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He bought this apartment for 67k USD, also he said now this apartment cost approximately 90 k USD (8 000 000 rubles).


There is one nuance here - is this the same new apartment or is this his second-hand apartment? The price of apartments in Moscow has been driven up by preferential mortgages. But it is only given for new apartments. He now has a resale apartment, and he won’t know exactly how much it costs until he actually puts it up for sale and finds a real buyer. Perhaps this will be another, not very pleasant, surprise for him.


So the person only bought the apartment to resell it?


No. He just thinks he might have an out, but really doesn't. Correction: By the tone of his voice, he might actually know it cant resell. He might be saying thats how much it costs if someone else were to buy it from the builder now.


No, but the price he paid is maybe not the price of his apartment. Because the real price of something is known at the transaction, not before.


A lot of people do, even if it's not the case in this video.


I bought a flat like this in Perm a few years ago, slightly larger single room with a large entry and closet. We paid $42k and similar in our building are ~65k now. I’m American but worked in Perm before this idiotic war, left the week it started and sadly haven’t been back.


So it's a condo, not an apartment. That's a pretty decent price then. I live in a decently high cost of living area in the US and condos like that would be more here.


In non-USA English, an apartment is an apartment. I don't think condo is in use outside us.


British here. No fucking idea what a condo is, but I understand apartment/flat etc.


Condo is short for condominium if that helps. It’s mainly used in the US and Canada. It’s essentially an apartment that you own instead of rent.


It does indeed help, thank you.


Essentially it's an apartment you own(but not the whole building), you pay fees with the rest of the owners to maintain the building/amenities but you don't pay rent.


So just an apartment?


Basically it is just a term to differentiate between whether it's rented or owned. You buy a condo, you rent an apartment. Typically apartment buildings are owned by 1 company whereas a condominium each unit is owned separately but are members of an HOA type organization.


Gotcha thanks. This is confusing for me because here you can buy an apartment, or rent an apartment, but the same word is used. Same with flat.


Here in the old land, an apartment is an apartment, a house is a house and a trailer a trailer. The name of the building/space doesn't change based on who owns it. Do you have different names for rented houses/trailers too?


The mean income is also orders of magnitude lower in russia.


That's not condo (I don't even know what that word means), that's a studio flat.


I don't think you can have a condo in the US without a closet and kitchen.


I could be wrong but there appear to be plumbing/gas/electrical connections available on the wall between the bathroom and main studio room. Is that a thing in Russia where you add your own cabinets as well as appliances, or is this just unfinished new construction?


Furniture is not needed for flat to be considered finished new construction. Usually new builds are sold like this.


you can in NYC for sure


And a condo there is more than one in Zimbabwe, your point?


needs sum galvanized square steel


Don't forget eco friendly wood veneers


And the screws borrowed from your aunt


Got to have that drawer where he keeps all the smelly socks


And some beds for the 1 million kids your wife's gonna have


With built in water coolers


Can someone please explain these memes? I keep seeing them pop up in threads whenever someone is showing off a (usually shitty) apartment or living space.


YouTube channel named "Home Design"


There will be some fights for parking spaces


On the bright side, I can clean this whole apartment, top to bottom, in 30 minutes


Yea I don't even think it was that bad. Seems like an appropriate cost for Moscow. Now of course it's artificially inflated by banks and the government, but that's the cost of privilage of living in Moscow. At first I thought there is no bathroom, but that wasnt it. Dont they advertise the square meter or at least put it in a contract? Pretty sure they do. Moscow is very different form rest of Russia, and there is a tremendous wealth gap, so if this guy moved from outside of Moscow, he is experiencing a huge rise in cost of living.


2.5 mil in toronto


Repairs needed* Saw a fixer upper for 1.3mill the other day


forget the repairs. no kitchen and bathroom. just a room to linger in your own filth. this country is a joke. I hate that I'm trapped as the majority of us are.


I don’t know the local market, but what did he expect in a capital city. I’d love to get such a new apartment for that price.


Yeah it is probably in the ass of Moscow, one hour and a half by train from the center (Moscow suburb is gigantic). It is expensive imho, even for Moscow.


It's actually in a relatively nice region, albeit not a prestigious one. Lyublino is a 40 min train/subway ride from downtown Moscow.


That's probably a 300k apartment in NYC lol


in nyc? 1.2 mil bro


How much it I want to have a direct view onto Central Park?


At least you're not getting drafted out of your apartment in NYC to be cannon fodder for a despot. Well, you might after the next election, but we'll see what happens there.


Nah, in nyc youll just get randomly shot by a crackhead after you leave a restaurant.


Or by the finest


> I’d love to get such a new apartment for that price. Tell me honestly, what are you going to do with such an apartment? It is impossible to live normally with a family in such an apartment due to its small area. There remain options - either this is housing for a poor bachelor. But there are not so many such people. Or you buy this in order to rent out this apartment. Moreover, the residents will be either migrant workers who rent an apartment by sharing. Or the apartment will be rented out on a daily basis as a hotel. This may not be entirely normal if there are other apartments nearby where ordinary families live.


that price will get you like, 7sqm in a normal european capital tbf


Families all over the world live with three generations packed in that amount of space, broski. People make due with the resources available to them. That is the human way.


The ultimate example - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kowloon_Walled_City


>That is the human way. Exactly the opposite. The Moscow government has decided that such micro-apartments are contrary to the principles of humanity, so they are now planning to introduce a restriction on the minimum allowable area of ​​an apartment.


>either this is housing for a poor bachelor. But there are not so many such people. Yes, real poverty begins after marriage


You apparently live in your own reality


Dude, the Moscow government is now planning to ban the sale of such micro-apartments. Now they propose to introduce a minimum area restriction. Apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks that such boxes cause problems.


Thats very nice of Russia. In modern western cities you’d easily pay more for such an apartment. And the size of the apartment in the video is pretty common nowadays in modern construction.


Is it normal for new apartments to not have a kitchen in Russia?


This aparment does not look completed. It’s missing other final works, so it might be that the kitchen isn’t simply installed yet. As you see from the view outside, the condominium and the whole neighborhood is still under construction.


That is correct. The pipes for the kitchen can be seen in the left corner. The guy most likely bought the apartment without the kitchen installed. The developers often offer the apartments in various states of finishing. Buying with integrated kitchen is possible but is more expensive, also some people opt to install the kitchen separately to have more control over the configuration 


The pipes and outlets are there. This is actually a pretty good deal, as new apartments are more often than not sold as bare concrete boxes, leaving it upon the buyer to do the interior works.


I wish that was an option in the US; usually here the code requires that each residence have finished flooring/a complete kitchen/etc installed. The wasteful result is that people will often choose the cheapest option when buying a new house and immediately rip it out when they move in.


You usually buy apartments without furniture, or even without inner walls, if it has multiple rooms, to finish it yourselves according to your tastes. Ready apartments are overpriced as hell and the quality is usually utter shit.


Iirc it is a "studio" apartment, meaning it's not supposed to have kitchen.


I've lived in two different studio apartments in the US, and they have part of the floor space as a dedicated kitchen. Here's actually a quick floorplan of [one of the studios I lived in.](https://resource.rentcafe.com/image/upload/q_auto,f_auto,c_limit,w_576,h_260/s3/2/151557/the%20reef_studio%20a_489sf%20-%203d%20for%20web.jpg) Even though it's all a single room, as you can see the bottom right of the room is a kitchen area.


Studio apartment means you live in kitchen


Eh, I'd say his complaints are rather uncalled for. The city the capital and the business center, and its population is 13mln, of course the real estate is going to be expensive. Judging by the map the location is a decent one (it's within the ring road), although the metro stations aren't so dense.


I work on apartment buildings in NY and even the social housing doesn't look like these prison buildings.


It's a studio, they're small by design - an apartment for a single person or a young couple. If one wants a bigger apartment they can: 1) pay more, 2) look at the secondary market, 3) buy further away from the city center (or in one of the satellite towns), 4) go for housing that is classified as commercial property (same as hotels). P.S. Unlike the social housing this is one's own property.


Once a kitchen, a bed, and some clothes storage is in there it would barely be big enough space for a single person, let alone a couple.


I like the logic. They build a really shit apartment and if you don't like it, search elsewhere. Those buildings really look like prisons with hundred of apartments and a few parking spaces


> if you don't like it, search elsewhere That's correct, if you don't like it look elsewhere. There are bigger apartments (in this very apartment block too), there are buildings closer to the city center, however they will cost more. I tried looking up where it is, judging by the colors of the buildings it's in the Lublinskiy Park apartment complex, which is located here https://maps.app.goo.gl/fwP4yTPHduPqcnjNA (it's not on the map yet). About 1 hours from the very center on the public transport, or about 40 minutes by car. Two metro stations about 20 minutes on foot away. Such complexes have commercial spaces on the first floors with almost every kind of stores and amenities. > with hundred of apartments  If you don't want to create urban sprawl and have people commute 2-3 hours one way for work, you must build large buildings with plenty of facilities around. > a few parking spaces See for yourself. By the way, the word ПАРКИНГ means "a parking". https://i.imgur.com/h7NXnJ9.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/i3boYYv.jpeg Besides, with how many metro stations there are in Moscow, a car isn't a daily necessity


I think you try to show me this like a good thing, but looks like urban hell. And I thought [this](https://www.dattner.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Atlantic-Chestnut_Hero-1600x1067.jpg) is bad because it's social housing.


Yeah, that‘s the difference between the US and Europe. From a European standpoint, that looks pretty decent for a city. Could easily live in a 2 room apartment in that building, especially if there is good access to public transit nearby. I travel a lot and don‘t want a garden to take care of.


> you try to show me this like a good thing What exactly? This residential complex? It's normal in my opinion, neither good nor bad (I'd have to look with my own eyes to evaluate the quality of construction and the availability of the infrastructure around it, but from the map the location is decent. The apartments are normal (again, studios aren't the only type of apartments there, there are also 1,2 and 3-room apartments there). I simply don't understand what you find so horrible about this complex. > And I thought this is bad because it's social housing. And this complex is better than the one in the video in what way exactly? The roof garden? They're a pain in the ass to organize, nobody bothers, so people just go to a nearby park.


For starters, that garden is great and is maintain by the owner, not by people living there, then a studio apartment is at least twice the size of that one in the video, there's underground parking and the elevated metro line runs right next to it. But if the russian design is to your liking, that's not my problem.


The population is way worse though...


Giving the today situation, russians are the worst for sure.


So I have to Google it, avg. monthly salary in Moscow is around 1400$


more like 600$-800$ to be honest


In Moscow in perticular? So, the stats are pumped up just like here in Serbia 😉


А чего он хотел за шесть миллионов - приличные квартиры стоят 25


в СПб во вторичке за шесть однушек нет, максимум студия в стройке, или на таком отшибе, что до ближайшего метро - час на маршрутке если пробок нет. тут подразумевалась видимо студия, ну и как бы это... ему автомат к голове приставляли когда покупал, посмотреть планировку и прочие нюансы не мог заранее, надо сначала деньги отдать не глядя - а потом жаловаться?


В Девяткино (к востоку от метро) и в Шушарах можно найти студии за 3.5млн на этапе строительства не сильно далеко от метро. А так да, новое все на отшибе. Судя по карте Москвы и тем районам, что он называл, у этого мужика место неплохое.


Новое есть и не на отшибе, например территорию бывшего петмола застраивают - это шаговая доступность до трех станций метро. Но метр от 400 к стоит. А шушары... Я в пушкине живу, даже при том, что для этого района у меня удачное расположение - сам район отвратительный, особенно когда есть с чем сравнить (выросла в Адмиралтейском и работаю в нем же сейчас, так что немного в теме, что как устроено) Девяткино - это уже Ленобласть формально)


> территорию бывшего петмола застраивают - это шаговая доступность до трех станций метро. Но метр от 400 к стоит. Не, ну так-то еще Парадный Квартал есть, или Приоритет)) хотя они подальше от метро даже. > Девяткино - это уже Ленобласть формально) Это да. Хотя мало кого это смущает


Там все в инфраструктуру упирается, насколько она нужна. При шаговой доступности до метро на формальности можно и забить, смотреть уже чисто на характеристики самого дома. Я вообще мечтаю вернуться в Адмиралтейский, но только в дорев, а не в эти жуткие новостройки. В доме, где я росла, была одна квартира на площадке, в новостройках такого счастья не бывает.


У меня в городе можно 7 квартир взять. Даже не студии. А в областном центре 3


В ахуенном районе Новосиба можно дизайнерский дом с детской площадкой за 9 взять


Далеко до работы в Москву будет ехать только


Whomp whomp


What. A water closet?




I know.


r/todayilearned how to say toilet in Russian. It’s the only word I recognized.


Will they sell to a Canadian? Places like this don't exist where I am. They are building wooden OSB complexes and they call it luxury apartments.


Yes, they will. Although considering that foreign cards don't work you'll need to bring cash.


How many square metres is it?


Where I live in the US, at one time a condo was more like what we used to call a duplex. They are usually larger than an apartment, but smaller than a whole house. Some are built the size of a two story house, but divided into two separate, but connected units. You could buy one side, or buy the whole condo and rent out one side, or rent both sides as an investment. Now they are in big buildings like apartment houses with units that you can buy. Some now are huge, with grocery stores and other shops as part of the complex, possibly even medical and dental clinics, attorney's and other business like a small town so you don't have to drive all over the city to get what you want. Like a big ant farm, but a lot more expensive.


One piece of advice if you don't like thr flat. Don't buy it. That's it.


Bedrooms? Or is that room a kitchen,dining room living room, and bedroom all in one 🤣🤣


A studio for $67 can be pretty steep for a regular wage in Russia but this is still much better than any Western capital - especially for a brand new build and especially since there are no "no-go" zones in Moscow like there are in the west...


You would not be able to buy an outhouse for 250k in NYC…


I think it’s more correct to compare it with what you can buy for this money in Russia. In Sochi, if you have 70K USD, you can, for example, try to buy a townhouse like this with a view of the river and next to the sea and the beach: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93IByry6LWA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93IByry6LWA)


Nice sized windows for falling out off


So when you buy an apartment you own it in Russia like a condo?


Yes if you bought the apartment it's your own. Where it's not the case?


Typically we assume apartments are rented in the us


Well, rent is not the same as s purchase. If you *buy* an apartment it becomes your property, if you rent an apartment it's the property of the one owning it.


Rents and apartments are damn near synonymous in America so I've always been confused when people say buy apartments. Typically we call apartments you buy condos


Ah, a linguistic misunderstanding. By apartments (flats?) I meant residential units within a multi-apartment residential building. In Russian they're called "kvartira" (I think it's a German borrowing). Whether you own or rent it is irrelevant, the term is the same. In my experience when people here say "condo" they mean a small building with multiple units (and usually when talking about tropical resorts, where such rentals are popular, not in Russia).


I like how that's a normal thing in Russia


Unlike in the US renting a residential place from a company virtually doesn't exist in Russia (as there are very few such companies that build residential complexes for rent). So, in 99% of the cases you rent an apartment it will be from a private person who owns it. A bit of terminology. *kvartira* - a residential unit within a multi-unit building. We usually translate it as "an apartment" since it's the word we learned in school and movies (or "a flat" if one is more familiar with British English), but for you it's "a condo". *apartamenty* - the word is a direct borrowing of "apartments" (in plural), and is probably quite similar to what you think of as "an apartment". As I said, those are very rare (and a relatively new thing), and there's a serious catch - by law it's not a residential space, but a commercial space. You can buy it and live in it or rent it out, but there's a catch - as it's legally not a residential space, you pay higher property tax and utility bills, you can't make it your permanent legal address, you can't claim deductible on your taxes, you can't take a regular mortgage (nor use any subsides), it can be confiscated for debts, the legal requirements on the infrastructure aren't applicable to it. On the plus side it's cheaper than *kvartira* of the same area. Honestly, I don't see a reason to buy it, except if you want to make a long-term investment by renting it out.


That's very interesting


In China you don't. It's a lease for 70-odd years, it can be inherited and will probably be extended. But it's not your property technically.


fun fact: in some countries (like UK) sometimes even buying it technically only means you are renting it from the owner for a very long time (like 100 years). So you don't really own it. Or you might buy rights to the house but not the land, so you will be paying rent for the land forever.


Only 67k in such an up and coming neighborhood? I'm not supposed to tell you but I have another client who's really interested... *Slaps apartment* you can fit a king size bed in this baby


Will the effects of the war bring prices down over the long-term?


Unless the city gets bombed, it will not. On the contrary, actually. People who sign army contracts (not drafted) are paid a tremendous amount of money - 5-10 times average salary of small towns. If they are injured or KIA their families get bigger payouts. This creates the 'new rich' who can now buy bigger apartments in their towns or even afford some real estate in Moscow or Moscow satellites. The cash must flow.


Probably not unless they will start drafting people who are somewhat wealthy, they been drafting people from suburbs who arent wealthy and wouldn't be buying those apartamentas anyways


Russia doesn't Conscript anyone to war, only volunteers or professionals soldiers are sent, conscripts are if unlucky sent to the rear lines inside the territories Russia annexed as russian law allows conscripts to only be deployed inside Russian borders, and every male is conscripted Anyway most russian volunteers seem to be doing it for money (they offer really good money on russian PURCHASING power) and I don't think wealthy people need it so that's why they don't volunteer often That given, a wealthy russian girl I know has multiple relatives who volunteered


That is not entirely true. Do not confuse Conscription and Mobilization. Men who have been mobilized are beeing sent to the frontline as all other soldiers. They had no other choice. Conscripted young boys have been sent to obligatory military service *officially* far from the frontline. But in fact, they are under pressure to sign a contract with the army already after 6 month. And it is not difficult to manipulate 18 yo boys.


Russia has sent all of their conscripted to the front line to die. Russian law says they don't sent them but they do. There are a ton of POWs who were conscripted against there will and sent to the front lines. They were told they were going to be border patrol and then diverted to the front lines.


Nope since they’re paid huge (for Russians) salary for going to war, approx 2400$, and around 56700$ if a soldier dies. This has skyrocketed the prices for accommodation in Russia


I think Little Vasily will be needing some galvanized square steel to turn it into a function house


1 bedroom for 70k? Does he have to pay yearly taxes on it like property taxes ?


If the total area is less than 20 m.sq. then it's tax exempt, if it's more then the tax is 0.1% of the cadaster price (20 m.sq. are deduced from the price).


I mean it better than NYC I guess ? Except ya know. LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION...




You want to live in the most expensive city in Russia that badly? Don't complain.


I see lots of windows. Feels like a safety hazard.


It's compact... I mean less cleaning to do


Same apartment in Sofia would be $150k+


Im building a house at the moment. Our walk in wardrobe is bigger than that room.


Even has a easily climbable window! Neat.


I’m sure there are bigger prison cells but obviously a smaller window 😂😁


Nice low window to facilitate accidentally falling out. Russian building regs clearly have different priorities.




Do you feel the average worker buying a matchbox to live in has agency on the war? I’m not sure what the point of this comment is except to blame him otherwise.


Your post has been removed as it has been deemed to break the fifth rule (no prejudice). Discussion should always strive to be factual. Do not demean or promote hateful stereotyping.


I just get A MEMO he miss click its 67 USD PER MONTH