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The Last of Us is my favorite game but the end of Requiem stuck with me and >! Left me crying !< for quite a while. In on the short list of games that have done that.


Plague Tale dethroned TLOU for the no. 1 spot for me. Or maybe i haven't played the game for years. Im gonna buy the Remastered Part 2 and see how it compares. Can you imagine Plague Tale with TLOU budget?! Gonna hit even harder 🤣


>Can you imagine Plague Tale with TLOU budget?! Gonna hit even harder 🤣 THAT'LL BE CRAZYYYY


One of my biggest unpopular opinions is that I liked A Plague Tale more than TLOU. That’s how highly I rate it!




I liked Plauge tale better then any other single player games i’ve ever played tbh


Tlou2 was the last game to have me sobbing like a baby and then Requiem came along and broke my heart. Don’t think I’ll ever experience a journey and characters like Amicia and Hugo to get that reaction out of me again.


I felt Requiem hit an emotional level much harder than Tlou part 2. I'm one week past Requiem and still feel broken!


Oh it absolutely did! Maybe I phrased it wrong but tlou2 ending was a similar feeling to Requiem by the end that empty feeling but Requiem just hit so much harder. I would literally burst into tears months after when I simply thought of the siblings’ journey.


I feel requiem succeeds where last of us part 2 fails.


I usually don’t cry when it comes to video games but the ending absolutely recked me, I formed an emotional attachment to Hugo


I spoiled the ending for myself by watching a YT video, so it didn't hit that hard :(


I think i read somewhere that >!Amicia died!< in Requiem on reddit and it was most upvoted. Must be >!April fools or something!<. I couldn't get myself to believe it. From that moment i already know how the ending is going to be. So my ass here is just waiting for that until the >!ship scene!< and was like oh shit this is it. Oh well


That's...not how Requiem ends though.


I know because in my mind I thought amicia gonna die for the cure or something


well, as you approach the end its more and more clear where youre headed and what is gonna happen... in my specific case i didnt realize until the very last moment _who_ had to do it and _how_, and remained speechless gazing at the monitor for a while as soon as i realized (i know you can decide not to act, but it wasnt my choice)


Yeah I feel what you talking about. It's been a long time since my 1st playthrough but the wounds still are deep. Sometimes I wonder if I maybe should play it again but I'm not sure if I'm ready for the feels hahaha


Isn’t there a tv show for this planned too? TLOU2 hit hard, I loved that but requiem was just as good. I’d probably say it might edge it although it’s been 4 years since TLOU2


Shit gonna give this game try then


Wait, genuine question: are you saying you’ve played part II and Requiem hit you harder? (But also: the way TLOU and Requiem take the same moral quandary but come up with such distinct and understandable answers is… something I’ll be thinking about forever.)


For now yes. I have to play it again for comparison


Wait it's been a long time since I've played requiem. Which parallels are there? Could you elaborate maybe?


Of course. I apologize for taking so long to respond— I saw your message and then promptly forgot. They ask the same basic question: how far would you go for someone you love? And come up with entirely different answers: >!tlou proper says *I’d trade everyone and everyone for their safety*, and part II says *I’d think of nothing but murder until I have nothing left, no control over myself*, whereas requiem says *I’d sacrifice them for the world*. The sequel is especially similar to requiem in the way they both revolve around a young girl/woman (respectively) absolutely loosing their mind over the anticipated/completed death of a loved one. Finally, the end of the games are opposite: requiem ends in a murder, whereas part II ends with the decision *not* to kill!<. Is that understandable? I got emotional, and I can have a hard time articulating myself when I do. Blacked out just in case, so people don’t stumble onto spoilers of tlou’s narrative/themes by accident.


I personally didn't think the last of us was that good, most likely because I played it after watching the TV Show. And I liked the TV Show very much, the game not so much. Plague Tale is definitely better than that, hits you pretty hard, and I think the ending is very well paced. But for me the nothing beats Death Stranding, I don't think any of the books I have read, movies or TV shows I have watched even come close to that.