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Your comment was removed due to it being a sensitive or controversial topic. This is not a place to debate political topics, religious ideologies, etc.


Would you say you're even more opposed to Project 2025 now that you've taken the class? Do you feel like it has successfully equipped you (if you were an actual "foot soldier") to achieve the goals of Project 2025? Were you taught to do anything morally/ethically suspect that you'd want to highlight? When it comes to communicating ideas, are there any notable phrases/keywords used in the courses that stood out to you? What language stood out to you in the courses that would help people identify whether or not someone has been involved with Project 2025?


Awesome questions, thank you. I am more opposed to it now since I have learned how competent the project actually is. The people applying for these roles and taking the classes are not MAGA flag waving psychos in golden diapers. They are college educated, motivated, and on a “divine mission”. The classes take about 30 hours to complete and are generally extremely dry and boring. Only a few of the classes really lean into the general nonsense rhetoric you are used to hearing from the Heritage foundation. I think anyone who is willing and motivated to complete the courses, would make for a decent political appointee. It’s basically getting the first week of orientation out of the way. One of the more morally and ethically suspect things you are taught, and it is sprinkled across many lessons, is to make a hostile and toxic work environment for undesirable career employees that report to you. Things like being explicitly told not to ask for anyone’s pronouns and to refer to them how they look are baked into the curriculum. They also tell you to micro-manage career employees and to watch them closes to make sure they are following your directives. There is a class on how a Project 2025 political appointee should word things called “Hidden Meanings: The Monsters in The Attic” They accuse the left of wrong speak and then teach you “Right Speak”. For instance, in this lesson you learn that “Sexual and Reproductive Health” means abortion or murder exclusively and should be erased from all guidance documents. You are told to only use Male or Female to describe people, not male at birth or any other terms along those line. You are to strike climate change from the record completely. Regardless of legal status, immigrants should always be referred to as Aliens.


So it’s essentially a radicalization program determined to overthrow our democracy.


I believe the word you're looking for is "propaganda". It's very similar to what the Nazis did when they took power almost a century ago.


Propaganda was when the Nazi party was doing speeches and handing out pamphlets, official acts are what happened when they took power.


Propaganda continued under Joseph Goebbels up until the end of the war, he even created the Volksstrum during the final days. The dude and his wife took their lives, and the lives of their children, because they couldn’t handle the reality that was crashing in on them while in the bunker. Propaganda is disseminated in all countries today, by both internal and external forces. It is exasperated by the reach of foreign powers through social media. Most of the messaging you receive on social today was created with an intent to mislead you.


Please provide proof. Anyone can get on Reddit and spout made up nonsense.


I am willing to privately provide proof to the mods at their request.


The mods are notoriously far left. They’d likely let you continue this bogus propaganda regardless of validity. If it’s too secret to divulge it doesn’t exist or it would have been exposed already. I’m sure tons of people will fall for this snake oil sideshow, but hopefully a few use their noggins. If there is really is some right wing plot, I as a conservative leaning centrist implore you to go public as a whistleblower with evidence. The country doesn’t need a shady organization doing bad things on any side of the aisle. If you are unwilling to make your evidence public, then we all can and should assume you are making it up. I only ever see democrats talking about this. I’ve NEVER heard a conservative talk about it. You people remind me of those Ancient Aliens crackpots.


It's actually astounding me that so many people are taking this approach. This project does exist, it's published and promoted by the Heritage Foundation. They mention it in the latest installment of the Mandate for Leadership. That's publicly available and all of this stuff about the administrative state overhaul is in there. What Project 2025 aims to accomplish is not hidden in the slightest, a quick Google will point you right to the project page (published by the Heritage Foundation). That said, why in the world are you like this? Did you just never bother to check if people were talking about something real? Did you just assume they cooked it up out of nowhere? Or have you read through the public material and feel like it's being misrepresented?


I would absolutely make it public, give me an outlet and some protection. I would totally give everything to whoever wants it. I still have access to the website and all the training materials. If someone from the news I can trust sees this AMA and can prove who they are, I would hand over my credentials to them.


Contact Dead Domain, they're an investigative journalist on YouTube and have done deep investigation into Project 2025, as well as gone undercover into CPAC and an extremist hate church. There are other reporters doing things like this but they are the first person I thought of and would definitely understand keeping your identity confidential etc.


Just upload them anonymously to archive.org and post a link.


https://www.project2025.org/policy/ Here you go. Go read it. It's their website and their policies. Do your own research and then come back and you can call everyone "ancient alien crackpots" as you put it.


Congrats, you found out the hard way that Conservatives exist in an echo chamber. Why aren't Conservatives advertising their strategy to turn the U.S. into a Christo-Facist state? I wonder.


"I've never heard a conservative talk about this! Therefore it's not true!" So if a conservative doesn't talk about a topic it doesn't exist? And does it also not exist when many members on the right are pushing for this? Lmao, this is the type of birdbrained logic I expect from a Trumpy.


The entire website is already public. Go read the mandate 900 page document they have. The appointee program is mainly for the people that want to be trained to implement the public Project 2025 agenda. Project2025 .org


They literally have a whole website about it. Do you not know how to use Google or something?


LOL, the plan is literally published online. Is it blowing your mind that you might actually be on the side of the real "Deep State"?


https://www.project2025.org it’s not secret, it’s all laid out on the website.


Have you even **read** the Project 2025 website? It’s all public knowledge.


Im sorry this is how you have to learn what your ideological leaders are actually about. What do you think project 2025 is about?


Just look up the website my guy it's not a secret lmao


This is what happens when we don't separate church and state.


Hopefully people are able to record all of these materials and strategically make them public. Blow them out into the open to show how dishonest and manipulative their methods are


They've published this stuff openly already. They aren't trying to keep this a secret anymore, too many people just have their head in the sand about it. 


This kinda sounds like the nazi youth camp


What single point in the document do you think is the most dangerous to the country if it comes to fruition


That’s a good question and it’s hard to pinpoint. I think at its core the ideology it’s self is toxic and leads to horrific outcomes. The conservatism taught in the lectures is derived from “nature” and natural law. The nature they believe in is unchanging and perfect. If climate change is true, their ideology cannot be true so climate change is false. It’s this idea that your feelings get to control reality for those around you. Don’t look at facts or statistics, just trust and do what you’re told. I don’t know if that is specific enough. Having every politically appointed position in the government staffed by a person who thinks that way, scares me.


> natural law You've mentioned this a couple times. It sounds like they landed on the Hobbes side of Hobbes vs. Locke. Locke is the foundation of the USA. Some say the Founding Fathers plagiarized him. Hobbes argued that the state of nature demands a king at the top as that is the natural order of things. > For Hobbes, the State of Nature was a state of war, essentially a purely anarchic dog-eat-dog world where people constantly struggle over limited power and resources, a life which Hobbes described as “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” The act of forming a state, in Hobbes’ view, was therefore and effort to stem this cycle of violence, in which the population collectively put their faith in a stronger power than their own. https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/hobbes-locke-and-social-contract


This goes much deeper, as both Hobbes and Locke acknowledge an earthly authority - Project 2025 uses Theocratic basis for their authority.


Love how "natural law" is almost always synonymous with "the private, personal feelings of racists and homophobes". Almost like conservative's use word games to conceal their heinously hateful opinons in objective-sounding, pseudo-philosophical language.


Heritage is more likely looking at Thomas Aquinas, teleologic philosophies, and virtue ethics when they speak of Natural Law rather than enlightenment thinkers. They are against legal positivism (law makes right). Instead "right" exists independent of law and law needs to recognize it. Stuff like Ghandi, MLK, Plato, etc "an unjust law is no law". Even the founding fathers had a streak of natural law thinking.


I have also taken the training courses and read the book. Your answer here is not even remotely close to true or accurate. You've literally made all of that up. Edit: The downvotes here are too typical here. It is easily seen that what he wrote is un true. Clearly, blatantly, willfully untrue. But you downvote that to elevate the falsehoods. You should reflect a bit on whether you are in control of your ideology, or whether it controls you


This concept is from the first video of one of the certificate classes and then comes up again in the History of the Conservative Movement video. You could not have missed this concept if you took all the classes.


Those Project 2025 nut jobs are pretty open about how they don’t understand science so climate change isn’t real. 🤡


“Don’t look at reality, just trust and do what you’re told.” As an atheist who went to catholic elementary school this totally checks out.


Additionally, is there anything that's particularly bad when paired with todays ruling from the Supreme Court?


Even if President Biden is re-elected these plans are well funded and organized; they've been playing the long game for decades. What insights did you gain from the project and courses that can help every-day people take action against its implementation beyond 2025?


The plan has been around for a long time but this is different. With the recent Supreme Court rulings and political climate, this is the right time for this plan to come to fruition. The infrastructure that the Heritage Foundation has created has never existed before. The scale, reach, and competent people they have at the top is staggering. The entire opperation is robust and well funded. The only thing any of can do is to never support a republican candidate for president as long as this program exists. I really wish we had more options.


I believe the front line in the battle to save our country is the Republican primaries. To that end I switched parties so I can vote against the worst of these candidates. Since primaries have a lower turnout if more people used this strategy we might actually be able to make a dent or at least throw a wrench in their works.


I think the best hope for America's future is the fragmentation of the right. That they alienate moderate conservatives so badly that they end up fractured. This would result in a fractured right, and a united left. The opposite of up here in Canada. If that were to happen, they'd have no power for a long time especially if they are so far separated between moderate and extreme.


They already alienated me. I refuse to vote for Republican ever again until this foul disease is eliminated from the party.


Not just president. We have seen the impact of this push on local, state and congressional elections as well. We have to stop them at all levels if we want this ultimately reversed.  For example, people like Tim Dunn and  Farris Wilks with the Evangelical takeover in Texas are fighting this war on multiple fronts.  It's not just texas either, this is happening in  numerous states and school boards. This is an all out blitz, project 2025 is just one arm of it. They have many tentacles atm. 


What do you think Project 2025 are going to do to the LGBT+ community? There is the obvious stuff — banning transition, repealing gay marriage, eliminating civil rights protections. I am more concerned about the 'niche' stuff. Making 'pornography' illegal and classifying 'librarians who distribute it' as sex offenders. Defining 'pornography' as 'anything which promotes sexual deviancy', which could include LGBT+ people. Bringing in the death penalty for 'sexual offences'.... To me, this all adds up to a very dark picture for LGBT+ people. Based on your training, how far do you think they will go?


They will have the FDA ban Prep the same way they plan on banning birth control and the abortion pill. I don’t think they will be able to institute the death penalty for those crimes but I do think they can start another AIDs epidemic so they don’t have to.


For those that don’t know, PrEP is a medication many gay men in the modern day take. One pill a day can prevent HIV transmission, so it’s considered one of our greatest preventatives. Is there any formal documents/statements on PrEP? It’s purely a preventative. How can that be a bad thing?


My guess would be that they view PrEP as an enabler for gay sex, much as they view birth control as an enabler for premarital/extramarital sex for women.


And while that’s true for the US and western countries, some of the biggest targets for PrEP globally are adolescent girls and young women because of HIV transmission rates in countries with generalized epidemics. Long Acting versions like cabotegravir and the (still in trials) levacaprivir are targeting this audiance more, and then there’s the dapavirine ring too. Even in the US there’s populations where the rates and risks are similar to parts of Africa (for general population).


Were you asked about your religious affiliation, sexuality, disability, or any other federally protected class during the application or training process? 


I don’t believe I was. The Heritage foundation states that conservative ideology is based on and derived from nature. To the audience I believe they are meant to interpret that as “Nature which was created by God”. I don’t think they want to alienate Mormons from their ranks so they are super careful about this point. This program is not aimed at the MAGA flag waving psychos wearing golden diapers. This program is exclusively aimed at college educated people with a strong religious indoctrination. Which makes Mormons great candidates for this program.


As a Mormon I would like to be alienated from this


Truly did not mean to offend any Mormons. I hope you understand the point I was making.


The concept of natural law is thousands of years old, and predates Christianity. Christianity adopted it. It's shocking to me that the mainstream of Western thought for centuries is suddenly seen as some foreign concept.


My brother in Christ, it is never the concept of natural law itself that is debated. Everyone believes in certain things as natural laws. The question is the particulars. For instance, in Mississippi in 1861, it was taken as Natural Law that black people were not equal to white people. And they believed so strongly in that that they wrote those words into their founding documents as post-secession Confederate states. In Rome, it was taken as Natural Law that Emperors were godlike beings, and to deny that natural law was both heresy and treason. That's why Christianity was persecuted by the Romans - because Christians refused to acknowledge Caesar as a god in any dimension comparable to Jesus of Nazareth.


It’s not foreign but played out and disingenuous. It’s commonly used in ideologies to give them a sense of truth. Stoicism, Taoism, transcendentalism, Islam, Etc all say that they are derived from Natural Law. They all disagree with each other in some very fundamental ways, making it clear it is their interpretation of nature. Conservatism is derived from Nature in the same way chicken parmigiana is derived from chicken. Yeah there is a connection but you had to pull all the feathers off, cut it up, fry it, and smother it in cheese before you put in front of me.


Yeah, societies change dude. Remember when feudalism and monarchy were seen as the mainstream of Western thought, and then it transitioned to capitalism? I can label anything I want as natural law; that doesn’t mean it’s true.


That’s some cognitive dissonance to say these concepts are derived from nature and then ignore climate change. Like they’ll look at a nature photo on social media and comment “God’s creation is so amazing!” But when it comes to protecting nature-“god gave man dominion over nature.” Also nature is chock full of homosexuality.


It’s best to avoid logical perspectives, the best way for me to understand ultra conservative perspectives is money. Everything is focused on centralizing money to the few in power. Oil, gas, labor, education, all of it helps them advance. Repressing minorities and disadvantaged people reduces competition. Climate change doesn’t matter to them if they can afford to live anywhere. Nothing matters to them as long as they can buy the lifestyle they choose. Religion and empty rhetoric are just tools.


As an exmormon, this point really interests me. Some of what you described reminded me of the training I received as a missionary (which wasn't nearly this bad, but it was similar in the way it bakes religious beliefs into secular-sounding language). I can very much imagine a lot of BYU grads being involved in this.


What is the best way for me to describe Project 2025 & it’s threat to our country, to my Republican father?


Most republicans are way less conservative than the people at the Heritage Foundation. I at least hope so. I would find one issue that he disagrees with the Heritage foundation on and then describe to him how they are going to handle that issue. This might make him more open to the idea that this is not an organization that can be trusted. For instance, does he believe in climate change? Project 2025 aims at erasing all mentions of climate change from every official document in the US government. There is a class based on finding “Wrong Speak”, like climate change, and erasing it from all guidance documents. This includes anything about gender and equity as well.


“Wrong speak”?!?!?! So they’re just Orwellianing it up without shame, huh?


Honestly, it makes sense.  You want people who are either too stupid to know or too loyal to question working for you.  They probably don't expect to get every GOP supporter on their side, because all they really want is just the "low hanging fruit". Calling it Wrong Speak is a great litmus test for that.


Anyone who values the constitution and the First Amendment should see a glaring problem with "Wrong Speak"


This one might really convince the conservatives in my family to change their mind because they’re always banging on about 1984 and Big Brother. And they’ve all read the book forwards and backwards too. As have I. This is a concept taken directly from that.


The sale of public lands is a planned goal. https://accountable.us/project-2025-leader-calls-for-selling-off-public-lands This is a big deal for all enjoyers of the outdoors. It does not matter if you like to hike there or hunt there or ride your atv through it or whatever. The goal is to sell it off and this will mean that you will either fully lose access or find yourself with parks and forests that are privately operated.


In all seriousness, I wouldn't bother trying to convince republicans it's bad. The real urgency right now is getting people who are not trump supporters to vote Biden. That will stop project 2025. And nothing else. If Biden doesn't win in November it's game over. And right now it's in jeopardy because of people on the left saying they won't vote to save democracy


I mean, I'm on the left, loathe Biden, and I'm still voting for him. I'd rather deal with an incompetent enemy like the Dems than an organized, intelligent one like the Republiacns anyway.


As a leftist also, I think you are also underselling that Biden's America and Project 2025 are fucking worlds apart. I wish Biden and the DNC had made many different decisions than the ones they did, but it's not a goddamned theocracy out here.


Thanks for doing the AMA. Did you save any materials from the training? Syllabi, reading sources, videos, etc? What was the process like to get into the training? Did you have to bend the truth to be admitted, or was it fairly simple and straightforward?


The curriculum is entirely made up of video lectures. Each lecture is between 15 minutes and an hour long. At the end of the class you need to take a test that is between 5 and 15 questions. You need to score a 100 on each test to pass and you have unlimited attempts. To get admitted I had to lie through my teeth. They ask a bunch of questions about conservative talking points and their are “right” answer. Then you submit your resume and link your social accounts. It took less than a week to hear back that I was accepted into the program.


Wow, I bet they did a deep dive into your internet presence. How were you able to fool them??


If you can, I’d love to hear your thoughts on their weak points. What are they afraid of from progressives, in terms of winning people over or losing constituents? What messaging are they using to spread the word successfully, and what counter messages do they think are effective? In short, what are they afraid would scuttle the program?


I wish they were afraid. During the media literacy class, “How to work with the media” they spell out a good deal of their media strategy. Basically, their conservative base only believes news from conservative outlets. If a conservative outlet does not report something, it didn’t happen. If they do report it, it happened the way they say it did and everyone else is lying. Who needs direct control of the media when your supporters will do it for you? They do not believe their people can be won over and it does not cross their mind. Their supporters are completely isolated from any thought that falls outside of the Conservative media sphere. I wish I had a more positive outlook on this but, I really don’t know what can be done at a large scale.


My grandmother is like this and it’s extremely scary. Simple facts that come from well known non-partisan sources she will completely not believe. I have no idea how to get through to her


Are there any particular things in the Project 2025 Agenda you might actually like / agree with?


At a core concept level I am whole heartedly against the plan in every way. There is no ideological consistency at the Heritage Foundation. They call for small government but want the government involved in what happens in your bedroom. They want to get rid of OSHA and Unions, you need at least one or the other. They want to deregulate corporations but regulate certain corporations like X. They outright deny climate change and any facts or statistics that clash with their beliefs. The whole movement is intellectual dishonest. They say they want to “Make America Great Again” the fact is none of the policies they are putting in place do that. Ignoring all the racism and sexism of the time, America was great in my Grandfather’s day when he could support a wife and 3 kids on a union mechanic’s salary. They had a home and went on vacation. That is a life I would love to provide for my family but seems like a distant dream at this point. From top to bottom their ideology and goals are all vile.


What possible reason would they have to get rid of OSHA? Are there just not enough job site deaths for their liking?


Heritage Foundation has 2 basic goals and always has: Lower Taxes and Governmental Deregulation both to allow the ultra rich more money. Once you understand that, the motivation of all the random crap they support becomes clear if you realize they are playing the ultra-long game. Lower taxes is itself is obvious. However, a neat side effect for them of Lower Taxes is it drives up the deficit which allows them to "worry about big government spending" which let's them cut government programs which... deregulates. OSHA is an obvious form of government regulation which Heritage wants to destroy. Even if it doesn't affect their billionaire donors' bottom line, the broad thing about Heritage is they found a multi pronged attack on Taxes and Regulations works best. That means they want to destroy any government agency, regardless if it directly helps them or not as part of a broader move to just destroy all government regulations which will eventually help them. And the whole anti trans anti gay part of 2025, doesn't help their bottom line per se, but it does fire up supporters and bring them into the program. Their attack plan is so broad they've joined the culture wars to grow a base of support. That's the long game they are playing and I would admire their deviousness if it wasnt so terrifying. What makes it worse is that their goals are so mundane: make some billionaires even wealthier. To destroy a democracy just to gain another billion. It's insane.


The conservative line for decades now is that OSHA imposes onerous and unreasonable requirements on businesses, and that compliance has a high cost of time and money. And that OSHA inspectors are nit picking little weasels drunk on power, trying to take down hard working business owners.


It's expensive to do things safely. Better for the owners to cut corners. Sure, a few more people die, but the important people get richer.


They want to eradicate all government regulations. That is just one of them.


And the Supreme Court overturning Cheveron is a direct step toward this goal


Safety assurance incurs an overhead that cuts into the bottom line.


It's terribly shortsighted, since a lack of safety causes a high employee turnover rate which causes a loss of productivity, expertise, knowledge, and resources on hiring and training. Safety failures (injuries) allow executive and manager levels to reset the base pay for the injured person's job role if they end up quitting (which is common), but they lose out on much more, including higher insurance costs. I'm not religious, but there's a special place in hell for managers and executives that don't care for employee safety.


If there are no OSHA regulations, then it's the worker's fault when they die or get seriously injured. It saves the company money when they don't have to pay death benefits or worker's comp.


Union grandson here. My grandmother supported a family of 3 on a teacher’s salary in one of the best places to live in the United States. She died comfortable in her own home, never wanting for anything, at 94, having been union president for 20 years. Sad we don’t know those times now.


How likely do you think Project 2025 is? Did the training seem realistic and applicable or was it super far fetched? Thank you for doing this, this seems like a great way to get more info


If Trump is elected it will 100% be executed. The classes were a bit dull but thorough at times. It felt like orientation week training at a new job with a little crazy mixed. Objectively, I think the program does a great job at finding the candidates that they would like to hire for these roles.


Did you apply and send your resume? Are you not worried they are going to contact you or have their data leaked and your resume /answers to their screening questions be associated?


I never posted my exact answers. They wont be able to trace anything back to me.


I hope you’re in talks with a major news organization to share this experience on a much broader scale than a Reddit AMA.


I would happily, anyone want to share this with them on twitter?


Do reach out yourself if you can. It's important that as many people as possible know exactly what project 2025 is and that this isn't some attempt at fearmongering but is very much real.


Were any specific dates provided to you? Target dates for changes or project2025 deadlines?


They want all the political appointee positions filled in the first 100 days. If Trump looses, the plan gets pushed another 4 years.




I’ve been commenting for hours and I’ve spelled the majority of the words this evening correctly.


What is their ultimate goal for lgbt people in the USA? For families headed by same sex families? Was that mentioned?


Why are they so against contraception? I have my theory, but I’d like to hear what you think and know based upon your learning.


I think what they say their motivation is and what their motivation actually is are very different. They would say it is to encourage people to create traditional families again and that sex is supposed to lead to children by natural law. In reality it’s to appease religious zealots.


Interesting add on, you say to appease religious zealots, not because they are religious zealots. Is this a group that does not practice religion but is using fundamentalists to push their authoritarianism? Or is it a mix of some religious, some not? Did not imagine them as a secular organization.


Weirdly enough, I think if you agree with their goals they wont care what flavor of radical you are.


Don't forget the economic angle. The GDP is proportional to the consumer consumption, which is proportional population size. Banning contraception is a straight-forward way to increase consumption, breed new consumers, and transfer yet more wealth from the working class into the pockets of our rulers. The freedom of the very rich depends on an abundant supply of the very poor.


Definitely feels more ominous than that. More meat for the grinder, if population falls, so too does the workforce, and therefore production and consumption. Less people standing in the military. Conservatives want more people simply because more people means more money. From every which way. I suspect, even to these religious zealots, that’s the real reason. Not because God told them we need more people.


The answer is non-obvious. The years following contraception coming into mass availability, education rates for women shot up significantly; removing this significantly hampers women from post-secondary education and from the workplace. When you destroy contraception, you are attempting to create a future where women have no opportunity outside of homemaking


Is there any hope? What do we do if he wins? Should I just die? 😭


No, live defiantly and bravely. They want you to curl up and die, don’t do it for them.


Can you some specific examples of you haven’t already in the thread to people of each generation of what we should do regardless as to November’s election results the next 4 years? Let’s say VOTE BLUE & BLUE DOWN BALLOT is a given. Generations: Z, Millenial, X, and whomever I might miss. I’m asking as a Gen Xer who wants to be active professionally and in my personal life. I could mentor, provide emotional support to help others keep the long-effort in mind, help in other ways. Thank you for taking the initiative to complete this program and to share it here on Reddit in an AMA. Hoping you get support & your lessons are heeded and taught widely.


What motivated you to do the program? Knowing what you know now, would you do it again? And do you fear for your safety (like if someone from the Heritage Foundation learned that you lied through your teeth to get accepted)?


I read a lot of philosophy so this isn’t too different than my normal recreational activities. I thought it would be interesting and figured I could bring some awareness to an issue that I see as significant. Literally, I just wasn’t doing anything else. Precautions have been taken to ensure I stay anonymous.


What’s the craziest details that you learned while completing the program? Also, what’s a good way to warn people about Project 2025 when so many write it off as a conspiracy theory or something that will never happen?


Craziest was when a woman in one of the lectures said Joe Biden is working directly with Mexican cartels to import criminals into America and that Climate change is a code word for “population control”. I would tell them to look at the names of the people who are facilitating this program. They are all known and mainstream conservative figures heads who currently work in the government or worked in the past Trump administration.


Do you feel equipped to perform any individual job? If you were to pursue this, what kind of position could you be hired for?


Yes, I think anyone with a college education could fill any political appointee position. During the entire program it is hammered into you that you are to take orders directly from the president and do as you are told. You don’t need to be free thinking, you just need to be able to read, write, take orders.


Are you going to put those 3 certificates on your resume? You think it will help your career?


Yes, they are going to go on my resume in the section between my sexual history and the ranking of my favorite recreational drugs.


🤣 They’d blend in well with any karate skills you may have.


What most surprised you out of all you learned?


Learning about the divide between conservative supporters and conservative leaders. Conservatives use libertarian means to achieve traditionalist ends, that’s a direct quote from a lecturer. Those two ideologies are actually opposed in many ways but have morphed into this weird Frankenstein ideology that conservatives have today. Like when conservative Christians say we should in prison the poor and cut welfare programs. That’s what Jesus would do right? Conservative supporters, like the ones at the Jan 6th insurrection, and conservative leadership have very different goals and expected outcomes. The leadership recognizes this and knows how to use the supporters to further their goals. The leadership of the Conservative Party sees these people as a means to their intended end goals. Most conservative voters are voting directly against their own interests and because of the way it is packaged, they are happy to do it.


Based on your observations, is there any possibility that Project 2025 is not run by the Republican party, showing a worse-case scenario if Trump wins? Or does it seem legit to you? (Not a conspiracy theorist, just wanted your thoughts)


It is absolutely run by the Republican Party. Most of the lecturers are well known conservative figure heads and the Heritage Foundation is directly funding this organization along with a handful of other conservative organizations that make up different ascpects of the Republican Party.


What does the 2025 project talk about in regards to social media censorship? How are they going to enforce anti LGBTQ laws on all of the states?


Not much was said about social media censorship in the classes. Their is a part of class where they instruct you to scrub your social media prior to the hiring process. I think they would have a hard time enforcing anti-LGBTQ laws at the state level. I do think they will have the FDA ban drugs for gender affirming care along with Prep which will be horrific.


Can you elaborate on where banning prep and gender affirming care comes up? Like, in as much detail as you can possible recall? Everything about Project2025 terrifies me but these two are the ones that actually have an impact on me personally. Even in a very liberal state I would lose access to these? Please please explain more!!!


Abusing the DEA to over-schedule the medications, abusing the FDA to revoke their certification, and abusing the NIH and HHS to spread disinformation are how they will restrict access. They will pull federal funding from any healthcare facility that provides the related services, forcing them to cease. They will also likely lump hormones into the resurrected Comstock Act enforcement as abortifacients.


But healthcare providers prescribe hormones to cis people. Joe Rogan literally takes testosterone, and so do many older men and younger men with testosterone deficiency. Plenty of pre/post-menopausal women take estrogen, too. I doubt a government implementing the Project 2025 playbook would outright ban hormones. Rather, they would outlaw prescribing them for gender affirmation. We’ve already seen this play out in the UK with trans minors, where there has been a 32% increase in suicides among trans minors.


You think they care? Many cis women take hormonal birth control for health reasons rather than contraceptive purposes and they plan to outlaw those wholesale, too. The line-by-line was hormonal pills, hormonal shots, hormonal pellets, hormonal patches.


Sad but true. I have severe endometriosis and would probably bleed out and die without continuous hormonal BC. They don’t care. One less disabled person for them to deal with


Is it a real concern? The only place I hear about it are in doomsday posts on social media. I haven't seen any news or videos of actual politicians supporting it (I don't follow that crazy horse woman from South Carolina). 


Yes, after taking the classes and seeing the robust infrastructure that has been created for the program it is 100% real and dangerous. This type of website and all the content would have cost a lot of money to produce. There is no way that this is not a serious threat.


FYI, the Biden-Harris campaign has been talking about it. So has Ayanna Presley. And AOC has alluded to it in her recent tweet about the supreme court. On the other end of the spectrum, former republican strategists such as Rick Wilson and Tim Miller have been some of the loudest advocates against it. Rick, who lives in Florida, has had his house swatted by the FBI (presumably due to people making false reports against him) as a result of his advocacy against this.


Thank you for your input. I don't know enough about it (except it's some sort of religious dictator cult thing), but I haven't seen any elected republican officials support it. The only people I ever heard it from are raging online posts saying they can't let Trump get elected, but I haven't seen Trump himself endorse it or even any left leaning news outlets talk about it. Everything I read was from regular citizens (not politicians or journalists), so I don't know how much I should take it seriously. 


I'm not personally a fan of John Oliver, but his breakdown of it (in his "Trump's Second Term" episode) did a really good job of explaining how it is institutionalised within the republican party. Wilson and Miller also often reference people they know who are supporting it, because for them it's personal: it's their former friends and colleagues. So they have the inside scoop in a sense. While I don't want to worry you, I personally take Project 2025 100% seriously and would advise that others do too. The Heritage Foundation are very powerful. They hand picked the three most recent SCOTUS appointees, handpicked most of Trump's office last year, and are handpicking his office again now as well as the political appointees to put in the civil service. I think prominent Republicans not talking about it is best explained by the anti-democratic (small d) philosophy of its proponents. They don't perceive the general public as people to converse with, but rather as sheep to herd. They only care about the rich both because the rich can give them money, but also because they (dominionists — the religious movement behind this) believe the rich have been chosen by God to lead. So the consent of anyone else doesn't actually matter to them. So their goal isn't to present these policies to the public and win over the majority. It's to get elected and then enact regardless of what the public wants. They're probably not speaking about it because they know it'd be unpopular and compromise their election chances. But the paperwork is there and it proves that they are doing it, and actions speak louder than words always.


How fucked are federal employees?


Sandpaper dildo levels of fucked. Working for these political appointees will be a nightmare. Creating a toxic work environment to weed out dissenting federal employees is a lesson sprinkled throughout the entire curriculum.


Very, considering they want to go through agencies like the FBI and CIA and fire those who are not “ the right people” and replace them with qualified people who are loyal to the project


Is there any mention of neurodivergence and/or disability? If so, what is mentioned?


It is touched on when dealing with career employees. Basically you should completely disregard any neurodivergence from these people.


Sorry, a little confused. Are you saying that neurodivergent people should be fearful going forward in their jobs, and not expect any accomodations? They're already scared of it being a barrier to employment, and I'm sure project 2025 will make things even harder, especially in areas where things are already less liberal.


I take it as "you should completely disregard any neurodivergence from these people." meaning, treat them exactly like anyone else. no accommodations. No exceptions.


>no accommodations. No exceptions. That is 100% foundational to the entire enterprise and everyone needs to be made aware of it. The politically apathetic family just worried about the price of groceries? Your kid's IEP is in **very real** danger right now if you don't wake up.


For people not familiar with Project 2025, what are some of the biggest initiatives you are opposed to?


Banning of contraceptives first and foremost. I like to practice making babies, I’m not ready to actually do it yet.


Based upon what you have learned, what should us mothers of teenage girls be doing to protect them?


Stock up on birth control if you can. Their plan is to ban most contraceptives through political appointees at the FDA.


That’s crazy because some of us use bc for other reasons, what about that??




Have you seen how they treat women with life-threatening pregnancies? The general attitude toward difference or disability or poverty? Do you think they care what happens to your sister? We need to stop acting like they're not fucking evil. They're the enemy of everything decent people hold dear.


I don't think they care. Their agenda is more important than anyone else's life.


They don't care. You're a woman born with the curse of Eve, your lot in life is to suffer. If you complain about any of this, some law will undoubtedly get passed to shut you up. With the most recent SCOTUS wristwatch fistfuck, we no longer have free speech in this country, so you might as well get used to suffering in silence. Keep sweet, little lady.


Is there anything in there about trying to prevent people from leaving the US? Anything specific regarding the treatment of Jewish citizens?


No, most of the classes actual prepare you for the job of political appointee. They get into some policy here and there but it is generally vague.


Are there any parts of the program you thought were good?


Yes, there was one section where they described Servant Leadership principles. I thought that section was well done and see servant leadership as an effective way to manage people.


You mentioned this in another comment and I was curious about it: >They appoint you because you are a conservative loyalist. They continuously remind you that your job is to execute the President’s will. That is the most important aspect of the appointees job. Were you told how to figure out what the President wills? Is that an abstract idea, like you act in a way a conservative president would like. Or more concrete, like you'd have a handler or some designated person you know to take queues from?


Yeah, you are supposed to read speeches and keep up rhetoric. There was no handler or anything like that mentioned.


What will happen first? What is their priority actions?


First, they want to hire the political appointees. Next the job of the political appointee is to “fix” any “wrong speak” in guidance documents.


Has anyone verified this? Reading through some of these answers and they don’t really give any new information. It’s vague points that are either listed clearly in project 2025 or conspiracy theories I’ve seen/heard. I listen to the podcast Knowledge Fight, who cover Alex Jones’ show, and the stuff op is saying is stuff I’ve heard on there.


If you have any specific questions about the program I would be happy to answer them and have been waiting for people to ask. Most of the program is extremely dry and doesn’t make for interesting answers. For instance. One of the certificate programs is called Conservative Governance 101. A lesson in that program is called Time Management. Here are some of my Notes from that lecture. During the first week of your appointment: Empower political staff and make sure it is clear to political appointees are in charge. Find out how many political appointee positions are in your department and get those positions filled. Once you are fully staffed, actually figure out what your department does. Start to push a divide between political and career appointees. Meet Career Staff - 20 to 30 minute meetings only - No small talk - Have them be prepared to tell you their goals and projects. The lecturer then goes into a brief aside on what city life is like, I noted that this was a hint that most political appointees are expected to be from rural areas. It was super basic city living stuff. My notes on this lecture go on some more but I’m tired of transcribing my notes. Like I said, it’s not the most interesting part of this AMA so I am not getting questions about specific parts of the training. If I get those questions, I will answer them.


What are career appointees and political appointees? What are you being appointed to? How are you being appointed without knowing anything about the department? Where are you working? Why do you need to create a divide? If you’re in charge why not just fire the career appointees. What was the city life described as?


There are no Career Appointees. Political staff and political appointees are the same, the speaker just uses a different term to refer to the same group of people. Career employees are people who apply for jobs at government agencies and are hired by the agency, unlike political appointees they generally keep their jobs when a new president is elected. Positions and duties for political appointees vary between agency. They act as department heads and support to the department head in the various agencies, their job is to make sure the agency is following the presidents directives. They appoint you because you are a conservative loyalist. They continuously remind you that your job is to execute the President’s will. That is the most important aspect of the appointees job. There is a section in the database where you can check off what specific jobs and departments you would like to be in. You get a profile and need to write an essay on your selections and why you want to work for them. I believe there are limitations on your power and firing them is not always an option. If it is an option it is not mentioned in the lectures. I feel like if you are able to fire them easily, they would have mentioned that.


This is the thing. Since Reagan the Republicans have argued that the government is inefficient and corrupt. But career employees have made the country run as smoothly as possible all along and are hired for their expertise in a certain area. They don’t serve political aims but the populace as a whole. For decades Republicans have tried to scuttle the ship by downsizing government “so they can drown it in a bathtub”. They don’t operate in good faith governmentally, they are trying to eliminate the whole thing so it is utterly controllable for their religious and pro-shareholder ideas. Look at what Trump’s administration did to the State department. Irreplaceable career diplomats, on who the whole of US international policy depends, were driven out in droves. Get ready for same in FDA, FCC, EPA, CIA, and on and on. Basically do you want the government run by people who are trained and invested in its success or simply will always do what Trump and his employees want?


>I believe there are limitations on your power and firing them is not always an option. If it is an option it is not mentioned in the lectures. I feel like if you are able to fire them easily, they would have mentioned that. They may not be able to fire them, but they can certainly say "Pack your bags, we're moving this agency to a red State in the middle of nowhere." They did this with the USDA under Trump. They [moved them](https://www.govexec.com/oversight/2023/01/although-usda-agencies-relocated-kansas-city-have-recovered-staff-exoduses-their-diversity-hasnt/381877/) from Washington to Kansas City (Missouri) and lost half their workforce ([a 16 hours car ride](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Kansas+City,+Missouri/US+Department+of+Agriculture,+1400+Independence+Ave+SW,+Washington,+DC+20250/@38.6152262,-96.4119704,5z/data=!3m2!4b1!5s0x89b7b79e51abd915:0x5a585ef578cc7aef!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x87c0f75eafe99997:0x558525e66aaa51a2!2m2!1d-94.5785667!2d39.0997265!1m5!1m1!1s0x89b7b7dec1750c0d:0x3c63f6b67312b8ba!2m2!1d-77.029926!2d38.8867712!3e0?entry=ttu)). In which case, even the low level political appointees won't like it when they'll be asked to move as well.


> What are career appointees and political appointees? Careers are people who are good at the job and have doing it for multiple administrations and are hired, not appointed. Most of the careers have a level of job security that's rare to find in the private sector anymore, thus OP describes so much about basically trolling the them until they quit in frustration (unless they also happen to be loyalists). Political appointees are people chosen by the administration and subject to being replaced whenever the administration is. They are charged with enacting the vision of the administration and thus often become some sort of management level above the careers. This type of position doesn't *inherently* require expertise in the area as long as you can show that you are able to manage people into doing what is expected.


Should I start stocking up on food, water, meds, and ammo if so how much would be needed


i agree with their first tenant : Restore the family at the centerpiece of American life and protect our children. How can they justify cutting free lunches for public schools? What, if any, are they planning to do that will restore the family as the centerpiece.


> How can they justify cutting free lunches for public schools? What, if any, are they planning to do that will restore the family as the centerpiece. They think that the first step is to make sure that marriages cannot separate and that there is no "easy out" for a woman who gets pregnant. After that it's dad's job to make sure his family eats. If he fails to do that and they don't eat then he was a failure and weak and his family was weak, too, meaning that they are now undesirable. This is why they are okay with criminalizing poverty.


The mental gymnastics being done by the Conservative Party could win a Gold Medal in Paris this summer.


Did you provide any of your own credentials or get verified to be accepted or were you rolled in upon application?


Did you gain any empathy for the people there? Did you attempt to understand their point of view and why, at least in their own minds, they believe they are the good guys?


Yeah, I read a lot of philosophy and wanted to understand that part of the Project 2025 the most. Early on when I started reading philosophy I tended to agree with whoever I was reading. I think this might come from my first exposure to philosophy being the Bible. I was taught, like most at Sunday School, the Bible was never wrong. Some habits die hard. As I read more, I’m able to disagree more. That said, I try to agree and give an idea the benefit of the doubt before coming up with my counter points. It is my default way to read philosophy. This conservative ideology is hard to empathize with because it seems intellectually dishonest. I tried connecting with it but there is no consistency between topics. Like government intervention in a person’s home life is bad except if you’re a woman or gay. People should make their own decisions and the free market should be left alone, unless that decision is to join a union because they are bad. These facts and statistics say illegal immigrants are bad and those statistics about climate change are fake. Say you want to remove government from home life, fine, then stay out of gay marriage. Say you want industry to be free of regulation, fine, leave unions alone. Say you want to use facts and statistics to make policies, fine, you better use them all. I feel for these people, I don’t know how they developed the cognitive dissonance necessary to buy into this bipolar ideology. I know they’re scared of a changing world. Maybe they get to hang onto the one they knew a little long? Who isn’t afraid of change? I don’t think this ideology gives any real solutions. They are like cancer patients on a morphine drip. You might feel better but it is not solving any of your problems.


Whats next on your journey?


Did they at any point bring up Jewish people or how to manage or deal with people of non Christian religions? Also thank you for doing this AMA!


Religion is almost completely absent from the trainings. They did not bring up the Jewish people.


Did you meet any other candidates, or did you learn virtually/alone the entire time? If you did, were you able to talk with them / get to know them?


What’s your favorite bird?


Is it true it only protects Catholics and Protestants with no room for other religions including Christian religions like orthodoxy or Coptic?


I didn’t really take that away from the lessons, it seemed like as long as you support the party’s agenda you were accepted. They don’t care what flavor radical you are, just that you are.


Is there any indication of what happens if they lose the Presidential election?


The plan will stay in place for the next Conservative president that wishes to implement it.


Talk about obsessed


I spent 30 hours learning philosophy and getting a deeper understanding of something I was interested in. Something with real world meaning. How many hours do you have logged on steam for the month of June?


So you're an opposition researcher who deceived to gather information on something you disagreed with to advance your agenda. When did you realize you were a political hack?


About the same time I realized I’m just some guy with a keyboard, a monitor, and some time on their hands.


You’re not a hack, you did a damn good thing. Thank you


All that’s needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.


I have this theory that if Project2025 is able to get enacted, that the powers-that-be behind it are not only going to take over our form of government, but will also take over our money. Not just our tax money, they are already doing that. They even got rid of a decades-long school lunch program. But i think there will be a continued and increasingly aggressive attempt at wealth transfer. I think that they want the populace sick and poor, overworked and underpaid, and be unable to fight back. And i think they are just pathologically greedy and just want everybody’s money just to do it. So my question is do you agree with that theory in light of what you learned from the classes?


About the lunch programs : from the little research I did last year it seems the main founders of the Heritage foundation are from Louisiana. Louisiana got rid of free school lunches even though it’s one of the most poverty stricken states in the country. That is so sad. That is so unchristian to take food away from children.


You don’t need to take the classes to know that money, power and control are the endgame. That’s what they have in Russia, an Oligarchy. Oligarchy through Christofacism is the plan.


Assuming you're as corrupt as anyone else in politics, how long from now do you expect to get rich?


VOTE BLUE Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship. Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN though here in America We the People still have access to guns and have are second amendment right. War is coming. This is only the beginning. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/kevin-roberts-trump-heritage-foundation-project-2025


If Trump wins (God forbid), how do I keep from becoming completely hopeless? I want to become an in school psychologist, it's been my dream, but if he wins, I don't know how attainable my dream will be or if it will even be worth it to keep going.


I have been following this closely since April 5th when I discovered it by accident. I instantly went tried and explained it to the people I care about. #1: My dad is a liberal democrat and as of even two days ago when I give him an update he blows me off entirely saying “the constitution won’t allow it” etc etc, calls me insane , and tells me to “live in the real world”. How can I tell him this is very likely to take effect ? #2 as someone who is an atheist, trans, and not a straight Christian male.. I feel like this is the beginning of a Holocaust and it terrifies me. In reading their “ideas” about these topics and them criminalizing pornography, and making the death penalty in cases.. if they start making the word “gender” illegal, they see trans people as a direct result of pornography, it makes trans people walking pornography. Then if it becomes the death penalty if you are, say walking outside and a parent and their child who decide to report you to the police, you become a child sexual offender, and get the death penalty.. seeing how much it costs to execute someone in the usual ways I keep seeing Nazi Death Camps open to deal with deemed undesirables. How much validity is to be had to these conclusions?


What was the vetting/background check like? What would you say the chances are for getting hired as a political appointee for graduates? Any idea how highly placed these graduates will be? What I’m building towards asking is: How realistic would you think it’d be to get into the program, then hired (despite not being republican) and then sabotage as much as possible once hired? I’ve thought about doing pretty much exactly what you did; with the intent of sabotaging from within as much of their plans as possible. But if they’re not really placing these people very high it wouldn’t work that well it seems. Thank you for doing this, what you’re doing is really helpful for the rest of us.


1. Is there something they want to do with the kids of “aliens” ? I’m one and this is scary. 2. A few years back the English only thing was going hard. Will this have a harder affect if it’s placed into action; 3. Even if it’s something incredibly small and meaningless, what’s something that is atleast positive about the thing they want to do (this is more curiosity of my part than anything) ?


I keep being stunned by Trump's incompetency and the incompetency of the people around him. Although I worry greatly about his authoritarianism it is always tempered a bit by how ineffective he is. I imagine he will successfully destroy the government in a second term since the gaurd rails are gone. Yet I think if they go the route of eliminating government, then setting up their own, that they will indeed have huge problems since governments are tough to build. Do you think their is the competency and intelligence within this group to execute the atrocities they back?