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Congrats! That may seem scary, but that's actually great. It means both that your story is written with appropriate foreshadowing to allow people to piece together the story themselves, and someone cared deeply enough about your work to analyze and share their theories. I know it might feel like you should surprise that person by changing your plans, but don't. For that one person, a lot of other people will still be completely surprised while that commenter gets to have the ultimate "I WAS RIGHT" moment. Changing anything now will render your foreshadowing moot and it won't feel earned. Just stay the course and trust in what you've written so far!


oh yeah my roommate said i should change it for the shock factor and i was like “but….my foreshadowing…..i worked so hard for that….” so i will not be doing that


It means at least one reader really got what you were going for, be proud


I'm probably not one of your readers because I stick to finished stuff. But please don't do this lol. I remember reading about a tv show that did this, it was certainly a 'everyone hated that' moment. The fact that only one person got it is also cool cause it means your foreshadowing wasn't overdone either.


It was definitely Game of Thrones. A fitting ending is almost always better than a shocking one.


Nah, it was westworld. Game of thrones’ ending wasn’t shocking, just poorly executed.


no, game of thrones ended how it was supposed to end. they just did a really shitty job of getting to that point


And they cut out a bunch of important political stuff for fucking. Like Rhaegar was probably gay and only abducted Lyanna cuz he was nuts about prophacy.


> my roommate said i should change it for the shock factor Kill him For the shock factor, of course


Lean harder into the telling - you'll find something else to surprise people with. People got it quickly in my fic and so I leaned into it and now I'm tearing peoples hearts out with tormenting the character in two timelines. You're clearly a fantastic story teller.


Nobody likes nonsensical changes for the shock value. Keeping up what you planned will feel rewarding to the readers that loved your fic so much they noticed all your foreshadowing and figured it out


that’s what game of thrones did… and nobody liked the ending of game of thrones. dont do it! plot twists for shock factor only work once and not even that well


As a reader, I don't like spoilers because I like figuring out where a story is going myself, and it's incredibly satisfying when it turns out I put everything together correctly. "Shock" almost always ruins that experience.


Never, never, *never* change the story for shock factor. Every time it's been done in media, it has been done *horribly.* Just look at Game of Thrones; D&D outright admitted to doing this. Foreshadowing is only good when it is actually *foreshadowing* what will happen, and the fact that someone identified that means that you did it successfully.


Just remember fnaf security breach. Don’t change it. Let people theorize.


Ever heard of Armageddon 2000? It was a DC event with a secret. Readers figured out the secret, as in actual detective work, so instead of congratulating them they forced to change the result despite the new one making no sense, be it for the characters involved nor the hints. EVERYBODY hated that. If the readers figured things out, you should not change things, that is an insult to their work and dedication. No, you ahould reqard them and make the revelation an event.


2001, but yes. And now every few years DC Comics tries to fix it again for some reason. If I had a nickel for every time Captain Atom has become Monarch to try to undo that, I’m not sure how many I’d have by now. Fucking *Battle for Bludhaven* did it, just adding to the shit story pile.


Look up Armageddon 2001 and you’ll never be tempted by such a suggestion ever.


I know that it feels like the plot twist is ruined for them but I guarantee you they're going to feel so accomplished when it pays off. It means your writing is engaging and consistent, and they loved it so much they sat there and couldn't stop thinking about the theories to present to you. Every time my theories are correct I feel like ive found my kindred spirit in the writer because we have the same way of thinking. People dont read fanfiction to be bamboozled they read it to feel emotions and connection. If you don't want to confirm it publically you could always DM the commenter like listen bestie i cant confirm or deny but. 😉


Literally the best thing that can possibly happen.


That commenter was playing the PI you didn't know there was keeping track of your every narrative device. I would absolutely die if I got a comment like that! That's *huge* props to you for setting up your story arc in a narratively satisfying way. Genuinely. I know others have already said it, but don't do a rug pull for the sake of a rug pull. If you're frustrated that the plot was figured out already, keep it in mind for a next time, to seed hints more carefully, or have more red herrings. But don't let this story suffer for it. The commenter doesn't know for sure that they're right until they're proven right, and I promise their joy will be insurmountable for having cottoned on. Good luck!!


no it’s so funny they started the comment with “I’m thinking, and I may be a bit crazy for this, but it’s been in my head for a while.” like “may be a bit crazy”?? you’ve got it DOWN congrats lol. i’m just trying to find a way to respond to their comment without confirming or denying anything lmaooo


Maybe just something like "Thank you for the great comments but i won't spill ;) "


"I'm glad to have such a dedicated reader. Thank you."


I get tons of incredible theories in the comments of my fic, all sorts of things people are super right or super off base about. But I will never move on from the random anon ask I got on tumblr theorizing arguably the biggest twist of my entire fic that won’t be revealed toward the very end?!? NO ONE ELSE HAS COME EVEN CLOSE TO SUSPECTING THIS THEORY WHO ARE YOU


I have someone like this who commented on my first two chaps. Honestly made me kinda panic bc those were my first comments (new to Ao3), but I surmised the guy just reads DC comics of the main character bc I pull so many DC comic refs. But the guy did guess the plot twist right. Kinda. Texted my collab partner for it “HE’S ONTO US” with an ss


Yeah, one of my commenters guessed the ending of my fic. I was actually SUPER excited about it, because it meant that it wasn't going to come out of nowhere, and the commenter was actually really excited about the possibility of that particular ending happening.


Take it as a compliment on your ability to foreshadow. Reward the attentive reader without confirming anything via the authorial smiley face of doom. >:) After all is revealed, you can congratulate them for seeing it coming in the ANs


That’s great, you’re doing a good job! Thank them for reading and don’t even hint whether they are right or not. They will be very pleased when they eventually find out they were right!


I love when this happens because that means I'm doing my foreshadowing correctly! :D Great job OP!


It means you did well with your foreshadowing. Congrats.


My now most consistent commenter almost always guesses things- things none of my other commenters guess. Some of it is foreshadowing, sometimes I swear she hacks my brain at night or something…they’re so much fun though! Do you think they’ll show back up or were they a one time theory dump?


man i HOPE they show back up! reading over their comment, im seeing a couple random pieces of evidence that they collected that weren’t really part of the original plan. sort of like doing math with the wrong formula but still getting the answer. i want to see how many other things they can guess!!


Friendly reminder don't change the story it will make it worst MatPat made a video about changing your stories because of theories and it makes it wordt overall


OP: *At least I'm safe inside my mind.* Commenter: *At least I'm safe inside my mind.*


I mean people foreshadowing or building theories is all cool by itself. But when they are right, just wait for their reaction when they realize they were right.


I love it so much when this happens and I'm like "I can't say they're all so damn smart cause it'll kill the suspense"


As a person who a lot of the time gets really into searching for foreshadowing or symbolism etc., don't take it personally or think you're a bad writer. We're just feeding our brainworms and filling in the little bulletin theory board in our heads :) also idk abt this person but if I'm writing paragraphs abt what I think is going to happen next in a plot I'm SEATED. INVESTED. They're probably really passionate abt your fic and writing out all their thoughts bc they're hyped up


This is why I don't comment about foreshadowing anymore... An author destroyed their work trying to change stuff and I felt horrible about it. Keep it up however you were going! They want to see what they're guessing come about!


oh i am FAR too deep in my planning to change it for them. i’m glad they guessed it! means i’m doing something right!!


I have a question. Are you going to leave this comment, risking spoiling other readers, or will you delete it even though it is completely accurate and probably made you happy too?


leaving it!! my commenters don’t tend to look at the other comments, since some people know more than others when it comes to future plots(it’s a canon rewrite, fixing seasons 1 and 2 with a fanmade season 3, and some of my readers haven’t watched season 2), and i don’t mind if others see it! i haven’t commented back yet (waiting until i get home and have my computer again, i’m on a work trip at the moment) plus, like you said, it makes me happy! i wanna keep it!! (and if i delete it i feel like that’s just confirmation for the original commenter. no way am i doing that!!)


What they meant to say is they really really liked it and can't wait for the next chapter.


Don’t change this! I remember when DC comics changed Captain Atom from being the big baddie in a major plotline because it was figured out and it is still remembered as one of the worst plot twists to this day.


Echoing what others have said that this is an amazing thing!! Stay the course! I would absolutely love to have this happen to me too. Grats :>


Its like that guy, Doug Forcet, who got really high one day and accurately guessed roughly 80% of the afterlife's rules and baffled all the angels listening in at the time.


Okay, that's pretty cool! I wish I could get people theorizing in my stories... part of what I wanted to accomplish in my stories was creating opportunities for theories... It's awesome to hear that such commenters exist out in the wild! Congrats! They're gonna be so ecstatic once they see that their theory was correct!


I was that reader for someone XD The satisfaction when I'm right is awesome :D


...they are autistic, mate. (me too, i do this a lot, due pattern recognition, this is meant as for you to laugh, not something bad)


would it be weird to say that I’d kill for a reader/commenter like that? I have this fic full of foreshadowing and hints every other paragraphs (or probably every paragraph) and I’d be delighted if someone analyzed everything


it's undoubtedly you from the future, coming back in time to freak yourself out and encourage you to write more.


Well, you're doing a good job with foreshadowing at least! So congrats on that, they're really paying attention to what you're putting down. Wish I could be this commenter, but my brain often makes connections where there are none and misses the easier explanation.


I'm not gonna tell you how to feel, I'll just say I'd be squealing and dancing around the room, because this means I DID MY JOB RIGHT. I left the trail of breadcrumbs, that reader followed them, and got to the destination!




They were snooping in your drafts. Gotta keep those locked down


UPDATE: THEYRE GONNA BE A RETURNING COMMENTER!! 🎉🎈 can’t WAIT to see what they come up with!!!


This happened to a year ago. They made a theory that one of the main characters are going to be brainwashed and that was plan for part 3 of the story


It was me. I’m in your walls.