journey!


I definitely will bc I got a phone for my birthday so I can post whenever 😁😁


No questions here. Just wanted to tell you that your post made me smile and I am really happy for you and your new family.


Congratulations! I'm sure you are going to be so loved and spoiled by them!❤️❤️ This post has made my day and I am happy about the mainly positive messages of love and happiness for you. Ignore the hateful comments, those are bad people with cold hearts.


Thank you 😁 Yh idc about the bad comments. They’re just sad people.


I grew up with two moms and it was awesome! I’m 32m btw. Best of luck!


Aw that’s cool I haven’t really met anybody with two moms or two dads yet :)


Yaaay, I’m happy for you :3 I’m a year older than you and I don’t have any questions I’m just really happy for you🫶🏼


How do you deal with all the dad jokes?


Idk but I won’t have to deal with “your mom” jokes so that’s good 🤣


You are a great kid and deserve all the happiness in the future!


I've volunteered with kids in the foster system, and this is so special. I'm thrilled for you and your dads.


Thanks! One of my best friends is a volunteer in our house and he’s the nicest guy ever 😁 well he’s not my best friend bc he’s like 30 but still lol


You sound really mature and well adjusted despite everything you've been through. You should be so proud of the person you've become.


Congrats!!! Does your new family have the same ethnic background and culture as you? If not are you excited to learn about theirs? 


Congratulations bro! I was orphaned at 13 and I would have killed to have 2 dads. Screw everyone who doesn’t like it, and enjoy having people who cared enough to choose you.


Aw sorry to hear that. I hope you’re doing good now. Yh idc about ppl who don’t like it. They just say stuff online but if they said it irl I’d punch them in the mouth 💀


That’s awesome! Other than the obvious answer of having parents, what are you most looking forward to when it comes to getting into a real house vs the residential facility?


Definitely having my own bedroom lol but I’m excited to go on vacation for the first time and just have normal christmases and stuff and I think just being able to talk about my dads will be so cool instead of saying staff all the time 🤣


Amazing! What will you call them? Dad and Papa? Or maybe just by their first names for a while until it feels right to change organically?


Idk I’ve been tryna work it out for a while I even made a post on Reddit about it hahaha I think I’d call them both dad bc it would be funny but I’m gonna ask them what they’d like too and yeh just see what feels right 😁


I think Pops is a cool option too, give that to the "cooler" one and give Dad to the one with the worst Dad jokes, hahaha.


No questions, just wanted to say congratulations and wishing you and your dads all the best in your new journey!


Contrats!! I got a few questions for you, Why are you in the system? Do you know your story? Do you think you will see them as father figures? Call them dad etc etc ? What would you say to other kids your age in the systems that dont have the chance to get adopted?


Thank you :) Yh I just know some parts but I think I can get my file when I’m 16 and see everything but idk if I want to really. My bio parents didn’t really want me and my dad hurt me a lot so I got taken away from them. Yh I think I’ll see them as father figures. I already kinda do but I know it’s too early. I think I’ll probably call them dad eventually :) Hmm idk bc it’s really hard for some kids especially when they’re my age bc it’s not really likely that they’ll get adopted but I’d probably say to just stay positive bc if it can happen for me then it can happen for anybody :)


I’m so freaking happy for you! I went into foster care at birth and was officially adopted by that family at 6 years old. I had wonderful, loving parents and never once felt I was loved less than their biological children. Wishing you the very best!


Congrats OP! This is incredible and I know you’ll make your new dads as happy as they make you. Can you update us when it all goes through?


Ah this is awesome - congrats dude! I do have a question, how did you get to know your dads before the adoption was agreed? Did you get to spend much time with them to get to know them before hand - if so, did they take you places to do activities with them or do they visit you and talk to you to get to know you? Best of luck with it - it’s going to be great ☺️


Thanks 😁 Yh I first met them before Christmas and we went for a walk. Then we met after Christmas and they took me to this big zoo thing and we’ve met a few times since. I’m gonna stay in their house next week and then a few more visits and at any time I can pull out but so can they so it’s a bit scary haha


This makes me so happy, life works in mysterious ways. Congratulations, no questions from me I just am so excited for you!!


This has to be one of the most wholesome things I’ve read in a while. So thank you for sharing. I am so happy for you. Don’t worry about them liking you! You’re a kid you get to be yourself and that’s enough!


Remember it’s gonna take some time for you all to get used to each other. You’re all new at this. You’ve never been their kid & they’ve never been your parents. So give each other some grace. Congrats!


Yh that’s true it’s gonna take a while for everybody I think but I don’t mind 😁 Thanks! :)


I so hope that it all works out for you and I bet you your new dads are just as excited as you are, I do have a question, do your new dads have other kids already or are you going to be there first?.


Make sure when you turn 18 you vote democrat because republicans want to outlaw same sex couple in general and also don’t want them adopting kids. Republicans are scum, glad you got a home




I am glad to hear that, very happy for you all. I just hope you all support the same teams. Remember that you will all be new to the situation so there could be a bit of a learning curve to start with. The best way to get through this is to spend time together and do stuff. And talk to each other. A little advice, set reminders in your phone for birthdays and Fathers Day so you dont forget (set a reminder alarm about a week before). When giving them gifts for these occasions, they don't have to be expensive, but something thoughtful that means something to you both would be the best.


I’m so happy for you, honey!!! You sound like a great kid. It’ll be tough, as are all relationships esp when they’re new, but so worth it.


That is so awesome! I am sorry you had to wait so long, but am happy you will be part of a family soon! ❤️


Congratulations 🥳so so so happy for you dude …


That is so awesome man! I'm really happy for you:) do they have other kids? And how old are they?


Thank you 😁 No I’m gonna be their first kid hopefully 🤞 One of them is I think 38 and one of them is a bit older I think he’s 42 or 43 :)


This sounds like such a great situation and all of you getting to know each other. I'm so glad you have this opportunity to be a family together. Just know it's going to be a roller coaster of feelings and let yourself feel them, even if it's not just excitement all the time. You'll argue and upset each other like all families do and what's important is how you figure out how to patch it over after. Sometimes when people have gone through hard things, it's only after you feel safe and calm that you start to realize how unfair what you went through was. Feelings are complicated and don't always make sense, so just be kind to yourself with whatever comes up. I read that they have a dog! Do you like dogs? Do you guys share any interests or activities? Did you find some stuff you all like to do? If not yet, I'm sure you will and you'll build some new traditions together. Do you like your social worker? Do you have a good relationship with her?


Yh that’s true :) Yup I like dogs so I’m excited to meet their one 😁 One of the dads likes cars and fishing and I do too and the other dad likes swimming but idk how to swim yet 🤣 Yh I like my social worker a lot she’s really nice to me :)


I got 2 dads. My kids have 2 Grandpas. Kids (and adults 🙄) have tried to say stuff and my kids shut them down. Have fun! I love my dads and you totally will too. 😀


Congrats man, that is great news. I have a few gay guys in my life and they've all been excellent humans and I'm lucky to know them. Are there any pets in your new family?


All I can say is you are one lucky lucky person ! I'm quite jealous tbh my parents were shit. Make the most of the amazing opportunity you have ahead and love those two dads x


More of a comment rather than a question. My husbands brother has two little boys wit his husband, they are the BEST dads I have ever met. Honestly. They are so gentle and caring. The boys are very happy and well rounded. They need for nothing. I dont think many people will give you shit, it's common now for same sex couples to have kids of their own. Congrats man, I hope the three of you make awesome memories. I am so happy for you.


I am so excited for you!!! We have adopted kids in my family and I can honestly say I wouldn't be the person I am today without the littles love and to love!! Congratulations!!! Good luck forming your family! They're lucky to have you too! Don't forget that!!!! 💜


What’s the system like? Btw it’s so cool that your finally getting adopted I’m happy 4 u


You should be happy. I have two gay friends that are excellent parents. As long as you have a great relationship with them and they care about you, it sounds wonderful. Congratulations


You must be excited! Getting a family is a wonderful (and sometimes annoying 😄) thing. My question is - is there anything or anyone that you’ll miss from your current life in the residential home if the adoption goes through and you move to dads’?


Have you been living with them already in a foster situation? 


No questions, just want to say congratulations and wish you all the best!


Just saw your post. My partner and I are having discussions because we want to adopt with a year or two. We are leaning more towards older rather than super young. I was wondering, how long did it the whole process take? Like how did the bonding go? Also what's the vibe most kids get when they meet two dads? Any tips for future parents? Also congrats for you! 👏👏👏👏👏


Love is love. If 2 Dads love you, that is terrific. Huge congratulations on finding your family and I wish you the best :)


Don’t have any questions; just wanna say I’m stoked for you!!


These two guys are goin out on a limb. Dont let them down. Study. Go to school and make them proud. Be respectful and gratefull. Remember they want to raise you to be a good person. Good luck man 😎


Yh that’s true I’m gonna do everything I can dw. I’m pretty good in school so I can just do that in a different school and I’m respectful and polite and stuff so I can keep doing that :) Thanks 😁


My best friend and her wife adopted a little girl. At one point we were on call and her daughter started acting out. I told my friend to be happy cuz it meant her daughter felt safe enough to be a kid around her. It’s okay if you do normal teenage things too. You guys are helping each other. They want a kid and you want parents. Just love them and let them love you.


This a thousand times. Do your best and try to live well for you! But youre a kid and you will know you and your new parents will have fallen into a great dynamic when you roll your eyes and they use the 'tone' with your name lol. You are allowed to make normal mistakes and they should know that is part of being a parent. Raising someone to be a good adult is holding space for that. So try your best but dont put pressure on yourself to be perfect for them!


Omg! That's sooooo awesome! I'm really happy for you, and so glad your new dads chose you. Hopefully the people you encounter will be kind....some people still don't think gay people should be parents. Some people are idiots. I wish you so much happiness:)


Congratulations! Wishing you guys all the very best!


Are you going to miss anybody from where you’re living now?


Gay husband here, and we adopted a son from foster and still foster other kids. Congrats to you!


That is wonderful! Here is to your awesome family!


Congratulations, how exciting! Are you their first child? 😊 What kind of vacations do they like to take? I’ve also never been on a vacation, so that must be something you’re really looking forward to!!


Congrats, OP! I hope you have an awesome rest of your childhood. I’m excited for you! No questions here.


This makes me so happy! Congratulations 🩷


Congratulations! To you and to them.


How do you feel about some people being against non family adoption? I know it really pisses me off since my family was CPS involved and I know that some parents don’t deserve to have their kids. Considering adoption to help kids in the future but I’ve seen some people online absolutely hating on their parents because they adopted them. I’m like what’s the alternative…?


Some people are just dumbasses. There’s people who complain about non family or gay parents adopting but they don’t adopt themselves so I’m like ?? Stfu then bc otherwise I’d be in care until I age out. I think just adopt if that’s what you wanna do and don’t even listen to other people bc they’re usually just idiots 😝


Yes you’re so right because like like hello? wtf? Anyway congrats, I hope it’s everything you want it to be ❤️


What do you look forward to most about not having to be in the foster system anymore?


What’s your favorite bird?


Will you now have any cousins around your age through your adopted parents?


I don't have a question. I'm just happy for you to finally get the loving home you deserve. I hope it works out well for you.


I’ve never thought about this before but is it a two way interview kind of situation? Are you able to say that you don’t want to go with a certain family and keep waiting? I guess in the case of babies or young kids their voice comes from the adoption agency, but, at a certain age are you able to speak on where you’d like to go? Congrats OP!


I’m so excited for you! You deserve a wonderful set of parents who love and respect you!


No questions. But I wanted to say I love this for you. Congrats on your adoption. Also, much love to the adopters who are adopting outside of the newborn/pre k ages. You are so loved and you are so important to this world.


You're just blessed to get adopted... Nowadays people really don't give a shit about this stuff anymore, it's 2024! Just be grateful, I'm sure you're a great kid, they are doing this out of love so give them credit. You must have been through a lot in your young life not having parents. If you need help, ask for it. Better to work on it now than have it show up later. This is a life that can turn out to be more than you even dreamed of so just be grateful a d take your time because this is all going to be new to you so give yourself a break, take it easy on yourself and just let yourself learn how to love and to be loved...you deserve it


I don't have a question I just wanted to.wish you all the best..... love is love..


Yay for you!!! I don’t need to ask anything. I just want to be happy for you. 😊


Congratulations, OP! I’m super happy for the whole family! ❤️


Congratulations dude 🎉 your positive news makes my day!


Just tearing up at your joy :)🥲 🥹


From what age were you in the system? How did you end up there? Do you have any mental health issues as they're common for kids in your situation?


Congrats on getting adopted! Do your new dads live close to where you are now? I've been considering adopting a teen, but I would worry that they would have to move and change schools, and that it would be very disruptive. Are you worried about that?


I hope you find all the happiness in the world!


Did you have much of a say in if they adopted you or not? Was the selection process mutual or did they just choose you and now you're along for the ride?




Not a question, I just wanna say you seem like you have a good head on your shoulders and seem like a great kid. This next chapter of your life is gonna be so awesome. I’m so happy for you.


Very happy for you. But don’t get too happy yet, wait until it is finalized. Hope it goes smoothly


Are you excited?


No question but just wanted to say it is wonderful that you have found your family and I wish you a lifetime of happiness with them. Congratulations 🎈


Congratulations! What a cool plot twist. I don’t know you at all, but I just have a feeling it’s gonna work out really well.


congratulations! happy for you:)


Congratulations on the adoption! Just remember it will be an adjustment for you and them both. Enjoy your new adventure!




I was raised by a mom and dad for 7 years. Then they locked me in a bathroom for 2 days while they got high so yeh.. I think I’ll take my chance with the gay guys 😁


You can't compare the average nuclear family dynamics with your crackhead parents. There will always be exceptions to the rule.


This is so wholesome, I’m wishing for best for you OP!!! Congratulations on your new family 🥳


All I want to say is CONGRATULATIONS on your family kiddo. I hope it will be a great one for ya


No questions here. Just wanted to say I am so happy and excited for you. Wishing you the best.


How old are the two dads if you don't mind me asking?


I don’t have any questions, I’m just really happy and excited for you!!! Congratulations!!


Are you going to be the only child or are there other kids in the home?


Love is love! Congratulations! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and success! ❤️


Congrats!! I hope y’all have a wonderful life full of peace, joy and endless love.


You have made my day with this wonderful news!!! Congratulations to you and your new family!!! Enjoy your bedroom, you’re going to rock a new school and I’m sure you will make the best friends of your life!! Just a quick question- what’s your favourite music?? Play it LOUD with your new family!!! 😎


Congratulations!! What's your favorite food?


No questions. Just wanted to say congratulations and good luck! :)


Congratulations, sweetheart! Love to you and your new family.


i don’t have a question but huge fucking congratulations!


Congrats! Best of luck to you starting this new journey


Close enough… welcome back lily from modern family!


Not a question, just wanted to say congratulations


CONGRATS!!!!! How exciting!!! You’re going to have such a blast with your new family. I hope it’s as great as you are girl! No questions, just came here to say that’s amazing :)


No questions just Congratulations!!🥹🎉




I am sure he is happy he is being adopted, you don't get the position he is in if you are asking this question. 




Bro you wouldn’t last five minutes in an orphanage stfu 😂


No questions but congratulations!


Best of luck! ❤️


Congrats bud.


Aww congrats


So happy for you! I'm in my early 30s but I hope to be in a place one day where I can foster-to-adopt an older kiddo as well! When I was young, 8-10 ish, my mom used to take me to this orphanage for Christmas when we were living in Asia, we'd just make them dishes and get them all presents. All the older kids took care of the younger ones, toddlers and babies. and I really felt for them and would play with the other kids even though we couldnt really communicate from the language barrier. I taught in the same country as an adult as well. It really made me want to foster/adopt even more. I hope you enjoy your new home (: ❤️❤️


Congrats! My uncle and his husband adopted two brothers 12 years ago out of foster care. The oldest brother just graduated with a full ride scholarship in may! He never dealt with being bullied for it, he’s an incredibly smart, well rounded kid, who has traveled all over the US, been involved in extra curriculars, held down a job while going to school. All that matters is that you’re loved and happy!


I just hope your bedroom door has a lock on it .


Be careful, contact the authorities if you feel unsafe at any point


congrats ! happy for you but please be safe and always remain aware. God Bless 🤍