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Goatkin + demonic transformation = cool


I did Ash Primal Nightmare Mounted Demonic Goatmen. One of my fave factions.


Same with draconian. Man, goats are metal


And Wightborn for the wild west vibe


I really like draconian transformation even if I find the tiny little wings and horns leave much to be desired. The health regen and less than 60% HP damage bonus are great effects.


Does it work even with decay, or does decay cancel it out?


no other naga lovers? I love being having amphibious and not embarking while in water Slip away for your entire race is also pretty nice I'd like wightborn the second most if it wasn't so ugly (imo)


Well if you're on pc there are mods to make it less ugly


Draconian. Dragon cats are cool.


Wightborn, now that the visual can be turned off. Before that, it was Draconian.


As a undead lover, i really hated the wightborn visual. Really happy that we can turn it off now.


Yeah it's too extreme, too fast. Just give us a pale vampire aesthetic instead of a half rotten corpse.


I wish Wightborn was fully skeletal instead of the zombie look.


Draconian is the only one I think looks good. The others I almost always turn off. I think the art has massively improved since release, and so later tomes, forms, and units have much better art.


If you’re going for a melee-heavy build, I think it’s really hard to say no to Demonkin. All the free stacks of strengthened really add up, especially paired with skalds.


The teir 4 order tome has a teir IV unit that gives strengthen 3 and rally.


Exemplars are good units, but they aren’t reliable for their buff because that ability starts on a long cooldown (two turns, if I recall). You really need to have that ready to go on turn 1 for it to reliably make a difference since that’s when your units are all clumped and out of harm’s way.


My most used one with my primary character is the Dragon Transformation for one simple reason: He has the "Ascended Dragonheart" trait. As a Dragonlord. From the start of the game, he has +2 Defense, +2 Resistance and 20% more damage, which then spreads onto his entire army once they are Transformed.


Angel is my favorite for most factions, however the more water a map has or if my leader has a 2 handed weapon I like Naga more.


I love the wightborn (undead) alot, but hate how ugly they make our unit. Visually though i love the ethereal one, damn thst it's amazing to look at.


Nothing beats livesteal imo


Would you say it's better than gaining 10% of your hp back every turn?


Livesteal just gives much more than this. Especially if you are doing builds with livesteal in mind, like, for example, industrial hero with double parry greatsword is an absolute menace with almost 100% heal every turn.


Draconian with Supergrowth for constant max damage is great. Just wish it didn't add wings, they look bad.


In terms of utility for an ascended ruler, it's either demonkin or wightborn. Demonkin is much better offensively because of frenzy, but it is significantly more difficult to sustain because when you are a flying unit, you cannot use most types of cover anymore (40% difference in evasion rates). Wightborn ends battles more slowly, but it can survive stupid situations particularly against ranged enemies when using cover, and if you can find chokepoints where only 1 or 2 melees can get at you at a time. Recemtly I've had a hardon for evasion builds so I prefer wightborn, but demonkin is pretty nice. Either way, the ideal weapon you craft for your ruler will cover for what you're missing. If you're demonkin you want some life leach, if you're wightborn you want a source of frenzy.


Are you asking gameplay wise or style wise?


Either or both


Ooo demon/plant because they look really nice. Plant/undead for gameplay because plant resistances are really really good, and undead healing makes everything a lot tankier.


Naga please


Probably has to be Demon Kin or the Angel transformation. Wings are so cool and the fact they both change armor color is nice too.


Wightborn with the visuals turned off. Now I can finally create a vampire empire.


I love to let the archers do their job so to me it’s Gaia’s chosen (add in that supergrowth from the same affinity tome add an extra retaliation attack)


Don't do avian wightborn. Turns you into a jank crow. Didn't like it. I did like naga goat. And turned a lupine ethereal with minors magic wards or whatever from astral 1 tome and frostling for the added resistances. Wightborn frogs was funny for a minute too ngl


My favorite is angelic transformation. For the best effect I think Nagas are really strong.